summer art classes coming to the prairie palette art gallery

Summer Art classes for children at the Prairie Palette are scheduled to begin on Monday, June
7th. These classes, taught by experienced and accomplished local artists, are small in number to
offer one-on-one direct instruction to students. A variety of interesting, creative and fun projects
are planned for youngsters ages 6-8 and 9-12. Children’s classes will meet for four 1-hour
sessions and will offer a variety of themes. The cost will be $85 per student for the four
sessions. Classes are small (6-8) students, so reserve your child’s spot early. Make checks to:
CmPS Art Class. Send checks to: Cmps Art Class, PORTA High School, 17651 Blue Jay Road,
Petersburg, IL 62675, Attn: Mary Mies
In addition to youth classes, afternoon and evening adult classes are also planned throughout the
month. Try your hand at pastels, Taught by Rich Ford, Weaving & Spinning or Glass Fusing
taught by Lynn Westfall, or for a variety of mediums take in the afternoon Adult Survey class
also taught by Mrs. Westfall. Each class is 2-hours long and offers as much one-on-one
instruction as is needed. Costs for the adult classes ranges from $125 to $145 depending on
materials needed. More children’s and adult classes are scheduled for July and August.
A complete listing of children’s classes includes:
Art Around the World which will focus on a different culture each day meets Monday, June 7
Morocco- “Zellic” mosaic tiles, Tuesday, June 8 Haiti-brightly colored paintings, Thursday,
June 10 Japan- mobiles, and Friday, June 11 Mexico punched tin designs. 6-8 year olds meet
from 9-10 am, and 9-12 yr olds meet from 10:30-11:30 am.
Creating Art like Famous Artists will spot light a different artist, their medium, and their style
at each class. This class will meet during the 4th week of June. On Monday, June 21, students
will study Picasso’s blue period or cubism, on Tuesday, June 22, they will learn about
Mondrian with primary color design. Thursday, June 24 focuses on Calder by making mobiles
and on Friday, June 25, students will imitate Jackson Pollack by making large floor paintings. 68 year olds meet from 9-10 am, and 9-12 yr olds meet from 10:30-11:30 am
Printmaking with Pizzazz! will focus on a variety of printmaking techniques each day.
Classes meet as follows:
6-8 yr. olds meet from 9-10 am, Monday, June 14- Mono-prints, Tuesday, June 15- Veggie
Prints, Thursday, June 17- Footprints and Friday, June 18- Portrait Rubbing.
8-10 yr. olds meet from 10:30-11:30 am, Monday June 14- Block prints & Wrapping paper,
Tuesday, June 15- Collagraphs, Portrait prints, Thursday, June 17- Leaf Relief & T-shirt
prints, and Friday, June 18-Serigraph prints.
10-12 yr. olds meet from 12-1pm, Monday June 14- Clay Relief & Make a platter, Tuesday,
June 15- Suminigachi Dream, Thursday, June 17- Intaglio Portraits, Prepare Plate, and
Friday, June 18- Print Intaglio Portraits.
Fun with Art for 4-6 year olds provides an opportunity for preschool and kindergarteners to
express themselves in art while learning different media, and to have fun meeting new friends.
This class meets from 9-10 am. Activities for Monday, July 12-Fantasy Collage, Tuesday, July
13-, Japanese mobiles, Thursday, July 15- Stamping and printmaking and Friday, July 16Fantastic finger painting.
Adult classes, ages 14 and up, meet for four two-hour sessions each and cover a wide range of
mediums and skill levels. Class offerings include:
Adult Survey class-1-3 pm-Thursday afternoons in June ($125) (June 3, 10, 17, & 24)
Under the direction of local artist and teacher, Lynn Westfall, students will
explore a variety of art media, including glass fused jewelry, using several design techniques and
styles. Students will also learn copper tooling along with other projects and techniques.
Pastels-7-9 pm -Tuesday evenings in June ($125) (June 1,8,15 & 22)
Accomplished area pastel artist, Rich Ford, will teach the pastel class. Students
will explore the many painting techniques used in pastels. And will use several types of paper to
help find the right one for each individual. Students will first work with photos and printed
pictures to copy, then on to still lifes in the studio. Some advanced techniques will be discussed
and applied.
Weaving & Spinning - 7-9 pm -Wednesdays in June ($125) (June 2,9,16, & 23)
Lynn Westfall, whose restoration work in weaving has been displayed in the
Smithsonian will lead students as they study tapestry weaving and techniques that can be woven
on a frame loom, a rigid heddle loom or on 2-16 shaft looms. The lessons begin with a sampler
exploring 10 basic woven structures, then moves on to 4 shaft overshot (6-16) weaving.
Students will work on double weave or on a project of their choice. Frame and table looms and
yarn are provided, but students may bring their own.
Glass Fusing - 7-9 pm- Thursdays in June ($145) (June 3, 10, 17, 24)
Art glass is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Join us to create fused bowls,
jewelry, wind chimes and dishware. Students will learn about safety & tools used in glass
forming, as well as, a variety of design techniques. Experienced students may select other
July Classes include:
Beginning Watercolor - 7-9 pm -Mondays in July ($125) (July 5, 12, 19, 26)
Advanced Watercolor - 7-9 pm- Tuesdays in July ($125) (July 6, 13, 20, 27)
Metal Jewelry - 7-9 pm- Wednesdays in July ($145) (July7, 14, 21, 28)
Glass Fusing - 7-9 pm- Thursdays in July ($145) (July 1, 8, 15, 29)
August classes include:
Beginning and Advanced Drawing - 7-9 pm- Tuesdays ($125) (August 3, 10, 17, 24)
Digital Photography - 7-9 pm -Thursdays ($145) Students must have an SLR digital camera.
(August 5, 12, 19, 26)
Local professional artists will teach all classes. For more information, contact Mary
Mies at PORTA High School 632-3216 or email Classes
at The Prairie Palette Art Gallery, sponsored by the PORTA Community Problem Solvers, are an
on-going part of the Problem Solver’s project, which focuses on developing and promoting the
talents of local artists and artisans in Menard County.