Comenius Project “C.E.I.P. MIGUEL DE CERVANTES” CONSUEGRA QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Recycle Today for a Better Tomorrow Partners: Scoala Gimnaziala Scaesti – Romania CUMHURİYET İLKÖĞRETİM OKULU – Turkey Zespół Szkół Publicznych w Bystrzycy Starej - Poland Riga Jugla Secondary School – Latvia C.E.I.P. Miguel de Cervantes – Spain State Scholarships Foundation – Greece I. PUPIL´S KNOWLEDGE OF RECYCLING AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. 1. ¿Do you know the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling? 1. Do you know the benefits of reducing, 1% 1% reusing and recycling? Yes - 276 No - 3 No answer - 2 98% A great majority of our students have an idea of what the benefits of reducing, reusing and recyling are. 2. ¿What are the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling? 2. What are the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling? 7% 9% energy saving - 20 23% 58% natural resources saving - 26 environment protection- 70 3% creation of an ecological conscience - 10 all the above - 174 58% of students believe that the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling are: Protection of our environment. Saving of the natural resources. Saving of Energy. The creation of an ecologic conscience. 3. ¿Do you know what is glass, paper and plastic made of? 3. Do you know what is glass, paper, plastic made of? 34% yes - 185 66% no - 96 Considering the majority number of affirmative questions, our students know where paper and plastic comes from, but there's a small percentage of students who don't know where glass comes from. 4. What can be recycled? What can be recycled? 2% 10% 3% 5% Papel y carton - 220 22% Plastico y tapones - 235 Vidrio - 216 12% Pilas - 120 24% 22% Aceite - 30 Ropa - 96 Metales - 45 Medicinas - 15 Students from our school answers that there are many things that can be recycled. Most of the things that can be recycled are made of paper, plastic and glass. There is a small percentage of students who supports the idea of recycling oil, metal and medicines. 5. Which could be the consequences if we choose not to reduce, reuse, recycle? 5. Which could be the consecuences if we choose not to reduce, reuse, recycle? 14% 34% 16% Environmental Damage - 260 Pollution - 270 N. Resources Extinction - 120 Global Warming - 105 36% Our students think that the consencuences of no reducing, reusing or recycling are the environmental damage and pollution. A small percentage of students believes that there should be considered the extinction of natural resources as well as the global warming. 6. ¿Who should play an active role to the process of recycling? 6. Who should play an active role to the process of recycling? 4% 3% 3% the residents - 12 the Town Hall - 9 the school - 7 90% all the above - 253 90% of our students answer that our population, the city hall and the school, must have an active role in the recycling process. 7. ¿Is there an efficient number of recycling cans in your village? 7. Is there an efficient number of recycling cans in your village? 41% 59% yes - 165 no - 116 More than a half of the students in our school think we have enough recycling containers in our area and they are in good condition. On the other hand, there is a 41% of students who believe that the number of recycling containers is not enough. II.PUPIL´S BEHAVIOUR OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL, DURING EVERYDAY LIFE. 1. When you go shopping, what kind of material do you choose for the wrapping of the products? 1. When you go shopping, what kind of material do you choose for the wrapping of the products? 38% biodegradable bags - 175 62% all type of bags - 106 62% of the students declared they use biodegradable bags to store the products bought in the supermarket. And 38% said they use all kinds of bags. We must emphasize that one year ago in our town, the use of biodegradable bags was implemented and no longer free plastic bags are provided for free, as it used to be before. 2. When you buy something, do you check if the wrapping is environmental friendly? 2. When you buy something do you check if the wrapping is environmental friendly? 31% Yes - 86 69% No - 195 There is a high percentage of people who do not check whether the product packaging is environmentally friendly or not. 3. When you go to a picnic, what do you do with the waste materials? 3. When you go to a picnic, what do you do with the waste materials? 