ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW Chapter 1 – INTRODUTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY 1.6: ORGANIZATION OF THE HUMAN BODY A. Body Cavities 1. Cranial Cavity 2. Vertebral Canal 3. Thoracic Cavity 4. Abdominopelvic Cavity 1.7: ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY A. Anatomical Positions: the body is standing erect, face forward, with upper limbs at the sides and palms forward 1. Relative Positions 1. Superior 2. Inferior 3. Anterior 4. Posterior 5. Medial 6. Lateral 7. Bilateral 8. Ipsilateral 9. Contralateral 10. Proximal 11. Distal 12. Superficial 13. Deep 2. Body Sections 1. Sagittal 2. Transverse 3. Coronal Chapter 5 – TISSUES 5.5: MUSCLE TISSUES A. Muscle tissues are: 1) contractile tissues 2) skeletal and smooth muscle are composed of striated fibers with many nuclei B. There are 3 types of muscle tissues: 1) skeletal muscle 2) smooth muscle 3) cardiac muscle C. Skeletal Muscle Tissue 1) attached to bones via tendons 2) moved by conscious effort 3) also called “voluntary” muscle tissue 4) the threadlike cells have striations and are multi-nucleated 1 D. Smooth Muscle Tissue 1) cells do NOT have striations 2) shorter than skeletal muscle cells 3) are spindle shaped, each with a single centrally located nucleus 4) compromises walls of hollow internal organs and blood vessels examples: stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus, blood vessels 5) actions are primarily involuntary E. Cardiac Muscle Tissue 1) only in the heart 2) cells are striated and branched, joined end to end, forming intricate networks 3) involuntary control 5.6: NERVOUS TISSUE A. Nervous tissues are found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves B. Nerve cells = neurons 1) respond by transmitting nerve impulses along axons to: a. other neurons b. muscles c. glands C. Neuroglial cells 1) divide and are crucial to functioning of neurons 2) these cells support and bind the components of nervous tissue 3) carry on phagocytosis 4) help supply nutrients to neurons by connecting them to blood vessels 5) play a role in cell to cell communication Muscle and Nervous Tissues Type Skeletal muscle tissue (striated) Smooth muscle tissue (lacks striations) Function Voluntary movements of skeletal parts Cardiac muscle (striated) Nervous tissue Heart movements Sensory reception & conduction of nerve impulses Involuntary movements of internal organs Location Muscles usually attached to bones Walls of hollow internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus, blood vessels) Heart muscle Brain, spinal cord, & peripheral nerves 2 Chapter 7 – SKELETAL SYSTEM 7.2: BONE STRUCTURE A. Bone Classification (pg. 131) 1) Long bones 2) Short bones 3) Flat bones 4) Irregular bones 5) Sesamoid bones B. Parts of Long Bones (pg. 131-132) 1) Epiphysis 2) Articular cartilage 3) Diaphysis 4) Periosteum 5) Compact bone C. Long Bone Fractures (pg. 136) 1) Greenstick fracture 2) Fissured fracture 3) Comminuted fracture 6) 7) 8) 9) Spongy bone Medullary cavity Endosteum Marrow 4) Transverse fracture 5) Oblique fracture 6) Spiral fracture 7.5: SKELETON ORGANIZATION A. Axial Skeleton (pg. 139-140) 1) Skull: composed of the cranium and facial bones 2) Hyoid bone 3) Vertebral column: consists of the vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx 4) Thoracic cage: composed of 12 pairs of ribs and sternum 3 B. Appendicular Skeleton 1) Pectoral girdle: formed by scapula and clavicle 2) Upper limbs: consists of humerus, radius & ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges 3) Pelvic girdle 4) Lower limbs: consists of femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges The appendicular skeleton is composed of 126 bones in the human body. Functionally it is involved in locomotion (lower limbs) of the axial skeleton and manipulation of objects in the environment (upper limbs). 