CAD University Emergency Response Plan

OCAD University
Emergency Response
Toromoreno, Louis
CAD University Emergency Response Plan
OCAD U Campus Security
Levels of an Emergency/Incident – Definitions
Level 1 (Code Green)
Level 2 (Code Amber)
Level 3 (Code Red) – Initiate EOC
Module: Levels of Response Examples
Module: Emergency Response Steps
1.10 Module: Level 1 (Green)
1.11 Module: Level 2 (Amber)
1.12 Module: Level 3 (Red)
1.13 Module Emergency Response
2.8 Evacuations – General Procedures & Instructions
2.9 Lockdowns
2.10 Emergency Planning and Procedures for Students and Employees with Disabilities
2.11 Responsibilities of Persons with Disabilities
Medical Alert
Critical Injury
Death on Campus
Communicable Disease Alert
Threatening or Disruptive Behavior
Violent Crime of Sexual Assault
Armed Intruder/Shooting on Campus/Incidents Involving Weapons/ Hostage Takings
Bomb Threat
Spill/Odour/Leak – Bio-hazardous, Radiation or Chemical
3.10 Fire/Explosions
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3.11 Gas, Water or Power Failures
3.12 Natural Disasters
3.13 Elevator Entrapment
3.14 Civil Disorder/Riots
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CAD University Emergency Response Plan
1.1 Purpose
The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is designed to enable OCAD U to appropriately
respond to all types of events that may occur on campus. The ERP specifies the organization,
co-ordination, procedures, communication and decision-making structures to be followed during
all levels of the emergency.
Emergency response involves the deployment of teams, plans, measures and arrangements in
response. While no two incidents will ever be the same, they may share common aspects. It is
the commonality of occurrences that this ERP strives to address.
The Purpose of the ERP is to control the possible consequences of emergencies by
preventing or minimizing fatalities, injuries and damage to buildings and equipment,
and facilitating a return to normal operation as soon as possible.
1.2 Scope
The ERP provides a framework to cope with most kinds of emergencies that may be impacting
OCAD U. ERP procedures apply to all OCAD U students, staff, faculty and visitors.
1.3 OCAD U Campus Security
OCAD U Campus Security includes the following:
Contracted Security Guards (SGs)
Contract Security Supervisors
Mobile Response Units (as required)
Contract Security, Client Service Manager (CSM)
Contract Security, Account Director
Supervisors, Campus Security
Assistant Director, Campus Security
Security personnel are complemented by mobile emergency response staff and vehicles. A
monitoring service for a range of alarms, burglar deterrents, access control points, magnetic
locking mechanisms and closed-circuit televisions is available throughout the campus 24 hours
a day.
SGs patrol all campus buildings and property at the university internally and externally on foot
and on bicycle. These areas include: The Main Building & Sharp Centre for Design (100 McCaul
St), Annex Building, Food Court & Learning Zone (113 McCaul St), 205/230/240 Richmond St,
Rosalie Sharp Pavilion (115 McCaul), Continuing Studies (285 Dundas), Student Gallery (52
McCaul), Student Centre (51 McCaul), Digital Media Research and Innovation Institute (49
McCaul),and 60/74 McCaul.
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At least one SG is stationed at the 100 McCaul Security Console at all times during regular
operating hours, while the remaining SGs maintain a presence throughout the campus. SGs
play a front-line role in emergency response by administering first aid & CPR (including
emergency defibrillators), incident response, conflict resolution and providing direction to
members of the OCAD U community as required.
Overall leadership is provided by the Assistant Director, Campus Security, while responsibility of
the Contracted Security Staff, equipment and daily operations is conducted by OCAD U Security
1.4 Levels of an Emergency/Incident – Definitions
Emergency, as defined under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O.
1990, c.E.9 (EMCPA or the Act), is a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a
danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to person(s) or substantial damage
to property and that is caused by force of nature, a disease or health risk, an accident or an act
whether intentional or otherwise.
There are three levels of an emergency; Level 1 (Code Green), Level 2 (Code Amber) and
Level 3 (Code Red/ Initiate EOC). In all levels of emergency, Campus Security is the lead
agency for the university and will activate incident command and make decisions, such as an
emergency changing from a level 1 to a level 2.