0% Throw them away in the middle of nature:0 Throw them to the rubbish bins:281 100% 100% of students, when going on a picnic, throw the waste into the trash can, with the goal of helping the Environment. 4. ¿What do you do with paper that is printed only on one side? 4. What do you do with paper that is printed only on one side? 30% Use the other side - 207 69% 1% Throw it in the rubbish bin - 2 Recycle it - 91 When a paper is used on one side, 69% of children use it the other way too. 30% of students recycle it and only 1% it throw it away. 5. ¿How often do you recycle? 5. How often do you recycle? 0% 29% 38% Always - 104 Most of the time - 90 Once in a while - 79 Never - 8 33% 38% of students stated they always recycle, 33% most of the time and 29% once in a while. 6. ¿Why should we recycle? 6. Why should we recycle? 0% 4% 2% To help the environment -265 For fun - 0 To save money - 12 94% Other - 4 94% of students think that we should all recycle to help the environment. 4% stated that we should recycle to raise awareness among the youngest as well as to help others. 7. Have you ever tried to reduce energy and water consumption? If yes, how did you do it? Water Consumption 12% Open taps when washing hands and brushing teeth - 270 37% Fix leacking taps - 120 34% Shower instead of bath - 246 17% Full dishwasher and washing machine - 90 We have registered our students reduce water consumption mainly when they wash their hand and brush their teeth. And in second place with 120 votes, the use of the shower instead of bath. Reduce and save energy 21% 43% Swich off the ligths - 217 Light bulbs usage - 180 36% Low temperature heating usage -103 43% of pupils think that lights must be turned off when not be needed, in order to save energy. After completing the questionnaire, we explained to students, that the use of energy saving low bulbs, spends four times less energy than regular bulbs. II. RECYCLING ACTIVITIES EXISTING IN THE SCHOOL. 1. ¿Is your school involved in a recycling programme? 1. Is your school involved in a recycling programme? 7% yes- 262 no - 19 93% Most of the school students are aware that the school is participating in a recycling program and in this section, ACTIVE PARTICIPATING is highlighted. Moreover, many students also refer to the playground Cleaning Campaign, in which paper and plastic is separated and recycled…as well as collecting bottle plastic caps. 2. ¿What kind of material is recycled at your school? 2. ¿What kind of material is recycled at your school? 8% Plastic - 225 9% 29% Glass - 35 17% Paper - 252 Batteries - 135 32% 5% Aluminum - 65 Other -72 Plastic and paper are the main materials that are recycled in our school, followed by batteries. (And, we believe this is so, due to the great emphasis we have place on high pollution produced by batteries.) 3. Have you ever participated in a school Project about recycle? 3. Have you ever participated in a school project about recycle? 37% Yes - 178 63% No - 103 63% of students say they have participated in a recycling program, referring mostly to participation in the current Comenius Project. Remarkably, there are students who participate very actively in the project, although there are others who play a less active role. So, we must insist on the importance of recycling to preserve the environment with the less active group of students. III. EXPECTATIONS AND PROPOSALS. 1. Can you propose any recycling activities to be organized in your school? Other recycling activities… Reused Toys - 62 2% 8% 6% 10% Second Hand Clothes - 179 29% 23% Hand craft material workshop 136 To visit a Recycling Factory 140 22% Light bulb recycling container 13 The activity in which a greater number of students are able to participate is the recycling of second-hand clothes. Although there is also a significant number of students who would participate actively in a recycling workshop and they would visit a recycling facility. 8% said it would be also important to recycle technological waste. Finally, 2% think it should be the installation of recycling bins bulbs. 2. Are you able to bring reusable and recyclable material to school or another drop-off location? 2. Are you able to bring reusable and recyclable material to school or another drop-off location? 3%2% Yes - 266 95% No - 10 No answer -5 A majority of 95% of students in our school would be able to bring reusable and recyclable materials to school. Only 3% says no. 3. ¿Will you personally participate in the recycling activities? 3. Will you personally participate in the recycling activities? 3%1% Yes - 270 No - 7 Sometimes -3 96%