Higher Level Questions on Plant Structure

Higher Level Questions on Plant Structure
2005 HL
Indicate whether the following are true (T) or false (F) by drawing a circle around T or F.
Lenticels serve the same function as stomata.
Parallel leaf veins are characteristic of monocotyledonous plants.
Endosperm is a food reserve in some seeds.
2006 HL
The walls of xylem vessels are reinforced with
2007 HL
The diagrams represent two forms of a vascular plant tissue, as seen under the microscope.
Name this vascular tissue
Identify the two forms of this tissue.
The walls of A and B are reinforced with a hard material. Name this material
Where precisely is this vascular tissue found in the stem of a young dicotyledonous
Name another vascular tissue
2009 HL
Give one location where mitosis occurs in flowering plants.
Ordinary Level Questions on Plant Structure
2007 OL
The diagram represents a tomato plant.
Name the parts labelled B, C, and E.
Give one main function each for the parts labelled A and D:
What is the role of part E?
Name the tube-like tissue found in part C in which water moves through the plant.
2010 OL
The diagram below shows the internal structure of a leaf.
Name the one tissue type that is found at both V and Y.
Answer the following questions in relation to how you prepared and examined with a
microscope a
transverse section (T.S.) of a dicotyledonous stem.
(i) Name the plant that you used.
How did you make a section of the stem and prepare it for examination?
(iii) Describe how you examined your section of stem once you had placed the slide on
the stage of the microscope.
Which of the following diagrams, A or B, best represents what was seen on
your slide?
2011 OL
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) by drawing a circle
around T or F in each case.
Example: The liver produces bile
The semicircular canals in the ear are involved in balance.
The growth response of a plant to light is called phototropism.
Tendons attach bone to bone.
A motor neuron carries impulses to the brain.
Rhizopus is a member of the animal kingdom.
Xylem transports water in plants.
A potato is a modified stem.
2012 OL
The diagram below represents a transverse section through part of a plant.
Does the diagram represent a root or a stem?
The letters A, B, C in the diagram, represent three different tissue types.
Match each letter with its correct tissue type in the following list:
Ground tissue. ___________________________________
Dermal tissue. ___________________________________
Vascular tissue. __________________________________
State a function of vascular tissue.
Name the two types of vascular tissue in plants.
Higher Level Section B Questions
2004 HL
Observation of a transverse section of a dicotyledonous stem reveals vascular and
other tissues.
Name two of the tissues that are not vascular tissues.
Answer the following questions in relation to the preparation of a microscope slide of a
transverse section of a dicotyledonous stem.
State one reason why you used an herbaceous stem rather than a woody one.
Explain how you cut the section.
Why is it desirable to cut the section as thinly as possible?
Draw a diagram of the section as seen under the microscope. Label the vascular tissues
that can be seen.
State one precise function of each of the vascular tissues labelled in your diagram.
2009 HL
Why is a dicotyledonous (dicot) plant so called?
(ii) Name a dicotyledonous plant.
(i) Describe in detail how you prepared a microscope slide of a transverse section of the
stem of a dicotyledonous plant.
Give an account of the procedures that you followed in order to view your slide
under the microscope.
In the space below draw enough of your section to show and label the location of
each of the following:
1. Phloem.
2. Xylem.
3. Ground tissue.
2011 HL
In the course of your practical work you prepared a transverse section (T.S.)
of a dicot stem for microscopic examination.
How did you prepare the T.S.?
Ordinary Level
No Questions as of 2012
Higher Level Section C Questions
2005 HL
The passage of water through a plant is known as the transpiration stream. Answer
the following
questions in relation to the transpiration stream.
(i) Explain how water enters the plant at the root hair.
(ii) Do minerals enter the plant by the process that you have indicated in (i)? Explain
your answer.
How is xylem adapted for its role in water transport?
(iv) Strong forces of attraction exist between water molecules. Give an account of the
importance of these forces in raising water to great height in trees.
2006 HL
The diagram shows part of a transverse section through a dicotyledonous stem.
Copy the diagram into your answer book and identify each of the following by
placing the appropriate letter on your diagram:
phloem P, ground tissue G, xylem X, dermal tissue D.
In which of the tissues that you have identified are sugars mainly transported?
State a function of D.
In the course of your practical work you cut and observed a transverse section of
a stem.
Answer the following in relation to that procedure.
1. What did you use to cut the section?
2. How did you support the stem while you were cutting the section?
3. How did you transfer the section to a microscope slide?
State one way in which a transverse section through a monocotyledonous stem
differs from the one that you cut.