1.5 Level 1 – Code Green
This level of response will generally involve onsite resources. An escalation of this incident or
emergency is highly unlikely. An example of this level of response is a minor medical incident
(e.g., small abrasion).
The Emergency Response Team may be notified, but may not be assembled for this level. If
necessary, incident command will be set up.
Any communication to the OCAD U Community may be done only upon the approval of the
Vice-President, Finance & Administration.
1.6 Level 2 – Code Amber
This level of response will usually exceed a university-based response and require the support
of outside authorities or agencies. These types of incidents may result in an evacuation of some
or all campus buildings, as well as relocation of students, staff and faculty. An example of this
level of emergency is an isolated fire.
The Emergency Response Team will be assembled and shall respond and set up Incident
Command to ensure the safety of all students, staff and faculty at OCAD U.
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The Emergency Management Team, in full or in part, may be called upon to assist the
Emergency Response Team. The Emergency Operations Centre could be activated in a level 2
incident by the Emergency Management Team. This will be depending on the nature and status
of the ongoing incident or emergency.
Any communication to the OCAD U Community may be done only upon approval of the VicePresident(s), Emergency Management Team or designate.
1.7 Level 3 – Code Red (Initiates EOC)
This level of response will require extensive support from outside authorities or agencies. These
types of incidents may result in the evacuation of some or all campus buildings and the
relocation of students, staff and faculty. An example of this level of response is death of one or
more persons on campus.
The Emergency Response Team will be assembled and shall respond and set up Incident
Command to ensure the safety of all students, staff and faculty at OCAD U.
The Emergency Management team, in full or in part, will be activated in a level 3 by the
Emergency Response Team.
Any communication to the media or the OCAD U Community may be done upon approval of the
President, Vice-President(s) Emergency Management Team or designate.
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1.8 Module: Levels of Response Examples
Fire Alarm Minor Chemical Spill
Minor Flood
Minor Hydro/Water Loss
Minor Medical
Minor Assault
Minor Threat
Weather Watch
Weapon on Campus
Bomb Threat (non-specific)
Isolated Fire or Flood
Major Chemical Spill
Major Hydro/Water Loss
Power Loss up to Two Buildings
Major/Critical Medical
Physical/Sexual Assault
Protest or Demonstration
Threat with a Weapon
Severe Storm
Bomb Threat (Specific)
Major Fire or Flood
Campus Wide Power Failure
Tornado or Hurricane
One or more Deaths on Campus
Armed Intruder
Use of a Weapon
Discharge of a Firearm
Bomb Discovery or Explosion
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1.9 Module: Emergency Response Steps/Procedures
1) Contact Campus Security
(Ext. 511)
2) Regular university routine
3) Emergency Response Team
activated as necessary
1) Contact Campus Security
(Ext. 511); dial 9-1-1 if
2) Evacuate, if necessary
3) Assemble Emergency
Response Team
4) Notify and/or assemble
Emergency Management
1) Contact Security (Ext. 511);
dial 9-1-1 if warranted
2) Students, staff, faculty and
visitors will remain in a safe
place until further instruction,
or evacuate
3) Lock classrooms/area, if
4) Assemble Emergency
Response Team and joint
Incident Command
5) Activate Emergency
Management Team and
activate EOC, if necessary
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2.8 Evacuations - General Procedures & Instructions
General Procedures
In an evacuation related to fire or other emergencies on campus, Toronto Police, ambulance
and/or fire departments (collectively known as “Emergency Services”) will set up Joint
Command for the situation. Until Emergency Services arrive, directions given by OCAD U
Campus Security personnel must be followed.
An evacuation may be signalled via the Public Address (“PA”) System, Speakers and Digital
Display Boards throughout the campus as available, and/or Fire Alarm.
In the event that a building evacuation is required, Campus Security will, depending on the
nature of the emergency, determine if evacuation is necessary and which exits and alternate
exits will be used.
Everyone in the affected buildings is required to leave promptly and close all doors behind them,
Follow instructions given by Emergency Services and OCAD U Campus Security. Do not reenter any buildings until authorized to do so by Campus Security, once they have received
clearance from Emergency Services.
