Health Education Resources Catalogue July 2015 Keeping the public informed The health education resources catalogue provides high-quality, easily understood information on a range of health topics, with a focus on preventative public health. Many resources are available in different languages, including Te Reo Māori and Pacific. All health education resources are free. The HealthEd website To view, go to You can read the resources online and download or print the PDF files from the HealthEd website. You can also order printed copies of many of the resources from the site. Please note that some resources are online only. Additional information on policy advice and research relating to health and disability can be found on the Ministry of Health’s main website Your health, is a section of the Ministry’s website with more information on important health topics. The topics can be found at Reprints and revisions All the resources are regularly revised to reflect policy, clinical or legislation changes and to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. The publication or revision date is included on each resource. For the print version, the publication date is usually at the bottom of the back page; for the online version, it’s near the top of the page. The Authorised Providers Resource orders are managed by a network of District Health Board Authorised Providers (APs). The APs can provide additional information about resources and locally produced publications. Availability of resources The health education resources are provided free to the public. For a few resources, limits may be applied to maintain fair distribution, or where they are targeted to a particular audience. A very few resources are restricted to health professionals, as indicated. If you have a particular reason for requiring a large number of any resource, please let your local AP know. Please only order the number of resources you need to ensure they can remain available at no charge. July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 1 Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Featuring the Well Child Tamariki Ora logo P English W English P P English English P English W English P English Format Description Other languages (HE codes) Child health Child health HE1116 Well Child/Tamariki Ora Child health HE1132 Free Well Child Checks Stickers A4 sheet Poster Child health Child health HE1228 HE1229 Keep Your Baby Safe During Sleep Everyone, Please Pamphlet DLE Postcard Child health HE1322 Child-resistant Packaging Leaflet A5 Child health HE1919 Preventing Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) Keeping an eye on your child's hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - English Pamphlet DLE Pad A5, 100 leaflets Promoting free Well Child Tamariki Ora health checks to parents and caregivers Key messages about best sleep practice Key messages about best sleep practice, with space to include your baby’s information For distribution by pharmacies and child-health providers advising clients on how child-resistant packaging can help prevent young children from being poisoned Clear, simple advice on things to do or to avoid, in order to prevent SUDI For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening Child health Hearing HE2276 Child health Hearing HE2277 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - English Pad A5, 100 leaflets For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing P English Child health HE2278 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - English Pad A5, 100 leaflets For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening P English Child health HE2279 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - English Pad A5, 100 leaflets For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing P English Child health Hearing HE2280 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Māori Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Māori Child health Hearing HE2281 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Māori Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Māori Child health Hearing HE2282 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Samoan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Samoan Child health Hearing HE2283 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Samoan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Samoan Child health Hearing HE2284 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Tongan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Tongan Child health Hearing HE2285 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Tongan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Tongan Child health Hearing HE2286 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 W Hindi July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 2 Māori (HE2280), Samoan (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2276), Samoan (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Samoan (HE2282), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Samoan Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format School Hearing Screening) - Hindi Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language School Check hearing screening Child health Hearing HE2287 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Hindi Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Hindi Child health Hearing HE2288 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Korean Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Korean Child health Hearing HE2289 Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Korean Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Korean Child health Hearing HE2290 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Chinese Traditional Child health Hearing HE2291 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Chinese Traditional Child health Hearing HE2292 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check hearing screening W Chinese Simplified Child health Hearing HE2293 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Chinese Traditional Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Chinese Traditional Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Chinese Simplified Referral for a Full Hearing Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening) - Chinese Simplified Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Māori Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check hearing screening indicates the need for further testing W Chinese Simplified Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Māori Child health HE2294 Child health HE2295 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Māori Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Māori Child health HE2296 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Samoan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Samoan Child health HE2297 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Samoan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Samoan Child health HE2298 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Tongan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Tongan Child health HE2299 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Tongan Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Tongan Child health HE2300 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Hindi Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Hindi July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 3 Other languages (HE codes) (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Samoan (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Chinese Traditional (HE2290), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Chinese Traditional (HE2291), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Samoan (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Simplified (HE2292) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Simplified (HE2293) English (HE2276), Māori (HE2280), Samoan (HE2282), Tongan (HE2284), Hindi (HE2286), Korean (HE2288), Chinese Traditional (HE2290) English (HE2277), Māori (HE2281), Samoan (HE2283), Tongan (HE2285), Hindi (HE2287), Korean (HE2289), Chinese Traditional (HE2291) English (HE2278), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) English (HE2279), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Chinese Traditional (HE2304), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Chinese Traditional (HE2305), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Simplified (HE2306) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Simplified (HE2307) English (HE2278), Māori (HE2294), Samoan (HE2296), Tongan (HE2298), Hindi (HE2300), Korean (HE2302), Chinese Traditional (HE2304) English (HE2279), Māori (HE2295), Samoan (HE2297), Tongan (HE2299), Hindi (HE2301), Korean (HE2303), Chinese Traditional (HE2305) Child health HE2301 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Hindi Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Hindi Child health HE2302 Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Korean Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Korean Child health HE2303 Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Korean Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Korean Child health HE2304 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Chinese Traditional Child health HE2305 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Chinese Traditional Child health HE2306 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that child has passed B4 School Check vision screening W Chinese Simplified Child health HE2307 Leaflet A5 For technicians advising parents that B4 School Check vision screening indicates the need for further testing W Chinese Simplified Child health HE2314 Pamphlet DLE English HE2315 P English Child health HE2316 PEDS score form Pad A4, 25 leaflets P English HE4158 Lead and Lead Poisoning P English HE4160 When you Drink, So Does Your Baby Pad A4, 25 leaflets Pamphlet DLE Explanation of Well Child growth charts (weight, height, head circumference) Form for health professionals to record parental evaluation of (their child’s) developmental status (PEDS) at Well Child checks. Available only to trained health professionals in association with the Well Child Tamariki Ora programme, and used under licence from the Australian copyright holders. Contact your local AP to order. Form for health professionals to record results of Well Child checks. Available only to trained health professionals in association with the Well Child Tamariki Ora programme, and used under licence from the Australian copyright holders. Contact your local AP to order. Information on causes and prevention of lead poisoning W Child health Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Chinese Traditional Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Chinese Traditional Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (B4 School Vision Screening) - Chinese Simplified Referral for a Full Vision Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening) - Chinese Simplified New Zealand - World Health Organization Growth Charts PEDS response form P English Child health Child health HE4189 HE4240 Headlice Facts Baby and Child Sickness - Danger Signs P P Child health HE7012 Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book P English English/ Māori English Child health HP4667 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Māori Pamphlet DLE Information on the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding Information and treatment advice List of warning signs of illness in a baby or young child. This is a bilingual resource. Parent information and health and immunisation records for children aged 0-5 years An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Māori Child health HP4668 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Samoan Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Samoan Child health Child health Environmental Health Women's health July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Pad A4, 25 leaflets Pamphlet DLE Pad A5, 25 leaflets Book A5 Page 4 English (HE2433 and HE2434), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) Child health HP4669 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Tongan Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Tongan Child health HP4670 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Chinese Simplified Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Chinese Simplified Child health HP4671 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Chinese Traditional Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Chinese Traditional Child health HP4672 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Korean Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Korean Child health HP4673 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Arabic Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Arabic Child health HP4674 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - Hindi Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years, including consent form P Hindi Child health HE2433 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - English Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years P English Child health HE2434 B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians - English - Auckland-specific resource Pamphlet DLE An explanation of the final Well Child health check at four years for use in the Auckland-region only P English Child health HE2435 B4 School Check: Consent form - English English HE2436 P Māori Child health HE2437 B4 School Check: Consent form – te reo Māori B4 School Check: Consent form - Samoan P Samoan Child health HE2438 B4 School Check: Consent form - Tongan P Tongan Child health HE2439 B4 School Check: Information for the Education Sector - English P English Child health HE2440 B4 School Check: Information for the Education Sector - English - Aucklandspecific resource Pamphlet DLE P English Māori (HE2442) Child health HE2441 B4 School Check: Information for the Education Sector - Māori Pamphlet DLE Information and consent form for parents to give consent to the final Well Child health check at four years Information and consent form for parents to give consent to the final Well Child health check at four years Information and consent form for parents to give consent to the final Well Child health check at four years Information and consent form for parents to give consent to the final Well Child health check at four years Pamphlet explaining the four-year-old Well Child health check and how early childhood educators (or, in some cases, new entrant teachers) can contribute by completing a strengths and difficulties questionnaire Pamphlet explaining the four-year-old Well Child health check and how early childhood educators (or, in some cases, new entrant teachers) can contribute by completing a strengths and difficulties questionnaire for use in the Auckland-region only Pamphlet explaining the four-year-old Well Child health check and how early childhood educators (or, in some P Child health Pad A4, 50 leaflets Pad A4, 50 leaflets Pad A4, 50 leaflets Pad A4, 50 leaflets Pamphlet DLE Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), ), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Hindi (HP4674) English (HE2433 and HE2434), Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673) Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) Māori (HP4667), Samoan (HP4668), Tongan (HP4669), Chinese Simplified (HP4670), Chinese Traditional (HP4671), Korean (HP4672), Arabic (HP4673), Hindi (HP4674) Māori (HE2436), Samoan (HE2437) Tongan (HE2438) English (HE2435), Samoan (HE2437) Tongan (HE2438) English (HE2435), Māori (HE2436), Tongan (HE2438) English (HE2435), Māori (HE2436), Samoan (HE2437) Māori (HE2441) P Māori July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 5 English (HE2439) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Child health HE2442 B4 School Check: Information for the Education Sector - Māori - Auckland-specific resource Pamphlet DLE