Scottish ILF Project Board – 3rd Minutes SCOTTISH INDEPENDENT LIVING FUND, PROJECT BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AT NORTON PARK CONFERENCE CENTRE, ON THURSDAY 15 JANUARY 2015 Those attending: Members Maureen Bruce (Joint Chair) Head of Care, Support & Rights Division, Scottish Government Florence Garabedian (Joint Chair) Chair, Self-Directed Support Scotland Margaret Petherbridge Falkirk Council - on behalf of Social Work Scotland Beth Hall (in place of Garrick Smyth) COSLA Etienne d’Aboville GCiL Susan Forrest (in place of Andy SCLD Miller) Julie Taylor PAMIS Jan Savage (in place of Peter Scott) ENABLE Ludinda Godfrey Dundee Carers Centre In Attendance Helen Sykes Lisel Porch Jack Blaik Gemma Pettie Scottish ILF Development Manager Scottish ILF Delivery Group Scottish ILF Social Work Adviser Scottish ILF Communications Officer Apologies Peter Scott Garrick Smyth Dr Sally Witcher, OBE Susan Grasekamp Jackie Maceira Margaret Simpson MBE Rhona Dubery Andy Miller ENABLE COSLA Inclusion Scotland SDEF SDEF Scottish Borders Social Enterprise Chamber Scottish ILF Policy Lead SCLD Welcome, introductions and apologies 1. Maureen Bruce and Florence Garabedian welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies noted as above due to extreme weather conditions. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising 2. The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed by the Board members. 1 Scottish ILF Project Board – 3rd Minutes Update on ILF meetings and events held/attended 3. Helen Sykes updated the board on events she had attended linked to the Scottish ILF. It was explained that December had been a quiet period for events due to the festive period. Future events included: Attendance at the SILC event w/c 19 January, a GCiL event in February and the subgroup of Social Work Scotland in March. Helen asked that if anyone knew of any up and coming events or meetings where engagement on the establishment of the Scottish ILF would be helpful, to please let her know. Approach to the Options Appraisal for Corporate Governance (Paper: PB11(2014)) 4. Helen Sykes introduced this paper which provided a background note on the development of the destination model for the new Scottish ILF organisation. The decision taken in December was that the first corporate governance should be provided initially by the Scottish Government acting as employer and contracting and commissioning body; with a new company limited by guarantee quickly established thereafter, and any staff and contracts transferring to the new body as necessary. This transitional arrangement would allow the first phase of work to continue, transferring all existing Scottish users to the new Scottish Fund within the tight timescales. At the same time, work could begin and due and proper consideration be given to shaping the destination model for corporate governance in the longerterm. 5. It was suggested that a small working group could be established to begin work now in drawing together options and framing advice to the Project Board, which would assist in the timely development and appraisal of options and ultimately inform recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the destination model for the Scottish ILF. This approach was agreed by Project Board members. Helen Sykes invited all members to nominate an attendee if they felt it appropriate. It was noted that due to the fast pace of work anticipated, those nominated would have to be able to commit time on a monthly basis to the work of the group. 6. In terms of timescales for the work, the initial view was that the Options Appraisal Working Group should be aiming to provide the Project Board with an interim report on its findings by May 2015 and a final report on the outcome of its work by September 2015. In discussion the following points were made: 7.1 A question was raised as to whether the working group should be considering the development of the new Scottish ILF structure. It was noted that as yet, there was no firm answer to this. It seemed very likely that structure would come up in the deliberations but that was something that could be considered in the working group’s Terms of Reference. 7.2 A further point was raised as to whether the working group would be expected to offer only one option or a number of options for consideration. It was noted that 2 Scottish ILF Project Board – 3rd Minutes given the complexities and wide range of considerations, it seemed likely that more than one option would be framed. Project Board Risk Register (Paper: PB-12(2014)) 8. Helen Sykes introduced the Risk register to the Board, advising that this was now amended slightly as an overall Risk Register for the Project. In discussion the following points were made: 8.1 Management Resources (resource funding related to the development and start-up of the Scottish ILF) was in place and at the moment there were no reported issues. 