SB Minutes 4-6-15 - Plymouth, Vermont 05056

Plymouth Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 6, 2015
Members: Ralph Michael, Chair; Larry Lynds; Russ Tonkin
Others: Virginia Dean, Jay Kullman, Sandie Small
The Meeting was called to Order by Ralph at 6:02 PM.
Those present were introduced.
There were no changes to the Agenda.
The Minutes from the Meeting of March 23, 2015, were reviewed; Russ moved to accept said Minutes
as written; Larry seconded; so voted.
Art Lynds, of ABLE Waste Management, discussed the new Universal Recycling Law (started in 2012
and expected to be fully implemented by 2020), which goes into effect on July 1, 2015, for residential
customers. The State of Vermont had no funding for this Law; therefore, the cost falls on the residents
or the waste haulers. The cost to the Town of Plymouth can be borne by the Town, using tax dollars,
or the hauler can directly charge the residents. ABLE felt that the more economical way would be for
the Town to contract with them to pick up recycling from each residence on a bi-weekly schedule; the
cost for the pick up schedule is $150 per hour. ABLE would provide each resident with a container and
lid, free of charge. Eventually the ‘fast trash’ facility at the Town building would be eliminated;
however, the facility would stay in effect for one year. Ralph motioned to contract with ABLE Waste
Management to implement the new recycling program, the cost not to exceed $76,000 for the coming
fiscal year; Russ seconded the motion; so voted (Larry did not vote).
Bennett Coleman spoke about vehicles parking and turning around on his land on Frog City Road and
asked what was the view of the SB on this matter. The SB indicated that the Town has a right of way
on Town roads; i.e., a Class 3 road is 25 feet from the center of the road (or a total of 50 feet). Bennett
can put up a sign indicating that parking is not permitted in the travel portion of that right of way. Mr.
Coleman asked if he could obtain certain documents relating to Frog City Road, Farm and Wilderness,
and the State; he was advised he could get any public record agreement or document filed in the Town
Jay Kullman spoke about changes to the Town Highway as specified in their submitted plans, as well as
constructing an office building on its property; the cost of this work would be borne by F&W. Ralph
indicated that as it is a Town road, there will need to be a warned public hearing, and that F& W will
need to secure an Act 250 permit and other permits as well. The Selectboard agreed they could
approve these changes, but that F & W should present the plans to the Plymouth Planning Board as
Virginia Dean asked if there was any new information relating to the fraud issue; to which, Ralph
indicated there was not.
Mail was reviewed and tended to. Three excess weight permits were presented: M & M Excavating;
Able Waste Management, Inc.; and Markowski Excavating, Inv. Russ motioned to approve said permit
requests; Ralph seconded; so voted. The request for the Killington Stage Race for May 23 was
discussed; Russ moved to allow said request; Ralph seconded; so voted.
Russ presented a list of individuals to establish the Plymouth Community Center Steering Committee
membership; Russ motioned to accept said list; Ralph seconded; so voted. Russ said he would advise
the members.
Warrants were reviewed, approved, and signed.
Larry then left to inspect a culvert.
New Business: Ralph stated he would talk to Fred Glover about a Deed for the transfer of the School
Building to the Town. A license renewal application for the Echo Lake Resort was presented; Russ
moved to approve said application; Ralph seconded; so voted.
Old or unfinished Business: Russ indicated that the close out package needed to be completed for the
alternate project. A quarterly financial report was submitted, but will be further reviewed at the next
SB meeting. Ralph will confirm with Hugh O’Donnell about the change in date for the hearing for the
Town Clerk. The SB reviewed the report submitted by Jeff Graham and suggested that he be present at
the next Meeting. Ralph stated that the paperwork submitted to the Town by VTrans did not indicate
that there was any more than a little road work scheduled for the Town. The Listers had indicated a
possible need for a third computer in their office; Russ suggested the extra computer in the SB office,
but it may need to be updated. The SB stated that Al was preparing a call list for the alarm system at
the community center.
Russ motioned to adjourn the Meeting; Ralph seconded; so voted. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:50
Draft written by Sandie Small
Ralph Michael, Chair
Lawrence Lynds
Russ Tonkin