Week 2 of - Denton Independent School District

All About Pre-K
Theme 2 – Week 3
What my body parts
can do?
Date : October 8th – 12th , 2012 week 7
Growing w/Math
LOI English
Big or Small? Short or tall?
Vocabulary: Wide, narrow, thick, thin, size,
comparisons, small, big,
Positional words, under, behind, inside, on,
next to, on the back.
Teacher: Olga Lucía Orozco
Co-Teacher Reyna Soberanes
Week 2 of
2nd six Weeks
Circle Time
LOI Spanish
Letter : M m
Review : O, A, I, E, U
Story time Science/ Social
M-W-F LOD Spanish
T-TH LOD English
Metamorfosis, ciclo de vida, camuflar,
Cambiar, mudar,
My feelings
Small Groups
Letter M: On a big
letter M, The students
will paste pictures of
objects starting with M
(mesa, manzana,
mariposa), pictures of
students with names
starting with M, and a
lower case m.
Number 6: the students
will paste 6 die cuts and
number 6, then, they will
trace number six.
Color pink: The students
will cut a pencil shape
and to paint it with a
mix of white and red
Symmetry: The Students
will drop different colors
paint on a piece of
paper, then it will be
fold in half to create a
Upcoming Events:
T & Th ESL Class 8:3011:00 am
Zumba classes
Wednesdays 8:30 am
Alfarrimas Cuento de la E
Canticuentos , Los Elefantes
No School. Staff Development Day
Math:Big and Small
Hello Song (English &
Old McDonald…song
This is the way…
Make a friend
Counting 1-20
Clean up…
The more we read
A song about me.
Materials and Resources:
• Teacher’s Treasure Book
• Oral Language
Development Card 38, 39Problem solving.
• Rhymes and Chants Flip
• Photo Library CD-ROM
• Growing with Math: Song
poster and CD # 6 Wide,
Narrow, thick, and thin.
GWM Discusion Book,
The Hiding game lap book.
Introducing wide, narrow, thick, and thin
Materials: song poster 6 and CD; Long blocks; play dough
and rolling pins.
Display poster. Discuss what is the song about. Give the
students the opportunity to predict about the song just
looking the poster’s pictures.
Sing the song and encourage students to join in and use
their hands to whow each size as it is mentioned.
Provide opportunities for students to make a wide road
and a narrow road using blocks. Also provide rolling pins
and play dough
Letter of the week: Mm
Review O, A, I, E, U
Canticuentos, Uno no más
Alfarrimas, cuento de la M
Por Lada Kratky
After reading and discussing the books,
singing the songs, and reviewing
objects in the ABC Tub starting with
letter M, the students will bend words,
and write the letter M .
Phonological Awareness: English ABC
What do you know about butterflies?
Read Aloud
A butterfly is born
By Melvin Berger
Mi cuerpo: Rhymes and Chants flip chart.
Oral Language/Music
Observar e investigar
Wide or narrow? Thick or thin?
Materials: Song Poster 6 and CD, a wide and a narrow
object of the same type such as a wide brush and a narrow
brush; a thick marker and a thin marker, labels for wide
and narrow
After singing the song, review the poster song’s pictures,
encourage students to use the words: narrow thick, or thin,
then, display the wide and narrow brushes, ask TS which
one is wide? Which one is narrow? Hold up and read the
labels. Invite volunteers to hold the labels next to their
matching objects.
Show the markers and ask: which is wide? which is
narrow? , then write the words narrow and thick with the
corresponding marker, ask TS if they see any difference,
discuss it.
Ask: what else can you see in the classroom that is wide or
narrow? Encourage TS to find something narrow and
Size and position
Materials: Song poster 6 and CD, The hiding Game
Lap Book.
After singing the song, discuss the cover and the title
of the Hiding Game book, encourage students to
predict about the story.
Read the story, keeping pauses for discussion to a
minimum during this initial reading in order to
maintain the flow of the story. On pages 8-9 and 1011, have TS predict where the animal might be hiding
before you lift the flap.
Encourage TS to talk about the characters and story
line before you return to the start of the story.
Ensure they understand that Milly Mouse was
standing on Frank Flamingo’s head as frand hid
among the reeds.
Reread the story, pausing on each double-page
spread to encourage children to discuss the
illustrations. Invite children to talk about each
animal’s size and why its hiding place was a good
choice, or not. On pages 4,7,9,10, and 14, also discuss
the weay the lood of a word helps to emphasize its
meaning; for example, tall letters in the word tall.