General Evacuation Instructions
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to familiarize themselves with all emergency
exits, and take note of exit routes from regularly used facilities or workspaces
If evacuating a building in case of fire, do not use elevators
Stay calm, walk briskly and do not run
Immediately notify Emergency Services or Campus Security (ext. 5-1-1) of persons with
disabilities who are still in the building and unable to evacuate
Once outside, move well clear of the evacuated building(s) (e.g. to the opposite side of
the street)
Keep streets, walkways and parking areas clear for emergency vehicles and personnel
Do not return to an evacuated area/building unless directed to do so by OCAD U
Notify someone if you decide to leave the area
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2.9 Lockdowns
In the context of possible acts of violence, terrorist attacks or other hostile acts, OCAD U must
be prepared to respond in a proactive manner to protect its community.
In certain situations, particularly those involving armed violence, or threat of armed violence or
other hostile acts, a building or campus lockdown may be necessary to protect students, staff
and faculty, and gain control over dangerous situations.
A lockdown is a recognized and well-established procedure used by Campus Security &
Emergency Management Professionals to secure a facility when there is a dangerous threat
occurring. The procedure requires each person who is in the facility to secure themselves in a
safe area (e.g., a classroom, office or closet).
A lockdown may be communicated by OCAD U in one or more of the following ways:
Public Address System, Speakers and Digital Display Boards (Campus Security)
Email Blast (Campus Security or Marketing & Communications)
OCAD U Website (Marketing & Communications)
Social Media – Facebook & Twitter (Campus Security and Marketing & Communications)
General Expectations during a Lockdown
If you are inside a building, in a safe location:
Stay where you are
Close, lock or secure the door to the best extent possible
Turn off all lights and cover windows
Turn off/silence all mobile devices and stay very quiet
Crouch down and remain out of sight of all doors/windows
Remain in your safe area until further instruction and do not leave until instructed to do
so by Emergency Services
If you are inside a building, but close to an exit and able to leave safely:
Exit immediately (Walk quickly, but do not run)
Proceed to a safe location (e.g. inside another building, away from windows and doors)
Remain in the safe location until further instruction from Emergency Services
If you are inside a building, in an open area and without safe access to an exit:
Gather as many people as possible and proceed to a safe location (a room with a door)
and secure the door to the best extent possible
Turn off all lights and cover windows
Turn off/silence all mobile devices and stay very quiet
Crouch down and remain out of sight of all doors/windows
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Remain in your safe area until further instructions and do not leave until instructed to do
so by Emergency Services
If you are outside the building:
Avoid standing in the open by proceeding immediately to a safe location (e.g. inside
another building and away from windows/doors)
Remain in your safe area until the situation has cleared or you are instructed to do so by
Emergency Services
If you are in another building:
Remain inside the building
Do not call the location that is currently in lockdown
Wait for information/updates from Security, Emergency Services, OCAD U Social Media
or the OCAD U Website
No person(s) other than OCAD U Campus Security or Emergency Services will be permitted to
enter a building in lockdown. The area outside the building will also be cleared of nonemergency responders.
2.10 Emergency Planning & Procedures for Students & Employees with Disabilities
If an alternate format of the Emergency Response Plan is required, contact Campus Security by
phone, email or in person.
It is important that students and employees with disabilities communicate any needs or supports
required during an emergency evacuation and are encouraged to contact the following
departments to have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) developed so that the
university is made aware of any necessary accommodations:
Students with disabilities may contact the Centre for Students with Disabilities by
phone at 416-977-6000 extension 339, by email at or in person at 51
McCaul Street, 2nd floor.
Employees with disabilities may contact Human Resources by phone at 416-977-6000
extension 298, by email at or in person at 115 McCaul Street, 3rd floor.
Visitors may contact Campus Security by phone at 416-977-6000 extension 366, by
email at or in person at 100 McCaul Street, main lobby.
In addition to the PEEP process, Campus Security completes floor-by floor-checks during an
evacuation and identifies and report persons who require assisted evacuation. Emergency
Services personnel will initiate the evacuation of a person with a disability if it is determined that
there is a danger associated with that individual remaining in their current location. All staff,
faculty and students must understand OCAD U emergency procedures and their specific
responsibilities during emergency situations.