2008 HL
Draw a large labelled diagram of a transverse section through a young root.
Name the tissue in plant stems through which water rises to the leaves.
Give one way in which this tissue is adapted for the transport of water.
Give a precise location of this tissue in the stem.
State another function of the tissue referred to in (i).
The cohesion-tension model of transport attempts to explain water movement
2011 HL
plants against a particular force. Name this force.
Describe the principal features of the cohesion-tension model.
Name the two scientists mainly associated with the cohesion-tension model
of transport.
Ordinary Level Questions on Plant Structure
SEC Sample Paper OL
The diagram shows part of a root of a young plant.
Make an outline copy of the diagram in your answer book and place the letters A,
B, C on it to show the location of each of the following;
A = dermal tissue
B = ground tissue
C = vascular tissue
(ii) State three functions of a root.
From what part of the embryo plant within the seed does the root develop?
(iv)Where would you find a meristem in a root?
2004 OL
Diagrams A and B are of plant vascular tissues.
(i) Identify A and B.
(ii) What is meant by a vascular tissue?
Name X and Y.
State a function of A.
(v) State a function of B.
Where would you expect to find A and B in a leaf?
Name one substance found in the walls of A but not found in the walls of B.
2005 OL
Answer any two of (a), (b), (c).
(30, 30)
Which of the two diagrams 1 or 2 represents a transverse section of a young
(ii) State two features of the diagram that indicate it is a root.
(iii) The letters A, B, C in the diagram represent three different tissue types. State
which tissue type in the following list is represented by each letter;
ground tissue, vascular tissue, dermal tissue.
Name two vascular tissues and give one way in which they differ.
(v) State a function of ground tissue.
2006 OL
Answer any two of (a), (b), (c).
(30, 30)
The diagram shows the structure of part of a stem.
(i) Identify A, B, C and D.
(ii) What is a meristem?
Give a location of a meristem in the diagram.
How many years’ growth are shown in the diagram? Explain your answer.
(v) Give two functions of a stem.
The diagrams are of two tissues of a flowering plant.
(i) Identify tissues A and B.
(ii) To which tissue type do A and B belong?
Identify cells L and M and part N in tissue B.
Name a substance transported in tissue A.
(v) Name a substance transported in tissue B.
Tissue A has another function in addition to transport. What is this other
Where in a young root would you find tissues A and B?
2007 OL
Answer any two of (a), (b), (c).
(30, 30)
What is meant by ground tissue?
(ii) Give a function of ground tissue.
What is a meristem?
Give a location for a meristem.
(v) The diagram shows a transverse section through part of a plant.
Is this part the root or the stem? Give two reasons for your answer.
(vi) Copy the diagram into your answer book. Place an X where you would find
vascular tissue and place a Y where you would find ground tissue.
2007 OL
2008 OL
Draw a diagram of a section through a leaf. Label a stoma and a guard cell.
(ii) Give a function of the guard cell.
Name two gases that enter or leave the leaf.
Name the process by which the gases move in or out of the leaf.
Water enters the roots of plants by osmosis. Explain what is meant by
(ii) Describe how you demonstrated osmosis as part of your practical activities.
Name the tissue that transports water from the root to the leaves.
(iv) Mention one way in which the tissue you have named in (iii) is adapted for the
transport of water.
(v) The diagram below shows another tissue that is involved in transport in plants.
Name this tissue and name a substance that is transported in it.
2009 OL
Answer any two of (a), (b) and (c)
(30, 30)
(dicot) stem.
The photograph below shows the tissues in a transverse section of a dicotyledonous
Give one feature shown in the photograph that allows you to identify the section as
a stem and not a root.
(ii) Name the two vascular tissues, A and B, found in a vascular bundle.
Draw a labelled diagram to show a longitudinal section of tissue B.
Include the following labels in your diagram:
sieve tube; sieve plate; companion cell.
Give one function of each of the following:
1. Dermal tissue.
2. Ground tissue.
(v) 1. In which of the vascular tissues does water transport occur?
2. State one way in which this tissue is adapted for water transport.
3. In which direction does this transport take place?
2011 OL
Answer any two of (a), (b0, (c)
The diagram shows a transverse section through a dicotyledonous (dicot) root.
Name the parts labelled A, B and C.
State two functions of a root.
From what part of a seed does the root develop?
Give one example of a root modified for food storage.
Plants can be monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous.
Give any one difference between a monocotyledonous plant and a
Give one example of a monocotyledonous plant and one example of a
dicotyledonous plant.