Closing the Gap Policy and Action Plan 2014-15 BAM September 2014 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Key Terms Closing the Gap: “narrowing the attainment gap between groups and individuals to ensure all pupils attain well and make the expected levels of progress.’’ Intervention: “the strategies and methods used to narrow the gap between identified target group and individuals to ensure all pupils attain well and make the expected levels of progress.’’ Key for Sub-groups: SEND Ethnicity Other Non Pupils with no identified educational need SA School Action pupils SAP School Action Plus pupils St Pupils with a statement of educational need WBR White British PKN Pakistani BAN Bangladeshi FSM Free School Meals G+T Gifted & Talented EAL English as an Additional Language CLA Child Looked After 1 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 1. INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE This policy and action plan sets out Handsworth Grange Community Sports College’s approach to Closing the Gap and pupil intervention. It also outlines how the school plans to utilise the Pupil Premium (PP) funding to effectively raise standards of attainment and achievement for all pupils. At Handsworth Grange Community Sports College (HGCSC) we recognise the importance of ensuring all pupils, whatever their background or circumstance, are provided with a quality and relevant education. This will ensure that all pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in life beyond School. At HGCSC Closing the Gap should be an integral part of every lesson and all areas of the school. Within the classroom there should be a clear focus on narrowing the achievement gap between groups and individuals through well planned and differentiated lessons that challenge and stretch all pupils. All staff are entitled to a programme of training that allows them to continually expand and experiment with a full range of teaching strategies and techniques to ensure the achievement gap is closed rapidly through the use of timely and appropriate interventions. 2. AIMS & OBJECTIVES Key Aims: 1. 2. 3. 4. To develop a clear direction and focus for Closing the Gap across all areas of the school; especially PP pupils. To embed ‘Closing the Gap’ across the whole school curriculum, using a range of resources and strategies. To raise levels of attainment and achievement and narrow the gap between target groups and individuals; specifically for PP pupils. To improve knowledge and understanding of Closing the Gap strategies and interventions of staff and to share good practice. Success Criteria: 1. The attainment and achievement gap for all identified target groups and in all year groups is closed further to less than 10% in all subjects across all year groups. 2 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 3. RATIONALE & CONTEXT Significant gaps in attainment exist for certain pupil groups and individuals. Gap analysis of school data shows that there are still gaps in attainment and progress in English and Maths across all year groups. Appropriate and effective intervention and teaching and learning strategies need to be put in place to ensure these gaps close rapidly to ensure that all pupils make at least the expected levels of progress by the end of key stage 4. Gaps in attainment and achievement of PP pupils have been closed successfully and rapidly in English and maths at key stage 4. Further work needs to be done to replicate this across all subjects and to close any gaps before the end of key stage 3. The nature of the cohort on entry is changing. The ability of the intake on entry in Year 7 is declining and is significantly below national average. The ability of the cohorts (based on KS2 APS) shows a decreasing trend and an increasingly negative differential between the school’s KS2 APS and the national figures. This difference is significant for all year groups in school. This is particularly marked with the Year 7 cohort who is estimated to be on average a whole sublevel lower than national figures on entry. The proportion of students who speak English as an additional language has significantly increased and is now higher than the national average at 28.5%. The proportion of FSM6 pupils, for whom Pupil Premium funding supports, is also rising and is now above the national average at 38%. A significant percentage of our pupils have poor literacy skills when joining the school. The percentage of pupils with a reading age below their chronological reading age has risen dramatically over the last 3 years as a result of a change in the feeder primary schools and an increase in the proportion of EAL pupils. A lack of literacy skills is impacting on pupils’ progress and achievement. These gaps need to be closed rapidly to ensure all pupils make at least the expected levels of progress by the end of Key Stage 4. A comprehensive literacy strategy is in place to address these issues. Pupil Premium and Catch-up Premium funding need to be used effectively to help close the achievement gaps. The school