November 2013 minutes - Queen Camel Medical Centre

Minutes of PPG meeting November 25th 2013 at Queen Camel Medical Centre. 6pm
Present: Alan Timbers, Mike Martin, Julian Hart. Chris Dennett. Roger Ketley.
Apologies: Ellie Gore. Tina Cosham. Sam Crabb. Chralie McLaren.
Absent: Frank Bebbington,
JH reported he has written to invite Hannah Taylor .. no answer received.
A brief discussion of the recently publicised negotiations about the new GP contract which
will focus on named GPs available for extended periods particularly for vulnerable patients.
MM gave the view that this may not be seen as a positive thing in practices such as QC where
patients choose their own doctor and may not like a different one being imposed. JH
cautioned that this was very much in its early, unformed stage.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed
MM discussed the changes to physio provision and agreed to write to the responsible parties.
JH to provide the address.
The recent IT changes discussed and the fact that the community services have now moved to
RIO system.
A long discussion about the annual practice survey took place which occupied most of the 90
minute meeting. MM had previously sent some proposals he had discussed with TC.
The main points were:
Past surveys too small. A minimum of 10% of practice should be surveyed (550 patients)
Survey itself to be shorter (proposal submitted) fitting on 1 page. And should avoid clinical
Avoid under 16s (this group will be answered by parents if at all)
Avoid over 85s ( this group may be answered by carers)
Otherwise the sample to be selected randomly or by selecting every 10th patient
SAE or Freepost to be set up which might be cheaper as only pay for the returned surveys.
(Post meeting note Freepost license is £86 and then 34p per letter compared to 50p 2nd class
Timing: should be performed late Jan to Early Feb. and limited to 14 d for a return.
Possibly add a box to Q 7 for a response to whether always at QC or knowledge of other
JH expressed strong reservations about this plan
The cost is in excess of £1000 and this is paid for by practice.
The CCG do not ask for these large numbers and to a large extent this exercise is one of
compliance and in the past 2 years the surveys and their reporting were not considered
compliant and were therefore not funded.
JH doubted that excluding the young and old would be acceptable to CCG who are very keen
that all groups are represented, and, furthermore, why is it not valid for parents/carers to give
opinions about care on behalf of patients?
MM represented very strongly that the present small sample of 100 (less than 2%) was a
“Mickey Mouse Survey” and he felt it was an insult to the whole idea of surveying.
JH agreed to take this back to his partners and cautioned that, in the end, this would be a
business decision and if the partners could not justify the expense, they would refuse it.
He strongly urged the group to consider a compromise.
JH agreed to check with CCG about their views on sample size and excluded groups.
New Members
JH to chase Hannah and Also volunteers from QC and WC to attend next meeting.
JH also discussed the recruitment crisis in General Practice and the ways the partnership may
try and ensure there is a smooth and satisfactory succession at the next partner retirement.
MM requested that stroke survey be added to next agenda and also support for carers
AOB. There was none..
Next meeting 6pm Queen Camel September 27.01.2014.