Child health HE2443 Poster A3 Child health HE2444 Child health HE2445 Child health HE2446 Child health HE2447 Child health HE2448 Child health HE2449 Child health HE2450 Child health HE2451 Child health HE2452 B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - English B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Māori B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Samoan B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Tongan B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - English - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Māori - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Samoan - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Tongan - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: promotional cards English B4 School Check: promotional cards - Māori Child health HE2453 Card A5 Child health HE2454 Child health HE2455 B4 School Check: promotional cards Samoan B4 School Check: promotional cards Tongan B4 School Check: promotional cards – English – Auckland-specific resource Child health HE2456 B4 School Check: promotional cards – Māori – Auckland-specific resource Card A5 Child health HE2457 B4 School Check: promotional cards – Samoan – Auckland-specific resource Card A5 Child health HE2458 B4 School Check: promotional cards – Tongan – Auckland-specific resource Card A5 Child health HE2459 Power to Protect: Never, ever shake a baby DVD Child health HE2460 Power to Protect: Coping with a crying baby Pamphlet DLE July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Poster A3 Poster A3 Poster A3 Poster A3 Poster A3 Poster A3 Poster A3 Card A5 Card A5 Card A5 Card A5 Description cases, new entrant teachers) can contribute by completing a strengths and difficulties questionnaire Pamphlet explaining the four-year-old Well Child health check and how early childhood educators (or, in some cases, new entrant teachers) can contribute by completing a strengths and difficulties questionnaire for use in the Auckland-region only A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A3 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A5 card promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only DVD (for educators to use with at risk parents and caregivers) gives information about Shaken Baby Syndrome, the effects it has on babies, and tells the stories of lives who have been affected by the Syndrome. It gives tips on the power people have to protect their infants from harm, and how to cope with a crying baby. Pamphlet for parents and caregivers that talks about the reasons why a baby may cry, gives tips for how to cope, Page 6 Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language P Māori P English P Māori P Samoan P Tongan P English P Māori P Samoan English (HE2447), Māori (HE2448), Tongan (HE2450) P Tongan English (HE2447), Māori (HE2448), Samoan (HE2449) P English P Māori P Samoan P Tongan P English Māori (HE2452), Samoan (HE2453), Tongan (HE2454) English (HE2451), Samoan (HE2453), Tongan (HE2454) English (HE2451), Māori (HE2452), Tongan (HE2454) English (HE2451), Māori (HE2452), Samoan (HE2453) Māori (HE2456), Samoan (HE2457), Tongan (HE2458) P Māori P Samoan English (HE2455), Māori (HE2456), Tongan (HE2458) P Tongan English (HE2455), Māori (HE2456), Samoan (HE2457) P English P English Other languages (HE codes) English (HE2440) Māori (HE2444), Samoan (HE2445), Tongan (HE2446) English (HE2443), Samoan (HE2445), Tongan (HE2446) English (HE2443), Māori (HE2444), Tongan (HE2446) English (HE2443), Māori (HE2444), Samoan (HE2445) Māori (HE2448), Samoan (HE2449), Tongan (HE2450) English (HE2447), Samoan (HE2449), Tongan (HE2450) English (HE2455), Samoan (HE2457), Tongan (HE2458) Māori (HE2461) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Child health HE2462 Power to Protect: Coping with a crying baby Pamphlet DLE Child health HE2465 Poster A4 Child health HE2466 Child health HE2467 Child health HE2468 Child health HE2469 Child health HE2470 Child health HE2471 Child health HE2472 B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - English B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Māori B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Samoan B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Tongan B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - English - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Māori - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Samoan - Auckland-specific resource B4 School Check: A Free Health Check for 4 Year Olds - Tongan - Auckland-specific resource Poster A4 Poster A4 Poster A4 Poster A4 Poster A4 Poster A4 Poster A4 Description and explaings the damage that can be caused by shaking a baby. Pamphlet for parents and caregivers that talks about the reasons why a baby may cry, gives tips for how to cope, and explaings the damage that can be caused by shaking a baby. A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only A4 Poster promoting final Well Child health check in year before children start school for use in the Auckland-region only Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language W Māori P English P Māori P Samoan P Tongan P English P Māori P Samoan English (HE2469), Māori (HE2470), Tongan (HE2472) P Tongan English (HE2469), Māori (HE2470), Samoan (HE2471) W English W English W English W English W English W English W English W English Corrections health Corrections health DC1301 Should I have a regular heart check? Poster A2 Corrections health DC1302 Look After Your Heart. Have a Regular Heart Check Pad A5, 25 leaflets Corrections health DC1303 Get Rid of Scabies Poster A2 Corrections health DC1304 Scabies Pad A5, 25 leaflets Corrections health DC1305 Do I Need to Find Out About Diabetes? Poster A2 Corrections health DC1306 Do I Need to Find Out About Diabetes? Pad A5, 25 leaflets Corrections health DC1307 Why Do I Need to be a Healthy Weight? Poster A2 Corrections health DC1308 Stay Clean As Poster A2 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Heart check poster for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff promotes regular heart checks. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Heart check leaflet for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff promotes regular heart checks. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Information for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff about treating scabies. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Information for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff about treatment and prevention of scabies. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Poster with information for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff about diabetes, including who is most at risk and possible symptoms. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Information for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff about diabetes, including who is most at risk and possible symptoms. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Healthy weight poster for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff promotes the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Poster for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff promotes key messages on germs, infections, washing, and basic hygiene. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, Page 7 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE2460) Māori (HE2466), Samoan (HE2467), Tongan (HE2468) English (HE2465), Samoan (HE2467), Tongan (HE2468) English (HE2465), Māori (HE2466), Tongan (HE2468) English (HE2465), Māori (HE2466), Samoan (HE2467) Māori (HE2470), Samoan (HE2471), Tongan (HE2472) English (HE2469), Samoan (HE2471), Tongan (HE2472) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description only available for prisons Information for prisoners, their families and Corrections staff about the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis B and C. Cannot be ordered through HealthEd, only available for prisons Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language W English DC1309 Hepatitis B and C Pamphlet DLE Diabetes HE1154 Keeping well with Diabetes - English Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P English Diabetes HE1155 Keeping well with Diabetes - Māori Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P Māori Diabetes HE1156 Keeping well with Diabetes - Samoan Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P Samoan Diabetes HE1157 Keeping well with Diabetes - Cook Islands Māori Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P Diabetes HE1158 Keeping well with Diabetes - Tongan Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P Cook Islands Māori Tongan Diabetes HE1159 Keeping well with Diabetes - Niuean Booklet A5 Guidelines for managing late-onset diabetes P Niuean HE1103 Radiofrequency Fields Pamphlet DLE P English Child health HE1121 Poisons around the Home P English Hearing HE1122 P English English P English HE1243 Keep Your Head above Water Pamphlet DLE P English HE1248 Keep Your Head above Water Poster A3 sticker Information for people whose household water supply comes from a bore or well Health and safety information for people who enjoy picnicking, camping or walking Information on amoebic meningitis in relation to geothermal pools All-weather poster/sticker for displaying around geothermal pools to help prevent amoebic meningitis P HE1216 Noise around the Home Can Cause Hearing Problems Secure Groundwater Bores and Wells for Safe Household Water Keeping Healthy Outdoors Pamphlet (A3 folded to A4) Pamphlet DLE Information about radiofrequency fields and issues relating to radio waves and cell sites Showing poisonous items around the home and giving general safety tips Information on how noise affects hearing P English HE1249 Keep Your Head above Water Sticker For indoor areas near geothermal pools to help prevent amoebic meningitis P English HE1421 Pad A5, 25 leaflets Pamphlet DLE Information about spraying to eradicate the Southern Saltmarsh mosquito, for use in affected areas Information on harmful spiders in New Zealand W English HE1424 Mosquito Response Programme: Health Information No. 1 Spiders in New Zealand P English HE4157 Removing Lead-Based Paint Pamphlet DLE P English HE4602 Household Water Supplies Book A4 Prevention of lead poisoning when preparing to remove lead-based paint Detailed information for people not on town water supply P English HE4604 Save Water and Stay Healthy Poster A4 Information relevant in times of water shortage P English Corrections health Other languages (HE codes) Diabetes Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health HE1129 Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Pamphlet A5 Pamphlet A6 Page 8 Māori (HE1155), Samoan (HE1156), Cook Islands Māori (HE1157), Tongan (HE1158), Niuean (HE1159) English (HE1154), Samoan (HE1156), Cook Islands Māori (HE1157), Tongan (HE1158), Niuean (HE1159) English (HE1154), Māori (HE1155), Cook Islands Māori (HE1157), Tongan (HE1158), Niuean (HE1159) English (HE1154), Māori (HE1155), Samoan (HE1156), Tongan (HE1158), Niuean (HE1159) English (HE1154), Māori (HE1155), Samoan (HE1156), Cook Islands Māori (HE1157), Niuean (HE1159) English (HE1154), Māori (HE1155), Samoan (HE1156), Cook Islands Māori (HE1157), Tongan (HE1158) Category area Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Subcategory Senior health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Environmental health Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language HE4604P Save Water and Stay Healthy Poster A3 Information relevant in times of water shortage P English HE4605 Safer and Healthier Gardening Booklet DLE Information on reducing risks when gardening P English HE6018 Guidelines for the Management of Leadbased Paint Book A4 P English HE7021 All about Asbestos Booklet A5 P English HE7022 Removing Asbestos from the Home Booklet A5 P English HE9017 Mosquitoes – Why We Need to Clean Up Our Own Back Yard Agrichemical Spraydrift Poster A2 folded to A5 Pamphlet DLE Information on handling lead-based paint for painting contractors, property owners/managers, safety and health practitioners How to identify asbestos; its adverse effects on health; how to handle it safely How to remove asbestos safely; appropriate protective gear Mosquito prevention information P English P English Pamphlet A5 P English HE10149 Water Collection Tanks and Safe Household Water Water Grading Reducing risks and taking action if chemical spraydrift occurs Information on how to keep tank water safe Pamphlet A5 Information on how water supplies are graded W English HE10163 Protecting Your Health in an Emergency Booklet A5 Preparing for a disaster P English HE1331D Blueprint for Safe Drinking Water DVD P English HE1630D Water Safety Plans for Small Drinking Water Supplies: A Public Health Risk Management Plan Tool Factsheet: The Health Support Service for Dioxin Exposed People DVD A brief introduction to the risk-management planning process for drinking water supplies. 24 min DVD. A plan to help with systematically assessing every aspect of providing safe drinking water. 22 min DVD P English Advice for those exposed to dioxins from the former Ivon Watkins Dow factory at New Plymouth, explaining how to access the Health Support Service Information about exposure to dioxins; their effect on health; treatment; how to reduce exposure W English W English Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition guidelines Food information for young people aged 13 to 18 years P English P English P English P English P English P English HE10108 HE10148 Environmental health HP4599 Environmental health HP4601 Dioxin and Health Pamphlet DLE Senior health HE1145 Eating Well for Healthy Older People Booklet A5 Teen health HE1230 Healthy Eating for Young People Booklet DLE Child health HE1302 Eating for Healthy Children Aged 2–12 Booklet A5 Child health HE1306 Feeding Your Baby Infant Formula Booklet A5 HE1324 Healthy Weight for Adults Booklet A5 HE1332 Servings per Day Poster A2 Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition guidelines For use by health professionals when advising parents and caregivers who have decided to partially or completely formula-feed a baby Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition guidelines Showing serving sizes from the four main food groups HE1333 Everyday Eating for Health Pamphlet DLE Simple messages about nutrition P English HE1440 Oranga Kai – Healthy Eating for Adult Māori Booklet Basic nutrition advice for adult Māori W English HE1518 Eating for Healthy Adults Booklet A5 P English HE1519 Eating for Healthy Vegetarians Booklet A5 P English HE1521 Eating for Healthy Babies and Toddlers Booklet A5 Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition guidelines Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition guidelines Food information based on the Ministry of Health nutrition P English Leaflet A4 Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy Child health July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 9 Other languages (HE codes) Category area Subcategory eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating Women's health Women's health Women's health HE1805 Child health Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Booklet A5 guidelines Food information for pregnant women P English Booklet A5 Food information for breastfeeding women P English HE4147 Eating for Healthy Pregnant Women (revision) Eating for Healthy Breastfeeding Women (revision) Folic Acid and Iodine Pad A5, 25 leaflets P English HE6014 Starting Solids P English HE9024 Food for Health Pad A5, 25 leaflets Poster A2 Advice on taking folic acid when planning to be pregnant and during pregnancy; also iodine supplementation when pregnant and breastfeeding Information about food for infants Poster showing healthy foods P English HE9028 Food for Health Key Messages - English Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W English Healthy eating HE9029 Food for Health Key Messages - Māori Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Māori Healthy eating HE9030 Food