needs to continue to effectively utilise and target the additional Pupil Premium funding made available to schools in order to help further close the achievement gaps. The table below outlines PP expenditure during the 2013-14 financial year. 2013/14 ACTUAL INCOME EXPENDITURE 356,250 DIFFERENCE 356,250 STAFFING £ Primary teachers (1.4 FTE) Maths Mentor (1.0) English Overstaffing (1.0) Maths Overstaffing (1.0) 64,389 29,378 42,215 30,493 Science Overstaffing (0.5) Closing the Gap TA (1.0) EWO (0.8) TESOL Tutor EAL Coordinator TLR Connexions Support 21,215 21,080 20,688 18,984 3,120 10,134 RESOURCES Rennaisance Reading PP Resources Budget Literacy Numeracy Y11 Intervention (School Focussed Collaboration) Revision Camps Arts Award Trip Contributions Uniform and Equipment for Pupils Specialism 3 £ 4,000 5,500 1,000 250 7,538 3,616 1000 61 1117 15000 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Teacher Coaches Overstaffing (0.2 MPR 5) Lead Teacher Bursaries Total 7,236 Curriculum Development Fund 11070 Alternative Offsite Curriculum Provision Hola Project Attendance Minibus ECDL Rewards Post 16 Development English & Maths Revision CDs Additional CPD AfL Packs and Literacy Mats 280,002 2000 4000 784 2500 5000 3000 1000 3082 15000 800 Total 76,248 Teaching and learning needs to ensure effective and appropriate strategies and activities are in place on a daily basis to help close the achievement gap and meet the needs of all pupils. The quality of teaching and learning has improved over the last three years with the number of pupils making good progress in lessons increasing. There needs to be a clear focus on Closing the Gap pupils in the planning and delivery of all lessons to ensure that learning meets the needs and accelerates the progress of all pupils. Timely and appropriate interventions also need to be put in place, within and beyond the classroom, to ensure the achievement gap is narrowed rapidly. The table below indicates attainment gaps for 2014 performance measures. Gaps have closed significantly in English and maths and have closed for the 5A*-CEM measure. School 2014 School 2013 Trend Closing the Gap % 5A*-CEM 10% 26% 16% 2013 Gap to National 21% % PP v Non PP English 3LP 11% 15% 4% 6% % PP v Non PP English A*-C 12% 24% 12% - % PP v Non PP Maths 3LP 9% 11% 2% 14% % PP v Non PP Maths A*-C 12% 17% 5% - The table below indicates current gaps in Y10 for PP v Non PP pupils at DC4. This was accurate at the time of writing. The tables indicate that gaps are on track to either maintain or close further for the YOL 2015 cohort. 4 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Y10 at DC4 July 2014 (based on estimates) Closing the Gap 2015 Estimates % Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium English 3LP 4 % Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium English A*-C 11 % Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium Maths 3LP 16 % Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium Maths A*-C 17 Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium English APS 2.4 Pupil Premium v Non Pupil Premium Maths APS 2.9 Further improvements in attendance and behaviour need to be made and sustained for Pupil Premium pupils. The table below highlights attendance gap analysis for all year groups which are accurate at the time of writing. PP attendance has improved over time but the gap still needs to be closed further. % Attend % Attend for Cohort Gap Analysis 100% 95%+ Below 93% Below 85% Year 7 Whole school Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 PP Non PP PP Non PP PP Non PP PP Non PP PP Non PP PP Non PP 91% 95.7% 93.5% 96.7% 92% 94.8% 90.4% 96.2% 90% 95.5% 88.9% 95.3% 4.6% 11.3 43 39 17.6 29.5 72 21 5.5 3.2% 2.8% % of pupils in cohort at each attendance category. 12 9 5 45 26 37 39 29 103 76 23 24 40 20 49 6 11 18 4 9 5 5.8% 39 93 29 4 5.5% 7 37 32 14 37 90 30 8 6.4% 6 23 17 12 48 112 35 11 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES The Leadership Team will: Accept overall responsibility for the delivery of the school's Closing the Gap Policy and Action Plan. Provide opportunities for staff training about Closing the Gap to take place on INSET days or during other times. Support departments they line manage to close the achievement gap and identify pupils for timely and appropriate interventions. Be role models in using strategies in their own teaching to close the achievement gap. Ensure strategic deployment and utilisation of Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium funding to enable identified achievement gaps to be closed rapidly. Produce a Closing the Gap summary document after DC1, making explicit to staff achievement, behaviour and attendance gaps for all pupil groups and individuals across all year groups. Ensure all staff are made aware of the key pupils, groups of pupils, and target groups identified within the Closing the Gap document who are not achieving, attending and behaving. Ensure timely and appropriate wave 1, 2 and 3 interventions are put in place and collated on the whole school intervention