Delton Kellogg Schools

Delton Kellogg Schools
327 N. Grove Street, Delton, MI 49046
Phone: (269) 623-9225 – Fax: (269) 623-9269
Regular Meeting
July 15, 2013 – 7:00 p.m
Board of Education
Delton Kellogg Elementary Room 32
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Bassett on Monday, July 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
Board of Education Members Present:
__×___Mrs. Marsha Bassett
__A___Mrs. Jennifer Bever
__×___Mr. Victor Haas
__×___Mrs. Kelli Martin
__×___Mr. James McManus
__A___Mr. Andrew Stoneburner
__A___Mr. Benjamin Tobias
Administration Members Present:
__×___Mr. Paul Blacken
__×___Mrs. Sheryl Downer
__×___Mr. Thang Nguyen
_____Mr. Stewart Schofield
_____Mr. Steve Scoville
_____Mr. Lucas Trierweiler
_____Mr. Alan Walker
_____Ms. Diane Talo
Visitors: Mr. Brian Makowski, Mr. Clint Waller, Ms. Amy Butchbaker, Ms. Monique Reed,
Mr. Ryan Bates, Ms. Julie Renauldo, and Ms. Kim Nguyen.
4. Changes to Agenda - Addition 11 J. – Ratifying Bond Resolution
5. Communications- None
6. Nice Job Notes- Nice job notes were read.
7. Hearing of Individuals and Delegations related to Board Agenda or School Issues
8. Consent Agenda – All matters listed under Consent Agenda are those on which the
board has previously deliberated or that can be classified as routine items of business.
There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on
the motion unless members of the board, staff, or public request specific items to be
discussed or pulled from the Consent Agenda.
A. Approval of Previous Minutes
1. June 24, 2013, Budget Hearing Minutes
2. June 24, 2013, Special Board Meeting Minutes
3. June 24, 2013, Closed Session Negotiations
4. July 1, 2013, Special Board Meeting Minutes
5. July 1, 2013, Closed Session Negotiations
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Board of Education Meeting
July 15, 2013
B. Approval of June Bills
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the Consent Agenda
as presented.
Ayes __4___ Nays __0___ Motion Carried __×___ Absent:. Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
9. Discussion
A. Chris Iamarino from Thrun Law Firm with bond update.
10. Reports - Written reports will be available at the sign-in table at every Board meeting.
Any additional updates will be presented in the meeting during the “Hearings of
Individuals and Delegations Related to Non-Agenda Items”
Personnel Committee – July 8, 2013- Mrs. Bassett gave an update.
Finance Committee – July 8, 2013 – Mr. McManus gave an update.
Bond Steering Committee – July 11, 2013 – Mr. McManus gave an update.
Superintendent’s Update- Superintendent Blacken gave a report.
Action Items
A. Personnel
1. High School Principal Contract Renewal.
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent for renewal of Stewart Schofield’s
contract as High School Principal through Good Marks for Schools Organization.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___ Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
2. Teacher Layoff Resolutions
a. Tenure Teachers
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to adopt
the lay off resolution for the following tenure teachers:
Sandy Dancy – High School
Ryan Post - Middle School
Jill Methvin – MCTI
Christine Kiel – Middle School
Dale Grimes – High School
Elisha Hatton – Middle School
Larry Etter – Middle School
Jennifer Delaphiano–High School
Todd Kroes – High School/MS
James Walker- MCTI
Val Whaley - Elementary
Laurie Shipley - Elementary
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Board of Education Meeting
July 15, 2013
Roll Call Vote:
__×___ Mrs. Marsha Bassett
__A___ Mrs. Jennifer Bever
__×___ Mr. Victor Haas
__×___ Mrs. Kelli Martin
__×___ Mr. James McManus
__A___ Mr. Benjamin Tobias
__A___ Mr. Andrew Stoneburner
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried: __×___ Absent: Mrs. Bever,
Mr. Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
b. Probationary Teachers
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mrs. Martin to adopt
the lay off resolution for the following probationary teachers:
Alex Culbert – Middle School
Steve Miknis – Elementary School
Beth Herington – Elementary School
Roll Call Vote:
__×___ Mrs. Marsha Bassett
__A___ Mrs. Jennifer Bever
__×___ Mr. Victor Haas
__×___ Mrs. Kelli Martin
__×___ Mr. James McManus
__A___ Mr. Benjamin Tobias
__A___ Mr. Andrew Stoneburner
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried: _×___ Absent: Mrs. Bever,
Mr. Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
3. Fall Athletic Coaches; Football and Volleyball
Motion by Mrs. Martin and Support by Mr. McManus to approve
the recommendation of the Superintendent to hire the following coaches for the
Fall season.