for Health Key Messages - Samoan Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Samoan Healthy eating HE9031 Food for Health Key Messages - Tongan Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Tongan Healthy eating HE9032 Food for Health Key Messages - Niuean Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Niuean Healthy eating HE9033 Food for Health Key Messages - Fijian Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Fijian Healthy eating HE9034 Food for Health Key Messages - Cook Islands Māori Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. P Healthy eating HE9035 Food for Health Key Messages - Tokelauan Pamphlet DLE Key messages about healthy food and nutrition. W Cook Islands Māori Tokelauan Healthy eating Healthy eating Healthy eating HE1806 Hearing Hearing Child health HE1414 Glue Ear/Taringa Hoi Pamphlet DLE Information on glue ear in children P Hearing Child health HE1415 Taringa Hoi/Glue Ear Leaflet A5 A fact sheet for Māori, repeating key messages about glue ear from the pamphlet HE1414 P Hearing Child health HE1416 Earache/Te Taringa Ngau Pamphlet DLE Information on earache in children P July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 10 English, with headings in English and Māori English, with headings in English and Māori English, Other languages (HE codes) Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Tokelauan (HE9035) English (HE9028), Māori (HE9029), Samoan (HE9030), Tongan (HE9031), Niuean (HE9032), Fijian (HE9033), Cook Islands Māori (HE9034) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Hearing Child health HE1417 Te Taringa Ngau/Earache Pad A5, 25 leaflets A fact sheet for Māori repeating key messages about earache and glue ear from the pamphlet HE1416 P Hearing Child health HE4874 Ka Taea Tō Tamaiti Te Rongo/Can Your Child Hear? Poster A3 Reminder of the need to check your child’s hearing P Language Other languages (HE codes) with headings in English and Māori English, with headings in English and Māori English/ Māori HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm HPA – Minimising Gambling Harm Health Promotion Agency CNC025 Let’s Chose to End Harmful Gambling – Māori Pamphlet DLE Information about what to do if you or someone you know has a gambling problem W Māori Health Promotion Agency CNC026 Let’s Chose to End Harmful Gambling – Tongan Pamphlet DLE Information about what to do if you or someone you know has a gambling problem W Tongan Māori (CNC025), Samoan (CNC027), English (CNC028) Health Promotion Agency CNC027 Let’s Chose to End Harmful Gambling – Samoan Pamphlet DLE Information about what to do if you or someone you know has a gambling problem W Samoan Māori (CNC025), Tongan (CNC026), Samoan (CNC027) Health Promotion Agency CNC028 Let’s Chose to End Harmful Gambling – English Pamphlet DLE Information about what to do if you or someone you know has a gambling problem W English Māori (CNC025), Tongan (CNC026), Samoan (CNC027) Health Promotion Agency CNC029 Worried About Someone’s Gambling? Poster A3 A reminder that help is at hand if you are worried about someone’s gambling W English Health Promotion Agency CNC030 Do You Know the Signs of Harmful Gambling? Poster A3 A poster advising how you can take a quiz to find out if you know the signs of harmful gambling P English Health Promotion Agency CNC031 Is your gambling still just for fun? Poster A3 A poster advising how you can take a quiz to find out if you know the signs of harmful gambling P English NPA001 Breakfast-Eater – English Pad A5, 50 leaflets P English Cook Islands Māori (NPA003), Samoan (NPA004), Tongan (NPA005), Māori (NPA014) NPA003 Breakfast-Eater – Cook Islands Māori Pad A5, 50 leaflets P Breakfast-Eater – Samoan Pad A5, 50 leaflets P Cook Islands Māori Samoan English (NPA001), Samoan (NPA004), Tongan (NPA005), Māori (NPA014) NPA004 NPA005 Breakfast-Eater – Tongan Pad A5, 50 leaflets Fast, low-cost breakfast options for parents. Eating breakfast gives children the energy they need to learn better Fast, low-cost breakfast options for parents. Eating breakfast gives children the energy they need to learn better Fast, low-cost breakfast options for parents. Eating breakfast gives children the energy they need to learn better Fast, low-cost breakfast options for parents. Eating breakfast gives children the energy they need to learn better P Tongan English (NPA001), Cook Islands Māori (NPA003), Samoan (NPA004), Māori (NPA014) Tongan (CNC026), Samoan (CNC027), English (CNC028) HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 11 English (NPA001), Cook Islands Māori (NPA003), Tongan (NPA005), Māori (NPA014) Category area Subcategory HPA – Nutrition Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition HPA – Nutrition Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language NPA011 Yummy Snacks – English Pad A5, 50 leaflets Describes healthy snack options that can be prepared at home P English Māori (NPA016) NPA012 Makes Half the Meal Vegetables – English Pad A5, 50 leaflets Includes easy, tasty ways to add more vegetables to your main meal P English Māori (NPA015) NPA005 Breakfast-Eater – Māori Pad A5, 50 leaflets P Māori NPA015 Makes Half the Meal Vegetables – Māori Pad A5, 50 leaflets Fast, low-cost breakfast options for parents. Eating breakfast gives children the energy they need to learn better Includes easy, tasty ways to add more vegetables to your main meal P Māori English (NPA001), Cook Islands Māori (NPA003), Samoan (NPA004), Tongan (NPA005) English (NPA012) NPA016 Yummy Snacks – Māori Pad A5, 50 leaflets Describes healthy snack options that can be prepared at home P Māori English (NPA011) NPA042 Behind the Hype: Carbohydrates Leaflet A4 Information about carbohydrates, healthy eating recommendations, and advice for pregnant women W NPA045 How Much Sugar Do You Drink? Poster A3 Information about the amount of sugar found in soft drinks, fruit juice, sports drinks and energy drinks P NPA047 Behind the Hype: Sport’s Drinks Leaflet A4 W NPA110 Behind the Hype: Salt Leaflet A4 Information about sports drinks and why most people do not need them. Water is the best choice before, during and after most physical activities Information about why too much salt isn’t good for us, where we get our salt from, and how to reduce our salt intake SS013 Never Get Sunburnt Poster A3 A reminder to never get sunburnt – as sunburn can lead to melanoma later in life W English SS014 Never Get Sunburnt Pamphlet DLE Information about being SunSmart, including tips to help prevent sunburn W English SS015 Never Let Your Child Get Sunburnt Poster A3 A reminder for parents about how sunburn can lead to melanoma skin cancer later in life W English SS019 Never Let Your Child Get Sunburn Pamphlet DLE Information for parents about how sunburn can lead to melanoma skin cancer later in life W English SS021 Sun Protection Alert – Never Get Sunburn Pamphlet DLE Promotes the use of the Sun Protection Alert and provides SunSmart tips to help prevent sunburn W English SS031 Sun Protection Alert – Be SunSmart Poster A3 Promotes the use of the Sun Protection Alert and gives information on how to access it W English HE1106 Immunisation Guidelines for Primary Schools Booklet A5 Information about immunisation for early childhood services and primary schools P English HE1107 Immunisation Guidelines for Kura Kaupapa Booklet A5 Information about immunisation for kura P Māori W HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety HPA – Sun Safety Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Health Promotion Agency Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Other languages (HE codes) July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 12 Category area Subcategory Resource title Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations HE1110 Does Your Child Start School Soon? - Māori Poster A2 Information for parents and caregivers on the need to provide an Immunisation Certificate for school P Māori HE1111 Immunisation Register for Primary Schools Pamphlet A3 folded to A4 Class immunisation register for early childhood services and primary schools P English HE1112 Pamphlet A3 folded to A4 Class immunisation register for kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori P Māori HE1221 Immunisation Register for Immunisation Register for Kohanga and Kura Kaupapa Māori Protect Your Child Poster A2 Childhood immunisations – includes schedule P English HE1308 The National Immunisation Schedule Card A4 Vaccine information for vaccinators and health professionals P English HE1309 Immunisation Record Leaflet A5 For Well Child books not already carrying the current immunisation schedule. P English HE1312 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - English Pamphlet A4 Consent form for parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students P English Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations HE1313 Year 7 immunisation: School Programme (post vaccination form) - English Pad A5, 25 leaflets Post-vaccination letter P English HE1314 Year 7 immunisation: School Programme (post vaccination form) - Māori Pad A5, 25 leaflets Post-vaccination letter P Māori HE1323 Childhood Immunisation Booklet A5 Detailed immunisation information for parents P English HE1327 Immunise Your Child on Time - English Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation P English Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations HE1503 Pamphlet A5 For students and parents without access to school immunisation programmes (applicable only in some South Island areas) Post-vaccination information for parents P English HE1504 Year 7 Immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): Areas without school programmes After Your Child is Immunised P English HE1514 Adult Diphtheria and Tetanus Immunisation Pad A5, 25 leaflets Promoting vaccination for tetanus and diphtheria for adults and explaining these infections P English HE1531 Immunise Your Child on Time - Māori Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation P Māori Immunisation and vaccinations HE1532 Immunise Your Child on Time - Samoan Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Samoan Pad A5, 25 leaflets Description Language Code July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Format Print (P) or Webonly (W) Page 13 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE1108) Māori (HE1112) English (HE1111) Māori (HE2230), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) Māori (HE1314), Hindi (HE2363), Chinese Traditional (HE2364), Chinese Simplified (HE2365) English (HE1313), Hindi (HE2363), Chinese Traditional (HE2364), Chinese Simplified (HE2365) NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Immunisation and vaccinations HE1533 Immunise Your Child on Time - Tongan Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Tongan Immunisation and vaccinations HE1535 Immunise Your Child on Time - Cook Islands Māori Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Cook Islands Māori Immunisation and vaccinations HE1539 Immunise Your Child on Time - Hindi Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Hindi Immunisation and vaccinations HE1541 Immunise Your Child on Time - Chinese Traditional Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Chinese Traditional Immunisation and vaccinations HE1542 Immunise Your Child on Time - Chinese Simplified Booklet DLE Information on childhood immunisation W Chinese Simplified Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations HE2010 It takes three Poster A2 Poster inviting eligible girls and young women to take up HPV vaccination W English HE2011 It takes three Postcard P English HE2012 Cervical Cancer Vaccine - English Pamphlet DLE Handout for eligible girls and young women with summarised information about HPV vaccination on the reverse Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W English Immunisation and vaccinations Immunisation and vaccinations HE2014 Cervical Cancer Vaccine (reception factsheet) Leaflet A4 For medical reception use: summary information about HPV vaccination and the vaccination appointment W English HE2015 Cervical Cancer Vaccine - Māori Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Māori Immunisation and vaccinations HE2016 Cervical Cancer Vaccine - Samoan Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Samoan Immunisation and vaccinations HE2017 Cervical Cancer Vaccine - Tongan Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Tongan Immunisation and vaccinations HE2031 Cervical cancer vaccine - Cook Islands Māori Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Cook Islands Māori Immunisation and vaccinations HE2036 Cervical cancer vaccine - Hindi Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Hindi July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 14 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Chinese Traditional (HE1541), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Simpilfied (HE1542) English (HE1327), NZSL (HE1327), Māori (HE1531), Samoan (HE1532), Tongan (HE1533), Cook Islands Māori (HE1535), Hindi (HE1539), Chinese Traditional (HE1541) Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) English (HE2012), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Chinese Simplified (HE2037), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Immunisation and vaccinations HE2037 Cervical cancer vaccine - Chinese Simplified Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Chinese Simplified Immunisation and vaccination HE2044 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - English Pamphlet A4 Information and consent form for schools’ HPV vaccination programmes. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. P English Immunisation and vaccination HE2045 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Māori Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. P Māori Immunisation and vaccination HE2046 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Samoan Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Samoan Immunisation and vaccination HE2047 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Tongan Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Tongan Immunisation and vaccination HE2051 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Cook Islands Māori Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Cook Islands Māori Immunisation and vaccination HE2056 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Hindi Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Hindi Immunisation and vaccination HE2057 The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Chinese Simplified Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Chinese Simplified Information for lead maternity carers and other health professionals about the BCG vaccine, including which babies and children should be offered it and postvaccination care Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated P English P English Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2204 BCG Vaccine: Information for Health Professionals Card A5 Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2205 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents English Pamphlet DLE Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2206 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Māori Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Māori Immunisation and Infectious diseases and HE2212 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Tuvaluan Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about W Tuvaluan July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 15 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Traditional (HE2418) Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Chinese Simplified (HE2057), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Traditional (HE2373) Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese Print (P) or Webonly (W) Category area Subcategory vaccination viruses Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2213 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Fijian Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Fijian Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2214 