Summer Term 1 Newsletter 22nd May 2015 Attendance News!!! Our whole school target is 96% and we are currently at 95.3% Congratulations to those classes who achieved their 100% non-uniform day, especially those who got it for the first time! And remember, every half term, all children with 100% attendance will be put in the hat. That means there are 6 chances to win! For those who get 100% ALL YEAR, their names will go in a 7 times (1 per half term plus a bonus one!) Summer Hopefully Summer is now around the corner. Can I remind parents that we cannot put suncream on for the children, but advise that the you put it on your children before school. As the weather gets warmer and sunnier, children might want to bring sunhats for their outdoor playtimes. Fingers crossed the weather gets drier soon. School Dinners Just to let you know that, due to holidays, Monday’s pudding will be jelly for the first day back. Tuesday 2nd June will also change to Quorn sausages, but he pudding will remain the same. Thank you. New School Logo Thank you to all you talented designers out there. The decision was not easy at all and the school council and I decided that there was not one single one that we liked, but lots of great ideas that we wanted to put together. Therefore I have sent a range of fabulous ideas to a graphic designer to combine together. Thank you for all your entries. I will let you see the final design as soon as possible. Life-long Learners – Dance show recount At King Edwin there are many talented children. We have talents from athletics to gymnastics and on Friday 8th and 9th of May, a group of dancers took the stage at the Mansfield Palace Theatre and showed their parents what they could do. These talented children are, who attend our school are from a wide range of year groups. In the show there were girls and boys from the age of three to adults. There was Cheerleading, Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz, Lyrical and many more. The name of the dance club is Spotlight Studios but the show was called In the Spotlight. By the end of the night all of the dancers were tired but they enjoyed themselves and will never forget this night! By Elysha Oxborough (proud sister of one such talented performers!) Sponsored Spell Thank you to all those who sponsored and spelled over the Easter holidays. We have raised about £300. The money will be used to buy more Literacy resources. Year 4 Roman Visit On Wednesday 22nd April 2015 children in Year 4 went on a visit to the Collection Museum in Licoln to find out more about the Romans. When we arrived at the museum we were taken to the cinema where Erik told us about the Romans and about the activities we would be doing. First, Sam showed us some real Roman jewellwey. There was a beautiful bird brooch. Then she told us about hairstyles and how to put on a togs. It was extremely long and difficult to walk in. after that we made colourful brooches. Next we were taken upstairs and learnt how to be archaeologists at the big dig. Carefully we scraped away soil to find artefacts. We found a roof tile and part of a Roman bowl. It was fun. Then we went next door and made amazing mosaics out of coloured paper. After that activity it was time for lunch. We had a picnic outside because it was so sunny. We had a chance to chat to our friends. It went really quickly and was soon time to go onto our next activity. Erik met us and told us all about the Roman army. Each legion had a different coloured shield and a centurion in charge. All of us got dressed up as Roman soldiers and marched around the museum shouting, “Sin, dexs.” This means left, right. Finally we made shields out of coloured card. There was a boss in the middle. At two o’clock we got on the coach and went back to school. It had been a really good day. Our favourite parts of the day were making the mosaics and seeing the wonderful pictures. Also getting dressed up as a soldier, wearing the equipment and marching. We learnt lots of facts including, the Romans didn’t have buttons and they had different coloured shields. Report by Ella Kennell and Hugh Burrows Year 4 Roman day On Wednesday 29th April, Year 4 were all involved in a Roman day, which we all really enjoyed. The reason for the Roman day was to learn all about the Romans and what life was like in Roman times. Following on from the Roman day, we performed a Roman assembly for our parents. In the morning we learnt how to put together a Roman laurel headband, which important people used to wear. The laurel was made out of leaves which would go around you head. After we made the headbands we attended a Roman banquet where we tasted Roman food. The first food we tried was plain bread, made from spelt flour, yeast and honey. It was very tasty. The next bread we tried was made in the same way but it also had the herb rosemary and pieces of onion in it. To drink, we tried ‘wine,’ but it was really fruit juice. The next dish we tasted was pork in honey. It was very sticky and delicious. After the main course we tried honey cake, apple cake and ‘peacock tongues.’ The honey cake was yummy but the apple cake and ‘peacock tongues’ were not very nice. Next, Ms Lumb demonstrated how to make oil lamps using clay. All of the children had an opportunity to make their very own oil lamp. Some of the children found them tricky, including me. Later on that day, Year 4 performed a Roman assembly that the parents were lucky enough to come and watch. The assembly bought to life what it was like in Roman times and what the Romans did for us. In conclusion, my favourite part of the day was tasting different pieces of food and performing the play for our mums and dads. I learnt so much about Roman banquets, such as the Roman’s had a sweet tooth. I also learnt that important people such as Emperor’s wore laurels. By Isabel Evans Art Exhibition On Thursday 14th May a variety of talented art pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 were invited to an Art Exhibition at the Dukeries. Chosen pieces of work from these pupils were displayed in the exhibition for all to see. It was a fantastic experience for the children to have a look at their work