BEN SCHEMEL BSc (Mar Biol/Zool) (Hons) CURRICULUM VITAE survey environmental advisor & marine fauna observer Ben is a qualified marine scientist with experience in the oil and gas, dredging and Australian fishing industries. Ben has worked as the survey environmental advisor (SEA) and marine fauna observer (MFO/MMO) on 2D, 3D and OBC marine seismic surveys in the Indian, Pacific and Southern oceans. He has extensive experience with seismic mitigation protocols and guidelines (EPBC-Australia; DOC-NZ); providing mitigation and compliance advice to contractors; training crew in fauna identification and mitigation procedures; passive acoustic monitoring (PAM); managing teams of observers and conducting project specific environmental audits. Ben has completed five marine seismic surveys as the SEA during which he was responsible for managing all environmental commitments, compliance issues and audits of all project vessels. He is also an accredited Qualified Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) under the Department of Conservation (DOC) guidelines for marine seismic surveys in New Zealand. Ben has spent the past ten years working with industry to mitigate and manage impacts on the marine environment particularly in regard to marine mammals and reptiles. His key skills include Survey Environmental Advisor, Marine Fauna Observations, Passive Acoustic Monitoring, Environmental Compliance Auditing, Fisheries management and Field research. Ben has excellent marine fauna identification skills and is a qualified coxswain with experience on fishing, seismic, dredging and dedicated research vessels. qualifications + accreditations and environmentally sensitive dredging projects (see ~ 1st Class Honours, 2004, Geographical Sciences, primary responsibility has been to ensure survey University of Queensland, Australia Table below). As a survey environmental advisor his personnel, vessels and seismic operations had minimal ~ Bachelor of Science, 2003, Marine Biology & impact on coral reef lagoon and oceanic ecosystems Zoology, University of Queensland, Australia through the application of maritime, federal and state ~ Associate Diploma of Applied Science 1997. Marine Resources. University of Queensland, Australia legislation, survey environment plans, government referrals and project inductions. The role has included the development and instigation of a comprehensive ~ EMS Lead Auditor - ISO 14001 works program designed to facilitate, monitor, ~ OPITO BOSIET/FOET (exp. 2016) document and audit environmental compliance for all ~ UKOOA Medical (exp. 2016) ~ Open Water Coxswains’ ticket ~ Senior First Aid Certificate project vessels and operations. As the client representative on a geophysical scouting survey utilising multi-beam and side scan sonar to detail positions of underwater obstructions for the Fortuna MSS, Ben was responsible for managing offshore logistics, data quality control, and reporting professional experience to the client. Survey Environmental Advisor and Marine Fauna As the Lead MFO, Ben has been responsible for Observer (Marine Seismic Surveys and Dredging) With coordinating teams of MFOs providing 24 hour passive more than 800 days at sea as the Survey acoustic (PAM) and visual monitoring for marine Environmental Advisor and/or MFO/MMO, Ben has animals. He was also responsible for managing source experience with 2D, 3D & OBC marine seismic surveys vessel and dredging operations with regard to species BEN SCHEMEL BSc (Mar Biol/Zool) (Hons) survey environmental advisor & marine fauna observer of concern, and providing species avoidance, publications mitigation and compliance advice to the contractor with respect to the relevant legislation, guidelines and CURRICULUM VITAE project environmental plans. Courtney A.J., Schemel B., Wallace R. (2006).The impact of trawling on sea snakes. Ausmarine (29), 2007. Ben was responsible for the design, instigation and Courtney A.J., Schemel B., Wallace R. (2007) Quantifying and reducing the incidental catch and fishing mortality of sea snakes in the Queensland (Australia) trawl fishery. In: Proceedings of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 