Dec 11 & 12 - Lab: Classification of Benthic Organisms

Classification of Benthic Organisms
Step 1: Classification Practice - Use the following nuts and bolts and create a classification ladder to help
identify the differences between each nut and bolt. The starting point for the classification ladder would be
“HARDWARE”. Continue from there, clump the items that are similar together. In your ladder state what those
similarities are. From here, break down the similar items into what makes them different. At the end you should have
every item in its own category. Put this on a piece of white paper.
Step 2: Benthic Organisms - Use these two diagrams and the chart that are below to complete a classification ladder
of the benthic organisms listed in the chart.
Classification Table:
Sea Urchin
Brittle Star (ophioderma)
Sea Star (Asterias-Piaster)
Periwinkle (Littorina)
Mussels (Mytilus)(Modiolus)
Sea Slug (navanax)
Rock Louse (Ligia)
Hermit Crab
Acorn Barnacles
Sea sponge
Sea anemone (anthopleura)
Step 3: When making this classification chart, first clump all the Echinodermata together, then the mollusca together,
then the crustacean and finally the miscellania. Define each phylum in the classification chart to show your
understanding of why those organisms are grouped together. From here, break down each of the four phylums into
what makes each organisms different. Each level in the ladder in a difference.
See example:
To pass in: Ladder of nuts and bolts, ladder of benthic organisms.
Rubric for Marking Classification Ladder
Naming of
Student cannot identify
any groups of benthic
organisms. (Annelida,
Echnodermata, Mollusca,
Crustacea, Miscellania).
Accuracy &
Neatness &
Classification tree is
inaccurate with many
Student can correctly
identify one-two groups
of benthic organisms.
Echnodermata, Mollusca,
Crustacea, Miscellania).
Classification tree is
somewhat accurate with
3 or 4 errors
Student can correctly
identify three to four
groups of benthic
organisms. (Annelida,
Echnodermata, Mollusca,
Crustacea, Miscellania).
Classification tree is
mostly accurate with 1 or
2 errors
Student can correctly
identify all five groups of
benthic organisms.
Echnodermata, Mollusca,
Crustacea, Miscellania).
Classification tree is
accurate with no errors
The project was turned in
on time but is NOT as
NEAT as it could have
been, with errors errors.
Work is borderline
representative of current
grade level.
The project was turned in
on time and is neat, but
there are some minor
errors present. Work was
representative of
student's grade level.
The project was turned in
on time and is neat,
Work was representative
of student's grade level
The project may have
been LATE or is NOT as
NEAT as it could have
been, including many
(>10) errors. A lack of
sufficient effort for
current grade level can
be seen