displayed in an exhibition and an opportunity for them to be inspired by the wonderful art work which was displayed from pupils at the Dukeries. Thank you to all families that attended the exhibition, it was wonderful to see you all enjoying yourselves and being inspired. The children involved in the exhibition were: Olivia, Caiden, Lucy, Emmie, Eddie, Jasmine, Lily, Lydia, Anya, Jemima, Emily, Annie, Emily, Jacob, Finley, Grace and Harry. Grandparents Day Year 1 had a great time during our Grandparents' Day. Some of our lovely Grandparents joined us for the afternoon to tell us all about the toys and games that they used to play with at home and at school when they were little. This really helped the children to learn about how toys have changed throughout the years. The Grandparents got a taster of what the children do at school and went out to play at playtime to see how school is different now to when they were at school! Thank you for joining us, we loved having you! "We had a fun filled afternoon and was very enjoyable learning with the children. Thank you." A quote taken from an evaluation by a Grandparent. Parking Polite reminder that the school car park is for staff, visitors and disabled parking only. Could I also ask that you do not block residents driveways when you are dropping off and collecting children. School Nurse On Friday 12th June, Tina Bennett, our school nurse will be holding a drop-in clinic. She will see any parent from 8.45 – 9.45. If you have anything that is concerning you about your child(ren)’s health, feel free to drop in to speak to her. Foundation Stage Learning Journey Night On Thursday 14th May, all F1 and F2 families were invited in to school between 3.15 and 5.00. Families could have a drink and a biscuit whilst looking at photos and video clips of their child. Teacher and teaching assistants were available to share progress files, pieces of work and chat about children’s recent achievements. The evening was well attended. The meetings will continue to take place each term. Thank you for your ongoing support. Collette’s Memorial It seems like only yesterday that I had to write to you to tell you of the tragic passing of Miss. Doyle. The school is slowly recovering from the loss. As a permanent reminder of her, we have installed a bench around the tree outside of the Year Six classes. There are two plaques there too. Please be careful when touching them, I have had reports that they are a little sharp. I shall get magic Mr. Forest on the case. Please feel free to sit on the bench, it is meant to be used by parents and children alike. Foundation Stage Ugly Bug Ball Our first ever Ugly Bug Ball took place on Friday 22nd May in out Foundation Unit. Mrs. Foster has decided that it needs re-naming to the Beautiful Bug Ball, as there was nothing ugly about OUR bugs, staff nor children. Children were keen to dress up as a minibeast – as were the staff. We spent time with our classes making giant bugs with balloons and creating fantastic foods to eat later that day. Yes, we ate worms, soil, butterflies and ladybirds (jelly worms, crunched up biscuit and cakes, butterfly sandwiches and cherry ladybirds). We had a dance and paraded around the field, had our faces painted and enjoyed the finale to our theme, “Are minibeasts scary?” Year 6 SATs Year Six have been working hard in the lead up to SATs last week. Thank you to all Year Six for their resilience and maturity during SATs week, and for doing their best in all the tests. We are now looking forward to an adventure packed few days at Hagg Farm in June. Activities that the children are looking forward to include caving, climbing, orienteering and the zip line. e-Safety for Parents As technology is becoming more and more accessible in our everyday lives, the danger that children could find themselves in is also increasing. The importance of monitoring children’s online activities can not be underestimated. Here at King Edwin, we regularly teach about Internet safety and encourage the children to make the right decision – something we hope they can do when they are out of the school environment. Unfortunately the internet safety meeting hosted by King Edwin was very poorly attended, but if you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing online, please access the following websites for more information and advice. Important dates for your diary Friday 22nd May Monday 1st June Wednesday 3rd June Tuesday 9th June Wednesday 10th June Thursday 11th June Last day of term HALF TERM HOLIDAY Return to school Girls’ team V boys’ team football F1 Gardening day * FOKE teddy bears picnic * Foundation Farm visit * Year 5 Dukeries visit * Foundation Farm visit * Art Master class 6-8 * Brunts transition day – Y – 6 Friday 12th June School Nurse health clinic 8.45 – 9.45 Foundation Stage water day * w/b 15th June Tuesday 16th June Wednesday 17th June Thursday 18th June Friday 19th June W/b Monday 22nd June Tuesday 23rd June W/b Monday 29th June Tuesday 30th June Wednesday 1st July Thursday 2nd July Y6 to Sherwood Forest * Councillor Peck visiting school Janet Bagshaw (Meden) to see Year 5 parents * Sports day Race for Life * Year 6 at Hagg Farm Y4 to River Maun * Year 1 pirate day * Dukeries and Tuxford transition week – Y6 Y4 to River Maun * F1 trip to Butterfly House * Year 5 Orienteering at Sherwood Forest * F1 trip to butterfly house * F1 parent meeting Friday 3rd July W/b Monday 6th July Tuesday 7th July Wednesday 8th July Thursday 9th July Friday 10th July w/b 13th July Tuesday 14th July Wednesday 15th July Thursday 16th July Friday 17th July Monday 20th July Tuesday 21st July Wednesday 22nd July Thursday 2nd September INSET day Brunts transition week Y4 to River Maun * Y2 to Crich tramway museum * Reports to parents Potted sports day Foundation stage sports day and Summer fair Y6 Garibaldi transition Reserve sports day (FS) Y6 Garibaldi transition Enterprise Week * F2 Graduation & meet Y1 teachers * Partake Seaside day – Year 1* Y6 Leavers assembly (9.30) * FOKE Summer Fair * FS2 graduation * Year 6 Leavers BBQ * Y6 Leavers assembly (5.00 – 6.00) Talent show Last day of term SUMMER HOLIDAY Return to school