Meeting Date: March 10, 2015 at 7:30pm
Meeting Location: Westerville South High School Auditorium
Elected Offices
Co-Presidents: Craig Charleston & Andy Wilson
1st Vice President: Vicki Williams
2nd Vice President: Kathy Hayman
Secretary: JB Hagerman
Treasurer: Heidi Wilson
PRESENT: Craig Charleston, Andy Wilson, Heidi Wilson, Vicki Williams, Kathy Hayman, Matt Wolfe, Derrick McPeak, JB Hagerman,
Michelle LeWinter, Chris Parker, Amy Parker, Sue Messina, Pam Warrick, Genevieve Robinson, and Holly Kirkpatrick
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM by Craig Charleston.
Attendance was taken with the name of parent, student name, phone/cell number, email address and volunteer hours recorded. Everyone
is reminded to use the sign-in sheet. A Midsummer Night’s Dream DVDs and Picture CD orders were distributed prior to the meeting.
There were 15 present at the meeting. The minutes from the February meeting were distributed for approval. The motion was made by
Vicki Williams and seconded by Derrick McPeak to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
A. President's Report – Andy Wilson
B. Treasurer's Report – Heidi Wilson
Budget/Current Balance:
The current budget from July 1st through March 10th was presented for review.
The current cash balance is $10,347.56 as of March 10, 2015.
Beth Eddy has volunteered to be on the audit committee. Two more volunteers are needed. After the meeting, Pam Warrick and Dean
Johnson via Wendy Johnson volunteered to be on the committee.
Bond insurance:
The treasurer bond insurance has been paid.
A motion was made by Vicki Williams to approve the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Holly Kirkpatrick. Motion
C. First Vice President (Food) – Vicki Williams
Concessions for Anything Goes:
Parents are encouraged to use the sign-up sheets after the meeting to volunteer to bring snack items or volunteer to serve concessions for
the Friday, Saturday and Sunday performances of Anything Goes. A reminder was made to only donate Aquafina brand water due to
school contracts.
Vicki will run a photo call for Anything Goes during the Wednesday, April 22nd rehearsal of the show.
D. Second Vice President (Membership) – Kathy Hayman
Program Advertising:
Students are encouraged to seek advertising for the program. Three $15 gift cards to Steak and Shake will be used as an incentive for
students to get ads. Students who sell ads will be put into a drawing to decide the three winners of the gift cards.
Banner Advertising:
Eight banner ads will be ordered next year from Tom’s Custom Apparel.
Restaurant Fundraising:
We have dine-out at Fazoli’s on April 22. After further discussion, the dine-out was changed to Monday, April 20.
Anything Goes Buttons:
The buttons have been ordered.
Car Wash:
We have requested May 16th as the date for a car wash at Fazoli’s from 11am to 3pm.
IV. Committee Reports
A. Scholarship Committee:
The Scho Show provided enough money for two scholarships this year. Next year we may perform the Scho Show twice for additional
scholarship opportunities. The committee will be meeting the week after Anything Goes closes.
B. New York 2016 Trip:
The dates of the tentative trip are March 29th – April 2, 2016. The cost of the trip will be $1,150 per person with online registration. The
board will research possible fund raising to reduce the price of the trip. Further discussion will take place at the April meeting.
C. By-Laws and Constitution Revisions
The revisions were presented to the membership, discussed and amended to be voted upon at the April meeting.
D. Executive Board Nominations for 2015-16:
JB Hagerman was nominated for President; Amy Parker was nominated for Vice-President, Michele LeWinter as Vice-President in charge
of meals, Pam Warrick was nominated for Treasurer and Sue Messina for Secretary. Voting will take place in April.
E. Pay to Play coordinating meeting:
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th.
V. Director's Report – Matthew Wolfe
Thespian State Conference:
Transportation to State Conference at Bexley HS will be by private cars and not school bus. Snacks are not needed for the State Show
participants. A preview of the One-Acts and IE performances will be Wednesday, March 25 at 7pm. A preview performance of the AllOhio Show, Spring Awakening will be on Thursday, March 26 at 7:30pm.
Theatre Varsity Letters:
Michelle LeWinter made the motion to award a Varsity Drama Letter at 10 thespian points at Booster expense to be awarded at the
Thespian banquet. The motion was seconded by Kathy Hayman. Motion carried.
Into the Woods Field Trip:
The students will be taking a trip to Into the Woods on April 15.
Anything Goes T-shirts:
Michelle LeWinter took $10 t-shirt orders after the Boosters meeting had concluded.
Anything Goes Volunteers:
Pam Warrick asked for volunteers for the box office and flowers/candy grams.
Costume Supplies:
Derrick requested an additional $300 for costume supplies. Vicki Williams made the motion, seconded by Amy Parker. Motion carried.
There being no further business a motion was made by Vicki Williams to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Amy Parker. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Next board meeting: April 7 at 7:30 pm in the WSHS Guidance Office.
Respectfully Submitted,
JB Hagerman – Theatre Boosters Secretary