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Japanese Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Japanese Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2215 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Vietnamese Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Vietnamese Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2216 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Myanmar/Burmese Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Mynanmar/ Burmese Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2217 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Cambodian/Khmer Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Cambodian/ Khmer Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2218 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Pushto/Afghani Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Pushto/ Afghani Code Resource title Format Description Language having their baby vaccinated July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 16 Other languages (HE codes) (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Vietnamese (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Somali Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2219 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Somali Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Somali Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2220 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Amharic Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Amharic Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2221 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Farsi Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Persian/ Farsi Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2222 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Arabic Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Arabic Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2223 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Korean Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Korean Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2224 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Hindi Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Hindi July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 17 Other languages (HE codes) (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2225 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Chinese Simplified Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Chinese Simplified Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2226 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents English Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site P English Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2227 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents - Māori Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Māori Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2233 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Tuvaluan Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Tuvaluan Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2234 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents - Fijian Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Fijian Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2235 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Japanese Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Japanese July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 18 Other languages (HE codes) Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379), Chinese Traditional (HE2430) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223),Hindi (HE2224), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379) Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Vietnamese Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Mynanmar/ Burmese BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Cambodian/Khmer Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Cambodian/ Khmer HE2239 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Pushto/Afghani Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Pushto/ Afghani Infectious diseases and viruses HE2240 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Somali Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Somali Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2241 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Amharic Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Amharic Immunisation and Infectious diseases and HE2242 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Persian/Farsi Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Persian/ Farsi English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Category area Subcategory Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2236 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Vietnamese Leaflet A5 Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2237 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Myanmar/Burmese Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2238 Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses Immunisation and vaccination Code July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Resource title Format Description Page 19 Print (P) or Webonly (W) Category area Subcategory vaccination viruses Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2243 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Arabic Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Arabic Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2244 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Korean Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Korean Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2245 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents - Hindi Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Hindi Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2246 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Chinese Simplified Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site P Chinese Simplified Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2246 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Chinese Simplified Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site P Chinese Simplified HE2329 The Story of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) DVD DVD Information about HPV, the cervical cancer vaccine, and the importance of cervical screening and practising safer sex in protecting women’s health; for health professionals only (maximum order 10) W English Immunisation and vaccination Code July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Resource title Format Description Page 20 Language Other languages (HE codes) Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380), Chinese Traditional (HE2431) Category area Subcategory Resource title Immunisation and vaccination HE2330 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Māori Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. P Māori Immunisation and vaccination HE2331 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Samoan Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Samoan Immunisation and vaccination HE2332 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Tongan Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Tongan Immunisation and vaccination HE2334 Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Cook Islands Māori Immunisation and vaccination HE2348 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Cook Islands Māori Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Hindi Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Hindi Immunisation and vaccination HE2349 Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Chinese Traditional Immunisation and vaccination HE2350 Pamphlet A4 For parents and caregivers, explaining the immunisation of year 7 students. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Chinese Simplified Immunisation and vaccination HE2373 Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Chinese Traditional Year 7 immunisation for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Boostrix Vaccine): School Consent Form - Chinese Simplified The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: School Consent Form - Chinese Traditional Pamphlet A4 Information about the school HPV vaccination programme. Note that the full consent form is published in English only. W Chinese Traditional Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination HE2375 Immunisation poster Poster A3 Poster promoting immunisation to protect children against serious diseases P English HE2376 I've Been Immunised - Immunisation Sticker Stickers A4 sheet W English Infectious diseases and viruses HE2379 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Kiribati/Gilbertese Pamphlet DLE PDF for downloading and printing onto laser label paper. Each A4 sheet will give 21 stickers; each sticker is 63.5 mm x 38.1 mm Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Kiribati/ Gilbertese Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2380 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents Kiribati/Gilbertese Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Kiribati/ Gilbertese HE2392 Don't Delay - Immunise Now for Whooping Cough (Poster) Poster A3 Promoting on-time immunisation of babies against whooping cough (pertussis) P English July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Description Language Code Immunisation and Format Print (P) or Webonly (W) Page 21 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE1312), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Samoan (HE2331), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Chinese Traditional (HE2349), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Simplified (HE2350) English (HE1312), Māori (HE2330), Samoan (HE2331), Tongan (HE2332), Cook Islands Māori (HE2334), Hindi (HE2348), Chinese Traditional (HE2349) English (HE2044), Māori (HE2045), Samoan (HE2046), Tongan (HE2047), Cook Islands Māori (HE2051), Hindi (HE2056), Chinese Simplified (HE2057) English (HE2205), Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223),Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Mynanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2346) Category area vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Subcategory Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Information about whooping cough – including who is at risk, symptoms, preventing it from spreading and protecting babies by immunising on time Recommending immunisation aginst meningococcal disease for babies, children, teenagers and young adults P English P English Code Resource title Format Description HE2393 Don’t Delay - Immunised Now for Whooping Cough (Brochure) Pamphlet DLE HE2394 Immunise Against Meningococcal Disease Poster A3 HE2395 Meningococcal Disease - Know the Symptoms - English Pamphlet DLE 3-panel Information about the symptoms of meningococcal disease and what to do P English HE2396 Meningococcal Disease - Know the Symptoms - Māori Pamphlet DLE 3-panel Information about the symptoms of meningococcal disease and what to do P Māori HE2397 Meningococcal Disease - Know the Symptoms - Samoan Pamphlet DLE 3-panel Information about the symptoms of meningococcal disease and what to do P Samoan English (HE2395), Māori (HE2396), Tongan (HE2398) HE2398 Meningococcal Disease - Know the Symptoms - Tongan Pamphlet DLE 3-panel Information about the symptoms of meningococcal disease and what to do P Tongan English (HE2395), Māori (HE2396), Samoan (HE2397) HE2402 Meningococcal Disease - Information for Health Professionals Poster A3 P English HE2403 Protect Your Child - Immunise Against Pneumococcal Disease Pamphlet DLE 3-panel Meningococcal disease information for health professionals, including signs and symptoms and recommended antibiotics for suspected cases Information for parents about pneumococcal disease and its prevention P English HE2418 Cervical cancer vaccine - Chinese Traditional Pamphlet DLE Information for parents, guardians and their daughters about the HPV vaccination W Chinese Traditional HE2423 The National Immunisation Register Pad A5, 25 leaflets P English HE2425 Immunise Against Rotavirus - Protect Your Child Pamphlet DLE Information for adults about the National Immunisation Register, and why it is important that immunisation information is recorded Information for parents about rotavirus and immunisation to protect against it P English Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses HE2427 Don't Assume You're Immune to Measles Poster A3 Poster aimed at young adults, encouraging them to check their measles immunisation status P English HE2430 BCG Vaccine: Information for Parents Chinese Traditional Pamphlet DLE Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated W Chinese Traditional Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses HE2431 BCG Vaccine: After Care for Parents – Traditional Chinese Leaflet A5 Information on how to look after the vaccination site W Chinese Traditional July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 22 Other languages (HE codes) Māori (HE2396), Samoan (HE2397), Tongan (HE2398) English (HE2395), Samoan (HE2397), Tongan (HE2398) English (HE2012), Māori (HE2015), Samoan (HE2016), Tongan (HE2017), Cook Islands Māori (HE2031), Hindi (HE2036), Chinese Simplified (HE2037) Māori (HE2206), Tuvaluan (HE2212), Fijian (HE2213), Japanese (HE2214), Vietnamese (HE2215), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2216), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2217), Pushto/Afghani (HE2218), Somali (HE2219), Amharic (HE2220), Persian/Farsi (HE2221), Arabic (HE2222), Korean (HE2223), Hindi (HE2224), Chinese Simplified (HE2225), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2379) English (HE2226), Māori (HE2227), Tuvaluan (HE2233), Fijian (HE2234), Japanese (HE2235), Vietnamese (HE2236), Myanmar/Burmese (HE2237), Cambodian/Khmer (HE2238), Pushto/Afghani (HE2239), Somali (HE2240), Amharic (HE2241), Persian/Farsi (HE2242), Arabic (HE2243), Korean (HE2244), Hindi (HE2245), Chinese Simplified (HE2246), Category area Subcategory Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses Child health Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2380) HE2432 Year 7 and Year 8 Immunisation DVD DVD Two presentations discussing the Year 7 and Year 8 immunisations P HE7013 Immunisation Certificate Pad A5, 25 leaflets Stand-alone form replicating the Immunisation Certificate page in the Well Child book (code HE7012) P English HE1125 Clean As Poster A2 Cartoon characters promoting key messages about basic hygiene P English HE1211 Campylobacter Pamphlet DLE Information on preventing this food- and water-borne disease P English HE1212 Cryptosporidium Pamphlet DLE Information on preventing this food- and water-borne disease P English HE1213 Giardia Pamphlet DLE Information on preventing this food- and water-borne disease P English HE1214 Infectious Diseases Poster Poster A2 Information on 21 childhood diseases (duplicates card HE1215) P English HE1215 Infectious Diseases A4 Card Card A4 Information on 21 childhood diseases (duplicates poster HE1214) P English Immunisation and vaccination Women's health HE1401 Hepatitis B – Information for Health Professionals Card A4 Information for health professionals on managing babies born to HBsAg positive women P English HE1402 Hepatitis B – Info for Pregnant Women Leaflet A4 Information for health professionals to give to pregnant women to explain testing for exposure to hepatitis B virus P English Immunisation and vaccination New migrant health HE1403 Hepatitis B – Personal Record Card Postcard P English HE1431 Latent Tuberculosis - English Pamphlet DLE A record of the immunisation schedule for babies exposed to the hepatitis B virus, for health professionals to update at each immunisation visit Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take P English HE1432 Latent Tuberculosis - Chinese Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take P Chinese Simplified HE1433 Latent Tuberculosis - Arabic Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take W Arabic HE1434 Latent Tuberculosis - Somali Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take P Somali HE1435 Latent Tuberculosis - Amharic Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take P Amharic Infectious disease and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Child health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 23 Chinese Simplified (HE1432), Arabic (HE1433), Somali (HE1434), Amharic (HE1435), Persian/Farsi (HE1436), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) English (HE1431), Arabic (HE1433), Somali (HE1434), Amharic (HE1435), Persian/Farsi (HE1436), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) English (HE1431), Chinese Simplified (HE1432), Somali (HE1434), Amharic (HE1435), Persian/Farsi (HE1436), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) English (HE1431), Chinese Simplified (HE1432), Arabic (HE1433), Amharic (HE1435), Persian/Farsi (HE1436), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) English (HE1431), Chinese Simplified (HE1432), Arabic (HE1433), Somali (HE1434), Persian/Farsi (HE1436), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) Category area Subcategory Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses New migrant health HE1436 Latent Tuberculosis - Persian/Farsi Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take Sexual health HE1442 What is Gonorrhoea? Pamphlet 275 mm x 145 mm Sexual health HE1443 What is Genital Herpes? Sexual health HE1444 Sexual health Immunisation and vaccination Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Code Language Other languages (HE codes) P Persian/ Farsi English (HE1431), Chinese Simplified (HE1432), Arabic (HE1433), Somali (HE1434), Amharic (HE1435), Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2378) How gonorrhoea is transmitted and treated, and ways to prevent transmission P English Pamphlet 275 mm x 145 mm How genital herpes is transmitted and treated, and ways to prevent transmission P English What are Genital Warts? Pamphlet 275 mm x 145 mm How gonorrhoea is transmitted and treated, and ways to prevent transmission P English HE1445 Should I Have a Sexual Health Check? Pamphlet 275 mm x 145 mm Information about sexual health checks for sexually active teenagers and adults P English HE1446 Hepatitis B: Consent Form Leaflet A4 P English HE1556 Wash Your Hands/Horoia ō Ringaringa Sticker For use by health professionals. Consent form for hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulin injection. Includes notification to the medical officer of health, the GP and the NIR Administrator. Sticker 100 mm x 100 mm. For use in bathrooms and restrooms P English/ Māori HE1716 Stop the Spread of Flu Germs: Protect Your Family/Whānau from Influenza Poster A3 A reminder of basic hygiene practices to help prevent the spread of influenza P English HE1717 Getting Ready for a Flu Pandemic - English Pamphlet DLE P English HE1913 Getting Ready for a Flu Pandemic - Māori Pamphlet DLE W Māori HE2111 Hepatitis B Factsheet Pamphlet A5 Advice on planning, on preparing an emergency kit and on practising basic hygiene in the event of an influenza pandemic Advice on planning, on preparing an emergency kit and on practising basic hygiene in the event of an influenza pandemic Information for people living with chronic hepatitis B about how best to manage their condition P English Child health HE2201 High Five for Clean Hands - English Poster A2 Promoting 20 seconds to soap and wash hands, 20 seconds to dry for good hand hygiene W English Child health HE2202 High Five Stop! Have you washed your hands? Sticker A5 A reminder to wash and dry hands - for the bathroom door or above the sink W English Child health HE2203 High Five for Clean Hands - sticker Sticker - half A4 Promoting 20 seconds to soap and wash hands, 20 seconds to dry for good hand hygiene P English HE2249 Kia Mataara! Be Prepared! Pamphlet DLE P English/ Māori Child health HE2251 Homai kia rima Mo nga ringa ma! Poster A2 Advice for whānau on planning, preparing an emergency kit and pracitising basic hygiene in the event of an influenza pandemic (English with Māori headings) Promoting 20 seconds to soap and wash hands, 20 seconds to dry for good hand hygiene P Māori New migrant health HE2377 Tuberculosis (TB) - Kiribati/Gilbertese Pamphlet DLE Information about tuberculosis and how it is treated W Kiribati/ Gilbertese HE2378 Latent Tuberculosis - Kiribati/Gilbertese Pamphlet DLE Information on the risk of latent TB infection and what actions to take W Kiribati/ Gilbertese July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Page 24 Māori (HE1913) English (HE1717) Māori (HE2251) English (HE2201) English (HE1431),Chinese (HE1432), Arabic (HE1433), Somali (HE1434), Amharic (HE1435), Persian/Farsi (HE1436) Category area Subcategory Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Infectious diseases and viruses Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation and vaccination Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) Māori (HE2419), Samoan (HE2420), Tongan (HE2421) HE2417 Meningococcal Disease - Don't Wait, Take Action - English Card A5 Describing the symptoms of meningococcal disease in babies and older children and adults and what to do P English HE2419 Meningococcal Disease - Don't Wait, Take Action - Māori Card A5 Describing the symptoms of meningococcal disease in babies and older children and adults and what to do P Māori HE2420 Meningococcal Disease - Don't Wait, Take Action - Samoan Card A5 Describing the symptoms of meningococcal disease in babies and older children and adults and what to do P Samoan English (HE2417), Māori (HE2419), Tongan (HE2421) HE2421 Meningococcal Disease - Don't Wait, Take Action - Tongan Card A5 Describing the symptoms of meningococcal disease in babies and older children and adults and what to do P Tongan English (HE2417), Māori (HE2419), Samoan (HE2420) HE4182 Hepatitis A B C Pamphlet DLE Information for adults on symptoms, treatment and prevention of hepatitis A, B and C P English HE4191 Scabies Pamphlet A3 folded to A4 Information about the treatment and prevention of scabies P English HE4264 First Aid Precautions for Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS and Other Blood Borne Viruses Sticker A4 sheet Precautions for health workers (for health professionals only). P English HE7023 Tuberculosis (TB) - English Pamphlet DLE Information about tuberculosis and how it is treated P English Pregnancy HE9007 Avoiding Listeria Pamphlet DLE Listeria information for vulnerable people, including pregnant women, young children and older people P English Environmental health HE9037 Before You Take to the Water Pad A5, 25 leaflets Safe swimming in public or private pools P English Immunisation HE9061 Hepatitis B Pamphlet DLE Pamphlet in English and te reo Māori answers questions about the Hepatitis B virus and its effects on the liver. Includes immunisation information. P English Māori Men's health HE2400 Pamphlet DLE 4-panel General information about prostate cancer, checks, diagnosis, management and treatment P English NZSL (HE2400) Men's health HE2401 Getting Checked For Prostate Cancer: Quick Guide for men and their families and whānau Prostate Cancer: More information for men and their families and whānau Booklet A5 P English NZSL (HE2401) Men's health HE2422 What is Your Risk of Prostate Cancer? Poster A4 Detailed information to aid discussions about all aspects of prostate cancer, checks, diagnosis, management and treatment options among men, their families and whānau Poster highlighting some of the symptoms that may indicate an increased risk of prostate cancer P English Information for women whose baby has just died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) Information for parents, family or whānau on planning the funeral of a baby who has died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) Information for men whose baby has just died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) P English P English P English English (HE2417), Samoan (HE2420), Tongan (HE2421) Kiribati/Gilbertese (HE2377) Men’s health Mental health Mental health Women's health HE2318 SANDS: The Next Few Days 4 panel Pamphlet DLE Mental health Women's health HE2319 SANDS: Your Baby's Funeral 4 panel Pamphlet DLE Mental health Men’s health HE2320 SANDS: Fathers Grieve Too 4 panel Pamphlet DLE July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 25 Category area Subcategory Mental health Women's health HE2321 Mental health Women's health Mental health Mental health Resource title Language Format Description SANDS: When a Baby Brother or Sister Dies 4 panel Pamphlet DLE P English HE2322 SANDS: The Loss of a Grandchild 3 panel Pamphlet DLE P English Women's health HE2323 SANDS: Transporting Your Baby 3 panel Pamphlet DLE P English Women's health HE2324 SANDS pack P English HE2424 Tihei Mauri Ora - Supporting Whānau Through Suicidal Distress Diecut Wallet with 6 pamphlets Booklet A5 Information for parents, family or whānau on supporting their other children after a baby has just died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) Information for grandparents of a baby who has died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) Information on transporting a baby who has died. This pamphlet is produced by Sands, and a print version is available as part of the Sands Support Pack (HE2324) A set of six pamphlets (HE2318-HE2323) designed to support parents who have lost a baby. Packs can be ordered from Sands: Information for whānau and friends to support someone who is in crisis or distress. This resource can be ordered through the Mental Health Foundation Shop: Cartoon-style information for teenagers on handling life pressures and stresses Ways of coping with the stress of anger, conflict, violence and bullying. Positive thinking and self-acceptance P English/ Māori P English P English P English Ways of talking and listening P English Strategies for dealing with personal loss and grief or for helping others to do so P English Mental health Code Print (P) or Webonly (W) Mental health Teen health HE7015 Stressed out Booklet A5 Mental health Teen health HE8002 Anger, Conflict and Bullying Mental health Teen health HE8003 Feeling Good Mental health Teen health HE8004 Good Communications Mental health Teen health HE8005 Grief and Loss HE9010 Everyday People and Mental Illness Pamphlet CD sized Pamphlet CD sized Pamphlet CD sized Pamphlet CD sized Booklet A5 Healthy eating HE1523 Healthy Family Food Pamphlet DLE Healthy food choices illustrated, with short captions P English Oral health HE1524 Caring for Teeth Pamphlet DLE Dental care illustrated, with short captions P English Healthy eating HE1525 We Need Healthy Food - Somali Poster A3 Poster showing children with healthy food choices P Somali Healthy eating HE1526 Healthy Food Makes us Grow Persian/Farsi Never Smoke Around Children - Somali Poster A3 W Persian/ Farsi Somali Poster A3 Poster showing a family enjoying a healthy meal of traditional foods to maintain good nutrition Poster showing young children near an adult who is smoking Poster showing a family in a car with one parent smoking Poster A3 Poster showing a family with one parent smoking P Chinese simplified Arabic Poster A2 Poster showing four main healthy food groups, together with examples of unhealthy foods Poster showing food and drinks that promote or damage oral health P English P English Information about fluoride and water fluoridation, how fluoride protects teeth and prevents tooth decay. An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about W English P English Mental health Other languages (HE codes) P New migrant’s health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health New migrant health HE1528 HE1529 Poster A3 Healthy eating HE1711 Don't Smoke in your Car - Chinese simplified Cigarette Smoke Harms your Family – Arabic Healthy Food and Drinks (New migrant) Oral health HE1712 Take Care of Your Teeth (New migrant) Poster A2 Oral health HE1253 Dental Health and Fluoride Pamphlet DLE Oral health HE2248 It's Easy to Protect Your Family's Smile English Booklet A4 HE1530 W W Oral health July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 26 Māori (HE2259), Samoan (HE2260), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Niuean (HE2262), Tokelauan (HE2263), Tongan (HE2264) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title HE2259 It's easy to protect your family's smile – Māori Booklet A4 Oral health HE2260 It's easy to protect your family's smile Samoan Booklet A4 Oral health HE2261 It's easy to protect your family's smile - Cook Islands Māori Booklet A4 Oral health HE2262 It's easy to protect your family's smile Niuean Booklet A4 Oral health HE2263 It's easy to protect your family's smile Tokelauan Booklet A4 Oral health HE2264 It's easy to protect your family's smile Tongan Booklet A4 Oral health HE2266 Let's Talk Teeth: Have you Heard? Poster A3 Oral health HE2269 Poster A3 Oral health HE2308 Let's Talk Teeth: It's Easy to Protect your Family's Smile Water Fluoridation HE2399 It's Free and It's All Good Oral health HE4928 Periodontal Disease Pamphlet small, concertina folded Leaflet A5 Oral health HE7016 Fluoride Gives you Better Teeth for Life Poster A2 Physical activity Physical activity HE2311 Be Active Every Day: Physical Activity for Adults Be Active Every Day: Physical Activity for 5to 18-year-olds Pamphlet DLE Physical activity HE2313 Be Active Every Day Poster A3 Teen health Language W Māori English (HE2248), Samoan (HE2260), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Niuean (HE2262), Tokelauan (HE2263), Tongan (HE2264) W Samoan English (HE2248), Māori (HE2259), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Niuean (HE2262), Tokelauan (HE2263), Tongan (HE2264) W Cook Islands Māori English (HE2248), Māori (HE2259), Samoan (HE2260), Niuean (HE2262), Tokelauan (HE2263), Tongan (HE2264) W Niuean English (HE2248), Māori (HE2259), Samoan (HE2260), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Tokelauan (HE2263), Tongan (HE2264) W Tokelauan English (HE2248), Māori (HE2259), Samoan (HE2260), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Niuean (HE2262), Tongan (HE2264) W Tongan English (HE2248), Māori (HE2259), Samoan (HE2260), Cook Islands Māori (HE2261), Niuean (HE2262), Tokelauan (HE2263) P English P English P English P English Causes and signs of periodontal (gum) disease and how to care for your gums Fluoride promotion W English W English Advice on recommended levels and benefits of physical activity Advice for parents and caregivers on recommended levels and benefits of physical activity for children and young people Promotion of the recommended levels and benefits of physical activity P English P English P English Multi-cultural poster promoting the national breastscreening programme. It has greetings in Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Somali and Arabic. For health professionals only. Information for women who need to have a colposcopy W English P English Format Oral health Oral health Print (P) or Webonly (W) Pamphlet DLE Description healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth An explanation of the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday, together with advice about cleaning and looking after teeth and about healthy food for healthy teeth A reminder to access the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday A reminder to access the free basic oral health service available from birth until the 18th birthday An explanation of fluoride and fluoridation and answers to commonly asked questions Information for teenagers about the free basic oral health service available until their 18th birthday Physical activity HE2312 Pamphlet DLE Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1201 Breast Screen Aotearoa - Asian Poster A3 Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1202 Colposcopy Pamphlet DLE July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 27 Other languages (HE codes) Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Why