Sample Course List - UCSB Human Resources

Recommended Courses
Introduction ................................................................ 1
Communication .......................................................... 1
Customer Service ........................................................ 4
Leadership .................................................................. 5
Operations/Planning/Marketing ............................... 6
Productivity ................................................................ 7
Professional/Personal Development ......................... 8
Career Planning ..................................................... 10
Project Management................................................ 12
Supervision/Management ....................................... 14
Human Resources ................................................. 15
Teams ........................................................................ 16
Introduction is a premier learning gateway to a broad
array of subjects and software.
UCSB provides all employees access to this plethora of
video lectures presented in an organized fashion –
courses are broken up into short segments and YOU
have control over when to start and stop.
You can create your own playlists of courses you are
interested in. Additionally, you will receive a Certificate
of Completion for each course you take! Great for
documenting your professional learning and growth!
Here are some selections based on what you and your
colleagues have expressed interest in.
p.s. New courses are added to regularly.
Subscribe to email updates to stay informed.
Communication Tips with
Tatiana Kolovou (1h 40m)
Become a better manager
or leader by honing your
communication skills in this weekly Wednesday
series with communication experts Tatiana Kolovou
and Brenda Bailey-Hughes.
Fundamentals with John
Ullmen (2h 5m)
Effective communication
is more than what you say. Learn to overcome
anxiety, improve your listening ability, hone your
message, and deliver it better.
Communicating with
Confidence with Jeff
Ansell (1h 28m)
Get simple
communication tools, strategies, and tips to help
you communicate with confidence.
Business Etiquette:
Phone, Email, and Text
with Suzanna Kaye (59m
Learn how to strike the right tone in emails, text
messages, and phone calls; include the right
information; and understand what communication
method to use when.
Humor in the Workplace
with Izzy Gesell (45m 10s)
Bring the power of humor
into your workplace to
help collaboration and drive results.
Agile at Work: Planning
with Agile User Stories
with Doug Rose (1h 8m)
Agile expert Doug Rose
explains how to plan agile projects by creating user
Crisis Communication
Fundamentals with Laura
Bergells (1hr 2m)
Prepare your organization
to communicate to key audiences in the event of a
crisis that impacts your business or brand. (1h 2m)
Effective Listening with
Tatiana Kolovou (1h 8m)
Communications experts
Tatiana Kolovou and
Brenda Bailey-Hughes help you assess your
listening skills and develop more-effective listening
Body Language for
Leaders with Carol Kinsey
Goman (51m 49s)
Learn what you are
communicating with your body language and how
you can establish leadership presence.
Improving Your Conflict
Competence with Craig
Runde (52m 13s)
Learn to respond to
workplace conflict more effectively, by managing
your emotions and engaging others constructively.
Business Storytelling with
C.C. Chapman with C.C.
Chapman (16m 13s)
Learn how to apply the
principles of storytelling to everyday business
communication. Tell stories that communicate,
inspire, and get your projects out the door.
Having Difficult
Conversations with Britt
Andreatta (2h 17m)
Learn how to prepare for
and successfully have difficult conversations with
employees, managers, and colleagues.
Communicating across
Cultures with Tatiana
Kolovou (17m 58s)
Discover how to
communicate better across cultures as a business
Conflict Resolution
Fundamentals with Lisa
Gates (48m 50s)
Discover how to improve
your relationships with your coworkers, clients,
reports, and supervisors and find your way through
conflict back to cooperation.
Fundamentals with Lisa
Gates (37m 42s)
Demonstrates the skills
empowered communicators use to achieve mutual
benefit at the negotiation table.
Overcoming Your Fear of
Public Speaking with
Todd Dewett (26m 26s)
Overcome your fear and
speak comfortably and clearly to audiences of all
How to Present and Stay
on Point with Todd
Dewett (24m 28s)
Learn how to deliver a
great presentation, stay on point, and recover
when you make mistakes.
Fundamentals with
Tatiana Kolovou (1h 31m)
Learn the fundamentals
of preparing for and delivering a compelling
business presentation.
Public Speaking
Fundamentals with Laura
Bergells (1h 4m)
Develop the confidence
and skills you need to deliver an outstanding
speech or presentation.
Creative Spark: Grammar
Girl, Changing Writing
One Word at a Time with
Mignon Fogarty (10m 8s)
Learn how Grammar Girl makes learning fun and
reaches millions of word lovers through her
podcast network, books, website, and games.
Writing Email with Judy
Steiner-Williams (1h
Discover the secrets to
writing powerful emails.
Business Writing
Fundamentals with Judy
Steiner-Williams (1h
Discover the secrets of business writing that
engage and inspire action.
