Please Support Rep. Decker’s Amdt. # 1108 To Level-Fund Transitional Assistance, Preserve the $40 Rent Allowance, And Provide a Long Overdue Grant Increase The proposed budget would spend $50.2 million less for TAFDC (4403-2000) than the FY 14 budget because of projected declining caseloads and because it omits the $40 rent allowance. Level-funding would preserve the rent allowance and support a 15% grant increase – about $70 a month for the typical family. Grants would still be far below poverty. The $40 rent allowance for families who pay private, unsubsidized rent was set in 1987. TAFDC grants were last raised in July 2000. Grants have lost nearly half their value to inflation over the last 25 years. TAFDC Cash Grant Pays Only 37% of Poverty $1,800 2014 Poverty Level for 3 $1,600 $1,649 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 Maximum TAFDC Grant for 3 $600 $618 $400 $200 TAFDC grants pay barely one-third of the federal poverty level. $0 The maximum grant for a family of 3 with no income (including the rent allowance) is $618 a month, only 37% of the federal poverty level. Grants are too low for families to pay rent, so more families become homeless. Losing the rent allowance will put even more families over the edge and into homelessness. Children in extreme poverty are at real risk of permanent harm. Please tell Rep. Decker that you will support the amendment. You can also sign onto the amendment in the Clerk’s office. Amendment #1108 to H.4000 TAFDC Grant Payments and Related Programs Representatives Decker of Cambridge, Kaufman of Lexington, Brady of Brockton, Toomey of Cambridge, Cabral of New Bedford, Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, Hecht of Watertown, Kocot of Northampton, Moran of Lawrence, Sannicandro of Ashland, Turner of Dennis, Conroy of Wayland, Keefe of Worcester, Provost of Somerville, Chan of Quincy, Madden of Nantucket, Andrews of Orange, Khan of Newton, Smizik of Brookline, Rogers of Cambridge, Sánchez of Boston, Livingstone of Boston, Schmid of Westport, Fox of Boston, Garballey of Arlington, Vega of Holyoke, Lawn of Watertown, Gordon of Bedford, Ehrlich of Marblehead, Basile of Boston, Walsh of Framingham, Coppinger of Boston, O'Day of West Boylston, Cullinane of Boston, Swan of Springfield, Balser of Newton, Collins of Boston, Silvia of Fall River, Fallon of Malden, Linsky of Natick, Cronin of Easton, Brodeur of Melrose, Peake of Provincetown, Pignatelli of Lenox, Mark of Peru, Scibak of South Hadley, Canavan of Brockton, Benson of Lunenburg, Holmes of Boston and Stanley of Waltham move to amend House Bill 3400, in section 2, item 4403-2000, by inserting after the words “standard in effect in fiscal year 2014” the following:- plus 15 percent; and by inserting after the words “any successor law;” the following:- provided further, that a $40 per month rent allowance shall be paid to all households incurring a rent or mortgage expense and not residing in public or subsidized housing; and by striking the figure “$251,650,190” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $301,971,532 Action for Boston Community Development American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Arise for Social Justice Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston Coalition for Social Justice Disability Law Center of Massachusetts Crittenton Women’s Union Greater Boston Legal Services Homes for Families Jewish Community Relations Council Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy Massachusetts Association on Community Action Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless Massachusetts Council of Churches Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition Massachusetts Law Reform Institute National Association of Social Workers, MA Chapter Neighbor to Neighbor Poor People’s United Fund Progressive Massachusetts Project Hope Rosie’s Place SEIU Local 509 For further information, please contact: Diane Sullivan at Homes for Families (857) 615-9294,; Chelsea Sedani at Crittenton Women’s Union, (617) 259-2936,; Shannon Erwin at Mass Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition, (617) 350-5480 x222 Deborah Harris at Mass Law Reform Institute (617) 357-0700 x313, Naomi Meyer at Greater Boston Legal Services (617) 603-1621,