Freshman Volleyball
8th Grade A Volleyball
7th Grade A Volleyball
JV Volleyball
Jim Hogoboom
Carla Culbert
Maggie Russell
Base at Level 1
Base at Level 3
Base at Level 3
Base at Level 1
Asst. Varsity Football
Asst. Varsity Football
Head JV Football
Asst. JV Football
Asst. JV Football
Mike Powell
Steven Miknis
Vaughn Mills
Mike Smith
Brooks Smith
5-9 at Level 1
Base at Level 1
5-9 Years at Level 1
5-9 Years at Level 1
Base at Level 1
Ayes __4___Nays__0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever,
Mr. Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
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Board of Education Meeting
July 15, 2013
4. Day Care Director Non Renewal
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to accept the recommendation
of the Superintendent for non renewal of Sadie Kovich’s contract as the Day
Care Director.
Ayes __4___Nays__0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever,
Mr. Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
5. Parapro Resignation Middle School
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mrs. Martin to accept the
recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the resignation of Denise Ingle,
Middle School Parapro.
Ayes __4___Nays__0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
High School Course Selection Guide
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mr. Haas to approve the recommendation of
the Superintendent to accept the High School Course Selection Guide as presented.
Ayes __4___Nays__0___Motion Carried _×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
Approval of Fleis & Vandenbrink Engineering, Inc.
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mr. Haas to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the proposal from Fleis &
Vandenbrink Engineering, Inc. for boundary & topographical surveying services in the
amount of $13,100.00.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
D. Contract with MJK Net Inc
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent for the purchase and installation of a district
firewall with MJK Net Inc. in the amount of $5,552.90.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __x___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
E. Contract with Border LAN Security
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mr. Haas to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent for the purchase and installation of content
filtering solution with Border LAN Security in the amount of $24,586.00
Ayes _4__
Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
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Board of Education Meeting
July 15, 2013
F. Contract with Secant Technologies
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent for district data migration services with
Secant Technologies in the amount of $11,905.00.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
G. Contracts with Dell
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mr. Haas to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the Dell contract to purchase staff
and computer lab workstations with Dell in the amount of $129,786.02 and student
laptops from Dell in the amount of $23,449.30.
Ayes __4___ Nays __0___
Motion Carried __×___ Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
H. Contract with VSC
Motion by Mr. McManus and Support by Mrs. Martin to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent to approve a contract for the purchase of
student laptop carts with VSC in the amount of $5,996.00.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
I. Approval of Bus Bid
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the bus bid from Midwest Transit.
Ayes __4__
Nays __0___Motion Carried _×____Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
J. Ratifying Bond Resolution
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to approve the
recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the bond resolution.
Roll Call Vote:
__×___ Mrs. Marsha Bassett
_____ Mrs. Jennifer Bever
__×___ Mr. Victor Haas
__×___ Mrs. Kelli Martin
__×___ Mr. James McManus
_____ Mr. Benjamin Tobias
_____ Mr. Andrew Stoneburner
Ayes __4___Nays _0___Motion Carried: __×___ Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
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Board of Education Meeting
July 15, 2013
12. Hearing of Individuals and Delegations related to Non-Agenda Items:
A. Brian Makowski : DKEA – Teacher Evaluation Question
B. Ryan Bates –Teacher – Daycare Question
13. Adjournment
Motion by Mr. Haas and Support by Mr. McManus to adjourn the regular meeting.
Ayes __4___Nays __0___Motion Carried __×___Absent: Mrs. Bever, Mr.
Stoneburner and Mr. Tobias
Meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
Kelli Martin, Secretary
Board of Education
Approved: _______________________________________________________________
Marsha Bassett, President