DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET Amman Baccalaureate School Design Technology Main Design project Booklet DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET This checklist has been prepared for you to guide you as to what should be included in your logbook: A: Analysis of a Design opportunity. 1- Describe an appropriate problem, which leads to a design opportunity: Two A4 Did you describe and analyze the design situation and the problem that you noticed (Constructive Discontent)? Did you include photos, which describe your problem? Did you identify the intended market user group/user trial and explained why the project is worthy of investigation? Did you include a questionnaire, which will help you identify a certain need? Did you analyze the results of the questionnaire? Did you conduct any relevant interview? Did you include a discussion and images of the user trial showing images specific to the design problem which might include ergonomic factors, percentiles and material issues? 2- Explains the Key findings (summative from) from relevant market and user research. Two A4 Primary and secondary research strategies , qualitative and quantitative information Possible technologies ( manufacturing processes and techniques) Possible materials Possible manufacturing techniques / CAM Ergonomic data if relevant Further market research Safety factors and precautions Literature research : internet , magazines , catalogues Expert appraisal : Interviews with an introduction and conclusion Similar products satisfying the same needs ( morphological analysis) Different products from which you can adapt a certain solution. Did you analyze collected information and came up with a summary and a conclusion for your research? Did you properly reference every source of information you used with a list of references at the end of your researching stage? 3- Develop a detailed brief which identifies the relevant parameters of the problem one A4 Did you state what the intended outcome (product) is? Did you identify the target market? Did you identify the feasibility of the product? Did you include estimated cost of the product? Did you state the most important criteria(broad requirements) that should be met by this design e.g. aesthetics , value for money , etc … Did you consider major constraints such as available resources, time, or cost? DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET 4- Develops marketing specifications which justifies the requirements One A4. Did you include a list of marketing specifications emphasizing Target market, target audience? Did you include a summary of a market analysis (potential user and market, economic validity considering fixed, variable cost and pricing)? Did you include a list of the user’s need? Did you consider the competition for a list of market needs? 5- Develops design specifications, which justifies the requirements One A4 Did you develop a list of requirements and considerations that are specific feasible and measureable? aesthetic requirements cost constraints customer requirements environmental requirements size constraints safety considerations performance requirements and constraints materials requirements manufacturing requirements. Please note that points mentioned in your design brief should be highlighted in your PDS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET B: Conceptual Design 1- Develops ideas to meet appropriate specifications which explore solutions to the problem six A4 Did you come up with 5-6 radical possible solutions (design)? Did you include enough doodles – quick sketches of initial thoughts? Did you properly communicate each idea showing top, side and front sides as well? Did you sketch your ideas to a point where they are clearly communicated? Did you annotate each solution (putting arrows and notes) to point out the following How they meet specifications Possible materials Possible manufacturing processes and techniques Special features explaining the design solution Blow ups of distinctive details Possible styles and colors Did you link any research or added further research with the ideas and discuss key points? 2-Uses concept modelling to guide design development four A4 Concept models in the form of sketches, CAD, 2D and 3D models should be used to establish the validity of ideas against specifications before refining ideas through detailed development. Did you create a simple mock up models and CAD to evaluate your solutions in 3D for the following aspects including lla epecifactions 1. Shape 2. Stability 3. Functionality 4. Ability to be manufactured in terms of available resources Did you modify design based on your personal evaluation and feedback from different sources (peers, teachers, experts ... etc)? 