WOOLTON HILL & KINTBURY Patient Participation Groups Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 11th August 2015 at 7.00pm in Woolton Hill Surgery Present: WH Dr West, Peter Mason, Jean Partridge, Betty Taylor, Margaret Burgham, Jan Wells, Rita Lauder, Gavin Smith, Rosemary Cahill K Anne Budd, Bridget Hickey, Chris Turner, Penny Brockman (Village Agent K) Apologies: WH Tony Garland, Sarah Garland, Colleen Harvey, Joan Williams K John Tyzack, Mel Manson, Glenda Heaton, 1. Welcome PM welcomed all present who introduced themselves. He confirmed that the cheque in memory of Carol O’Shaughnessy had been gratefully received and he is now in touch with Carol’s partner John Christmas. 2. Minutes of the WH meeting on 3rd February 2015 had been circulated, were approved and signed. Minutes of the K meeting on 16 May had been agreed for later discussion. 3. Matters Arising Update on agreed priorities a) Vulnerable patients Heather Emmings has contacted the Princess Royal Trust and SG (VA) and is to contact PB (VA) with a view to considering a drop-in centre for carers. Updated information will be added to the surgery screens. Registered carers will be encouraged to join the PPGs. This may include a nurse/carer from Enbridge nursing home. b) Wider representation on PPG GS is involving the existing PRG and also working on additional publicity. RC shared the VA’s table with SG at the July Village Market. 2 new members have joined the PRG and been registered. Good combination on the one table. JW noted that Neighbourcare would be taking the community table and raffle at the September Market. PB had made contact with Kintbury School. Possible VA follow-up with WH schools. c) Patient Champion. The fibromyalgia group is up and running with Dr Howells as lead doctor. Monthly meetings are being held and there has been a visiting speaker. Patients from other surgeries attending. Some concern as to the frequency of meetings as this would leave little space and doctor time for other conditions to be championed. Family and Friends GS reported that there had been little take-up, despite encouragement from staff and readily available forms / cards for online use. The staff persevere but it looks unlikely that there will ever be a statistically relevant response. Patient access Now being used widely for both appointment booking and repeat ordering of medication. 17.6% (WH and 14.4%(K) of the total patient register have now registered. From September telephone ordering of repeat medications will only be available to those patients unable to travel, without the support of neighbours and without internet access. Please would PPG members pass on any details to Gavin of patients that contact them who may fall into this group. 4. CQC No recent inspection but one is expected in the next few months. There was concern at the publicity given to a surgery who failed an inspection, as this was felt to be very destructive of morale among both patients and staff. 2 weeks’ notice is given in advance of inspections. 5. Patient Panel Meetings BT had attended the meetings in May and July (Minutes are circulated to those on email when available) Uncollected prescriptions Surgeries were asked to quantify the number of prescriptions not collected a month after dispensing, leading to wastage. CW explained that as these prescriptions have not left the surgery, patient details are removed and the medications reused (as long as they are still within the specified use by dates). So there is no medication wastage caused by uncollected prescriptions. Numbers are small from both surgeries. -2However, the time taken to both prepare the prescription and to check and remove uncollected packages is a drain on resources. Reminders for patients are not sent. Misdirected appointments It had been reported that some appointment letters had been sent from Royal Berks to patients giving RB as the hospital to be attended when it should have been WBCH, leading to unnecessary journeys and missed appointments. This is under investigation. The Neurological Alliance Berkshire Community Foundation has made available further funds so that carers (those looking after a loved-one on a voluntary basis) can be invited to apply for a grant of up to £300 each, to take a break or breaks from their caring role. Next meeting 24th September with speaker on Mental Health being sought. 6. Staffing There had been a number of staff changes at Kintbury on the Reception desk, with new recruits now in place. The Practice is required and will provide an additional 5-7 hours opening each week split between weekdays and Saturdays. This will commence from October 2015 and will be reviewed at the end of the operational year (March 2016). This was discussed in detail, with the PPG’s overriding concern as to how this could be resourced by the current staff. Doctors to finalise details. Hospitals will also be offering more hours, which could lead to requests to Neighbourcare for weekend work, which is not currently available. 8 9. Members’ Reports CT queried unnecessary complications on Patient Access. It was explained that this was a national agreed formula, so not subject to changes by individual practices. A teacher had found it difficult to get a same day appointment due to her hours in term time. RC to get more details. On-line ordering much appreciated. NHS Health checks are being offered when currently available direct from the surgery. Confusion has arisen among patients. Request for Village Agent information to go on the screens. JP had passed on a query concerning the Community Nurses’ system, which had been resolved to the patient’s satisfaction. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm 10. Dates of next meetings Woolton Hill, Kintbury Tuesday 3rd November Monday 9th November 2015 Woolton Hill & Kintbury Patient Participation Groups Points from August meeting The PPG holds regular quarterly meetings with the Surgery Staff to discuss new ideas or concerns raised regarding the surgery or the NHS in general. 1. Priorities for the Practice Update (Item 3) 2. Patient Access Appointment booking most popular with increased use for repeat prescription. (Item 3) 24 hour telephone ordering now stopped. See note in bold (Item 3) 3. Staffing Staff changes on Kintbury Reception now in place Additional 5 - 7 opening hours required from October 2015 (Item 6) NEXT MEETINGS WH Tuesday 3rd November K Monday 9th November