20-24 October 2008. maintenance of a research project intended to Courtney A.J., Schemel B., Wallace R. Reducing the quantify and mitigate the catch and mortality rates of impact of Queensland’s trawl fisheries on protected sea snakes caught by prawn trawlers in east Australian sea snakes; Report to the Fisheries Research and waters. The role included managing a crew-member Development Corporation. Project No. 2005/053, May observer program, training observers in sea snake 2009. Fisheries Biologist: Sea snake by-catch mitigation project, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries: 2005 – 2008 handling and identification techniques, liaising with and reporting to stakeholders, organising research charters, and data collection and analysis. Research Assistant (Dugong population study), University of Queensland and Sea world Australia, 2003-2013 – Ben’s role as a research assistant is to find, catch, restrain, and tag dugongs. Responsibilities include piloting catch vessels, coordinating the catch team, and collecting biological and morphometric data. Necessary skills include: the ability to follow data collection and safety protocols; keen eyesight; a high level of physical fitness and proficiency in boat handling and preparation. Tutor/Lecturer (Marine mammals and reptiles), University of Queensland, 2004-2011 Ben’s role as a tutor/lecturer is to introduce students to Australia’s marine macro-fauna (i.e. whales, dolphins, dugongs, marine turtles, sea snakes). Duties include piloting research vessels, marine fauna identification and assisting students with the practical components of their course work. Excellent communication skills and the ability to locate, identify and describe a range of marine fauna define his role as a tutor. Prior to 2001 & attending University – Electrician: Industrial and commercial construction. Deck-hand: North Australian prawn trawl fishery and Southern rock lobster fishery. BEN SCHEMEL BSc (Mar Biol/Zool) (Hons) survey environmental advisor & marine fauna observer relevant projects CURRICULUM VITAE Client Provider Location Project Vessel Date Role Chevron TGS Scope Resources Blue Planet Marine Blue Planet Marine Blue Planet Marine Great Aus.Bight NW Shelf Nerites Season 2MC3D MSS Fortuna 3D MSS Sanco Swift SEA & MFO NW Shelf Fortuna Geo. Scout Survey Wheatstone LNG Dredging Limitless 3rd Jan to 21st Apr 2015 22nd Dec to 2nd Jun 2015 4th Dec to 21st Dec 2014 10th Mar 2014 to Oct 2015 15th Jan to 20th Feb 2013 Lead MMO & PAM 25th Sept to 5th Nov 2012 20th June to 21st July 2012 10th Jan to 8th Feb 2012 13th Dec to 23rd Dec 2012 19th Sept to 22nd Oct 2011 16th May 2010 to 10th Sept 2011 SEA Woodside Energy Woodside Energy Dredging International Onslow WA Western GeCo Blue Planet Marine Woodside Energy Woodside Energy MEO Fugro South West Surveys Atlas EnQuest Taranaki New Zealand North Scott Reef Browse Basin Aus. Timor Sea Chevron Blue Planet Marine Blue Planet Marine Blue Planet Marine NW Shelf Australia North Scott Reef Aus. Barrow Is. Australia Origin Energy EnQuest OMV Blue Planet Marine Blue Planet Marine Western Whale Research Western Whale Research Southern Australia South IslandNZ Cook Strait NZ Timor Sea Speculant 3D OBC Cross-Shore MSS Great Southern Basin 2D MSS Pegasus & Bounty 2D MSS Zeermeermin 3D MSS NW Shelf Australia Eendracht 3D MSS Woodside Energy Chevron Crown Minerals FugroMulti-Client FugroMulti-Client Taranaki 3D MSS Vespucci Brabo; Breydel Ambiorix; Gateway Western Monarch Rosebud 3D MSS Duke Rafter 3D MSS Viking 2 Zeppelin/Floyd 2D/3D MSS Wheatstone 3D MSS Geo Atlantic Tridacna 3D OBC MSS Gorgon LNG Dredging Ramform Explorer Crest Odyssey Taurus 2 Cornelis Zanen Gateway TSHD Black Jack Reflect Resolution Reflect Resolution Geo Atlantic Geo Atlantic 31st Oct to 5th Dec 2010 23rd Feb to1st April 2010 14th Dec to 21st Jan 2010 25th Oct to 30th Nov 2009. 22nd Aug to 26th Sept 2009 SEA & MFO Client Rep. Lead MFO SEA & MFO Lead MFO Lead MFO SEA Lead MFO Lead MFO Lead MMO, PAM & SEA Lead MMO & PAM MMO MMO *Survey Environmental Advisor (SEA); Marine Fauna Observer (MFO); Marine Mammal Observer (MMO); Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)