4 7.6: SKULL A. Cranium (pg. 142-145) 1) Frontal bone 2) Parietal bones 3) Occipital bones 4) Temporal bones 6) Ethmoid bone B. Facial Skeleton (pg. 146-147) 1) Maxilla 2) Palatine bones 3) Zygomatic bones 4) Lacrimal bones 5) 6) 7) 8) Nasal bones Vomer bone Inferior nasal conchae Mandible 5 7.7: VERTEBRAL COLUMN There are a total of 33 vertebrae in the vertebral column, if assuming 4 coccygeal vertebrae. The individual vertebrae named according to region and position, from superior to inferior are: A. Cervical Vertebrae: 7 vertebrae (C1-C7) 1. Atlas (C1) 2. Axis (C2) B. Thoracic Vertebrae: 12 vertebrae (T1-T12) C. Lumbar Vertebrae: 5 vertebrae (L1-L5) D. Sacrum: 5 (fused vertebrae (S1-S5) E. Coccyx: 4 (3-5) fused vertebrae (tailbone) 6 7.8: THORACIC CAGE A. Ribs (pg. 152) 1. Usual # of ribs = 24 2. One pair is attached to each of the 12 thoracic vertebrae. 3. The first 7 rib pairs are called the True Ribs (vertebrosternal ribs) 4. Lower 5 rib pairs are called the False Ribs (their cartilages do NOT reach the sternum directly The cartilages of the upper 3 false ribs (vertebrochondral ribs) join the cartilages of the 7th rib 5. The last 2-3 pairs of ribs are called the Floating Ribs (vertebral ribs) because they do Not have cartilaginous attachments to the sternum 6. Typical rib: - long, slender shaft which curves around the chest and slopes inferiorly - the posterior end has an enlarged head where the rib articulates with a facet on the body of its vertebra and with the body of the next higher vertebra - the tubercle close to the head of the rib, articulates with the transverse process of the vertebra B. Sternum 1. aka breastbone 2. located along the midline in the anterior portion of the thoracic cage. 3. flat elongated bone 4. Manubrium = upper portion, articulates with the clavicle by facets on superior border 5. Body = middle portion 6. Xiphoid process = projects downward 7 7.9: PECTORAL GIRDLE A. AKA Shoulder Girdle B. Composed of 4 parts: 1. Two clavicles (aka collarbones) a. Brace the scapula, helping to hold the shoulders in place b. Provide muscle attachments for the UEs, chest, and back 2. Two scapulae (aka shoulder blades) - The scapular spine divides the posterior surface of each scapula into unequal portions - The spine leads to two processes - Acromion process: forms the tip of the shoulder - Coracoid process: curves ant and inf to the clavicle Articulates w/ clavicle and provides muscle attachments for UE’s and chest Glenoid cavity: depression between the processes that articulates with the head of the humerus C. Supports the upper limbs and also serves as a muscle attachment Joints of the Pectoral Girdle: 1. Glenohumeral Joint 2. Acromioclavicular Joint 3. Sternoclavicular joint 4. Scapulocostal Joint 5. Suprahumeral Joint 8 7.10: UPPER LIMB A. Bones of the upper limb: Humerus, Radius, Ulna, and bones of the Hand B. Humerus: extends from the scapula to the elbow Parts of the Humerus Head – fits into the Glenoid Cavity of the scapula Greater Tubercle – just below the head on the lateral side Lesser Tubercle – anterior side Intertubercular Groove – narrow groove between the tubercles Anatomical Neck –depression along lower margin of the humeral head, separates it from the tubercles Surgical Neck – below the head and the tubercles Deltoid Tuberosity – near shaft middle on lat side, rough V-shaped area Condyles – lower end of the humerus, articulate w/ radius and ulna Capitulum – lateral condyle Trochlea – medial condyle Epicondyles – above the condyles, provide attachments for elbow muscles and ligaments Coronoid Fossa – anterior depression between the epicondyles (where elbow bends) Olecranon Fossa – post depression where the humerus receives the ulna during elbow extension 9 C. Radius 1. 2. 3. 4. Located on the thumb side of the forearm Extends from the elbow to the wrist Crosses over the ulna during forwarm pronation Parts of the radius: a. Head – articulates with the humerus and ulna b. Radial Tuberosity – mid shaft below head - attachment for biceps brachii c. Styloid Process – distal end of the radius - provides attachments for wrist ligaments D. Ulna 1. Longer than the radius and overlaps the end of the humerus posteriorly 2. Parts of the ulna a. Trochlear Notch – articulates with the humerus b. Olecranon Process – provide muscle attachments c. Coronoid Process – provide muscle attachments d. Head – distal end of ulna, articulates laterally w/ radius fibrocartilage disc inferiorly that joins the triquetrum e. Styloid Process – on distal end, for wrist ligament attachments 10 E. Hand 1. Made up of wrist, palm, and fingers 2. Wrist skeleton consists of 8 small carpal bones bound in two rows of 4 bones