8.2 Award Resources (to meet the cost of existing and future award packages) had been transferred by DWP and HM Treasury and would be in place for the commencement of payments to Scottish ILF recipients in July. 8.3 Reputational Risk was a risk to all around the table. If there were any failure on developing the Scottish ILF for users, this would impact on all organisations involved in its progress. However, Helen noted that overall progress was on target at this point and therefore operational risk was at a comfortable level. 8.4 The potential risk to current Local Authority award levels and whether there was a mechanism in place to ensure that payments to disabled people were not adversely affected by pressure on those budgets was raised. It was agreed that further discussion would take place between Etienne and Florence to consider what action may be appropriate to recommend to the project board in this respect. Engagement Plan (Paper: PB-13(2014) 9.0 Gemma Pettie introduced the first draft of the Scottish ILF Engagement plan which had been produced following the Board’s earlier discussion of the Communications Plan. It is a “live” document, which was expected to continually develop and build over coming months, and it sets out the events and meetings identified to-date which offered an opportunity for the Scottish ILF to engage with users, stakeholder groups and organisations about what was changing, how and when the transition to a national Scottish body would take place and a chance to build relationships and connections. Gemma also pointed out the importance of work to create a Scottish ILF website to the communications and engagement work streams. She said that a Scottish ILF domain name had been purchased and that she hoped to use the established webpages from the UK ILF, or at least some of them, to give a degree of continuity to look and layout for service users. She aimed to have the Scottish ILF website ready for testing by the end of April and completed and in place by May/June, in time for the new Scottish ILF “opening for business” on 1 July 2015. 3 Scottish ILF Project Board – 3rd Minutes In discussions the following points were made: 9.1 It was agreed that the UK ILF communications letter should be shared with Margaret to allow her to pass this on to the ILF officers. It was also agreed that Lucinda Godfrey would speak to Carers Centres locally and report back to Gemma. 9.2 The effectiveness of events and communications would be monitored and analysed to identify if there was a particular group that should be more specifically targeted with information. The data transfer of current users would also offer a wider audience for communications as necessary. 9.3 Maureen Bruce gave thanks to those who noted interest in joining a small working group to be established to work on the Communications and Engagement Strategy (early work had begun within the Delivery Group) and this broader group would now work together going forward as the communications workstream grew. Update Report 10. Helen Sykes offered a general rundown on progress with a number of the other project workstreams in train and of work that would be starting soon. There were currently 20 different workstreams ongoing There were 2 options for location of the new Scottish ILF and work was progressing well on that front, with a decision expected soon There was a further Assessors’ meeting planned for the end of January to ensure they were closely engaged as plans developed Work was continuing on establishing all policies for the new Scottish ILF, with the 42 UK policies reviewed and areas for legal clarification flagged The IT aspect of the project was its highest risk and currently assessed as “red” in the risk register. Work was continuing a pace and additional resource identified to mitigate risk and to secure the progress that would be required if installation of the business application were to be made in time to allow testing to begin in April as planned. The first phase of recruitment was commencing with adverts and interviews for the CEO and other members of the senior staff team planned for February/early March. A small knowledge Transfer and Training Team had been drawn together and would be engaged in an intensive period of work with ILF Nottingham in February. Its work would be vitally important in the acquisition of information, processes and practice from existing teams who were winding down towards closure and the process mapping work and training of new Scottish ILF case workers and other staff. Any other business 11. No other business was discussed. Summary of actions and close 16 A summary of all actions agreed is set out below. 4 Scottish ILF Project Board – 3rd Minutes ACTION POINTS: Action To be actioned by All Project Board Lisel Porch members contacted and asked to give nominations for representatives on the Options appraisal working group Further discussion Etienne regarding LA payments d’Aboville – Florence Garabedian Identify and inform All Project Gemma Pettie of any Board members events that would be beneficial for a Scottish ILF delivery group to attend UK ILF communications Gemma Pettie letter would be shared with Margaret and would allow her to pass this on to the ILF officers 5 Timescale Wednesday January Actioned? 21 Completed TBC Ongoing Friday January 30