3-Justifies the most appropriate idea for detailed development One A4 Did you evaluate each idea against your PDS? Did you summarize your evaluation to decide on the chosen solution? DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET C: Development of a detailed design 1- Justifies the choice of appropriate materials and components for a prototype two A4 Did you identify the materials and components that you will use? Did you justify your choice by considering cost, supply, physical and mechanical properties including aesthetics. Justifies the choice of appropriate manufacturing techniques for prototype production two A4 Did you identify manufacturing techniques (joining, wasting, forming, CAM additive or subtractive) Did you justify your choice by considering cost, supply, material choice, work properties of the materials, 2- 3- Develops an accurate and detailed design proposal three A4 Did you develop the design to take into account the choice of materials, components and manufacturing techniques? Did you use appropriate techniques and methods to finalize the details of the design (Doodling, 2d and 3d technical, CAD, paper/card models) Did you add sufficient detail for a third party to be able to interpret the idea correctly. Did you include details ( close ups, details, accessories, hidden parts )such as sizes, materials, components, assembly, production methods, and so on. 4- Produces a detailed plan for the manufacture of the prototype two A4 Did you create a past's list? Did you formulate an appropriate plan should provide sufficient details including timings, material , techniques, risk assessment and quality checks. Did you support your production plan with sketches that show progression of the product? Did you use , Gantt charts, Flow diagrams and Tables? DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET D: Testing and evaluation Evaluates the success of the solution against the marketing specification two A4 Did you show evidence of authentic testing using annotated pictures? Did you include sources of evaluation such as a questionnaire for potential users or experts? Did you include a detailed interview based on market specifications and documented supporting discussion and feedback about products functionality and suitability Did you consider competition and market analysis in you testing? Did you Identify strengths and weaknesses based on testing? Did you evaluate the product against the marketing specifications based on data generated from testing? • Target market • Target audience • Market analysis • User need • Competition 2-Evaluates the success of the solution against the design specification two A4 Did you conduct a performance test? Did you test your product in its intended context to see how successful it is? Did you include other sources of evaluation such as a questionnaire for potential users or experts? Did you include a detailed interview based on product specifications and documented supporting discussion and feedback about products functionality and suitability Did you document this testing by photos and comments? Did you Identify strengths and weaknesses based on testing that are measurable? Did you evaluate the product against the design specifications based on data generated from testing? • Cost constraints • Environmental requirements • Size constraints • Safety considerations • Performance requirements and constraints • Materials requirements • Manufacturing requirements 3-Explains how the solution could be improved three A4 Did you suggest improvements for each weakness identified through evaluation against marketing and design specifications? Did you suggest improvements to the product? Are the modifications that you suggested valid and feasible to bring the product up to specification? Did you use photographs, drawings and CAD and added annotations of the suggested improvements? Did you present a list of revised marketing and design specifications? 1- DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET E: Commercial production 1-Justifies the choice of materials and components appropriate for commercial production two A4 Did you identify materials and components which are compatible with the manufacturing process and design specification? Did you identify the materials and components according to the requirements of making the product commercially viable? Did you justify your selection of materials and components through many aspects including cost, supply, physical and mechanical properties, and so on. 2-Justifies the choice of manufacturing techniques appropriate for commercial production two A4 Did you identify the scale of production? Did you identify Manufacturing techniques according to the requirements of making the product commercially viable? Did you justify your selection of manufacturing techniques through many aspects including cost, supply, material choice, working properties of the materials, and so on? 3-Explains design modifications to the solution required for commercial manufacture Did you modify the product in order to make it suitable for commercial production? Did you present the modified product using annotated photographs, drawings and CAD? Did you modify the design in order to be compatible with the manufacturing techniques for commercial production and the design specification? Did you present a list of revised marketing and design specifications to meet the requirements of commercial production? DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET F: Marketing strategies 1- Justifies an appropriate target sales price two A4 Did you specify Target sale price? Did You justify the sale price based on competing products , market need and break even point? Did you calculate the cost of making the prototype/ product? Did you compare the cost of existing products against the cost of making a prototype? Did you adjust the price to suit the proposed scale of production? 2- Discusses appropriate promotional strategies for the solution two A4 Did you discuss appropriate promotional strategies in relation to the suggested initial production run and nature of target market? These could include: advertising sales promotion personal selling internet marketing sponsorship. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS DESIGN TECHNOLOGY DESIGN PROJECT BOOKLET Notes _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AT ABS