the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme may not be suitable for all women with breast problems About the National Cervical Screening Programme and smear tests Detailed information about smear tests, cervical cancer and the National Screening Programme Pacific group photo with English text promoting women's health and cervical screening W English P English P English W English Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Samoan My Health Affects My Family - Tongan Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Tongan HE1612 My Health Affects My Family – Cook Islands Māori Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Tongan Cervical screening HE1613 My Health Affects My Family - Niuean Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Niuean Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1614 My Health Affects My Family - Tokelauan Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening P Tokelauan Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1615 My Health Affects My Family - Tuvaluan Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Tuvaluan Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1616 My Health Affects My Family - Fijian Poster A3 Pacific group photo promoting women's health and cervical screening W Fijian Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1631 Booklet A5 English W English P English P English Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1811 Fibroadenoma Leaflet A4 P English Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1812 Breast Conditions: Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Leaflet A4 P English HE1813 Benign Breast Conditions: Breast Calcifications Leaflet A4 P English Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1814 Benign Breast Conditions: Breast Pain (Mastalgia) Leaflet A4 For breast screening providers only. Advice on treatment and how and where to access services Advice on why thermography is not a recommended screening or diagnostic tool for detecting breast cancer A compact introduction to breast cancer screening for women in the target age range from free mammograms For breast screening providers only. Fact sheet for women in the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme, explaining changes observed in their mammogram For breast screening providers only. Fact sheet for women in the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme, explaining changes observed in their mammogram For breast screening providers only. Fact sheet explaining ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) For breast screening providers only. Fact sheet for women in the BreastScreen Aotearoa programme, explaining changes observed in their mammogram For breast screening providers only. Fact sheet explaining breast pain P HE1810 BreastScreen Aotearoa: Treatment Services and Support for Women with Breast Cancer Position Statement: Thermography as a Breast Cancer Screening or Diagnostic Tool Free Breast Screening Every Two Years for Women Aged 45 to 69 Benign Breast Conditions: Breast Cysts P English Category area Subcategory Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening HE1210 Is BreastScreen Aotearoa for You? Pamphlet DLE HE1256 Pamphlet DLE HE1609 Cervical Smear Tests: What Women Need to Know - English Cervical Screening: A Guide for women in New Zealand My Health Affects My Family - English Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1610 My Health Affects My Family - Samoan Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1611 Screening programmes Cervical screening Screening programmes Code HE1328 HE1701 HE1801 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Resource title Format Booklet A5 Poster A3 Leaflet A4 Pamphlet A6 Leaflet A4 Description Page 28 Other languages (HE codes) NZSL (HE1256), Japanese (HE2428) Samoan (HE1610), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tuvaluan (HE1615), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Fijian (HE1616) English (HE1609), Samoan (HE1610), Tongan (HE1611), Cook Islands Māori (HE1612), Niuean (HE1613), Tokelauan (HE1614), Tuvualan (HE1615) Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P English Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P Samoan Cervical Screening - Tongan Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities W Tongan HE1826 Cervical Screening - Cook Islands Māori Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities W Cervical screening HE1827 Cervical Screening - Niuean Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P Cook Islands Māori Niuean Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1828 Cervical Screening - Fijian Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P Fijian Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1829 Cervical Screening - Tokelauan Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P Tokelauan Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1830 Cervical Screening - Tuvaluan Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical screening to Pacific communities P Tuvaluan Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Tokelauan (HE1829), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tuvaluan (HE1830) English (HE1823), Samoan (HE1824), Tongan (HE1825), Cook Islands Māori (HE1826), Niuean (HE1827), Fijian (HE1828), Tokelauan (HE1829) Screening programmes Screening programmes Cervical screening Pregnancy and newborn screening BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1831 Cervical Screening: What Pacific Women Need to Know HIV Testing in Pregnancy (with photographs) Pamphlet DLE P English P English HE1835 Tiakina o Ū/Take Care of Your Breasts Pamphlet DLE W English/ Māori HE1836 Tiakina o Ū/Take Care of Your Breasts Poster A3 W English Pamphlet DLE Explaining the benefits of regular cervical screening to Pacific communities Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care (see also version HE1901 without photographs) Promoting the free national breastscreening programme of regular mammograms (every two years) to Māori women aged 45–69 Promoting the free national breastscreening programme of regular mammograms (every two years) to Māori women aged 45–69 Explaining the benefits of regular cervical screening to Māori women Promoting regular cervical screening to Māori communities General information on the national breast screening programme P English/ Māori English Category area Subcategory Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1823 Cervical Screening - English Poster A3 Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1824 Cervical Screening - Samoan Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1825 Screening programmes Cervical screening Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Code HE1832 Resource title Format Pamphlet DLE Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Cervical screening Cervical screening BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1837 HE1839 Cervical Screening: What Wāhine Need to Know/Atawhaitia te Wharetangata Cervical Screening: What Wāhine Need to Know/Atawhaitia te Wharetangata BreastScreen Aotearoa - Chinese simplified Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1840 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Hindi Pamphlet DLE Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1841 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Korean Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1842 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Japanese HE1838 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Poster A3 Pamphlet DLE Description P P Chinese simplified General information on the national breast screening programme W Hindi Pamphlet DLE General information on the national breast screening programme P Korean Pamphlet A4 General information on the national breast screening programme W Japanese Page 29 English (HE10102), NZSL (HE10102), Hindi (HE1840), Korean (HE1841), Japanese (HE1842), Thai (HE1843) English (HE10102), NZSL (HE10102), Chinese simplified (HE1839), Korean (HE1841), Japanese (HE1842), Thai (HE1843) English (HE10102), NZSL (HE10102), Chinese simplified (HE1839), Hindi (HE1840), Japanese (HE1842), Thai (HE1843) English (HE10102), NZSL (HE10102), Chinese simplified (HE1839), Hindi (HE1840), Korean Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language General information on the national breast screening programme W Thai For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram P Chinese W Hindi For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram W Korean Pamphlet A4 For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram W Japanese Now that You've Had Your Mammogram Thai Pamphlet A4 For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram W Thai HE1849 When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - Chinese simplified Pamphlet DLE W Chinese BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1850 When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - Hindi Pamphlet DLE W Hindi Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1851 When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - Korean Pamphlet DLE W Korean Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1852 When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - Japanese Pamphlet A4 W Japanese Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1853 When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - Thai Pamphlet A4 W Thai Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1854 Information for Women under 45 Years of Age - Chinese simplified Information for Women under 45 Years of Age - Hindi Pamphlet DLE For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age W Chinese W Hindi Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1856 Information for Women under 45 Years of Age - Korean Pamphlet DLE Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age W Korean Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1857 Information for Women under 45 Years of Age -Japanese Pamphlet A4 Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age W Japanese Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1858 Information for Women under 45 Years of Age - Thai Pamphlet A4 Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age W Thai Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1901 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - English Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care (see also version HE1832 with photographs) P English Screening programmes Cervical screening HE1912 Smear Test Reminder Card Reminder card for wallet of when next cervical screen is due P English Screening Pregnancy HE1921 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Card, folded, credit-card size Pamphlet DLE Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, P English Category area Subcategory Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1843 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Thai Pamphlet A4 Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1844 Now that You've Had Your Mammogram Chinese simplified Now that You've Had Your Mammogram Hindi Pamphlet DLE Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1846 Now that You've Had Your Mammogram Korean Pamphlet DLE Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1847 Now that You've Had Your Mammogram Japanese Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE1848 Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa Screening programmes Code HE1845 HE1855 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Resource title Format Pamphlet DLE Pamphlet DLE Description Page 30 Other languages (HE codes) (HE1841), Thai (HE1843) English (HE10102), NZSL (HE10102), Chinese simplified (HE1839), Hindi (HE1840), Korean (HE1841), Japanese (HE1842) English (HE10117), Hindi (HE1845), Korean (HE1846), Japanese (HE1847), Thai (HE1848) English (HE10117), Chinese simplified (HE1844), Korean (HE1846), Japanese (HE1847), Thai (HE1848) English (HE10117), Chinese simplified (HE1844), Hindi (HE1845), Japanese (HE1847), Thai (HE1848) English (HE10117), Chinese simplified (HE1844), Hindi (HE1845), Korean (HE1846), Thai (HE1848) English (HE10117), Chinese simplified (HE1844), Hindi (HE1845), Korean (HE1846), Japanese (HE1847) English (HE10118), Hindi (HE1850), Korean (HE1851), Japanese (HE1852), Thai (HE1853) English (HE10118), Chinese simplified (HE1849), Korean (HE1851), Japanese (HE1852), Thai (HE1853) English (HE10118), Chinese simplified (HE1849), Hindi (HE1850), Japanese (HE1852), Thai (HE1853) English (HE10118), Chinese simplified (HE1849), Hindi (HE1850), Korean (HE1851), Thai (HE1853) English (HE10118), Chinese simplified (HE1849), Hindi (HE1850), Korean (HE1851), Japanese (HE1852) English (HE10119), Hindi (HE1855), Korean (HE1856), Japanese (HE1857), Thai (HE1858) English (HE10119), Chinese simplified (HE1854), Korean (HE1856), Japanese (HE1857), Thai (HE1858) English (HE10119), Chinese simplified (HE1854), Hindi (HE1855), Japanese (HE1857), Thai (HE1858) English (HE10119), Chinese simplified (HE1854), Hindi (HE1855), Korean (HE1856), Thai (HE1858) English (HE10119), Chinese simplified (HE1854), Hindi (HE1855), Korean (HE1856), Japanese (HE1857) Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) Category area Subcategory programmes and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Code Resource title Format Hearing Screen Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language P English HE1922 Newborn Hearing Screen Results Pad A5, 25 leaflets when and how the testing is done, and possible followups To be given to parents whose newborn has passed the hearing screen HE1923 Repeat Newborn Hearing Screen Pad A5, 25 leaflets To be given to parents whose newborn needs an additional hearing screen to give a clearer result P English HE1924 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result P English HE1925 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Māori Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Māori Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1926 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Samoan Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Samoan Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1927 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Tongan Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Tongan Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1928 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Swahili Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Swahili Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1929 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Korean Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Korean Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1930 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Hindi Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Hindi Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1931 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Chinese traditional Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Chinese Traditional Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening HE1932 HIV Testing in Pregnancy (without photographs) - Chinese simplified Pamphlet DLE Information on the HIV screening test offered to pregnant women as part of their routine care W Chinese simplified Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Cervical screening HE2025 Position Statement on Breast Awareness Leaflet A4 W English HE2110 BreastScreen Aotearoa for Pacific Women Pamphlet DLE W English HE2310 Your Newborn Baby's Blood Test: The Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme Pamphlet A5 Explains general “breast awareness” and recommends it over regular, structured breast self-examination An explanation of the breast screening programme and the importance of regular mammograms Explaining the newborn metabolic screening test (the Guthrie or heel prick test), for over 20 treatable disorders P English HE2382 Antenatal Screening and Testing for Down Syndrome and Other Conditions Booklet A5 Information for pregnant women about optional screening and testing