each 3. The hand consists of 5 metacarpal bones, form the framework of the palm Sylindrical bones with rounded distal ends that form the knuckles They are numbered 1-5, beginning with the thumb Articulate proximally with the carpals and distally with the phalanges 4. The bones of the fingers are called: phalanges Each finger (EXCEPT the thumb) has 3 phalanges Proximal, Middle, and Distal Phalanx The thumb lacks the Middle Phalanx 11 7.11: PELVIC GIRDLE A. Consists of two innominate bones or pelvic bones that articulate with each other anteriorly and with the sacrum posteriorly B. The sacrum, coccyx, and pelvic girdle together form the pelvis C. The pelvic girdle: 1. Supports the trunk of the body 2. Provides attachments for the lower limbs 3. Protects the urinary bladder, distal end of the large intestine, and the reproductive organs D. Each hip bone developes from three parts that fuse in the acetabulum: 1. ilium – largest and uppermost portion, flares outward forming the iliac crest - posteriorly the ilium joins the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint - the anterior superior iliac spine provides attachments for ligaments and muscles 2. ischium – forms the lowest portion - ischial tuberosity points posteriorly and inferiorly - provides attachments for ligaments and LE muscles - ischial spine: sharp projection, the distance between ischial spines is the shortest diameter of the pelvic outlet 3. pubis – anterior portion of the pelvic girdle - the two pelvic bones join at the midline forming the symphysis pubis - the pubic arch is the angle these bones form below the symphysis 12 7.12: LOWER LIMB A: The bones of the LE form the framewrok of the thigh, lower leg, and foot B. Bones of the Lower Limb: 1. Femur: longest bone in the body, extends hip -> knee a. Head: on proximal end, projects medially into acetabulum b. Fovea Capitis: pit on the head, marks attachment of ligamentum capitis c. Neck: constriction just below the head d. Greater Trochanter: large process superior and lateral to lesser trochanter e. Lesser Trachanter: inf and med to greater trochanter f. Lateral and Medial Condyles: rounded processes distal end of bone 2. Patella: articulates with femur, located in quadriceps tendon 3. Tibia: larger and medial of two lower leg bones a. Medial and Lateral Condyles: articulate with femoral condyles b. Tibial Tuberosity: attachment for patellar ligament c. Medial Malleolus: distal end of bone, ligament attachment 4. Fibula: long slender bone lateral to the tibia a. Head: proximal portion of bone b. Lateral Malleolus: distal end of bone, articulates w/ tibia just below lat condyle 5. Tarsals: 7 tarsals make up the ankle a. Talus: articulates with the tibia and fibula b. Calcaneus: largest of the tarsals, makes up the heel, located below the talus - supports body weight - provides attachments for muscles that move the foot c. 5 other tarsals: Navicular, Medial, Intermediate, & Lateral Cuneiforms, Cuboid 6. Metatarsals: 5 metatarsals that artriculate with the tarsus - numbered 1-5 beginning on the medial side - heads at the distal ends form the ball of the foot 7. Phalanges: each toe has 3 phalanges, proximal, middle, and distal (EXCEPT the great toe which only has 2 (no middle phalange) - they align and articulate with the metatarsals 13 7.13: JOINTS A. Joints are functional junctions between bones They bind parts of the skeletal system Make bone growth possible Permit parts of the skeleton to change shape during childbirth Enable the body to move in response to skeletal muscle contractions Vary considerably in structure and function B. Types of joints (pg. 162) 1. Fibrous Joints a. thin layer of dense CT joins the bones as in a suture between a pair of flat bones in the skull b. no appreciable movement takes place 2. Cartilaginous Joints a. hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage connects the bones of these joints b. examples: joints that separate the vertebrae with intervertebral disc and pubic symphysis 3. Synovial Joints a. primary joint within the skeletal system b. allow for free movement c. more complex structurally than fibrous or cartilaginous joints d. articular end of the bones are covered with hyaline cartilage and surrounded by a tubular capsule of dense CT – the Joint