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2.11 Responsibilities of Persons with Disabilities
Individuals who need assistance during an emergency evacuation are expected to take
responsibility for their own personal safety by completing the following steps:
Self-assess and self-disclose your disability-related evacuation needs, as you feel
necessary, to the applicable departments
o Human Resources (for employees)
o Centre for Student with Disabilities (for students)
o Campus Security (for visitors)
Human Resources or the Centre for Students with Disabilities will work with persons
with disabilities, in consultation with Campus Security, to develop a Personal
Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) specific to their emergency evacuation needs. A
PEEP may identify a secondary contact person who may be contacted to assist you
during an evacuation.
Locate the emergency resources on campus, including the locations of emergency
exits/phones and downloading the Guardly application, which will be outlined in the
As necessary, inform instructors/supervisor that a PEEP has been developed.
Review the OCAD U Emergency Evacuation Plan
Retain a copy of the PEEP as a record
Notify Human Resources or the Centre for Students with Disabilities if there are any
changes in emergency needs and if the PEEP needs updating.
General Instructions - Options for contacting OCAD U Campus Security (All Emergency
Pick up a red courtesy phone, which rings through directly to Security
Pick up any white courtesy phone or OCAD U office telephone and dial extension 5-1-1
From any mobile phone, dial 416-977-600, extension 5-1-1
Use any mobile phone to dial 9-1-1 and identify your location in detail
This section covers specific response procedures in the following possible campus
incident/emergency situations (these are in addition to the general incident response procedure
outlined in sections 1 and 2):
Medical Alert
Critical Injury
Death on Campus
Communicable Disease Alert
Threatening or Disruptive Behaviour
Violent Crime or Sexual Assault
Armed Intruder/Shooting on Campus/Incidents Involving Weapons/Hostage Takings
Bomb Threat
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Spill/Odour/Leak – Biohazards, Radiation or Chemical Agent
Gas, Water or Power Failures
Natural Disaster
Elevator Entrapments
Civil Disorders/Riots
General Instructions for OCAD U Campus Security Incident Response
OCAD U Security Guards Should:
Call 9-1-1, if situation requires to do so
Notify Supervisor, Campus Security or Assistant Director, Campus Security, and follow
any instructions provided
Assign Security Guards as necessary to wait for emergency services in the lobby,
conduct crowd control, evacuate buildings, and/or secure areas
Provide First Aid and CPR in medical emergencies
Exercise universal precautions when cleaning up or in the area of any bodily fluids and
chemical spills/leaks
Preserve critical injury or crime scenes, except to alleviate human suffering or to
preserve property from further damage
Depending on the circumstances, initiate level 2 or level 3 response procedures
Make every attempt to defuse threatening or violent behavior
In the instance of a major level 3 incident (i.e. shooting on campus), commence
lockdown procedures
Take photographs of the scene, when possible
Maintain accurate and complete records of the incident
3.1 Medical Alert – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person identifying the Medical Alert should:
Call OCAD U Security
Provide name and report nature, severity and location of the medical alert
Provide the following assistance to the victim until help arrives:
o Keep the casualty still and comfortable
o Ask the casualty: “Are you Okay?” and “What Happened?”
o Provide first aid to the best of your training until Campus Security arrives
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency
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3.2 Critical Injury - Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
As per OCAD U’s Health & Safety Policy (Policy #5001) and Critical Injury Procedures (Policy
#5002), the following procedures apply to all incidents involving a student, staff, faculty,
contactor or visitor on campus that incur any of the following:
Places life in jeopardy
Produces unconsciousness
Results in substantial loss of blood
Involves the fracture of a leg or arm, but not a finger or toe
Involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot, but not a finger or toe
Consists of burns to a major portion of the body
Causes the loss of sight in an eye
The following procedures must be followed carefully.
