I used Michael Friedman unit plan since I have never taught in a

Unit Plan
I used Michael Friedman unit plan since I have never taught in a school. Thus, we work
Schedule of Semester
Textbook: Hands-On Algebra
Author: Frances M. Thompson
Week 1-2:
Week 3-4:
Week 5-6:
Week 7-8:
Week 9-10
Week 11-12
Week 13-14
Week 15-16
Unit 1- Introduction
Order the set of integers
Add with integers
Subtract with integers
Multiply with integer
Divide with integers
Unit 2-Operations
Develop and apply the distributed property to real numbers
Define an order for applying the four operations to the real
Explore other properties of the real numbers
Unit 3-Linear Forms
Evaluate algebraic expressions
Solve linear equations in one variable
Solve linear equations having multiple amounts
Unit 4-Functions
Combine processes to solve liner equations
Solve linear equations involving fractional amounts
Unit 5-Linear Applications
Model linear relationships
Investigate linear relationships in geometry
Explore ratios
Investigate linear or arithmetic sequence
Unit 6-Graphing
Compare the vertical change
Explore minimal numerical conditions
Explore the role of the constant b
Fit linear curves
Locate points in disjoint regions
Unit 7-Exponents
Develop the concept of exponents
Combine like terms
Unit 8-Factoring
Factor polynomials of second degree
Give the expression for the general N-th term polynomial
Completing the square
Week 17-18
Unit 9-Quadratic concepts
Find products of second degree
Find products in real numbers
Week 19-20
Project Presentation and Final Exam
My two third party lesson plans are listed below.
Glosser Gisele, 2000-2006 Math Goodies: Order of Operations ( 2006, July 12)
Glosser Gisele, 2000-2006 Math Goodies: Writing Algebraic Equations ( 2006, July 12)
Michael has not developed any relevant document or resources. However, he will
develop them in the future.