Capsule The joint capsule is composed of an outer layer of ligaments and an inner lining of synovial membrane which secretes synovial fluid to lubricate the joint e. Menisci: shock absorbing fibrocartilage in some joints between articulating bone surfaces f. Bursae: fluid sacs lined with synovial membrane. Commonly located between tendons and underlying boney prominences g. Synovial Joint Classifications: Ball-and-Socket Joint Condyloid Joint Gliding Joints (or Plane Joints) Hinge Joint Pivot Joint Saddle Joint 14 Types of Joints Type of Joint Description Fibrous Articulating bones are fastened together by a thin layer of dense CT Cartilaginous Articulating bones are connected by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage Articulating ends of bones are surrounded by a joint capsule of ligaments and synovial membranes Ball-shaped head of one bone articulates with cup-shaped cavity of another Oval-shaped condyle of one bone articulates with elliptical cavity of another Synovial 1. Ball-andsocket 2. Condyloid 3. Gliding Articulating surfaces are nearly flat or slightly curved 4. Hinge Convex surface of one bone articulates with concave surface of another Cylindrical surface of one bone articulates with ring of bone and ligament Articulating surfaces have both concave and convex regions; the surface of one bone fits the complementary surface of another 5. Pivot 6. Saddle Possible Movements None Limited movement as in back bend or twisting Allow free movement Examples Suture between bones of skull, joint betweent he distal ends of tibia and fibula Joints between the bodies of vertebrae, symphysis pubis Movements in all planes and rotation Shoulder, Hip Variety of movements in different planes, but no rotation Sliding or twisting MCP joints Flexion and extension Rotation around a central axis Variety of movements, mainly in two planes Joints between various bones of wrist and ankle, joints between ribs 2-7 and sternum Elbow, joints of phalanges Joints between he proximal ends of the radius and ulna Joint between the carpal and metacarpals of thumb ILLUSTRATIONS OF SYNOVIAL JOINTS: see next page 15 16 Types of Joint Movements (pg 165) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Flexion Extension Dorsiflexion Plantarflexion Hyperextension Abduction Adduction Rotation Circumduction Pronation Supination Eversion Inversion Retraction Protraction Elevation Depression 17 Chapter 8: MUSCULAR SYSTEM 8.2: STRUCTURE OF SKELETAL MUSCLE A. Connective Tissue Coverings (pg. 177) 1. Fascia a. Layers of fibrous CT b. Separate individual skeletal muscles from adjacent muscles & hold it position c. Surrounds each muscle d. May project beyond the end to form a cordlike tendon f. Fibers may intertwine with the bone’s periosteum, attaching muscle to bone 2. Aponeurosis a. Broad fibrous sheets formed by CT b. May attach to bone or to coverings of adjacent muscles 3. Epimysium: Layer of CT that closely surrounds a skeletal muscle 4. Perimysium: Layer of CT that extends inward from the epimysium and separates muscle tissue into small compartments 5. Fascicles: compartments that contain bundles of skeletal muscle fibers 5. Endomysium: Each muscle fiber within a fascicle that lies within a thin layer of CT B. Skeletal Muscle Fibers 1. Are single cells that contract in response to stimulation and then relax when the stimulation ends 2. Thin, elongated cylinder with rounded ends, may extend the full length of the muscle 3. Sarcolemma: Muscle cell membrane 4. Sarcoplasm: Muscle cell cytoplasm containing nuclei, mitochondria, and myofibrils 5. Myofibrils: lie parallel in the sarcoplams, consist of protein filaments: myosin & actin 6. Myosin: thick protein filaments 7. Actin: thin protein filaments 8. Troponin and tropomyosin: two other thin protein filaments found in muscle cells 9. Striations: bands of a skeletal muscle fiber produced by the organization of the filaments creating light and dark “striations” 10. Sarcomeres: Striations that form a repeating pattern of units along each muscle fiber They are the functional unit of muscle contraction and the myofibrils can be Considered as a collection of sarcomeres. 