Dudley Borough Healthcare Forum Feedback

Dudley Borough Healthcare Forum
Thursday 18th June 2015
Key points raised– Keeping Dudley Happy
Each table had 4 activities to complete and were asked to feedback one key point
from all of their discussions:
We need to bridge the gap between leaving school and being an adult. The
service should be unified so it is not split into 2.
People need to feel a valued member of society and we need to be mindful of
others and their issues. We need good neighbours
Carers need support and sometimes they need more help. Family and friends
are important
There needs to be service integration and communication from cradle to the
Better education for young people from all settings including training for
We are lucky in Dudley but services need to be accessible by all
We need the right thing at the right time for everybody and everyone’s needs
are different
Society has changed – everyone is always on their phones. We need to
spread human kindness and remember what it is like to feel well
Peer to peer support for carers and a street triage approach to prevent a
Questions/statements raised at meeting:
Q: East Coseley Big Local – the CCG said that we would move towards locality
based services and we would integrate services but it’s been decentralised. The
CCG should make caring decisions and not clinical ones. Clinics in Coseley have
been moved to Sedgley yet Coseley needs them more. we want local services for
local people.
A: We do care and that’s why we are trying to make changes. Our approach is about
wrapping care around the patient and we are trying to unpick the issues to make the
improvements. The issues are complex and it will take time but we are committed.
Q: Dementia care/support is down to carers rather than CCG. We need more
support and information and why can’t GPs have all of the information?
A: It’s about working together. There are over 1000 voluntary organisations in
Dudley and it is difficult for one person to know all of these. We would like to develop
a hub for emotional health and wellbeing and they will have all of the knowledge and
referrals could be made by anybody. There is also a Community Information Point
network that is organised by Healthwatch Dudley and the Council. In addition we
have Locality Link Workers and GPs can refer patients to the link workers for further
help and support.
Q: It would be good if all GP surgeries to sign up to the scheme and have a
champion, either staff or a volunteer to run if from the practice.
Q: I run a blog and I know that people can suffer in silence.
A: we will be running future events – this is just the start.
What keeps you happy and feeling well?
What defines the term “happy” by person
Feel valued and wanted
Feel appreciated by people and communities
Having promise and hope for the future
Feel appreciated by family
Social interaction in the above areas
Feel validated by family
Support and tolerance of family and friends and general communities
Thankful for what I have
The impact of other people
Positive physical environment for example housing area’s. “Improving a living
Feeling listened to
Success breath success, making effort to improve things
See a future
Each day has a meaning
You’ve got a purpose
Good news day, every day!
Peer to peer support
Having someone to talk to when you’re alone
Care co-ordinator informing and advising me
Social circle – friends/family
Healthy bank balance – support activities
Physical activity
Volunteering/positive contribution
Gardening and keeping busy
Being physically well
Being pain free
Knowing family are well and happy – no worries
Partners/other half
Financial stability
Home – somewhere warm and comfortable
Close community – this is rare!
Communication – personal! People don’t speak to each other
Accessibility to everything
Feeling well keeps me happy
Social contact
Physical health impacts on mental health
Addressing problems
Knowing where to get help when needed
Recognising symptoms and dealing with them
Having resources (e.g. money and food)
Length of issues
o Trip out
o Pensioners convention
Physical wellness – well enough to do things
o Important to stratify
o Mobile/agile
o Isolated but capable
o Housebound individuals
o What makes them happy?
o Allow them some freedom to be children
o Too many targets for them to achieve
o Person centred care
Choice and options
Financial awareness
Debt awareness
Housing, finance, employment
Less stress
Controlling diabetes
Control of own testing
Feeling valued
Support networks
Control of your own destiny
A pint
Helping others
Owning the problem
Less democracy
Count your blessings
Spreading human kindness
Keeping active
Take time out for yourself
Every day provides a new start
Helping others
Putting a smile on the face of others
What do you value most when you’re not well?