Person identifying the Critical Injury should:
Notify OCAD U Campus Security immediately, so that necessary emergency response
measures can be taken and the area secured
3.3 Death on Campus – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person discovering the Death on Campus should:
Immediately call OCAD U Security
Move to a safe location, if the situation warrants to do so
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency
3.4 Communicable Disease Alert
Members of the university community are expected to adopt responsible health-care practices
and avoid putting others at risk. Anyone who discovers they have, or have potentially been
exposed to, a communicable disease (excluding sexually transmitted diseases), e.g. whooping
cough or measles, must carry out the following:
Notify and visit a medical practitioner as soon as possible
Upon confirmation, notify and warn the appropriate OCAD U authorities immediately so
that a disease alert can be initiated
Students must:
Call Health & Wellness (H&W) to report the nature of the medical problem and any other
relevant information
H&W should then report the information to the VP Academic, maintaining confidentiality
to whatever extent possible
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Employees must:
Call Human Resources to report nature of the medical problem and any other relevant
Human Resources should then report the information to H&W and VP Finance &
Administration, maintaining confidentiality to whatever extent possible
The H&W medical practitioner notifies Toronto Public Health (TPH) of his/her findings
TPH will then assume responsibility and notify other students or employees and decide if
a health alert and/or other stringent safeguards are needed
H&W establish disease parameters such as:
o Virulence
o Physical effects
o Symptoms
o Modes of transmission
o Currently affected numbers
o Mitigation measures recommended by medical authorities
o Practical mitigation measure that can be put in place and maintained
If the disease is extremely serious and contagious, the Vice-Presidents will initiate level 2
response procedures (e.g. Pandemic Plan, Part 4.8).
3.5 Threatening or Violent Behaviour – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
OCAD U’s response to Threatening or Violent Behaviour Policy (Policy #5005) provides a
mechanism to address threatening or violent behaviour expressed verbally, through email or
other forms of correspondence, directly or indirectly, to any member of the OCAD U community.
For incidents or behaviour presenting immediate or imminent danger:
Person experiencing the Threatening or Violent Behaviour should:
Stay calm
Do not attempt to interfere with the person unless for self-protection
If the situation escalates, or, if the person threatens harm to him/herself or others, call
OCAD U Security
Provide name and report nature of disruptive behaviour
Remain available to provide information about the situation to OCAD U Security and/or
Emergency Service
3.6 Violent Crime or Sexual Assault – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person experiencing a violent crime or sexual assault should:
Scream/call for help
Call OCAD U Security, if possible
If possible access a red phone – Only necessary to knock the phone off the hook, as
security will be alerted of the location and send assistance
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Primary objective is to survive the attack and avoid serious injury
Mentally note as much detail about the attacker, including:
o Identity, if known
o Clothing
o Gender
o Approximate weight and/or height
o Approximate age
o Skin tone and any other identifying characteristics (hair colour, eye colour, moles,
piercings, tattoos)
o Speech, accents or mannerisms
o Weapons involved, if any
o Mode of transportation and direction of travel
o If applicable: vehicle make/model, color, licence plate number, and any other
identifying details
Person witnessing a violent crime or sexual assault should:
Call OCAD U Security, immediately
Provide name and report nature, severity and location of the crime or assault
Attempt to scare away the attacker by shouting, but move to a safe environment if the
attacker has a weapon
Provide assistance to the victim, only if this can be done without endangering his/her
own safety
Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the attacker, except for self-protection
If it’s safe to do so, try to get a good description of the attacker, including:
o Identity, if known
o Clothing
o Gender
o Approximate weight and/or height
o Approximate age
o Skin tone and any other identifying characteristics (hair colour, eye colour,
moles, piercings, tattoos)
o Speech, accents or mannerisms
o Weapons involved, if any
o Mode of transportation and direction of travel
o If applicable: vehicle make/model, color, licence plate number, and any other
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency Services
3.7 Armed Intruder/Shooting on Campus/Incidents Involving Weapons/Hostage Takings
– Dial ext. 5-1-1 or pick up any Red Phone
Initial caller should:
Call OCAD U Security, immediately
Avoid stopping or confronting an armed individual, unless for your own safety
Provide his/her name and report seeing an intruder with a weapon (or heard shots
fired) or hearing an altercation
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Security will ask you to describe the situation, location, description of the intruder, etc. and tell
the caller to attend a safe place and wait for further instruction
3.8 Bomb Threat – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person receiving phone call, email, instant message, etc. announcing a bomb threat should:
If possible, obtain answers to the following questions:
o When is the bomb going to explode?
o Where is the bomb located?
o What does the bomb look like?
o What kind of bomb is it?
o What will cause it to explode?
o Why has the bomb been placed on campus?
o Are you the person who placed the bomb on campus?
o What is your name?