for Down syndrome and other conditions P English HE2405 If you could save a life (Māori) - English Poster A3 Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Māori. P English Screening programmes Screening programmes July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 31 Other languages (HE codes) English (HE1901), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Chinese traditional (HE1931), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese simplified (HE1932) English (HE1901), Māori (HE1925), Samoan (HE1926), Tongan (HE1927), Swahili (HE1928), Korean (HE1929), Hindi (HE1930), Chinese tradtional (HE1931) Māori (HE2406) Category area Subcategory Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Cervical screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening Code Resource title Format HE2406 If you could save a life (Māori) - Māori Poster A3 HE2407 If you could save a life (Tongan) - English Poster A3 HE2408 If you could save a life (Tongan) - Tongan Poster A3 HE2409 If you could save a life (Samoan) - English Poster A3 HE2410 If you could save a life (Samoan) - Samoan Poster A3 HE2411 If you could save a life (Indian) - English Poster A3 HE2412 If you could save a life (Chinese) - English Poster A3 HE2413 Poster A3 HE2415 If you could save a life (Chinese) - Chinese simplified If you could save a life (Chinese) - Chinese traditional If you could save a life (Korean) - English HE2416 If you could save a life (Korean) - Korean Poster A3 HE2428 Cervical Smear Tests: What Women Need to Know - Japanese Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen Pamphlet DLE HE2474 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Māori Pamphlet DLE HE2475 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Samoan Pamphlet DLE HE2476 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Tongan Pamphlet DLE HE2477 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Korean Pamphlet DLE HE2478 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Chinese Simplified Pamphlet DLE HE2479 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Chinese Traditional Pamphlet DLE HE2480 Newborn Hearing Screen Results - Māori Leaflet A5 HE2481 Newborn Hearing Screen Results - Samoan Leaflet A5 HE2482 Newborn Hearing Screen Results - Tongan Leaflet A5 HE2483 Newborn Hearing Screen Results - Korean Leaflet A5 HE2414 HE2929 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Poster A3 Poster A3 Pamphlet DLE Description Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Māori. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Tongan. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Tongan. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Samoan Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Samoan Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Indian. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Chinese. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Chinese. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Chinese. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Korean. Promoting regular cervical smears. The woman in the photo is Korean. About the National Cervical Screening Programme and smear tests Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, Page 32 Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language P Māori English (HE2405) P English Tongan (HE2408) P Tongan English (HE2408) P English Samoan (HE2410) P Samoan English (HE2409) P English P English P P Chinese simplified Chinese Traditional English P Korean W Japanese P English W Māori W Samoan W Tongan W Korean W Chinese, Simplified W Chinese, Traditional W Māori W Samoan W Tongan W Korean P Other languages (HE codes) Chinese simplified (HE2413), Chinese traditional (HE2414) English (HE2412), Chinese traditional (HE2414) English (HE2412), Chinese simplified (HE2413) Korean (HE2416) English (HE2415) English (HE1256), NZSL (HE1256) English (2429), Samoan (2475), Tongan (2476), Korean (2477), Simplified Chinese (2478), Traditional Chinese (2479), 2492 (Hindi) English (2429), Māori (2474), Tongan (2476), Korean (2477), Simplified Chinese (2478), Traditional Chinese (2479), 2492 (Hindi) English (2429), Māori (2474), Samoan (2475), Korean (2477), Simplified Chinese (2478), Traditional Chinese (2479), 2492 (Hindi) English (2429), Māori (2474), Samoan (2475), Tongan (2476), Simplified Chinese (2478), Traditional Chinese (2479), 2492 (Hindi) English (2429), Māori (2474), Samoan (2475), Tongan (2476), Korean (2477), Traditional Chinese (2479), 2492 (Hindi) English (2429), Māori (2474), Samoan (2475), Tongan (2476), Korean (2477), Simplified Chinese (2478), 2492 (Hindi) English (1922), Samoan (2481), Tongan (2482), Korean (2483), Simplified Chinese (2484), Traditional Chinese (2485), 2493 (Hindi) English (1922), Māori (2480), Tongan (2482), Korean (2483), Simplified Chinese (2484), Traditional Chinese (2485), 2493 (Hindi) English (1922), Māori (HE2480), Samoan (2481), Korean (2483), Simplified Chinese (2484), Traditional Chinese (2485), 2493 (Hindi) English (1922), Māori (HE2480), Samoan Category area Subcategory programmes and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Pregnancy and newborn screening Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes Code Resource title Format HE2484 Newborn Hearing Screen Results – Simplified Chinese Leaflet A5 HE2485 Newborn Hearing Screen Results – Traditional Chinese Leaflet A5 HE2486 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist - Māori Pamphlet DLE HE2487 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist - Samoan Pamphlet DLE HE2488 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist - Tongan HE2489 Description when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language W Chinese, Simplified W Chinese, Traditional W Māori To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Samoan Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Tongan Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist - Korean Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Korean HE2490 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist – Simplified Chinese Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Chinese, Simplified HE2491 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist – Traditional Chinese Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Chinese, Traditional HE2492 Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen – Hindi Pamphlet DLE W Hindi HE2493 Newborn Hearing Screen Results – Hindi Leaflet A5 Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups Advice on the benefits of screening newborns’ hearing, when and how the testing is done, and possible followups W Hindi HE2494 Newborn Hearing Screen: Referral to an Audiologist – Hindi Pamphlet DLE To be given to parents whose newborn needs further checking by an audiologist to give a clearer result W Hindi HE4598 Understanding Cervical Smear Test Results Pamphlet DLE P English HE10102 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Having a Mammogram - English Pamphlet DLE Explanation of cervical smear tests, desirable frequency of testing, test results and appropriate treatment General information on the national breast screening programme P English More about Breast Screening and BreastScreen Aotearoa Now that You’ve Had Your Mammogram English When You Are Recalled for Assessment (further tests) - English Booklet A5 P English P English P English Information for Women under 45 Years of Age - English Information for Women Aged 70 Years and Over BreastScreen Aotearoa - Samoan Pamphlet DLE Detailed information about the breast screening programme For breast screening providers only. Describes what happens after a mammogram For breast screening providers only. Information for women recalled for further tests or assessment following a mammogram Breast screening information for women under 45 years of age Breast screening information for women aged 70 years and over General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years P English P English W Samoan Screening programmes Screening programmes Pregnancy and newborn screening Cervical screening BreastScreen Aotearoa Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10107 Screening programmes Screening programmes Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10119 HE10117 HE10118 HE10120 HE10131 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Pamphlet DLE Pamphlet DLE Pamphlet DLE Poster Page 33 Other languages (HE codes) (2481), Tongan (2482), Simplified Chinese (2484), Traditional Chinese (2485), 2493 (Hindi) English (1922), Māori (HE2480), Samoan (2481), Tongan (2482), Korean (2483), Traditional Chinese (2485), 2493 (Hindi) English (1922), Māori (HE2480), Samoan (2481), Tongan (2482), Korean (2483), Simplified Chinese (2484), 2493 (Hindi) English (1924), Samoan (2487), Tongan (2488), Korean (2489), Simplified Chinese (2490), Traditional Chinese (2491), Hindi (2494) English (1924), Māori (2486), Tongan (2488), Korean (2489), Simplified Chinese (2490), Traditional Chinese (2491), Hindi (2494) English (1924), Māori (2486), Samoan (2487), Korean (2489), Simplified Chinese (2490), Traditional Chinese (2491), Hindi (2494) English (1924), Māori (2486), Samoan (2487), Tongan (2488), Simplified Chinese (2490), Traditional Chinese (2491), Hindi (2494) English (1924), Māori (2486), Samoan (2487), Tongan (2488), Korean (2489), Traditional Chinese (2491), Hindi (2494) English (1924), Māori (2486), Samoan (2487), Tongan (2488), Korean (2489), Simplified Chinese (2490), Hindi (2494) English (2429), Māori (2474), Samoan (2475), Tongan (2476), Korean (2477), Simplified Chinese (2478), Traditional Chinese (2479) English (1922), Māori (HE2480), Samoan (2481), Tongan (2482), Korean (2483), Simplified Chinese (2484), Traditional Chinese (2485) English (1924), Māori (2486), Samoan (2487), Tongan (2488), Korean (2489), Simplified Chinese (2490), Traditional Chinese (2491) NZSL (HE10102), Chinese (HE1839), Hindi (HE1840), Korean (HE1841), Japanese (HE1842), Thai (HE1843) Chinese (HE1844), Hindi (HE1845), Korean (HE1846), Japanese (HE1847), Thai (HE1848) Chinese (HE1849), Hindi (HE1850), Korean (HE1851), Japanese (HE1852), Thai (HE1853) Chinese (HE1854), Hindi (HE1855), Korean (HE1856), Japanese (HE1857), Thai (HE1858) English (HE10121A), Tongan (HE10132), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Tokelauan (HE10134), Niuean (HE10135), Fijian (HE10136) Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes) General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W Tongan Poster General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W BreastScreen Aotearoa - Tokelauan Poster General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W Cook Islands Māori Tokelauan HE10135 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Niuean Poster General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W Niuean BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10136 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Fijian Poster General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W Fijian BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10121 A BreastScreen Aotearoa - English Poster A2 General information poster for BreastScreen Aotearoa for women aged 45 to 69 years W English English (HE10121A), Samoan (HE10131), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Tokelauan (HE10134), Niuean (HE10135), Fijian (HE10136) English (HE10121A), Samoan (HE10131), Tongan (HE10132), Tokelauan (HE10134), Niuean (HE10135), Fijian (HE10136) English (HE10121A), Samoan (HE10131), Tongan (HE10132), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Niuean (HE10135), Fijian (HE10136) English (HE10121A), Samoan (HE10131), Tongan (HE10132), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Tokelauan (HE10134), Fijian (HE10136) English (HE10121A), Samoan (HE10131), Tongan (HE10132), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Tokelauan (HE10134), Niuean (HE10135) Samoan (HE10131), Tongan (HE10132), Cook Islands Māori (HE10133), Tokelauan (HE10134), Niuean (HE10135), Fijian (HE10136) HE1148 Aging Well Booklet A5 General health information for older people P English HE1102 Preventing HIV infection Booklet DLE General information on HIV and AIDS P English HE1438 A Compact Guide to Sexual Health English HE1505 W English Sexual health HE1506 Health and Safety Information for Operators of Businesses of Prostitution - English Health and Safety Information for Sex Workers W English Sexual health HE1507 Information for Clients Sticker 210 mm x 100 mm P English Sexual health HE1508 Information for Clients Poster A4 W English Sexual health HE1509 Information for Clients Leaflet DLE W English Sexual health HE1520 Voluntary Counselling and Testing for Diagnosis of HIV Infection Card A6 P English Sexual health HE1620 Leaftlet DLE W Chinese simplified Sexual health HE1621 Health and Safety Information for Operators of Businesses of Prostitution - Chinese simplified No Condom, No Sex - Chinese simplified P Chinese simplified Talking with Your Teenager/Rangatahi about Safer Sex Pamphlet A5 Student booklet for teachers to order as class sets to use with the school's sexual health materials Health and safety requirements under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 For health professionals only. Information on pre- and post-test counselling and sexual health of patients being tested for HIV (not AIDS) Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Health and safety requirements for brothels, prostitutes, sex workers and their clients under the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers (this is a bilingual P Sexual health Booklet CD sized Leaflet DLE P English/Māo ri Category area Subcategory Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10132 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Tongan Poster Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10133 BreastScreen Aotearoa - Cook Islands Māori Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa HE10134 Screening programmes BreastScreen Aotearoa Screening programmes Screening programmes Code Resource title Format Description Senior health Senior health NZSL (HE1148) Sexual health Sexual health Sexual health Sexual health Infectious diseases and viruses Teen health Teen health HE1704 July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Leaflet DLE Poster A4 Page 34 Chinese (HE1620) Category area Subcategory Code Sexual health Teen health HE1706 You and Your Teenager - English Pamphlet A5 Sexual health Teen health HE1707 You and Your Teenager - Samoan Pamphlet A5 Sexual health Teen health HE1708 You and Your Teenager - Niuean Pamphlet A5 Sexual health Teen health HE1709 You and Your Teenager - Tongan Pamphlet A5 Sexual health Teen health HE1710 You and Your Teenager - Cook Islands Māori Pamphlet A5 Sexual health Women's health Infectious diseases and viruses HE4229 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pamphlet A5 HE7002 Being Safer Sexually Pamphlet A3 folded to DLE Sexual health HP4608 Are you sharing more than just the love? (Chlamydia) Poster A3 Sexual health HP4609 Chlamydia: Information Guide Pamphlet DLE Smokefree HE1109 Time To Quit Booklet A5 Smokefree HE1220 Nicotine Exchange Card - Quitline version Smokefree HE1511 Smokefree at All Times - English Smokefree HE1512 Smokefree at All Times - Māori Smokefree HE1513 Smokefree at All Times – Māori Smokefree HE1515 Smokefree HE1562 Information for Schools and Early Childhood Centres Information About "All Reasonably Practical Steps" for Licensed Premises Card A4 folded to A5 Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Pamphlet DLE Smokefree Smokefree HE1602 HE1624 Information for Sports Clubs Smokefree Inside (back adhesive) Smokefree HE1625 Smokefree Inside (front adhesive) Smokefree HE1626 No Smoking Please (back adhesive) Smokefree HE1628 Smokefree HE1629 Work Vehicles and Transportation: Information for Employers Smokefree Smokefree HE1719 Information for Marae - English Sticker 80 mm x 53 mm Pamphlet DLE Smokefree HE1720 Information for Marae - Māori Pamphlet DLE Sexual health Resource title Format Description