Revised Fixed Route and Intercounty Fare Changes Fare increases will be implemented over three years instead of two years as originally proposed The following are the fixed route fare changes: Current Rate for Cash Fare 1 zone in New Castle County is $1.15 and 1 zone in Kent, Sussex and Resort is $1.00. One zone cash fares for New Castle, Kent, Sussex and Resort will increase to $1.50 February 9, 2014, will increase to $1.75 in January 2015 and will increase to $2.00 in January 2016. Current Rate for Reduced Fare for 1 zone in New Castle County is 45 cents, and 1 zone in Kent, Sussex and Resort is 40 cents. One zone Reduced Fares for New Castle, Kent, Sussex and Resort will increase to 60 cents February 9, 2014, will increase to 70 cents in January 2015 and will increase to 80 cents in January 2016. Current Rate for a Daily Pass for 1 zone in New Castle County is $2.40, and 1 zone in Kent, Sussex and Resort is $2.10. A 1 zone Daily Pass for New Castle, Kent, Sussex and Resort will increase to $3.15 February 9, 2014, will increase to $3.70 in January 2015 and will increase to $4.20 in January 2016. Current Special fares that apply to the Routes 62, 63, and 64 is 25 cents; and the Route 32 Wilmington Trolley is $1.15. Special Fares that apply to the Route 62, 63 and 64 as well as the Route 32 Wilmington Trolley will change to $1.00 February 2014 and will remain at that level through January 2016. Please Note – Route 45 spans 2 zones in New Castle County; the fare is the rate per zone Fare changes for Intercounty Routes 301 & 305 The Cash Fare for 1 zone is currently $1.50; it will increase to $2.00 February 9, 2014; $2.30 in January 2015 and $2.60 in January 2016. The Cash Fare for 2 zones is currently $3.00; it will increase to $4.00 February 9, 2014; $4.60 in January 2015 and $5.20 in January 2016. The Cash Fare for 3 zones is currently $4.50; it will increase to $6.00 February 9, 2014; $6.90 in January 2015 and $7.80 in January 2016. The Cash Fare for 4 zones is currently $6.00; it will increase to $8.00 February 9, 2014; $9.20 in January 2015 and $10.40 in January 2016. The Cash Fare for 5 zones is currently $7.50; it will increase to $10.00 February 9, 2014; $11.50 in January 2015 and $13.00 in January 2016. The Reduced Fare for 1 zone is currently 60 cents; it will increase to 80 cents February 9, 2014; 90 cents in January 2015 and $1.00 in January 2016. The Reduced Fare for 2 zones is currently $1.20; it will increase to $1.60 February 9, 2014; $1.80 in January 2015 and $2.00 in January 2016. The Reduced Fare for 3 zones is currently $1.80; it will increase to $2.40 February 9, 2014; $2.70 in January 2015 and $3.00 in January 2016. The Reduced Fare for 4 zones is currently $2.40; it will increase to $3.20 February 9, 2014; $3.60 in January 2015 and $4.00 in January 2016. The Reduced Fare for 5 zones is currently $3.00; it will increase to $4.00 February 9, 2014; $4.50 in January 2015 and $5.00 in January 2016. A Daily Pass for 1 zone is currently $3.15; it will increase to $4.20 February 9, 2014; $4.80 in January 2015 and $5.50 in January 2016. A Daily Pass for 2 zones is currently $6.30; it will increase to $8.40 February 9, 2014; $9.60 in January 2015 and $11.00 in January 2016. A Daily Pass for 3 zones is currently $9.45; it will increase to $12.60 February 9, 2014; $14.40 in January 2015 and $16.50 in January 2016. Beginning February 9, 2014 a Daily Pass for 4 & 5 zones will be $16.80; it will increase to $19.20 in January 2015 and $22.00 in January 2016. Fare changes for the Intercounty Route 303 The Intercounty Rt. 303 has 3 zones Current cash fares are $1.00 per zone. The cash fare will increase to $1.50 per zone February 9, 2014; to $1.75 per zone in January 2015 and $2.00 per zone in January 2016. Current Reduced Fares are 40 cents per zone. The reduced fare will increase February 9, 2014 to 60 cents for one zone, $1.20 for 2 zones and $1.80 for 3 zones. The increase in January 2015 will be 70 cents for one zone, $1.40 for 2 zones and $2.10 for 3 zones. The increase in January 2016 will be 80 cents for one zone, $1.60 for 2 zones and $2.40 for 3 zones. Current Daily Pass fares are $2.10 for 1 zone, $4.20 for 2 zones and $6.30 for 3 zones. This will increase February 9, 2014 to $3.15 for 1 zone, $6.30 for 2 zones, and $9.45 for 3 zones. The increase in January 2015 will be $3.70 for 1 zone, $7.40 for 2 zones, and $11.10 for 3 zones. The increase in January 2016 will be $4.20 for 1 zone, $8.40 for 2 zones, and $12.60 for 3 zones. Revised Paratransit Fare Changes Fare increases will be implemented over three years instead of two years as originally proposed. In addition, the Non-ADA (Demand Response) fare has been reduced from the original proposal. Current ADA trip Base Fare is $2.00. July 1, 2014 this will increase to $3.00; will remain at $3.00 in July 2015 and will increase July 2016 to $4.00. Non-ADA (Demand Response) trip Base Fare is currently $2.00. July 1, 2014 this will increase to $3.00; will increase to $4.00 in July 2015 and increase to $5.00 in July 2016. Current fare when transferring between counties is $2.00. July 1, 2014 the County Connector Fee will increase to $3.00, will remain at $3.00 July 2015 and will increase to $4.00 in July 2016. Passengers with both trip origin and destination inside the ¾ mile ADA boundary will be charged the ADA Base Fare. If the trip crosses a county line, the ADA Base Fare plus a County Connector Fee will be charged. If the trip crosses two county lines, the ADA Base Fare plus two County Connector Fees will be charged. Passengers with either trip origin or destination outside the ¾ mile ADA boundary will be charged the Non-ADA (Demand Response) Base Fare. If the trip crosses a county line, the Non-ADA (Demand Response) Base Fare plus a County Connector Fee will be charged. If the trip crosses two county lines, the Non-ADA (Demand Response) Base Fare plus two County Connector Fees will be charged.