Writing Business Reports
with Judy SteinerWilliams (1h 58m)
Learn how to write a
well-constructed business report.
Writing Fundamentals:
The Craft of Story with
Lisa Cron (1h 59m)
Dig into the craft of
writing a compelling story, with practical how-to
advice and before-and-after writing samples.
Writing Articles with Tom
Geller (53m 44s)
Explore the process of
writing articles for
publications and businesses large and small.
Customer Service
Working with Upset
Customers with Jeff
Toister (55m 4s)
Get proven techniques for neutralizing angry
customer behavior as well as preventing it from
occurring in the first place.
Using Customer Surveys
to Improve Service with
Jeff Toister (52m 14s)
Learn how to design and
implement customer service surveys, and turn the
data into actions that can improve service quality.
Customer Service
Fundamentals with Jeff
Toister (1h 57m)
Make your customers
feel valued. Learn how to deliver outstanding
customer service and keep them coming back to
your business.
Managing a Customer
Service Team with Jeff
Toister (1h 32m)
Discover how to lead
customer service teams to greatness.
Leading with Stories with
Paul A. Smith (36m 7s)
Developing Executive
Presence with John
Ullmen (1h 24m)
Explains how the
"elusive" quality of executive presence actually can
be developed to help you stand out from the
crowd, gain leadership opportunities, and be
successful as a leader.
Executive Leadership
Fundamentals with John
Ullmen (1h 42m)
Learn the executive
leadership qualities that set the best apart from
the rest.
Leading with Applied
Improv with Izzy Gesell
(54m 13s)
Learn how applied
improv techniques can help you become a better
Developing Your
Leadership Philosophy
with Mike Figliuolo (1h
Define and share your own authentic leadership
philosophy in this hands-on course.
Influencing Others with
John Ullmen (1h 21m)
Learn how to increase
your influence and
visibility in your organization.
Discover the structure
and key elements of a
compelling business story.
Stepping Up to
Leadership with Scott
Blanchard (43m 47s)
Learn the seasoned
leadership tips of Scott Blanchard, son of The One
Minute Manager ®, who is continuing his father's legacy
as a global business-training leader.
Leadership Insights from
Dan Rockwell with Dan
Rockwell (45m 35s)
Dan Rockwell, author of
the popular blog Leadership Freak, shares insights
that he's gleaned from CEOs and other trailblazers
and smart strategies for developing your leadership
Leading with Emotional
Intelligence with Britt
Andreatta (1h 46m)
Increase your emotional
intelligence at work so you're better equipped to
lead teams, work with peers, and manage up.
Leading Change with Britt
Andreatta (1h 42m)
Help your organization
embrace change and
make sure new initiatives are successful.
Leading a CustomerCentric Culture with Jeff
Toister (12m 42s)
Discover how to chart
your team on a course to focusing on the
customer, with three no-nonsense tips.
Modeling Courageous
Leadership: Intelligent
Disobedience with Bob
McGannon (44m 18s)
Find out how intelligent disobedience can make
you a more courageous leader. Learn to challenge
strict orders and take risks.
Creating a Culture of
Accountability with Mike
Figliuolo (33m 37s)
Create a culture of
accountability at every level of your organization,
with these leadership tips from executive coach
Mike Figliuolo.
Thinking Like a Leader
with Dave Crenshaw
(52m 18s)
Develop your strategic
leadership by studying and making insightful
connections between your company, your market,
and your customer.
Building Creative
Organizations with Nancy
Napier (41m 16s)
Learn six creative
disciplines that are common to high-performing
Leadership Fundamentals
with Britt Andreatta (1h
Cultivate leadership traits
that will help you inspire your team, successfully
manage change and conflict, and better serve the
needs of your organization.
Mentoring Others with
Todd Dewett (14m 5s)
Become a mentor who
can help others achieve
more in their professional lives.
Operations Management
Fundamentals with Eddie
Davila (2h 28m)
Learn how to identify the
operations systems in your workplace and use
operations management tools and concepts to
improve outcomes, efficiency, and innovation.
Strategic Planning
Fundamentals with Mike
Figliuolo (1h 26m)
Learn how to conduct an
effective strategic planning process that results in a
clear, compelling strategic plan for your
Marketing Research
Fundamentals with Cheryl
Ladd (1h 15m)
Get to know customers at
a deeper level—not as stats but as people—with
marketing research. Learn about the methods,
approaches, and process of conducting market
Managing Your Time with
Todd Dewett (11m 11s)
Organizing Your Office for
Maximum Efficiency with
Suzanna Kaye (1h 2m)
Professional organizer
Suzanna Kaye shows how to set up any office for
maximum productivity.
