L2 Name ________________________________________________ Period ____________ Multimedia Core Vocabulary Project Due date _________________________________________ Directions: Create a multimedia presentation for at least 10 of the 26 core vocabulary words using technology. Use www.prezi.com. Requirements for each word: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Part of speech – is it a noun, adjective, verb, adverb? Definition – must be in your own words – no dictionary definitions Synonym – list at least 2 synonyms for the word Antonym – list at least 2 antonyms for the word Complete sentence – must be an original sentence with correct punctuation Picture/visual aid – must represent the meaning of the word Use the following links for examples and help: Tutorial on Prezi - http://tamingthebeast.wikispaces.com/file/view/prezi+tutorial.pdf http://prezi.com/mvycflnl02zl/copy-of-word-wheel-vocabulary-template/ http://prezi.com/znw_hr3raexm/pugnacious-a-comic-vocabulary-presentation/ http://prezi.com/k-doyluivuzz/gullibe-vocabulary-presentation/ http://prezi.com/mix_povaybj3/untitled-prezi/ ****Be creative! Use any technology you are aware of to make your presentation exciting and interesting. ****You will be graded on the accuracy of your work, your spelling and grammar, the completion of all 6 requirements for all 10 words, your creativity, and your technical elements. L2 Multimedia: Core Vocabulary Rubric Student Name: _____________________________________________ Period ____________ Total points = ______/20 X 2 = CATEGORY Clarity of requirements Spelling & Grammar 4 3 2 1 Presentation is easy to read and all 10 words are very clearly written, labelled, and pictured. No spelling or grammatical mistakes on presentation. Presentation is easy to read and at least 8 words are clearly written, labelled, and/or pictured. One or two spelling or grammatical mistakes on a presentation. Meets 5 of the 6 criteria of the assignment. Almost all content is in the students’ own words and is accurate. Presentation is hard to read with labels and pictures for less than 8 words. Presentation is hard to read and less than 6 words are written, labelled and/or pictured. Many spelling or grammatical errors on the presentation. Presentation is balanced, attractive, and easy-to follow. It uses original student work and/or blends existing media in a new and interesting way. There is a focus that is maintained throughout the piece, but it may not be compelling, or present information in a way that consistently keeps audience’s attention. One image or link did not work correctly. One part of the presentation were not able to be seen clearly. Two of the images or links did not work correctly. Several parts of the presentation were not able to be seen clearly. Content Meets all the 6 criteria of the assignment. All content is in the students’ own words and is accurate. Creativity Students have used media in creative and innovative ways that exploit the particular strengths of the presentation. The final product is unique, powerful, effective, and compels the audience's attention. All technology elements worked correctly! (images and links) All parts of the presentation were able to be seen clearly. Technology Elements Total score _______/40___ Several spelling or grammatical errors on the presentation. Meets 4 the 6 criteria of the project. At least half of the content is in the students’ own words and is accurate. Does not meet at least half of the 6 criteria of the assignment. Less than half of the content is in the students’ own words and/or is accurate. The project has a weak focus. May contain creative aspects but those aspects tend to distract the viewer from the stated purpose of the presentation. Most of the images or links did not work correctly. Most parts of the presentation were not able to be seen clearly.