Los Angeles Community College District District-wide Governance Committee Self Evaluation Form Committee Name: Student Success Initiative Committee (SSI) For Academic Year: 2011-2012 Month Meeting Date(s) Date of Self Evaluation: June 29, 2012 # of Members Attending Agendas posted in advance ? No Minutes posted? August 8/5/11 22 Yes yes Yes yes September 9/30/11 16 yes yes October 10/28/11 22 yes yes December 12/2/11 16 yes yes Please List the Major Issues/Tasks Addressed at Each Meeting No 1. Initiative Updates—including FTLA, SLOAC, Transfer Committee, BSI/3CSN, AtD 2. Reviewed SSI 2011/12 Membership, Meeting Dates, and Goals for the year 3. Planning for District Summit 4. Set Date and Plans for August 22nd AtD Core and Data Team Leaders Convening 1. Summary of Summit/Sharing of TakeAways 2. Report and Discussion of Student Success Task Force (SSTF) 3. Report and recommendation for next steps with SSI initiatives 4. AtD kick-off summaries 1. Student Success Taskforce: There was a roundtable discussion held on the responses to the Student Success Task Force Recommendations. The discussion ended with recommendations for a single SSI Committee response to the Task Force. 2. Achieving the Dream: The campus gave a short report of their campuses’ AtD progress. There was a roundtable discussion of what the struggles around implementing AtD are and what resources are needed to address those struggles. 3. Initiative Next Steps: The groups gave updates on their progress on various SSI tasks. 4. Reports from work groups for SSI Strategic Goals 2011/12. 5. AtD focus group training and guidance plans were discussed. 1. Student Success Taskforce: There was a summary and discussion of final SSTF recommendations. 2. Achieving the Dream: Each campus gave a short report of AtD progress. 3. Initiative Next Steps: The groups gave updates on their progress on various SSI tasks. January 1/20/12 94 (27 regular SSISC members) yes yes March 3/15/12 10 yes yes April 4/13/12 36 yes yes May 5/25/12 23 yes yes 4. Holiday treats enjoyed by all. 1. This meeting consisted of an in-service conducted by RP Group and the liaisons for AtD and focused on strategies for creating implementation plans in support of student success and completion. 1. AtD Policies & Procedures/Implementation Plans Presentation, Discussion, Suggestions for Leveraging, Resources Needed, etc. 2. D.R.E.A.M. (AtD Strategy Institute) Sharing 3. Draft of AtD Grant: discussion and feedback 4. SSI Updates: a. FTLA—Reading Apprenticeship Update b. SLO—Assessment Event c. Transfer Committee d. BSI/3CSN/LA Regional Network— New cohorted data tool update; Resources for AtD Implementation: Math & English Course Redesign, Habits of Mind, Reading Apprenticeship, Leadership Institute (RP Group Collaboration) 1. Greetings from Vice-Chancellor & Chancellor 2. D.R.E.A.M. Sharing 3. Roundtable Sharing of AtD Implementation Priorities 4. Discussion and Action: a) Determination of top across-district priorities for SSI support and action b) Analysis of synergies, potential partnerships and collaborations, linkages to existing initiatives and groups, etc. c) Identification of potential resources, activities, policies and procedures, and planning to assist and scale implementation priorities 1. Presentation on Community College Student Engagement/Harnessing Power of Social Media 2. AtD Policies and Procedures Roundtable for Action: First year Experience: Student Success Course? Faculty Advising: District-wide Recommendation? Matriculation Orientation & Assessment/Placement Course of Study: student pathways June 6/29/12 Average Attendance Major Committee Accomplishments & Achievements in Past Year 16 yes yes 3. Planning a Fall SSI-sponsored Strategy Institute (connected to topics relevant to AtD Implementation Plans) 1.Presentation on Increasing and Accelerating Student Completion through Student Services/Academic Affairs Partnering—Pierce College 2.AtD Focus on 1st Year Persistence: SSI/AtD Fall Strategy Institute Planning: FYE, Course of Study (student pathways), Matriculation, Orientation & Assessment 3.Faculty Inquiry Teams/Math Pathways 4.Updates: Transfer Committee, Student Learning Outcomes Advisory Council (SLOAC), Opening Day Events, 3CSN 5.Innovation Center Discussion at DAS Exec 21 The major accomplishment has been the aligning of the Student Success Initiative with the Achieving the Dream Initiative. The leaders from both groups meet together under the umbrella of SSISC; additionally, the local student success committees are also aligned with AtD through their alignment with SSI. The newly organized SSISC/AtD is working consistently on examining policies and procedures and coordinating recommendations that on a district-wide basis will increase the persistence of students and decrease exit points, thereby leading to greater levels of student completion. Ongoing accomplishments include the sponsorship, organization, and implementation of several professional development activities, including the first convening of all the LACCD AtD Core and Data Team Leaders in August, the DAS Summit in early fall, the AtD Implementation In-Service in January, and the 4th Cohort of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Academy. As a result of FTLA, four of our nine campuses will have a certified faculty trainer in Reading Apprenticeship in the coming year. The subcommittees of SSISC, including the Transfer and SLO Committees, continue to meet and strategize regarding important curricular and accreditation issues as well as to exchange best practices. Major Obstacles/Problems with Committee Function This year has been an excellent year for SSISC. The meetings have been well attended, and important issues involving student completion have been discussed and vetted. Additionally, the merging of the district-wide AtD initiative with SSI has given even more purpose and focus to the student success framework advocated by SSI and is allowing more concrete follow-up at the campus level. Recommendations for Improving Committee Process/Efficiency As indicated above, the SSISC is moving effectively forward, and the important thing will be to continue the momentum, making sure to keep constituents well-informed and connected. One of the co-chairs of the committee (the Dean of Student Success) additionally made campus visits and met with five of the nine local student success committees. These efforts will be ongoing in order to ensure that every campus is connected with locally on a regular basis. Committee Goals (If Appropriate) for Coming Year SSISC will continue to focus its attention on the major goals aligned with its mission to increase student success and completion across the LACCD: Aligning Achieving the Dream with SSI Goals and Student Success Framework Providing ongoing and deep professional development in support of student success Continued commitment to making informed recommendations to appropriate committees and constituencies regarding issues impacting student achievement and completion Seeding and assisting faculty-driven efforts in support of student success Chair/Co-Chair Signature and Date: Signature Chair/Co-Chair Name: Date Deborah L. Harrington Chair/Co-Chair Signature and Date: Signature Chair/Co-Chair Name: David Beaulieu Date