Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 CHIP –Food and Nutrition Note New Location Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Aging & Disability Resource Center – Board Room, 300 S Adams St AGENDA Members: X X X E X John Rocheleau – Bellin Steve Reinders – Bellin Lynne Nelson - Bellin Nicci Beeck - BCHD Carl Bobis – Boy Scouts Jamie Campbell - WIC Becky Delain / Margo Marquette Nancy Derenne (minutes) Howard Endow (minutes) David Lally – HSHS (minutes) X=PRESENT A=ABSENT TOPIC X X X X E X Karen Early – BC UW Extension Laura Grovogel - Aurora Meredith Hansen – ADRC of Br County Sarah Himmelheber - UWGB Rose Jensen – BC Food & Hunger Network Stephanie Lazzari - HSHS Tim Meyer - UWGB Marketing X David Liethen – Molina Healthcare Ellen Moore – DePere Health Dept Mark O’Connor – student intern Ashley Ponschok / Live54218 X X Chrystal Woller – DePere Health Dept Leanne Zhu - UWGB Jessica – Student with UWGB (visitor) Stephanie Schultz (minutes) Chua Xiong (minutes) Regina Young (minutes) E=EXCUSED SPEAKER DISCUSSION Ashley P John/Ellen John talked about the Beyond Health Community Health Improvement Plan. It was attached to our meeting notice if individuals haven’t reviewed. ACTION Objective #1 (Food Drives) 1. Toolkit Distribution o Number of copies for distributions October Poverty Event Food Pantries? Other? Karen 10 copies for food pantries (Rose) 10 copies for DePere Health Department (Ellen) 10 copies for UWGB (Karen/Le) 10 copies for the Poverty Event 30 copies for Housing and Homeless (Rose) 15 copies for ADRC (Meredith) 100 copies needed for the toolkit. John will work with HSHS to print them and will send out an email when they are ready IF people need prior to next meeting TOPIC SPEAKER 2. Display for Beyond Health Poverty Event DISCUSSION ACTION October 30 at Lambeau, would need 10 Le to forward the email to copies for the Event and will make URL the group, then Rose can available as well. send to the Food and Network group. http://campaign.r20.constant 4d94ca-9db0-42d6-a444a42ab32b5110&c=c5bc55c 0-49b5-11e4-aca9d4ae526edc76&ch=c61a06 20-49b5-11e4-aca9d4ae526edc76 Ellen will be making a story board for the event. 3. Scouting for Foods prep o Media release o Survey volunteers/training o In-house food collections (Bellin, HSHS, Aurora/BayCare, County) o Other Tim/Karen/ Stephanie/Carl Aurora/BayCare – will be doing in-house collections at Sports Med Brown County – casual in-house collection Bellin – Culture of Health Team will participate as a group to collect and distribute it to Lambeau. HSHS – Stephanie has had a hard time finding an owner/contact within her system in order to arrange and coordinate a collection site within HSHS. Stephanie was going to write the Media release Volunteers from UWGB – Karen to speak October 5, during the class for the Nutrition students. They have 3 hours of community service is part of the requirement of the class. They are hoping to have several volunteers. Stephanie to complete the Media release. Karen will follow up with her. Karen will contact Craig to confirm that we will be doing food inventory. TOPIC SPEAKER DISCUSSION ACTION October 17, starting at 10 AM for the inventory. 9:15 AM for the CHIP team volunteers. Le will send out an email to let the team know if more volunteers are needed after the UWGB class on October 5th. Lamar Advertising – Kim Figlinski ( Tim had a discussion to see if they would like to help us with the initiative. They are willing to work with us. Tim looking for a subgroup to meet with her. 4. Long-range Marketing Plan (If time permits) Tim Objective #2 (Food Pantry Infrastructure Plan) Update/Discussion on Literature Reviews /Research – UWGB Tim to follow up with Kim to see if she can come to our next October meeting. Karen is talking to them in October 8. Karen Objective #3 (Non-Emergency Needs) Open Discussion Corporate Wellness Contacts Laura Packer Wives food drive Karen Contact large corporate organizations in order to form a cohort group to help with Wellness Efforts. Need a new contact for the food drive They could use the toolkit for their food drives Laura will try to organize a cohort group. Karen will talk to Craig to see if we could have a contact for them. Per email from Tim on 9/23, “The contact person for the Packers is Sherry Schuldes”. TOPIC Brown County Collation SPEAKER DISCUSSION ACTION Meredith Thursday, October 15, The Brown County Caregiver Coalition, of which ADRC is a partner, is sponsoring Paul Wesselmann (commonly known as “Paul the Ripples Guy”) to speak for at a free event for the general public. This event is open to informal supports, family, friends or neighbors that are caring for someone of any age with any condition. (At this time, this is not open to professional caregivers, unless that person cares for a loved one on their own.) Respite will be provided free of charge onsite. Meredith will send out email to let the team know if they are interested. Meredith sent email on 9/23/15 at 2:12 PM. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 9:30 am Aging & Resource Center, 300 S Adams Board Room Kim from Lamar Advertising will be at the October meeting (Tim). Humana’s Corporate Wellness efforts (Tim will give summary) Packer Food Drive (Karen) Corporate Wellness Contacts (Laura) Literature Review Update (Karen)