September Dear Parents, As we near the end of September, there are some upcoming events we would like to make you aware of. On September 29th, all 7th grade students will have picture day in gym class. Picture Retakes are November 12. We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday for Back to School Night. The regular program begins at 7:00 pm. The teachers will be presenting an overview of their classes. If the weather permits, please have your child view the lunar eclipse on Sunday night. The best viewing times will be between 9pm and 11pm. Carnegie 7th Math: Students will expand their knowledge of rational numbers operations to multiplication. Students will understand that product of integers with the same sign is always positive and product of integers with different signs is negative. Students are finishing up lessons on addition and subtraction of rational numbers. Quest is tentatively scheduled for the middle of next week on integers, absolute value, comparing rational numbers, adding and subtracting rational numbers. Please check sideboard and teacher page for updated dates. 7th Prealgebra: Students will continue working on solving equations. Students will use the reverse of order of operation to solve multi-step equations and equations with variables on both sides. A quiz on multi-step equations is tentatively scheduled for early next week. Please check sideboard and teacher page for updated dates. 7th English - Students will continue working on figurative language and identifying figurative language in short stories. Students will have a quiz on figurative language next week. They will also continue working on their vocabulary for their Word of the Week assignments. Communications: Students will continue working on literary devices. Students will complete various projects on literary devices to further their understanding next week. Social Studies: Themes of geography: Students worked on a group project- Stranded on an Island. Each group formed a society after finding themselves stranded on an island- their task was to decide how they would survive using food, shelter and general decision making issues. After a series of problem solving activities they decided what form of government they had created and as a group reported to the class. Science: The class will have a quiz on Monday. Later in the week we will be examining how land heats up in comparison to water. Students will conduct experiments to compare the materials. Olmsted Social Studies: Next week, the Social Studies classes will be examining the geography of Europe, and will introduce chrome books into the class activities. Expect a quiz later in the week. 7th Math: Students will expand their knowledge of rational numbers operations to multiplication. Students will understand that product of integers with the same sign is always positive and product of integers with different signs is negative. Below are tentative dates for assessments. Please check sideboard and teacher page for updated dates. Quiz - Monday (9/21) - Subtracting rational numbers Quest - Wednesday (9/30) - Integers, absolute value, comparing rational numbers, adding and subtracting rational numbers 7th Prealgebra: Students will continue working on solving equations. Students will use the reverse of order of operation to solve multi-step equations and equations with variables on both sides. Below are tentative dates for assessments. Please check sideboard and teacher page for updated dates. Quiz - Thursday (10/1) - Multi-step equations 7th Algebra: Students will continue working on solving equations. Students will use the reverse of order of operation to solve literal equations and inequalities. Below are tentative dates for assessments. Please check sideboard and teacher page for updated dates. Quiz - Tuesday (9/29)- Solving Equations with variables on both sides Quest - Thursday (10/1) - Solving one-step, two-step, multi-step, variables on both sides, and literal equations. Science: Mrs. Pietrucha has another great scientific week ahead! The week will start with focused lessons on particular topics associated with the chapter in preparation for the upcoming test scheduled for 10/2. The topics will include an overview of the layers of the atmosphere and its components, the ozone layer and its destruction, and pollution. Literacy: Ms. Lijoi’s literacy classes will be reading a retelling of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart next week. They will be aware of the figurative language Poe uses in this classic short story and keep a log of if it as they read. Additionally, students will choose an example of figurative language from this story or“The Treasure of Lemon Brown” which they read last week. Students will choose an example of figurative language from one of the stories and illustrate it as well as explain what it means. There will be a quiz on figurative language toward the end of the week. Ms. Slavin – Math: Next week, Ms. Slavin’s math class is going to be continuing their study of integers. They will be developing rules for adding and subtracting integers, and then applying these rules to complete the math problems. The class will engage in many different activities in order to practice integer addition and subtraction. Ms. McMinn: Next week, students will continue to work on their inferencing skills. This will include making inferences about the characters and settings in a story. They will also start to analyze the conflict in the story and begin to explore how the conflict affects the characters in the story. Students will utilize text evidence to support their conclusions. Individual teacher web pages list the most up to date assignments and due dates.