Going Paperless: Start to
Finish with Suzanna Kaye
(2h 17m)
Professional organizer
Suzanna Kaye helps businesses and individuals go
Getting Things Done with
David Allen (1h 32m)
Learn the art of getting
things done with worldrenowned productivity expert David Allen.
Time Management
Fundamentals with Dave
Crenshaw (2h 43m)
Explains how to manage
time in order to accomplish more.
Enhancing Your
Productivity with Dave
Crenshaw (45m 40s)
Discover and learn to
focus on your most valuable activities in order to
enhance your productivity.
Setting Up Your Mobile
Office to Work from
Anywhere with Jess
Stratton (2h 8m)
Learn to choose the right equipment, set up
productivity tools, and keep connected on the go,
in this course on setting up a mobile office.
Quick time-management
tips that help everyone
from busy executives to new employees get more
out of their work day.
Monday Productivity
Pointers with Garrick
Chow (10h 59m)
Self-contained tips on
the latest online tools, such as Google Apps, Skype,
YouTube,, Etsy, and more.
Top 10 Apps for Enhanced Productivity
with Suzanna Kaye (44m 29s)
Learn about the top ten apps for staying
productive and on task. See how to get voicemails
transcribed, merge and manage calendars, track
expenses, sign PDFs electronically, and more.
Mobile for Business: Using Productivity Apps with Nick
Brazzi (3h 23m)
Learn how to turn your Android or
iOS device into a serious business
tool with these productivity apps and
workflow tips.
Leading Productive Oneon-One Meetings with
Dave Crenshaw (25m
Discover how to set up
and run effective one-on-one meetings.
Leading Productive
Meetings with Dave
Crenshaw (1h 22m)
Discover how to get the
most from your meetings—turning them into
productive avenues for communicating,
connecting, and accomplishing real work.
Professional/Personal Development
Fundamentals with Mike
Figliuolo (47m 56s)
Learn how to make better
business decisions faster, incur less risk, and gain
support for your decisions.
Learning to Be Assertive
with Chris Croft (54m 26s)
Management trainer
Chris Croft helps you
understand how you can interact more successfully
with others by being assertive.
Improving Your Memory
with Paul Nowak (1h
Improve your memory
with these fascinating (and proven!) memorization
Top 5 Speed Reading Tips
with Paul Nowak (6m
Improve your reading
speed and comprehension (fast) with these top five
speed-reading tips.
Speed Reading
Fundamentals with Paul
Nowak (58m 4s)
Learn how to read faster.
Improve your reading speed and comprehension
with these proven speed-reading techniques.
Improving Your Judgment
with Drew Boyd (26m
Learn to confront
cognitive biases and improve your judgment.
Connecting with Peers in
the Workplace with Todd
Dewett (24m 59s)
Coach Todd Dewett
outlines helpful techniques for building and
maintaining productive coworker relationships.
Giving Your Elevator Pitch
with Todd Dewett (13m
Discover how to sell
yourself in a short period of time with a
memorable "elevator pitch."
Building Resilience with
Tatiana Kolovou (41m
Kelley School of Business
professor and professional communications coach
Tatiana Kolovou explains how to bounce back from
difficult situations, by building your "resiliency
threshold," with these ten training techniques.
Finding Work-Life Fit with
Cali Williams Yost (29m
Discover how to begin to
find work-life fit, and build performance and wellbeing in a positive way.
Typing Fundamentals
with Anson Alexander
(47m 16s)
Learn how to type fast,
efficiently, and ergonomically.
Grammar Fundamentals
with Judy SteinerWilliams (2h 11m)
Discover how to avoid
the most common grammar mistakes and improve
the clarity of your writing.
Managing Stress with
Todd Dewett (21m 2s)
Learn tips to manage
your stress, including
identifying your triggers, managing responses, and
making positive personal choices.
Developing Political
Savvy with Todd Dewett
(14m 2s)
Discover how to develop
political savvy and influence at work.
Creating an Amazing Life
with C.C. Chapman (22m
Content marketing
expert and storyteller C.C. Chapman shares his
advice on living life to the fullest.
Managing Your Manager
with Todd Dewett (1h
Discover how to manage
up at work and strengthen one of your most
important work relationships: your rapport with
your boss.
Resourcefulness with
Todd Dewett (29m 26s)
Learn how to assess and
develop the skill of resourcefulness: being able to
do more with less.
Building Trust with
Brenda Bailey-Hughes (1h
Learn how to build trust
using the three circles of trust model. Start creating
a culture of trust at your company and earning a
great reputation in your field.