tracker. Track and monitor pupils who are below target for behaviour and attendance and ensure timely and appropriate intervention is put in place. Governors will: Accept responsibility for challenging Leadership Team on the delivery of the school's Closing the Gap Policy and Action. Undertake appropriate Closing the Gap training opportunities provided by the school and external providers. Hold school leaders to account for effective spending of Pupil Premium funding and the monitoring of its impact upon Pupil Premium pupils’ progress. Appoint a Pupil Premium Link Governor and ensure Closing the Gap is a standing agenda item on an appropriate Governor sub-committee. Keep up to date with the Ofsted framework requirements for Closing the Gap and Pupil Premium funding. The Inclusion Team will: Utilise the Closing the Gap booklet to ensure timely and appropriate pastoral interventions are put in place, which support the academic achievement of target pupils and groups. Ensure literacy is promoted in tutor time activities. Assess and support pupils on Education, Health and Care Plans, Statements and SEN Support with appropriate interventions to improve reading ages following CATS test analysis. Identify and support pupils with specific needs, such as dyslexia, and provide appropriate intervention. Support pupils with Statements with in class Teaching Assistants. Provide intervention strategies using Lexia, catch-up reading, bespoke reading groups and programmes to support pupils in their literacy across the curriculum. To provide opportunities so that the Lexia programme is used as part of Year 6 to 7 Primary Transition and Year 7 Catch Up programme to develop pupils’ literacy skills. Provide in-class support where necessary and one-to-one out of class support for pupils identified in the Closing the Gap booklet. Communicate with all staff the SEN needs of pupils who have difficulties and provide with strategies and guidance for supporting pupils in the classroom. Identify pupils in need of additional support during transition and ensure appropriate interventions are put in place before the start of Year 7 i.e. Summer School. Ensure all interventions are recorded on the school’s Intervention Tracker. 6 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Track and monitor pupils who are below target for behaviour and attendance and ensure timely and appropriate intervention is put in place. The Literacy & Numeracy Coordinators will: Lead on delivery of the school's and Literacy and Numeracy strategies to improve literacy and numeracy of targeted Closing the Gap pupils. Provide opportunities for staff training about literacy and numeracy issues to take place on INSET days or during other times. Advise other staff in school on literacy and numeracy issues Co-ordinate tutorial and whole school literacy and numeracy initiatives. Organise the Renaissance Reading programme for literacy testing, liaising with the librarian. Monitor the impact of the Literacy and Numeracy strategies on pupils’ progress and attainment. Identify pupils in need of literacy and numeracy intervention from the Closing the Gap document. Coordinate wave 2 and 3 literacy and numeracy interventions and ensure all interventions are recorded on the whole school intervention tracker. Develop links with feeder primary schools to identify and support key pupils as part of the transition programme. Ensure all interventions are recorded on the school’s Intervention Tracker. Subject Leaders will: Effectively utilise attainment and achievement data, as well as Closing the Gap data, to track progress and attainment of pupils. Utilise the Closing the Gap booklet to ensure timely and appropriate wave 2 and 3 interventions are put in place which support the academic achievement and pastoral support of target pupils and groups. Track and monitor pupils who are below target and ensure timely and appropriate intervention is put in place. Teaching Staff will: Effectively utilise attainment and achievement data, as well as Closing the Gap data, to plan effective lessons which enable all pupils, to make good progress. Ensure teaching is good on a daily basis and lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils; as identified in Wave 1 intervention below. Ensure opportunities are provided in all lessons for all pupils to make good progress. Utilise the Closing the Gap booklet to ensure timely and appropriate wave 2 and 3 interventions are put in place which support the academic achievement of target pupils and groups identified. Ensure literacy and numeracy is promoted in all lessons. Track and monitor pupils who are below target and ensure timely and appropriate intervention is put in place. 