Telephone call asking how you are
People doing things
Support from family and friends
Reliance on other people to support you
To be valued, stay on the radar
Professional support
Positive social interaction
Someone to talk to/listen to me
Understanding from others, empathy, compassion, show emotion
Appreciated by others on how you’re dealt with
Hot drink/cold drink – food makes up happy
To feel like somebody cares about us
Somebody to ask if you’re OK
Support people to deal with how they feel
Treat people with sensitivity
Someone to talk to
Sharing experiences
Family and relationships
My animals
Fast medical response
Having someone with me
Hope that I will get well
Supportive GP and access to them
Access to help and support – GP and nurse
Understanding GP/nurse
A GP who is aware of issues and is sympathetic
Second/different opinions
Family and friends – in person/on phone
Previous experience of recovery
Recognition of issues and needs relevant to the situation
Drugs and alcohol
Inspiring people/role models
Space and time
NHS Support
Stress balls therapy – punch bag
Recognising you’re ill
Someone to offload to
Having a rest
Remembering how it is to be well
Knowledge that it will pass
Quiet time
What's the best way for you to get information about helping yourself
Websites – specific sites
Talking to someone (face to face, telephone, self-talk, e-mail, twitter, blog, live
Open, honest and upfront – always available
GP out of hours messages
In GP surgery
Card with contact/advice details
Media- radio
Google – can have negatives
Speak to others on an online forum
Doctor – should be the option to see a doctor
Ensure the information is accurate
A trustworthy source/reliable source
Human contact
Self help themselves
Libraries and telephone directories/updated list
Ask family and friends – pass information down to a younger generation
Reliable local newsletters
Libraries need more information
Trusted staff member – professional
Follow up after treatment
Attending forums such as this
Local health centre (GP)
Covered in schools – how to keep well
Via Dudley CI, mind rethink
Self help organisations
Community centres
Community channel from dudley council
Documentaries/health programmes
Fellow sufferers, support groups
Patient panels
Education – start young with children
Food banks
Mother/toddler groups
Supermarket notice boards
Post office notice boards
Citizens advice bureau
Why not include a mental health check aswell as a physical health check
Support worker/ key worker
Dedicated young people area of website
Social media
Condition specific directory
Community hub facilities
Faith groups
Word of mouth
Community information points
Wellbeing charity/service
Community information champions
Church – meditation
What would you change or what would you like to see in place in Dudley?
Bring more awareness into education from a younger age
More freedom for teachers to tackle hot issues
Support for a more holistic approach to people’s health
More time for people/professionals to talk to
Raise awareness and understanding
See mental health as any other health issue
No postcode lottery
More support for carers – peer to peer groups
Interest in things like care for carers
More budget for services in voluntary sector – mind/rethink
More education and breaking down stigma
Communities ‘understanding conditions’
More integration between  CCG/Public health/local authority/voluntary
More publicity of what is happening with integration as public are not aware
More pastoral support for vulnerable- through schools/colleges/youth
Education – part of curriculum
More support services – prior to diagnosis (early intervention)
A rapid response – a crisis prevention rather than intervention
More people to talk to
A more joined up service – interlinked professionals. (a new model of care)
Something to bridge the gap between leaving school and becoming an adult?
o Scrap the 2 services CAMHS & Adult mental health and just have one!
A continuation of care when you become 18
Mental health nurse should be in every practice
Publicity of specialist GPs – so you know who to go to
Better communities – working out for each other
Better education for yourselves
o Schools
o Youth centres
o Youth organisations
More welcoming GP surgery and health centre
Timely help – be seen when you need it
Training for receptionists or recognising problems
Better advertising of what’s available
Training for teachers by CCG on mental health
Services need to be in place and suitable if more people are to be helped and
The situation of UCC is not ideal, from A&E you then have to go and find it –
long walk!
Signposting not clear once you get to a & e
Clerical staff should not be asking you what’s wrong it should be professionals
Too many titles
Want continuity of care
No demarcation between male and female GPs
Need more homegrown nurses  kick out the degree
More hands of training
Telephone prescription ordering
More home visits from GPs
Waiting time for therapies
Mental health services at acute settings
Remedial therapy
Mental health stigma not helpful
Longer appointments for those that need to talk to someone
Consideration of more training in medical school
Free and timely services
GP practice – open door policy
Fair share of the budget for mental health
Sharing/providing information
GPs improved recognition/diagnosis of mental health problems
Promoting mental health in schools
1 key point:
I feel a valued member of society