Breaking Out of a Rut
with Stefan Mumaw
(33m 30s)
Learn how to break out
of rut. Stefan Mumaw offers rut-busting techniques
that give you the nudge you need to start moving
Preparing for Your
Review with Todd Dewett
(14m 39s)
Learn how to prepare for
your review and make it a productive conversation.
Balancing Work and Life
with Dave Crenshaw
(28m 55s)
Learn how to have it all
and enjoy it all by balancing your life and work.
Embracing Change with
Todd Dewett (11m 37s)
Discover how to embrace
change in your
professional and personal life.
Building Self-Confidence
with Todd Dewett (21m
Develop confidence you
can apply at work and in your personal life. Learn
how to own where you are and where you want to
be, remove negativity, and visualize success.
Making Decisions with
Todd Dewett (11m 39s)
Learn five simple steps to
making better decisions.
Disrupting Yourself with
Whitney Johnson (24m
Learn how to disrupt
yourself to grow professionally and personally.
Procrastination with
Brenda Bailey-Hughes
(19m 1s)
Learn strategies for overcoming procrastination,
managing time, and getting more done.
Discovering Your
Strengths with Dave
Crenshaw (55m 40s)
Uncover your strengths
and talents and build a plan to apply them
Becoming a Thought
Leader with Dave
Crenshaw (44m 58s)
Apply your expertise and
authority by cultivating your presence as a thought
leader in your industry.
Building Your
Professional Network
with Dave Crenshaw
(50m 36s)
Grow your professional
network and influence by building meaningful and
lasting relationships.
Building Business
Relationships with Simon
T. Bailey (1h 23m)
Build relationships with
your manager, coworkers, other teams, and
executives, and grow your visibility and value inside
and outside your organization.
Graphic Design for
Business Professionals
with Justin Seeley (2h
Learn basic graphic design principles anyone can
use to make business documents more visually
Intellectual Property
Fundamentals with Dana
Robinson (1h 31m)
Discover the basics of
intellectual property rights, and how you can best
safeguard your ideas and avoid infringement.
Career Planning
Getting Promoted with
Todd Dewett (30m 2s)
Coach Todd Dewett helps
you prepare your case for
getting promoted—and demonstrate the value you
offer your organization.
Managing Your Career
with Valerie Sutton (41m
Learn to proactively
manage your career by building a career profile
that guides your future growth.
Achieving Your Goals
with Dave Crenshaw
(25m 25s)
Set yourself up for
success by learning to set realistic goals that can be
broken into meaningful action steps.
Creating an Effective
Resume with Mariann
Siegert (3h 29m)
Provides step-by-step
guidance on creating resumes that highlight
accomplishments and specifically target a potential
employer's needs.
Acing Your Interview with
Valerie Sutton (38m 51s)
Tips to ace your interview
and land the job you
Dealing with a Difficult
Boss with Todd Dewett
(31m 28s)
Learn how to navigate a
difficult relationship with your boss by
understanding your own triggers, managing your
responses, and evaluating your options for next
Managing Project Risk
with Bob McGannon (1h
Project Management
Solving Common Project
Problems with Chris Croft
(1h 5m)
Professional PM trainer
Chris Croft outlines techniques for addressing the
most common people, quality, cost, and timemanagement problems that arise when working on
Developing Project
Requirements with Terri
Wagner (1h 35m)
Discover how to gather
and analyze project requirements.
Project Management
Simplified with Chris
Croft (1h 19m)
Management consultant
Chris Croft reveals twelve simple projectmanagement techniques that any manager can use
to save time and drive greater value from projects
across the organization.
Managing Project Quality
with Bob McGannon (1h
Discover how to manage
your project quality and produce results that
provide lasting value to your business.
Managing Project
Communication with
Doug Rose (1h 47m)
Discover how to use
communication strategies to better manage your
Learn how to anticipate,
assess, and manage project risk.
Managing Project
Budgets with Bob
McGannon (1h 11m)
Learn how to build,
manage, and monitor your project budgets.
Managing Project
Change with Doug Rose
(1h 1m)
Learn how to embrace
and manage change across your project.
Managing Project Teams
with Bob McGannon (1h
Discover how to build,
shape, and maximize project teams.
Preventing Scope Creep
with Terri Wagner (1h
Discover smart strategies
to keep your projects from getting derailed by
additional work not in the project plan.
Becoming a Triple-Threat
Project Manager with
Bob McGannon (27m
Learn how to combine project management,
business analysis, and change management
leadership to build better projects.