7 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 INTERVENTION What is intervention? Intervention is defined as ‘the strategies and methods used to narrow the gap between identified target group and individuals to ensure all pupils attain well and make the expected levels of progress’. This should be both within and beyond the classroom and should be timely and appropriate to the specific skills gaps and needs of individual pupils. There are three distinct waves of intervention that staff should follow. Wave 1 - The effective inclusion of all children in high quality teaching & learning. To include: A nurturing environment with relevant, tailored and differentiated opportunities for learning. Opportunities for small group experiences in a safe and secure space. Extra time for responses to questions or contributions to group discussion. Extra time for activities where needed. Scaffolding of activities and modelling of exemplar work and responses. Using practical activities and experiential learning. Opportunities for children/young people to transfer/generalise their learning in different contexts and between different subjects. A clear focus on literacy and numeracy. Opportunities for revision and over learning. Access to groups where pupils are working with peers of similar levels. Access to grouping that enables pupils to work with peers who will provide good role models for language and communication skills and for co-operative and independent application to task. Teaching and learning which is multi-sensory and well structured. Changing direction and re-shaping tasks to enhance pupil progress and understanding. Wave 2 - Additional time-limited provision in the form of small-group intervention outside of the normal classroom. When considering pupils for Wave 2 additional support, teachers should first consider whether the elements of Wave 1 provision are in place. It may well be the considered judgement that despite some of these elements not being in place, a pupil is sufficiently behind their peers to merit additional support. Nevertheless, the thorough implementation of quality first teaching should be a priority. Wave 2 interventions should be used for pupils who can be expected to ‘catch up’ with their peers as a result of the intervention. To include:Small-group intervention for example after school booster classes; holiday revision camps, withdrawal classes during the school day. Wave 3 - Specific targeted interventions for identified pupils outside of the classroom. Additional time-limited intervention and provision to enhance the progress of identified children where Waves 1 and 2 are not, on their own, having the desired effect. This will involve intensely focused teaching activities that tackle fundamental gaps in skills, knowledge and understanding which is preventing progress These would usually be conducted on a 1 to 1 basis where the teacher does not expect pupils to make the expected progress in a group situation. 8 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 4. ACTION PLAN Key Actions (How) Time (When by) LT Lead Person (Who) Cost (£) October 2014 BAM £500 September 2014 BAM - Produce Closing the Gap Summary booklet after DC1 Distribute Closing Gap booklet to staff when complete and make explicit target pupils and groups Deliver Closing the Gap training to new staff December 2014 BAM, SAR, PAB - January 2015 BAM, SAR, PAB £500 photocopying December 2014 BAM, SAR - Identify new Y7 cohort for literacy intervention and reading support Set up literacy and reading interventions set up and commenced Identify pupils for 1to1 reading intervention at KS3 with Closing the Gap TA Review mentoring system and implement modified system for target Y11s in English & Maths. Recruit more Y11 mentors to expand number of pupils who can be mentored Deliver literacy & numeracy Summer School for Y6s September 2014 BAM - September 2014 BAM £70k staffing costs September 2014 BAM £21k staffing costs September 2014 BAM £100 copying September 2014 BAM - July 2015 BAM £20k Coordinate the programme of KS4 interventions October 2014 BAM - Provide free English, maths, Science revision guides and past papers for Y10 and 11 Put in place additional qualifications and personalised provision for underachieving Y10 and 11s Ensure internal data tracker tracks performance table PP measures to track gaps across all subjects in all year groups PP & Closing the Gap pupils identified in SIMs and on teacher’s marksheets Produce PP teaching strategies guidance document and deliver staff training Overstaff English, maths and science to facilitate streaming of groups and targeted intervention sessions. Review AOTP CPD programme and facilitate setting up of PLCs to share good practice Appoint a team of Lead Teachers to deliver the AOTP programme to enhance the quality of teaching and learning across the school October 2014 BAM £5k November 2014 BAM October 2014 AJD ECDL £5k L&T £10k Ed Lounge £4k - September 2014 & February 2015 March 2015 AJD - BAM. NSP £300 copying September 2014 BAM £85k September 2014 NSP - September 2014 NSP £10k TLRs Produce and distribute Pupil Premium Watch booklet to identify all PP pupils to staff Set up Closing the Gap Working Group 9 Progress Made Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Embed the use of EdLounge alternative curriculum package and establish protocol for usage and implementation plan. Identify & review case load