IB English Grade 11 Syllabus 2015-2016

Mrs. Weiler
IB English Grade 11 Syllabus
Course Description: The grade 11 IB English Course is a required course for students who wish to test
as a diploma candidate or for a certificate. The IB English Programme is a literature-based one; the
objective is to build upon the student’s knowledge of literature while strengthening both oral and
written powers of expression. This course and the IB Programme encourage a student-driven
curriculum, and the students will take on responsibility of leading and teaching the class through
presentations, research, and discussion. Students will examine a variety of literary selections in
order to explore diverse styles and techniques. The activities and assignments are designed to guide
the student in skills necessary to successfully complete the IB Language A Examinations. The skills
learned in this course will also aid the student in the preparation for the ACT, SAT, and AP
examinations. It should be the aim of the student to push the limits, to explore, and to embrace new
ideas and philosophies.
Course Objectives:
Refer to the Language A: literature guide
Course Outline:
Language A: literature is divided into four parts, each with a particular focus. We
will begin with part 4 in the fall and continue with part 1 in the spring; parts 2 and 3 will be covered
in grade 12.
Part 4: Options: American Literature
● The Crucible by Arthur Miller asap – Act 1 to be read by 9/8-9/9
● The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Barnes and Noble Edition is preferred) by
● Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut by 10/20-10/21
Part 1: Works in translation
● The Stranger by Albert Camus (French Algeria), trans. Matthew Ward by 12/4-12/7
● Kokoro by Natsume Soseki (Japanese), trans. Edwin McClellan by 12/4-12/7
● Wild Thorns by Sahar Khalifeh (Palestinian), trans. Trevor LeGassick and Elizabeth
Fernea by 12/4-12/7
Materials: It is my expectation that you will come to class every day with all of these materials.
2-inch binder with 5 dividers (titled: reference, bell ringers, notes, quizzes, writing)
College-ruled loose-leaf paper
Novels listed above
Black pens, a red pen, pencils, highlighters – blue, green, yellow, orange, pink
Monday – Friday mornings: 6:50-7:15 am,
Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 2:45-3:15 pm, or
by appointment
Remind 101:
English 3 IB – A1
English 3 IB – A2
English 3 IB – A4
English 3 IB – B1
English 3 IB – B2
Mrs. Weiler
Grades and Evaluation:
Major Grades = 60% (essays, exams, oral presentations, vocabulary quizzes, timed writings,
annotation checks, Socratic seminars, projects, etc.)
Daily Grades = 40% (reading quizzes, group discussion/ class participation, short writing
assignments, in-class projects, vocabulary work, grammar work, etc.)
Grading Policies (Absences/ Make-up/ Late Work):
If possible, I should be notified in advance of absences so that work can be completed on time. IT IS
THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to consult the online syllabus regarding what is covered in
class and any homework due the next class. All make-up work is due the class the student returns.
As per the Garland High School Grading Policy:
● Late daily assignments will incur a 25 point deduction and may only be turned in one class
day late (ex. A day is it late, it must be turned in the next A day). Late/ absent work must
also be received within the grading cycle regardless of number of days.
● Major assignments (annotations, essays, projects, long-term assignments, etc.) must be
submitted at the beginning of class (within the first 10 minutes) in order to be eligible to
receive full credit. No major assignments or projects will be accepted late.
● All assignments due on days in which students are on a field trip will be submitted prior to
the field trip in order to receive credit. This includes taking quizzes.
● Students will have ONE WEEK after an absence (not field trips) to make up quizzes,
written assignments, etc.
Attendance in tutorials is highly encouraged for all students. Tutorial attendance is particularly helpful
for students who are struggling with the course work, or students who are unclear about any assignment/
I welcome both student and parent contact if you have any questions and I can be most easily reached by
email at mweiler@garlandisd.net. The easiest way to be aware of your student’s progress is to check
the weekly syllabus on the message center of the grade book and to check the grades entered on grade
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To indicate that you have read and understand this syllabus IB English grade 11, sign and return this portion of
the syllabus next class period.
Printed student name ________________________________
Student signature ___________________________________
Date _____________
Printed parent name _________________________________
Parent Email: ___________________________
Parent signature ____________________________________
Date _____________