resource) Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers Information about safe sexual practices. For parents and caregivers to share with teenagers Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language W English W Samoan P Niuean P Tongan W Other languages (HE codes) Samoan (HE1707), Niuean (HE1708), Tongan (HE1709), Cook Islands Māori (HE1710) English (HE1706), Niuean (HE1708), Tongan (HE1709), Cook Islands Māori (HE1710) English (HE1706), Samoan (HE1707), Tongan (HE1709), Cook Islands Māori (HE1710) English (HE1706), Samoan (HE1707), Niuean (HE1708), Cook Islands Māori (HE1710) English (HE1706), Samoan (HE1707), Niuean (HE1708), Tongan (HE1709) Detailed answers to common questions about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their prevention P Cook Islands Māori English P English Promoting testing for chlamydia, New Zealand's most common STI, and the benefits of testing and early treatment Information about chlamydia, New Zealand's most common STI, and the benefits of testing and early treatment W English W English For smokers thinking about quitting or giving up cigarettes and nicotine Nicotine replacement therapy card - for use by Quitline only. A front-adhesive sticker for schools and other smokefree areas A back-adhesive sticker for schools and other smokefree areas A front-adhesive sticker for schools and other smokefree areas What schools and early childhood centres need to do to comply with the Smokefree Environments Act 1990 Information for licensees to ensure that licensed premises remain smokefree, guidelines for compliance, and offences and fines Smokefree requirements for sports clubs Back-adhesive smokefree sticker P English NZSL (HE2464) P English English Māori (HE1513) P Māori P Māori W English W English P P English English Front-adhesive smokefree sticker P English Back-adhesive smokefree sticker P English Information for employers about smokefree work vehicles W English Back-adhesive smokefree sticker P English Information about smokefree legislation that applies to settings such as kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa, workplaces and licensed premises, and to groups fo volunteers Information about smokefree legislation that applies to W English W Māori Smokefree July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Pamphlet DLE Pamphlet A4 Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Sticker 200 mm x 50 mm Pamphlet DLE Page 35 P English (HE1511) Māori (HE1720) English (HE1719) Category area Subcategory Code HE1721 Smokefree Resource title Format A Guide to Compliance for Employers working in theatre, television, and film production A Guide to Making Your Home and Car Smokefree Pamphlet DLE Smokefree Information and support HE1802 Smokefree Information and support HE1803 Make Your Car Smokefree Pamphlet A5 Smokefree Information and support Information and support HE2327 Beat the Smoking Addiction Card DLE HE2328 Yes, You Can! Card DLE Smokefree HE2381 The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - English Pamphlet DLE Smokefree HE2383 Me Mutu Tātou: Let's All Quit Booklet A5 Smokefree HE2384 Tobacco Available Here Smokefree HE2385 Nicotine Exchange Card - Provider version Smokefree HE2386 The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - Korean Poster A3 laminate sign Card A4 folded to A5 Pamphlet DLE Smokefree HE2387 The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - Hindi Smokefree HE2388 Smokefree HE2389 Smokefree Smokefree Smokefree Pamphlet DLE Description settings such as kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa, workplaces and licensed premises, and to groups fo volunteers Requirements of changes to the Smokefree Environments Act 1990. Information for employers in theatre, film, and television workplaces. On keeping your home and car smokefree and not exposing passengers, especially children, to the risk of second-hand smoke, or to the negative example of smoking Multi-language resource, on keeping your home and car smokefree and not exposing passengers, especially children, to the risk of second-hand smoke, or to the negative example of smoking Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language P P English P A leaflet describing the services offered by Quitline to help people quit smoking Information on using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for a smokefree pregnancy Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products W English/ Māori/Cook Islands Māori/ Samoan/ Tongan/ Niuean/ Fijian English W English P English Bilingual resource in te reo Māori and in English to support Māori smokers to quit smoking Restricted resource for tobacco retailers only. A laminated sign in compliance with smokefree legislation. P English/ Māori English P W Korean Pamphlet DLE Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products W Hindi The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - Traditional Chinese The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - Gujurati Pamphlet DLE Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products W W Chinese Traditional Gujarati HE2390 The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products - Punjabi Pamphlet DLE Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products W Punjabi HE2464 Time to Quit: NZSL version Booklet A5 W HE2473 I quit smoking for baby and me: Quitline resource Pamphlet A5 NZ Sign Language NZ Sign Language Smokefree HE4279 No Smoking Symbol P English Smokefree HE4328 Haere Mai Auahi Kore/Smokefree Standing sign 60 mm x 70 mm Sticker A6 For smokers thinking about quitting or giving up cigarettes and nicotine This resource is intended for smoking cessation providers to use with pregnant women who are thinking about quitting smoking. It contains information about the benefits of quitting for women and their babies, and offers information about where to find help and support. Cardboard 'No Smoking' sign for use in public areas Koru design smokefree sticker for entranceways to public P English/ Smokefree Women’s health July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Korean (HE2386), Hindi (HE2387), Chinese traditional (HE2388), Gujarati (HE2389), Punjabi (HE2390) P Information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products Pamphlet DLE Other languages (HE codes) Page 36 P English (HE2381), Hindi (HE2387), Chinese traditional (HE2388), Gujarati (HE2389), Punjabi (HE2390) English (HE2381), Korean (HE2386), Chinese traditional (HE2388), Gujarati (HE2389), Punjabi (HE2390) English (HE2381), Korean (HE2386), Hindi (HE2387), Gujarati (HE2389), Punjabi (HE2390) English (HE2381), Korean (HE2386), Hindi (HE2387), Chinese traditional (HE2388), Punjabi (HE2390) English (HE2381), Korean (HE2386), Hindi (HE2387), Chinese traditional (HE2388), Gujarati (HE2389) English (1109) English (1109) Category area Subcategory Smokefree Smokefree Smokefree Women's health Women's health Code Resource title Format HE8018 I'll Give Him a Choice Poster A2 HE8035 E te Whānau Awhi Mai/My Baby Will be Māori and Smokefree My Baby Will be Māori and Smokefree Pamphlet DLE Poster A2 HE8057 Smokefree HE10106 The Quit Book: Beating the Smoking Addiction Booklet A5 Smokefree HE10141 Stay Quit - Beat the Crave Smokefree HE10144 Want to Quit Smoking? Card, creditcard sized Poster A2 HE1304 Dance Party Goers Teen health HE1404 Cannabis and Your Health Teen health HE1804 Working for a Better Future Pamphlet CD sized Pamphlet CD sized Booklet HE10109 Body-piercing and Tattooing: Protecting Your Health Pamphlet small Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language W Māori English P English Promoting a smokefree pregnancy P English For people who have made the decision to give up smoking (usually given out by smoking cessation providers) Four Ds for giving up smoking and quitting cigarettes for good (usually given out by smoking cessation providers) Advertising Quitline support P English P English P English Information for dance-party goers on keeping safe and healthy Information about the possible effects of cannabis on health Information promoting career choices in public health and suggesting possible training pathways, together with details of where to find further information Information for people thinking about having body piercing and tattooing P English P English W English P English P English P Niuean P Tokelauan P Fijian W Tuvaluan W English places Poster showing a young mother making a smokefree choice for her baby Warning of the effects of smoking on the unborn baby Other languages (HE codes) Teen health Teen health Teen health Sexual health Infectious diseases and viruses NZSL (HE10109) Women’s health Women's health Pregnancy HE1420 Your Pregnancy/Tō Hapūtanga Booklet A5 Women's health Women's health Women's health Women's health Women's health Child health HE2005 Poster A2 Child health HE2007 Child health HE2008 Child health HE2009 Child health HE2098 Breastfeeding: You're Part of the Picture Too! - Niuean Breastfeeding: You're Part of the Picture Too! - Tokelauan Breastfeeding: You're Part of the Picture Too! - Fijian Breastfeeding: You're Part of the Picture Too! - Tuvaluan Breastfeeding your Baby - English Women's health Child health HE2099 Breastfeeding your Baby - Māori Booklet 150 x 148 mm Breastfeeding information P Māori Women's health Child health HE2100 Breastfeeding your Baby - Samoan Booklet 150 x 148 mm Breastfeeding information P Samoan Women's health Child health HE2101 Breastfeeding your Baby - Tongan Booklet 150 x 148 mm Breastfeeding information P Tongan Women's health Women's health Child health HE2102 P HE2103 Booklet 150 x 148 mm Booklet 150 x 148 mm Breastfeeding information Child health Breastfeeding your Baby - Chinese traditional Breastfeeding your Baby - Korean Breastfeeding information P Chinese Traditional Korean July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Poster A2 Poster A2 Poster A2 Booklet 150 x 148 mm On being pregnant, labour and giving birth, and the first few weeks after the birth. Also the roles and responsibilities of lead maternity carers Poster promoting breastfeeding and family support for nursing mothers Poster promoting breastfeeding and family support for nursing mothers Poster promoting breastfeeding and family support for nursing mothers Poster promoting breastfeeding and family support for nursing mothers Breastfeeding information Page 37 Māori (HE2099), Samoan (HE2100), Tongan (HE2101), Chinese Traditional (HE2102), Korean (HE2103) English (HE2098), Samoan (HE2100), Tongan (HE2101), Chinese Traditional (HE2102), Korean (HE2103) English (HE2098), Māori (HE2099), Tongan (HE2101), Chinese Traditional (HE2102), Korean (HE2103) English (HE2098), Māori (HE2099), Samoan (HE2100), Chinese Traditional (HE2102), Korean (HE2103) English (HE2098), Māori (HE2099), Samoan (HE2100), Tongan (HE2101), Korean (HE2103) English (HE2098), Māori (HE2099), Samoan (HE2100), Tongan (HE2101), Chinese Traditional (HE2102) Category area Subcategory Code Women's health Women's health Women's health Women's health Child health HE2106 Child health Women's health Women's health Women's health Format Description Breastfeeding and Working - English Pamphlet DLE HE2107 Breastfeeding and Working - Samoan Pamphlet DLE Child health HE2108 Breastfeeding and Working - Tongan Pamphlet DLE Child health HE2255 Breastfeeding DVD DVD Child health HE2309 Poster A2 HE4141 New Zealand Naturally (breastfeeding promotion) Menopause Suggestions on how to manage breastfeeding when returning to work and while working Suggestions on how to manage breastfeeding when returning to work and while working Suggestions on how to manage breastfeeding when returning to work and while working Shows real-life experiences of New Zealand women to illustrate how to manage breastfeeding successfully. View online at Poster showing NZ women breastfeeding in a range of locations HE4172 Rubella and Women Pad A5, 25 leaflets Infectious diseases and viruses Resource title Pamphlet A5 Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language P English Samoan (HE2107), Tongan (HE2108) P Samoan English (HE2106), Tongan (HE2108) P Tongan English (HE2106), Samoan (HE2107) P English W English P Risks of rubella in pregnancy to the unborn child P English Authorised Provider Contact details Northland Auckland Maree Lamerton Resource Unit Public and Population Health, Dairy House, Porowini Avenue, Whangarei Private Bag 9742 Whangarei 0140 Phone: (09) 430 4101 ext 7990 Fax: (09) 430 4491 Email: Resource Coordinator (rotating role, currently Joanne McGregor) Regional Public Health Services Ground Floor Building 15 Cornwall Complex, Greenlane Clinical Centre Claude Road, Epsom, Auckland Private Bag 92605, Symonds Street Auckland 1150 DDI Phone: (09) 623 4600 Fax: (09) 623 4629 Email: Waikato Tairawhiti (Gisborne) Irene Clarke Resource Centre Population Health, Waikato District Health Board, Level 5, HMT Building, Cnr Rostrevor & Harwood Streets PO Box 505 Hamilton 3240 Phone: (07) 838 2569 Fax: (07) 838 2382 Email: or Leslie Puketapu Population Health Tairawhiti District Health Tanga Rite building 110 Peel Street Private Bag 7001 Gisborne 4040 Phone: (06) 869 1311 x 8714 Fax: (06) 869 2096 Email: Bay of Plenty (Rotorua, Lakes and Taupo) Bay of Plenty (Western and Eastern Bay) tbc Toi Te Ora Public Health Service, Level one 1166 Amohau Street Rotorua PO Box 12060 Rotorua 3045 Phone: (07) 349 7362 Fax: (07) 346 0105 Email: Charmaine Pini Toi Te Ora Public Health Service Level One 510 Cameron Road Tauranga PO Box 2120 Tauranga 3140 Phone: 0800 221 555 option 6 Fax: (07) 578 0883 Email: or July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 38 Other languages (HE codes) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Taranaki Hawke’s Bay Sharon Parker Public Health Unit Taranaki Base Hospital, Barrett Building, Tukapa Street Private Bag 2016 New Plymouth 4342 Phone: (06) 753 7777 x 8862 Fax: (06) 753 7788 Email: or Wendi Wolfen-Duvall Health Promotion, Napier Health Centre 76 Wellesley Road, Napier 4110 PO Box 447 Napier 4140 Phone: (06) 834 1815 extn: 4162 Fax: (06) 834 1894 Email: Whanganui Manawatu/Tararua/Horowhenua Christine McGregor Public Health Centre, Whanganui District Health Board 2nd Floor, Lambie Building, Wanganui Hospital, 100 Heads Road Private Bag 3003 Wanganui 4540 Phone: (06) 348 1775 x 7875 Fax: (06) 348 1783 Email: David Hillary Public Health Unit MidCentral District Health Board Health on Main, 575 Main Street Private Bag 11036 Palmerston North 4442 Phone: (06) 350 4560 Fax: (06) 350 4561 Email: or Wairarapa Wellington/Hutt Valley Liz Apiata Regional Public Health Wairarapa 9 Russell Street PO Box 96 Masterton 5840 Phone: (06) 377 9111 Fax: (06) 946 9881 Email: or Laurina Frances Regional Public Health, Hutt Valley District Health Board, Hutt Hospital, Level One, Community Health Building, High Street Private Bag 31907 Lower Hutt 5040 Phone: (04) 570 9691 Fax: (04) 570 9211 Email: Marlborough DHB Nelson Bernadette MacDonald Public Health Unit, Wairau Hospital, Hospital Road PO Box 46 Blenheim 7240 Phone: (03) 520 9914 Fax: (03) 578 9517 Email: Email: Jill Pledger/Tracey Judge Public Health 36 Franklyn Street PO Box 647 Nelson 7040 Phone: (03) 546 1537 Fax: (03) 546 1542 Email: Email: Canterbury South Canterbury Sue Burgess/Lesley Willoughby Information Centre, Community and Public Health 310 Manchester Street PO Box 1475 Christchurch 8140 Phone: (03) 378 6721 Fax: (03) 379 6125 Email: Janet McIver Community & Public Health, 18 Woollcombe Street PO Box 510 Timaru 7940 Phone: (03) 687 2600 Fax: (03) 688 6091 Email: July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 39 Other languages (HE codes) Category area Subcategory Code Resource title Format Description Email: West Coast Otago/Southland Sue Neilson Community and Public Health 3 Tarapuhi Street PO Box 443 Greymouth 7840 Phone: (03) 768 1160 Fax: (03) 768 1169 Email: Judy Sibbe Public Health South Main Block, Level 2, Wakari Hospital, Tairei Road Private Bag 1921 Dunedin 9054 Phone: (03) 476 9870 Fax: (03) 476 9858 Email: July 2015 HealthEd Resources Catalogue Page 40 Print (P) or Webonly (W) Language Other languages (HE codes)