for EWO Deliver Rewards afternoons to reward the best and most improved pupils per year group Identify 15 KS4 PP pupils for Prince’s Trust pilot programme Identify a PP Lead Governor Deliver PP Governor training Ensure website information meets statutory requirements Redesign KS3 curriculum in light of new national curriculum following a skills based and concepts approach Deliver Closing the Gap focussed CPD sessions as part of the school’s AIMS Middle Leader Development Programme Provide part and fully funded places on cultural trips and visits for target PP pupils Provide free uniform, equipment and resources to targeted PP pupils Provide an Options interview for all PP pupils with relevant member of the senior team Ensure all PP pupils have a careers interview and are guided on to an appropriate Post 16 pathway Review KS4 curriculum to meet new accountability measures and needs of the most vulnerable pupils Further expand on-site Post 16 provision, specifically targeting progression routes for PP and other vulnerable pupils Ensure the provision of alternative, and offsite, provision for vulnerable pupils Take part in the Citywide cross phase Pupil Premium Action Research Pilot Organise Aim Higher Visits for targeted pupils and register target Y9s on Future Scholars programme Set up regular meetings of a Closing the Gap team with PP, Literacy, Numeracy, SEND and EAL key staff. Provision map and deliver intervention for all target pupils across all year groups; especially Most Able PP pupils. Revise the use of the intervention tracker and establish systems to monitor impact of interventions on pupils’ progress. Deliver targeted provision for LAC PP pupils and monitor the impact on pupils’ progress. December 2014 KRG £3k September 2014 SAR £21k staffing costs December, March, July December 2014 SAR £3k DVW £1k December 2014 BAM - March 2015 BAM - September 2014 BAM - October 2014 BAM - November and May BAM, PAB - Ongoing BAM £2k Ongoing BAM £1k January 2015 BAM - December 2014 BAM £10k Connexions December 2014 BAM - July 2015 BAM £3k Ongoing BAM, SAR £20k Ongoing BAM £3k external funding Ongoing BAM £1k September 2014 BAM - September 2014 BAM - October 2014 BAM - December 2014 BAM £10k 10 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 Assign all PP pupils a Y11 mentor. Visit other Outstanding schools that have rapidly closed the achievement gap. Review and develop the programme of targeted interventions run by the SEND team. Refine provision map and track SEND interventions and the impact on pupils’ progress. Develop an action plan detailing the implementation of the SEN code of practice in school. Deliver staff training & share information on the revised SEN code of practice and planned developments in school. Quality assure SEN provision across school Review & develop the effective use of adults in the classroom to support learning Deliver staff CPD on meeting the needs of SEND pupils. Deliver a literacy and numeracy focussed PLC to share good practice. Roll out the use of the Communication & Print software across school. Complete an audit of Curric 2014 SoW to ensure literacy and numeracy is explicit Develop a team of numeracy and literacy teacher coaches and identify areas of good practice from lesson obs data. Utilise lesson obs data to deploy literacy and numeracy teacher coaches to support target staff. Develop a robust EAL strategy and action plan. Provide training for new EAL Coordinator in Sheffield Achievement Survey assessment. Audit whole staff training needs. Deliver targeted CPD to staff on how to support our EAL learners. Define and communicate the roles of EAL staff. Identify target EAL pupils for intervention and evaluate impact on pupils’ progress. Effectively deploy ESOL tutor to support target pupils and classes. Coordinate interventions for EAL pupils to ensure appropriate provision is in place and all needs are being met. Provide a range of opportunities to develop the social and cultural experiences of EAL pupils; specifically for PP pupils. Target pupils for GCSE Home Languages in Y10 September 2014 BAM - June 2015 BAM - January 2015 SAR £5k January 2015 SAR - October 2014 SAR - December 2014 SAR - March 2015 SAR / NSP - December 2014 SAR - May 2015 SAR £2k March 2015 BAM - December 2014 BAM £2k November 2014 BAM - March 2015 BAM - March 2015 BAM - September 2014 BAM - October 2014 BAM - November 2014 BAM - March 2015 BAM - September 2014 BAM - September 2014 BAM £5k September 2014 BAM - September 2014 BAM - On-going BAM - October 2014 BAM £2k 11 Closing the Gap Policy & Action Plan 2014-15 and 11. Provide resources to support high quality provision for EAL across all classrooms; speaking wheels, communication & print programme, MFL resources. Work harder to engage EAL parents through welcome videos, translation of communications and coffee mornings. Create effective links with partner primary schools to start transition work early. Create effective links with other schools to share good practice On-going BAM £2k June 2015 BAM £2k June 2015 BAM - June 2015 BAM - 12