Woolton Hill Surgery Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation Groups
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 3rd November 2015
at 7.00pm in Woolton Hill Surgery
Dr West, Peter Mason, Jean Partridge, Betty Taylor, Margaret Burgham,
Jan Wells, Tony Garland, Sarah Garland Gavin Smith, Rosemary Cahill
PM welcomed all present
Apologies: Colleen Harvey, Joan Williams, Rita Lauder
Minutes of the WH meeting on 11th August 2015 had been circulated, were approved and
Staff changes (item added to Agenda)
Dr Coakley will be moving away at the end of February. We will be welcoming back Dr
Rana Nafousi (worked at the surgery previously as a Registrar) initially for a month in
November and a couple of weeks in January but then on a regular basis from the end of
February to the end of August 2016. Dr Nafousi will be providing cover for Dr Simpson and
Dr Coakley. We will also be welcoming Dr Helen Dace who will join us to provide regular
locum cover from February 2016 through to the end of 2016. Dr Dace is a very experienced
and well respected GP having previously been a Partner at Hungerford surgery. We also
anticipate having to recruit additional locum cover until the Practice is able to replace Dr
Coakley, not an easy task.
The Kintbury reception desk is now fully manned. There are some vacancies for admin
Matters Arising
Update on agreed priorities
a) Vulnerable patients Heather Emmings has been working restricted hours due to family
commitments. She is looking to hold a Drop-In Coffee Morning in conjunction with the
Princess Royal Trust. RC liaise and look into the availability of the Church Hall Committee
Age Concern Berkshire with the Red Cross and Volunteer carers has a new scheme called
‘Bettercare’ giving planned support where needed with no nursing facility, but for residents
of West Berks only. There is nothing similar in Hampshire so it was suggested that a letter
be sent to HCC to encourage a similar scheme to be set up. RC
b) Wider representation on PPGs Work is ongoing. Kintbury has registered 2 more patients
on the virtual PRG and there is an appeal on the practice website. Details are included in the
pack given out to patients registering for the first time. A short article is to be sent to the 3
local community magazines appealing for wider representation.
Social media might also be a further avenue to explore with caution.
Gavin, I see from the last minutes we were hoping to get someone from Enbridge to join us.
Any joy?
c) Patient Champion. The fibromyalgia group is holding very successful monthly meetings
in term time, with Dr Howells as lead doctor. There has been a talk on Pain Management.
A Family meeting is planned, open to anyone affected by but not suffering from
fibromyalgia. There are groups in Reading and Thatcham for anyone wanting meetings
during the holidays.
Given the current staffing situation, there are no plans to extend the Patient Champions
project to other conditions.
Friends and Family GS reported that there is still very had been little take-up, despite
encouragement from staff and readily available forms / cards for online use. He will look
into the possibility of including information on the screen.
Patient access Take up of this facility is increasing and registrations are being completed.
Since telephone ordering of repeat prescriptions has ceased, there have been few problems,
with increased completed registrations and personal arrangements with neighbours. It was
stressed that Neighbourcare can arrange collection where necessary.
Additional opening hours From October the practice has signed up to opening on 46
Saturdays in the year, alternating between K and WH. This system is only in operation
until a review in March 2016. It has been very popular, especially with teachers. However,
as all appointments are pre-bookable only and there are no telephone lines available or
nursing staff on duty, this is not saving visits to MI or A&E. A letter expressing these
concerns in advance of the March review is to go to the CCG. RC
Late surgeries until 8.00pm are at WH on Wednesdays and K on Thursdays.
Primary Care Strategy Document Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are responsible
for planning and buying health services on behalf of local people. The West Berkshire CCG
have produce their vision for developing GP primary care services in our area by 2019, on
which our views are sought by the end of November. This document had been made
available to all members of the PPG and it was decided to send a group response under the
headings requested. RC to summarise the discussions initially and circulate to all for further
comments / amendments before these are made public. Anyone is welcome to add their
comments online
CQC Nothing to report.
Patient Panel Meetings BT was unable to attend the last meeting and Minutes are not
available until the Agenda for the meeting next week is sent out.
Members’ Reports
Blood tests at WBCH The system still causes concern. Since the meeting, we have learned
that there is already a link on the surgery website to the West Berks Hospital Blood Clinic
appointment booking site. It can be found by clicking on the Clinics and Services tab on our
Home page and then via the Practice Nursing Team tab.
Daytime issues Doctors may now ring patients back during the day if appropriate.
Flu clinics for children Where schools are not prepared to authorise this leave, parents are
reluctant to risk a fine for taking children out of school. Nurses only work during school
Lions Club green bottles The VA now has a supply of these bottles which should be kept
prominently in the fridge with details of all medication should this information be needed in
Neighbourcare now has a website and messaging service. There are 123 schemes in
Hampshire involving 4000 volunteers. A Burghclere patient was concerned about being
unable to collect medicines, but could be assured that Neighbourcare could arrange this.
Dates of next meetings
Woolton Hill, Tuesday 2nd or 9th February 2016 (tbc)
Woolton Hill & Kintbury Patient Participation Groups
Points from August meeting
The PPG holds regular quarterly meetings with the Surgery Staff to discuss new ideas or
concerns raised regarding the surgery or the NHS in general.
 Staffing Changes (See Item 1)
Update on the Practice Priorities All under Matters Arising Item 4.
Vulnerable patients, Wider representation on PPGs and PRGs
Patient Champion. See also additional opening hours.
Primary Care Strategy document Item 5.
Tuesday 2nd or 9th February 2016 (tbc)