18 SARCOMERES The striation pattern of skeletal muscle fibers has 2 main parts: I bands and A bands I bands: the light bands composed of thin actin filaments directly attached to structures called Z lines A bands: the dark bands complsed of thick myosin filaments overlapping thin actin filaments H zone: central region consisting of thick filaments M line: protein thickening that help hold the thick filaments in place *A sarcomere extends from one Z line to the next* Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: Membranous channels that surround each myofibril & run // to it Corresponds to endoplasmic reticulum of other cells Transverse Tubules: Membranous channels that extend inward from the fiber’s membrane and pass all the way through the fiber, opening a channel to the outside of the fiber Contains ECF & each tubule lies between 2 enlarged portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called cisternae 19 1. Neuromuscular Junction (pg. 180) a. Motor Neurons: Neurons that control effectors, including skeletal muscle b. Synapse: Functional (but not physical) connection between a muscle fiber and motor neuron c. Neurotransmitters: chemicals neurons release to communicate with cells they control d. Neuromuscular Junction: Connection between the motor neuron and the muscle fiber e. Motor End Plate: specialized portion of the muscle fiber membrane where the nuclei and mitochondria are abundant and the sarcolemma is extensively folded **CHECK OUT: for a cool demo! 2. Motor Units ** Together a motor neuron and the muscle fiber that it controls constitute a motor unit a. b. c. d. A muscle fiber usually has one motor end plate The axons of motor neurons are densely branched By means of these branches, one motor neuron may connect to many muscle fibers When a motor neuron transmits an impulse, all the muscle fibers it links to are stimulated to contract simultaneously 8.8: MAJOR SKELETAL MUSCLES A. Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication (pg. 193-195) 20 Muscle Epicranius Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator MUSCLES OF FACIAL EXPRESSION AND MASTICATION Origin Insertion Action Occipital bone Skin & muscle around eyes Raises eyebrow Maxillary & frontal bones Skin around eye Closes eye Skin of lips Orbicularis oris Zygomaticus Muscles near the mouth Outer surfaces of maxilla & mandible Zygomatic bone Platysma Fascia in upper chest Lower border of mandible Masseter Lower border of zygomatic arch Temporal bone Lateral surface of mandible Temporalis Orbicularis oris Coronoid process & lateral surface of mandible Closes & protrudes lips Compresses cheeks inward Raises corner of mouth Draws corners of mouth downward Elevates mandible Elevates mandible Many muscles of facial expression are located around the eyes and mouth, are responsible for such expressions as: surprise, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and pain. As a group, they join the bones of the skull to connective tissue in various regions of the overlying skin. Muscles of mastication attach to the mandible and produce chewing movements. C. Muscles that Move the Head (Pg. 195) 21 Muscle Sternocleidomastoid Splenius capitis Semispinalis capitis MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE HEAD Origin Insertion Ant surface of sternum & upper Mastoid process of surf of clavicle temporal bone Spinous processes of lower C/S & Mastoid process of upper T/S vertebrae temporal bone Processes of lower C/S & upper T/S Occipital bone vertebrae Action Neck flex, neck lat flex, raises sternum Neck rot, neck lat flex, head extension Head exten, neck rot and lat flex Head movements result from the actions of paired muscles in the neck and upper back. These muscles flex, extend, and rotate the head. 3. Muscles that Move the Pectoral Girdle (pg. 195) Muscle Trapezius Rhomboid major Levator scapulae Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE PECTORAL GIRDLE Origin Insertion Occipital bone & spines of C/S Clavicle, spine and acromion & T/S vertebrae process of scapula Spines of upper T/S vertebrae Medial border of scapula Action Scapular rot and retraction, shoulder elevation Raises and retracts scapula Transverse processes of C/S vertebrae Outer surfaces of upper ribs Medial margin of scapula Elevates scapula Ventral surface of scapula Sternal ends of upper ribs Coracoids process of scapula Pulls scapula anteriorly and