US&R Advisory Organization / Decision Process AHWG
 Presentation / Reference Documents in separate presentation later today
US&R Air Operations AHWG
The AHWG has conducted three conference calls and continues to work remotely
sharing documents through Dropbox
A second draft of the Incident Support Team (IST) Aviation Branch Director position will
be completed by mid-March. It is anticipated that the AHWG will formally recommend
this as a new position to be added to the IST
The AHWG has identified an Aviation Safety Manual used nationally and is currently
editing it and reducing it down to a more appropriate, streamlined version for the US&R
System. Estimated time of completion is in the next 45 days
The AHWG will develop a draft policy that outlines the “dos and don'ts” for our System
personnel involved in aviation operations
The AHWG has completed a draft version of an Aviation Safety Briefing for the US&R
FOG Manual
 Taskings have been basically completed; 7 HEPPS are now in service and HEPP Concept
of Operations has been implemented
US&R Response Operations AHWG
 Assumed responsibility for Modular Deployment implementation
 Developed draft White Paper for Modular Deployment implementation
 Work continues on review, assessment, and development of recommendations related
to all aspects of US&R response operations (TF Rotation Matrix, Type I Type III
configurations, etc.)
Incident Support Team (IST) Bottom-Up Review(BUR) AHWG
 Individual US&R System members have assisted the FEMA Response Directorate Policy
Analysts to develop sections of the BUR (e.g. background, interviews, etc.).
 Work is pending the publication of the BUR document from the FEMA Response Policy
 The status of development of Draft sections of the Draft IST BUR Final Report are as
1. Background/history: This section provides a general overview of the IST and
includes material about how the team was created and how it has evolved
over the years. John Huff and Joe Barbara did an excellent job of drafting this
section; the lead analyst has consolidated their two versions into one.
a. Status: Written; merge and editing finalized
b. Status: Draft completed in November 2013
2. Doctrine review: This section examines the roles and responsibilities of the
IST according to written policies and doctrine
a. Status: Draft completed in February 2013
3. Analysis Section: This section is of significant importance to the BUR. It is
the intent of this section to provide the ground truth about the IST. In this
section, what the IST has actually been doing in the field is examined through
AAR’s and the interviews that have been conducted. Best practices as well as
areas of improvement will be highlighted.
a. Status: Lead Analyst is working on the draft
b. Draft delivery date: Early March
c. Comments from the selected small group of reviewers will be due
approximately two weeks after receipt
4. Recommendations: Some suggestions for improvement will be made in a
few key areas. Strong participation from the IST AHWG and the IST Work
Group will be needed for this section, both to validate and expand upon the
Lead Analyst’s initial recommendations.
a. Status: Not started, pending completion of Analysis section
b. Draft delivery date: Late March
c. Comments from the selected small group of reviewers will be due
approximately two weeks after receipt
While these are the major sections of the BUR, there are also several smaller
components that need to be developed before a final product can be delivered.
These include: an executive summary, methods section, reference listing, and
Incident Support Team (IST) Logistics AHWG
 Three caches (East, Central, and West) are 90%complete
 Work on 4th cache continues (May 2014)
 Funding Request for two flat-bed trailers
 Three diesel fuel trailers (360 gal)obtained and placed in East, Central, and West caches
 ORE of three sites completed in 2013
Search Information Standardization Ad Hoc Work Group
 Recommendation completed 21-day review. Comments will be adjudicated and the
Directive will be issued in the near future
 Standardizes collection, processing and display of search data
 The standards have already been used in recent responses including the Moore, OK
tornado and Colorado flood responses. The standards will be utilized during the
upcoming East Division Multi-Task Force Exercise.
 Standardizes collection, processing and display of search data
 Establishes standard waypoint symbology that is compatible with the Garmin 62csx GPS
units and newer models
 Documents search progress, enhances operational planning and establishes a common
operating picture
 Recommended standards were recently used in support of the Colorado Flood
 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) partnered with Environmental Systems
Research Institute (ESRI) and FEMA to develop a GPS data converter that instantly
uploads the track logs and standard icons to a publically accessible common operating
picture (FEMA GeoPortal) . The data can also be
displayed in a viewer of your choice such as GoogleEarth.
 NGA developed a mobile application based on the recommended standards that
provides near real time situational awareness through the FEMA GeoPortal. Android
version is available and iOS is in production.
 The recommendation supports operations in an austere environment with limited
 In coordination with the Communications and Logistics Work Groups, the SIS Ad Hoc
Work Group will evaluate cache list changes or additions that may be required to
support mobile applications
US&R Resource Cataloging & Validation AHWG
 Meetings conducted with stakeholders to develop the strategic way forward outlining a
validation process for all US&R resources in the United States. There is significant
SUSAR Executive Board-member representation on the AHWG
 A White Paper was developed outlining a strategic approach to this issue
 Emergency Management Assessment Program (EMAP) has been engaged through the
FEMA National Preparedness Assessment Division (NPAD) contract / cooperative
 US&R Standard meetings conducted to develop unified standard for all US&R resources
in collaboration with sub-committee comprised of EMAP membership, SUSAR members,
FEMA National US&R Response System members, and US&R Branch staff
 A (third-party) Pilot On-Site Administrative Readiness Evaluation (ARE) is in the process
of being developed. It is anticipated that this pilot ARE will be field tested in two
locations by the June / July timeframe of this year (with one FEMA US&R Task Force and
one SUSAR Task Force)
 The development of a comprehensive (tiered) national-level catalog of US&R resources
remains the overarching strategic goal of this initiative