Speech-Language Pathologist Tip Sheet Service Type REQUIRED FIELDS- Yes/No MET/Eval (Initial and 3-Year Redetermination) Includes meetings, reports, and eval(s) Date of service is date of determination of eligibility (IEP Mtg.) IEP (Annual and Initial) Includes meetings, reports, and eval(s) Date of service is date of IEP Mtg. Evals not related to MET or IEP Do not select this, if testing is part of IEP or MET Date of service is date test is completed Individual Therapy Group Therapy (2-8 individuals) ATD – Self-care/Home Mgmt. Training Activities of daily living and compensatory training, meal prep, safety procedures, and instructions in the use of assistive technology/adaptive equipment, direct 1:1 Monthly Progress Note Student Absent Student Unavailable Provider Absent Provider Unavailable Nonbillable Entry Procedure Code Start/End Time Group Size Progress Report Comment s Medical Areas 92506HT No No No No Yes 92506TM No No No No Yes 92506 No No No No Yes 92507 92508 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 97535 Yes No No Yes Yes - No No No No No No Medical Areas Evaluation IEP Development/Review Articulation Augmentative Communication Expressive Language Fluency/Stuttering Language Oral Motor Dysfunction; Swallowing Phonological Pragmatic/Semantic Language Processing Rate/Rhythm Receptive Language Voice Therapy ATD Services ATD Coordinating ATD Training No No No No No No Evaluation Information: One log represents all the work done for the evaluation. • Initial Evaluation (IDEA) – is recorded for students who are newly eligible for Special Education. The student may or may not qualify to receive your service specifically (i.e. eligible for special education but not for Speech services). • Reevaluation (IDEA) – is recorded when the student has been evaluated for continuation in Special Education (formerly known as the 3 year MET) Again, the student may or may not qualify to receive or continue to receive Speech services. • Other Evaluation – This selection is available when evaluations are conducted that are not an Initial or a Reevaluation. This may be a progress eval to determine if the student has indeed successfully met certain goal/objective thresholds. Or it may be an eval given to determine level of abilities when beginning services with a student who has transferred to your school. IEP Information: One log represents all the work done for the IEP. Providers cannot log an IEP/Eval unless they have actually performed an evaluation. • Initial IEP – is recorded for the first IEP meeting for a student after they have been declared eligible for Special Education. • IEP following Reveal – for the IEP held following the student’s redetermination for Special Education (following Reveal). • Other IEP – for IEP’s that are held annually or more frequently to adjust services (add or discontinue). Sometimes several instances of this service can occur between the Initial IEP and the IEP following Reveal. Assistive Technology Device (ATD) services are intended to directly assist a beneficiary with a disability in the selection or use of an ATD. Selecting, providing for the acquisition of the device, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, retaining, or replacing the ATD, including orthotics; Coordinating and using other therapies, interventions or services with the ATD; Training or technical assistance for the beneficiary or, if appropriate, the beneficiary’s parent/guardian; Training or technical assistance for professionals providing other education or rehabilitation services to the beneficiary receiving ATD services; Evaluating the needs of the beneficiary, including a functional evaluation of the beneficiary. ATD services are intended to directly assist a beneficiary with a disability in the selection, coordination of acquisition, or use of an ATD. All Therapy and ATD services must also have a Monthly Summary log in order for the service to be billed. Monthly progress notes: Must include evaluation of progress, changes in medical or mental status, and changes in treatment with rationale for change Must be dated in the month the services were provided (i.e. a monthly progress note for services provided in September must be dated in September) – using the last school day of the month is recommended Consultation or consultative services are an integral part or an extension of a direct medical service and are not separately reimbursable. Group therapy must be provided in groups of 2-8 students – not billable if more than 8. Group Size, when required, refers to the number of students receiving the service in the same session. Adults and service providers are not included in the group size. All student information contained in Focus is private and confidential: Do not share your username and password with anyone Do not write your password down where it can be seen by others Always log off when finished using the system