inferiorly Pulls scapula anteriorly and inferiorly, raises ribs The muscles that move the pectoral girdle are closely associated with those that move the arm. 4. Muscles that Move the Upper Arm (pg. 196) 22 MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE UPPER ARM Muscle Origin Insertion Coracobrachialis Coracoids process of Shaft of humerus scapula Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum, & costal Intertubercular cartilages of upper ribs groove of humerus Teres major Lat border of scapula Intertubercular groove of humerus Latissimus dorsi Sacral spines, L/S & lower Intertubercular T/S vert, iliac crest & groove of humerus lower ribs Supraspinatus Post surface of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Deltoid Acromion process, Deltoid tuberosity of scapular spine & clavicle humerus Subscapularis Ant surface of scapula Lesser tubercle of humerus Infraspinatus Post surface of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Teres minor Lateral border of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Action Shoulder flex & abd Shld flex, add, & IR Shld exten, add, & IR Shld exten, add, & IR, draws raised arm down & back Shld abd Shld abd, flex, & exten Shld IR Shld ER Shld ER Muscles that connect the humerus to various regions of the pectoral girdle, ribs, and vertebral column make these movements possible. Flexors – Coracobrachialis & Pectoralis major Extensors – Teres major & Latissimus dorsi Abductors – Supraspinatus & Deltoid Rotators – Subscapularis, Infraspinatus, & Teres minor 5. Muscles that Move the Forearm and Hand (pg. 199) 23 Muscle Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Triceps brachii Supinator Pronator teres Pronator quadratus Muscle Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Flexor digitorum profundus Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE FOREARM Origin Insertion Coracoids process and Radial tuberosity of tubercle above glenoid cavity radius of scapula Anterior shaft of humerus Coronoid process of ulna Distal lateral end of humerus Lat surface of radius above stulod process Tubercle below glenoid Olecranon process of cavity & lat med surfaces of ulna humerus Lateral epicondyle of Lateral surface of humerus and ulnar crest radius Medial epicondyle of Lateral surface of humerus and ulnar coronoid radius process Anterior distal end of ulna Anterior distal end of radius MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE HAND Origin Insertion Medial epicondyle of Base of 2nd and humerus 3rd MCs Medial epicondyle of Carpal and MC humerus & olecranon bones process Medial epicondyle of Fascia of palm humerus Anterior surface of ulna Bases of distal phalanges 2-5 Distal end of humerus Base of 2nd MC Lateral epidicondyle of humerus Lateral epicondyle of humerus Lateral epicondyle of humerus Base of 2nd & 3rd MCs Base of 5th MC Post surface of phalanges 2-5 Action Elbow flex, forearm supination Elbow flexion Elbow flexion Elbow flexion Forearm supinaton Forearm pronation Forearm pronation Action Wrist flex and abduction Wrist flex & adduction Wrist flexion DIP flexion Wrist extension & lateral flexion Wrist exten & lat flex Wrist exten & med flex Wrist extension & med flex, finger exten Muscles that connect the radius/ulna to the humerus or pectoral girdle produce most of the forearm movements. Muscles that move the hand originate from the distal end of the humerus and from the radius and ulna. 24 25 6. Muscles of the Abdominal Wall (pg. 200) Muscle External Oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominis Rectus abdominis MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMONAL WALL Origin Insertion Outer surf of lower ribs Outer lip of iliac crest & linea alba Crest of ilium & inguinal Cartilages lower ligament ribs, linea alba, & crest of pubis Costal cartilages of lower ribs, Linea alba & crest of L/S processes, tip of iliac crest pubis & inguinal ligament Crest of pubis & symphysis Xiphoid process of pubis sternum & costal cartilages Action Contracts abdom wall & compresses abdom contents Contracts abdom wall & compresses abdom contents Contracts abdom wall & compresses abdom contents Contracts abdom wall, compresses abdom contents, & flexes vertebral column Bones do not support the walls of the abdomen – instead, the anterior and lateral walls of the abdomen are composed of layers of broad, flattened muscles. These muscles connect the rib cage and vertebral column to the pelvic girdle. The linea alba is a band of tough CT that extends from the xipoid process of the sternum to the symphysis pubis and is attached to some of the abdominal wall muscles. 