If possible, obtain the following information about the caller or sender:
o Gender
o Approximate age
o Any distinguishing speech patterns and/or accents
o Background noises
o Phone number at which the call was received
o Date and time the call was received
Notify OCAD U Security, immediately
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency
Person who observes a suspicious object, which may be a bomb, should:
Not handle or approach the object
Immediately clear the area and move to a safe location
Warn others to keep away
Call OCAD U Security immediately by using a red or white phone, but not a mobile
device (which could trigger a bomb detonator)
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency
3.9 Spill/Odour/Leak – Biohazardous, Radiation or Chemical – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any
Red Phone
(Note: Substance = Biohazardous, Radiation or Chemical)
Person who identifies the substance spill/odour should:
Not handle or approach the substance, if the substance is known to be dangerous,
Clear the area, go to a safe location and warn others to keep away
Notify OCAD U Security and provide the following information:
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o Location of the substance
o Name and nature of the substance, if known
o The extent of volume, if known
o Any person who many have come in contact/contaminated with the substance
Remain available to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or Emergency
3.10 Fire/Explosions – Dial ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
(Discovering a Fire or Explosion = hear, smell or see)
Person discovering the fire/explosion should:
Leave the area immediately and warn others to evacuate
Activate fire alarms system from a safe location by pulling a red pull station
Call OCAD U Security, immediately, identifying the location and severity, if possible
Evacuate the building, using the most direct route and nearest exit
Remain available in a safe location to provide information to OCAD U Security and/or
Emergency Services
3.11 Gas, Water or Power Failures – Call ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person identifying the gas, water or power failure should:
Call OCAD U Security (If OCAD U phones are without power, use a mobile phone or
physically notify a Security Guard)
Provide the type of failure and the location of the findings
In the situation of a water failure:
o Wait for further instruction from OCAD U Security, as a campus closure of the
affected buildings is a possibility
o Turn off any taps or water supplies that may have been in use during the failure,
in order to prevent flooding when water is restored
In the situation of a power failure:
o Turn all power switches off on machinery that was in use during the failure, in
order to prevent injury when power is restored
o Begin to safely evacuate the building, avoiding the use of elevators
o Provide any information to OCAD Security regarding people with disabilities who
may be experiencing difficulty evacuating
3.12 Natural Disaster – Call ext. 511 or pick up any red Phone
Natural Disaster = Earthquake, Major Flood, Hurricane, Tornado, Extreme Snow Storms
Person(s) on campus when a natural disaster is in effect:
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Stay inside the building, if already there
Move to a safe location inside the building, staying away from windows and doors
Do not use elevators or machinery
Listen for announcements and follow instructions from OCAD U Security or Emergency
Be prepared to evacuate if instructed to do so by OCAD U Security or Emergency
3.13 Elevator Entrapment – Call ext. 511 or pick up any Red Phone
Person(s) entrapped in the elevator should:
Stay calm and do not scream
Press the emergency button on the elevator panel and advise the alarm response of
the following:
o How many people are in the elevator and name(s)
o Your floor location, if known
o If anyone is experiencing a medical emergency
If the alarm response does not work, use a mobile device to alert security at 416-9776000 ext. 511; if the mobile device fails, calmly shout in order to alert someone
Stay put and do not move around unnecessarily until Emergency Services or the
elevator company advise to do so
Person discovering person(s) trapped in elevator should:
Call OCAD U Security
Advise which floor you are hearing voices from the entrapment and any information
received from the entrapped person(s)
After OCAD U Security has been advised, return to the elevator and advise person(s)
that help is on the way
3.14 Civil Disorder/Riots
Person discovering civil disorder/riot should:
Call OCAD U Security
Provide the following information, if possible:
o Location
o Approximate number of people participating
o Reason, if known
o If there is violent or aggressive behaviour
Do not attempt to stop or interfere with the civil disorder/riot. Security and/or
Emergency Services will provide any action
Move locations to avoid harm, if it is safe to do so
Follow instruction given by OCAD U Security and/or Emergency Services
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