Kensington & Chelsea Youth Offending Team

-------------------------------------------Kensington & Chelsea Youth Offending Team
Voluntary support
Parenting contract
Free standing Parenting Order
Parenting Order linked to young person’s order
Name of parent / carer
Name of young person
Relationship to YP
Telephone number/s
Name of referrer
Date of referral
Reason for referral
Views of parents or carers about their child’s behaviour
Is there any behaviour of your child that’s causing you concern and that you would like support with?
e.g. staying out late, not doing what they are told, arguing or fighting?
Support Needs
Views of parents or carers about their child’s schooling
Is there any behaviour that you as a parent need support with in regard to your child’s attendance at school?
e.g. not going to school, truanting or problems with bullying
Support Needs
Views of parents or carers about disciplining their child
What rules are there in your house? About what sort of things?
What happens when the rules get broken by your child? How do you sort it out?
Support Needs
Views of parents or carers about monitoring and supervision
Do you think you know where your child is and what they are doing?
Views of parent or carers about family relationships and managing arguments or conflict
How does everyone get on in the family?
Who’s closest to whom and who gets on the least?
Can you tell me about how arguments are handled in the family and how they are sorted out?
Support Needs
Views of parents or carers about parenting support.
What do you think you need in the way of support as a parent at this time?
e.g. information , one to one support , parenting support group
What could the barriers to you participating in any support offered be?
e.g. issues around childcare arrangements , transport or other needs in relation to literacy, culture,
religious beliefs, working hours or gender.
Support Needs
Practitioner summary
Are there any support needs identified from this assessment?
Manage challenging behaviour of their child:
staying out late, not doing as asked
Manage over-activity, attention deficit issues or any other problem the young person may has with regard to :
poor concentration and restlessness.
Manage their child’s attendance at school including :
addressing truancy, school refuter and problems with bullying.
Manage other problems associated with school :
e.g. difficulties with learning or any insubordination towards authority such as teachers.
Understand the role change associated with the onset of puberty :
e.g. granting the young person greater autonomy and involvement in family
decision making, avoiding expectations that are unsuitable to a young persons
Be able to talk more about problems, in particular around issues of bereavement, sexual health, drugs and other
possible issues (State what)
Increase level of supervision and monitoring, especially where and who the young person is with.
Learn positive consistent effective discipline methods.
Manage disruptive or aggressive behaviour including physical and verbal aggression
Please illustrate how these identified support needs will be addressed.
e.g. no further action
information given
referral to specialist agency
referral for fuller parenting assessment
Intervention Plan
What are our Targets?
How is this going to be done?
Who is going to do it?
Future Targets
Please remind the parent about the various levels of support, and on the basis on which support can be offered
e.g. voluntary support , parenting contract , free Standing order or parenting order.
(provide information about these and the possible courses of action
that may be considered.)
Consent-Parent or Carer
I/We also understand and agree that information about me/us has been and will continue to be collected for the purpose of
assessing and providing appropriate Youth Justice services. The Youth Offending service (YOS) may also use this information
for service planning, monitoring and research purposes. This information may also be shared with external agencies and
providers of relevant services that the YOS needs to consult and work with to ensure that I/we are provided with the most
appropriate services.
I/we understand that this information will be stored either electronically or in the manual records by the Yot for case
management purposes for the length of the programme and for (x) months following, to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness
of the plan. The YOT will keep the information updated and notify all recipients of any changes to ensure correction are made.
Confidentiality Statement
Any person including myself who work with parents and children have an obligation to inform social services if they discover or
are inform that a child is at risk of significant harm, for example being hurt physically, involved in sexual activities, or where
there is risk of emotional harm or neglect of a child.
Complaints procedure provided and understood
Information Exchange policy provided and understood
Legal Rights and Responsibilities information provided and understood
Confidentiality statement provided and understood
Important Details
When are next going to meet?
How Often do we meet?
Are there any other important dates?
Date of review/plan:
If relevant, earliest order end:
Contact details
Parenting support practitioner’s name:
Practitioner’s tel. No:
If unavailable contact:
Agreeing the intervention plan/contract*:
I/We agreed the parenting support plan and will work with the YOS as detailed above to prevent our child/young
person offending or engaging in anti-social behaviour.
I/We also agree to the information sharing under the data protection act.
Signed (Parent[s]/Carer[s])
The YOS will provide the support detailed above, and has provided and explained the relevant information as
Signed (Practitioner)