Agile Project
Management with Bob
McGannon (1h 17m)
Get the tools and
techniques you need to successfully manage a
project through the agile life cycle.
Rescuing Troubled
Projects with Bob
McGannon (1h 1m)
Discover ways to reset
your troubled project on the path to successful
Insights from a Project
Manager with Bob
McGannon (1h 11m)
Insights from a PMP and
former IBM project manager.
Managing Project
Schedules with Bonnie
Biafore (1h 33m)
Discover how to
proactively manage project schedules.
Managing Small Projects
with Bonnie Biafore (1h
Develop the skill set
needed to successfully manage smaller projects.
Pitching Projects and
Products to Executives
with Dane Howard (44m
Executives and product
managers from Google, Apple, and Adobe share
how to effectively move projects and product ideas
Project Management
Fundamentals with
Bonnie Biafore (2h 7m)
Lays out a set of
principles for managing projects efficiently from
beginning to end.
Rewarding Employees
with Todd Dewett (17m
Discover how to reward
your employees, by following the journey of a CEO
who learns a hard lesson about giving rewards that
mean something to his team.
Delivering Employee
Feedback with Todd
Dewett (1h 7m)
Discover how to give
employees meaningful feedback so they can learn
and grow.
Performance Review
Fundamentals with Todd
Dewett (2h 20m)
Learn how to gather
performance feedback, write reviews, and deliver
them effectively, while making performance review
conversations part of your management yearround.
Motivating and Engaging
Employees with Todd
Dewett (1h 50m)
Learn how to motivate
your team and retain their valuable contributions
over time.
Coaching and Developing
Employees with Lisa
Gates (1h 5m)
Learn how to coach,
transform, and empower employees and teams in
ways that increase retention and improve the
bottom line.
New Manager
Fundamentals with Todd
Dewett (1h 12m)
Learn to establish your
identity as a leader and connect with your team
when you first step into a management position.
Fundamentals with Britt
Andreatta (2h 9m)
Learn the management
fundamentals you need to become a manager your
employees admire and respect and one your boss
can rely on.
Managing Employee
Performance Problems
with Todd Dewett (1h
Discover successful, repeatable scripts to use when
employee difficulties arise.
Management Tips with
Todd Dewett (5h 26m)
Get two new
management tips every
week and learn to improve communication,
increase motivation, deal with conflict, and build
better relationships.
Managing for Results
with Todd Dewett (1h
Discover how to manage
your team to optimize execution and performance.
Managing Multiple
Generations with
Christina Schlachter (50m
Discover how to successfully manage multiple
generations, from Baby Boomers to Millennials,
and figure out what each generation wants and
Recommendations with
Judy Steiner-Williams
(10m 57s)
Discover how to write and respond to requests for
Human Resources
Human Resources
Fundamentals with
Wayne Cascio (56m 11s)
A comprehensive guide to
the field of human resources, including core
responsibilities such as recruitment, hiring,
compensation, training and development, and
performance management.
Onboarding New Hires
with Todd Dewett (1h
Discover how you can
effectively integrate new hires into your team and
set them up for success in working with you, their
colleagues, and the company at large.
Letting an Employee Go
with Todd Dewett (1h
Learn to safely,
positively, and systematically manage the
termination process.
Hiring Your Team with
Cindy Mayer (1h 14m)
Learn how to interview
job candidates and find
the right hire for your team.
business goals and introduces a four-phase model
to delegate tasks and projects large and small.
Managing Teams with
Todd Dewett (1h 23m)
Agile at Work: Building
Your Agile Team with
Doug Rose (1h 4m)
Learn how to adopt an
agile mindset and build an agile team: one that is
self-organized, collaborative, and accountable.
Leading and Working in
Teams with Amy
Edmondson (25m 12s)
Harvard Business School
professor Amy Edmondson outlines the roles of
leaders and members of teams in creating highperforming organizations.
Building HighPerformance Teams with
Mike Figliuolo (2h 23m)
Discover how to
accelerate your team's performance.
Managing Virtual Teams
with Bob McGannon (2h
Learn how to manage
remote teams effectively to increase results and
Managing Team
Creativity with Drew
Boyd (19m 59s)
Discover nine simple tips
to boost your creativity and think about problems
in new ways.
Delegating Tasks to Your
Team with Britt
Andreatta (50m 27s)
Explores how delegating
helps your team build experience while meeting
Learn to motivate,
communicate with, and
manage a team.
Managing Technical
Teams with Bob
McGannon (53m 50s)
Outlines the unique
characteristics and needs of a technical team, and
the specific competencies managers need to
develop in order to drive performance.