26 7. Muscles of the Pelvic Outlet (pg. 200) Muscle Levator Ani Superficial transverse perinea Bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus MUSCLES OF THE PELVIC GIRDLE Origin Insertion Action Pubic bone and Coccyx Supports pelvic viscera & profides ishial spine sphincter-like action in anal canal & vagina Ishial tuberosity Central tendon Supports pelvic viscera Central tendon Ischial tuberosity Males: urogenital diapgragm Females: Pubic arch and clitoris root Pubic arch Males: assists emptying of urethra Females: Constricts vagina Assists function of bulbospongiosus 27 The deeper pelvic diaphragm forms the floor of the pelvic cavity and the more superficial urogenital diaphragm fills the space within the pubic arch. 8. Muscles that Move the Leg (pg. 202) Iliacus Muscles that Move the Leg Origin L/S intervertebral discs, L/S bodies and transverse processes Iliac fossa of ilium Gluteus maximus Sacrum, coccyx, and post surface if ilium Gluteus medius Lateral surface of ilium Gluteus minimus Lateral surface of ilium Tensor Fascia latae Anterior iliac crest Adductor longus Pubic bone near symphysis pubis Post surface of the femur Adductor magnus Ischial tuberosity Posterior surface of femur Gracilis Lower edge of sympysis pubis Med surface of tibia Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spine Medial surface of tibia Biceps Femoris Ishial tuberosity and posterior surface of femur Head of fibula & lat condyle of tibia Semitendinosus Ishial tuberosity Medial surface of tibia Semimembranosus Ishial tuberosity Medial condyle of tibia Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Tibial Tuberosity Tibial Tuberosity Patella Patella Muscle Psoas major Spine of ilium and margin of acetabulum Greater trochanter & post surface of femur Medial surface of femur Anterior and lateral surfaces of femur Insertion Lesser traochanter of femur Lesser trochanter of femur Lesser trochanter of femur Greater trochanter femur Creater trochanter of femur Fascia of thigh Action Hip flexion Hip flexion Hip flexion Hip abd and IR Hip abd and IR Hip flex, abd, and IR Hip flex, add, & ER Hip exten & ER Hip flex, add, & IR Hip flex, abd, & ER, knee flex Hip exten, knee flex Hip exten, knee flex Hip exten, knee flex Knee ext Knee ext Knee ext Knee ext 28 Quadruceps -Rectus femoris -Vastus lateralis -Vastus medialis -Vastus intermedius Hamstrings -Biceps femris -Semitendinosus -Semimembranosus Muscles that move the leg connect the tibia or fibula to the femur or to the pelvic girdle. They can be separated into two major groups – those that flex the knee and those that extend the knee. Muscles that flex the hip AND extend the knee, or extend the hip AND flex the knee are muscles that extend over 2 joints – the hip and the knee, originating on the pelvis and inserting on the tibia. 29 9. Muscles that Move the Foot (pg. pg. 204) MUSCLE Tibialis anterior Fibularis tertius Extensor digitorum longus Gastrocnemius Soleus Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis posterior Fibularis longus MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE FOOT ORIGIN INSERTION Lat concyle & lat Cuneiform & 1st MT surface of tibia Ant surface of fibula Dorsal surface of 5th MT Lateral condyle of tibia Dorsal surfaces of 2nd & & ant surface of fibula 3rd phalanges Lat and med condyles of Posterior surface of femur calcaneus Head and shaft of fibula Post surface of & post surface of tibia calcaneus Posterior surface of Distal phalanges 2-5 tibia Lat condyle and post Tarsal and MT bones surface of tibia, post surf of fibula Lat condyle of tibia, Tarsal and MT bones head & shaft of fibula ACTION Ankle DF & inversion Ankle DF and foot ever Ankle DF & eversion Knee flex and ankle PF Ankle PF Ankle PF and inversion, toes 2-5 flexion Ankle PF and inversion Ankle PF and eversion & supports arch Many muscles that move the foot are located in the leg. They attach the femur, tibia, and fibula to bones of the foot. 30