Assignment Sheet

U.S. History
Name: ____________________
Hour: _____
Become an Expert—Teach the Class
You and your group are going to be the teachers for the day! You will be in charge of the lesson, the
activity, and the assignment/assessment. The class will be divided into 5 groups for this project. Within
your group you will divide up the information so that each group member participates and contributes.
Refer to Rubric for scoring of this 100 point project. Group Members will be graded INDIVIDUALLY.
Group 1: Ch. 11, Sec. 1 (pp. 372-380) – World War I Begins
Group 2: Ch. 11, Sec. 2 (pp. 381-387) – America Power Tips the Balance
Group 3: Ch. 11, Sec 3 (pp. 388-395) – The War at Home
Group 4: Ch. 11, Sec 4 (pp. 398-403) – Wilson Fights for Peace
Group 5: Ch. 11, Historic Supreme Court Case (pp. 396-397) – Schenck v. United States (1919)
You will have Monday – Thursday in class to create, practice, and perfect your lesson. Any materials
that need to be copied/printed MUST be emailed to me ( by 7:00am on the
morning of your presentation.
Group 1 will present on Monday 11/16
Group 2 will present on Tuesday 11/18
Group 3 will present on Friday 11/20
Group 4 will present on Monday 11/23
Group 5 will present on Tuesday 11/24
Here is how you will take over the class and teach us about World War I.
1) Everyone in your group should read through your assigned section as an overview.
2) As a group, brainstorm what you want your presentation to encompass. You will be provided
with a rough outline of information that your lesson MUST include, but you have the choice of which
topics you want to expand on and focus more of your lesson/activity on. Your lesson must include
the follow components:
 The mini-lesson must include at least 1 visual. Visuals can be PowerPoint, poster, Prezi,
handout, etc.
 It must also include one video clip. The clip can be worked in to any part of the lesson (the
introduction, supporting the main theme, etc)
 You will be provided with an outline of information that will need to be cover, but beyond
that outline, you are not limited to a specific topic or idea.
 You will need to prepare an activity to reinforce the material (the activity can focus on one
aspect of the section that you want to expand upon, or something that encompasses the
lesson as a whole. The activity can be anything you want, but it should be INTERACTIVE
and/or ENGAGING!
 Decide on an assessment/assignment. Assessment can be exit slip, short quiz, worksheet,
note sheet, etc. Something that will show you how well your lesson was received and
understood by the class.
3) Decide how you are going to divide up the responsibilities evenly amongst group members –
become an expert on your assigned part. You may format the individual roles however you see fit
(for example-is the entire group going to be involved in presenting the materials, or will the
presentation go to 1-2 individuals while someone else will be in charge of the visual.) Use the
graphic organizer on the back of this page to outline your lesson and how everyone is involved.
4) Create your presentation. We will spend the week in the Media Center—you will have access to
computers, printer, books, and large tables to work at with your group members. Beyond Thursday,
you will not be given any more time to prepare in class.
5) Practice your Presentation! – Speak loudly, be confident, be serious, HAVE FUN! You will be
required to give me a brief overview of your lesson prior to preforming it for the class.
5) Keep a log of each group member’s participation on the work log that was provided. If 1 or more
group members have to pick up the slack of a member not pulling his/her weight, make note of
that! Those who work deserve the credit for making this a great presentation.
6) Remember-you have to be ready to present on the assigned day. Any materials that need to be
copied/printed MUST be emailed to me ( by 7:00am on the morning of your
7) On the days that other groups are presenting, you are expected to participate just as you would if
I was leading the class. Failure to participate in other presentations as required will result in a loss
of participation points on YOUR project.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Organizing Your Lesson:
List the members of your group and what role(s) they will have this week.
Set goals for when pieces of your lesson need to be completed. That way your group won’t fall behind
and then be left to scramble at the last minute.
By the end of:
This needs to be completed
Monday (11/9)
Tuesday (11/10)
Wednesday (11/11)
Thursday (11/12)
Including any additional dates
outside of classroom time that
deadlines have to be met in
order to be fully prepared.