Letter of the week: M m
Review O, A, I, E, U
Read aloud
La vida de una Mariposa
By Ann Murphy
Canticuentos, Uno no más
Cuento de la M
Por Teresa Sabaté Rodié & Rita Culla
After reading and discussing the books,
singing the songs, and reviewing
objects in the ABC Tub starting with
letter M, the students will bend words,
and trace letter M in their bilingual
pair back.
Oral Language Development
Talk about your feelings!
Letter of the week: U u
Review O, A, I, E
Content Area Book
I am a caterpillar
By Jean Marzollo
Canticuentos, Uno no más
Scholastic poster song Letter M
After reading and discussing the books,
singing the songs, and reviewing
objects in the ABC English Tub starting
with letter M , the students will find a
letter M in the song poster.
Phonological Awareness: English ABC tubs
Todo sobre Mi
Oral Language
Como se esconde una mariposa?
Big Book
Mi asombroso cuerpo
By Donna Marie Pitino
Reviewing size vocabulary
Materials : Song poster 6 and CD, Discussion book pages 89.
After singing the song, display the discussion book pages
and read the rhyming text. Then read it again, encouraging
TS to join in. especially with the size words.
Invite TS to act out some of the size words mentioned in
the text. You could play a game involving specific
instructions, such “you are a very tall giant, you walk with
long steps…. Open your mouth wide and eat a big, thick
You are a big elephant, swing your long trunk. Touch the
sides of the doorway with your wide, flapping ears.
You are a little dog with short legs, run with small steps to
chase a ball…. Etc.
Letter of the week: U
Review O, A, I, E
The emergence of the butterfly
: Ideopsis similis
Canticuentos, Los Elefantes
After reading and discussing the books,
singing the songs, and reviewing
objects in the ABC Tub starting with
letter M, the students will write letter
Share writing:
Thinking map of letter M
Integrated Curriculum
Compare the life cycles:
Humans and butterflies
Venn Diagram.
Oral Language:
Bilingual pairs, Explain the butterfly life cycle,
then draw it together
Big Book
Estoy Creciendo
By Aliki
Learning Centers
Monday - Friday:
Other Components included in the
Week 4 of
1st six Weeks
No school. Staff
Development Day.
Sort colors.
Family Partnerships
Daily Schedule
Saltines with ham and
cheese, and juice.
Strawberry toasts
treats and milk,
Cheese, pretzels and
Body parts.
Build a Classroom out
of blocks
Dramatic Play;
Act out a to be a teacher
Tracing my bilingual
pair body.
Sand and Water:
Read a book every night and ask
questions about what happen in the
Mrs. Orozco & Mrs. Soberanes
LOD = Language of the Day M,W,F (Spanish) T, Th (English)
LOI = Language of Instruction: Spanish - Language Arts, Science & Social Studies
English – Math & Specials
CR= Conceptual Refinement
8:15- 8:30 Morning Activities and Morning Circle /Actividades de la mañana (LOD) (LA)
8:30-9:00 Breakfast, Tooth brushing/ Desayuno/ Cepillado de dientes (LOD) Note: Teacher
and co-teacher sit at the table with students
9:00- 9:30 Math Circle, Conceptual Refinement/ Círculo de Matemática (LOI)
9:30-9:50 Recess/ Recreo
9:50-10:10 Language Art/ Arte Linguística (LOI)
10:10- 10:25 Washing hands and Snack/ Lavado de manos y merienda (LOD)
10:25- 10:50 Science / Ciencias (LOI) (LA)
10:50- 11:10 PE / Educación Física (LOD)
11:10- 11:25 Bilingual Learning Centers/ Centros de Aprendizaje Bilingues (LOD) (CR)
11:25-11:40 Small Groups/ Grupos Pequeños (CR) (LOD)
11:40-12:00 Centers/Centros (LOD) (CR)
12:00-12:30 Lunch/Almuerzo (LOD) Note: Teacher and co-teacher sit at the table with
12:30-12:45 Tooth brushing, potty / Cepillado de Dientes/ Baño (Cots Down) (LOD)
12:45-1:00 Social Studies / Estudios Sociales (LOI) (LA) Cots down
1:00-2:00 Nap / Siesta
2:00-2:15 Journals / Diarios (Cots up) (LOD)
2:15-2:30 Review / Repaso (CR) (LOD)
2:30 Dismissal (LOD)
Scooping and pouring
Abbreviation Key
Children can relax with
program books and
other titles related to
Friends and School.
Chicken salad with corn and
OL Oral language
PA Phonemic Awareness
SR Shared Reading
Head Start Code Key
MH=Mental Health
MC=Multi Cultural
P=Parent Involvement
AL= Attendance List
CR= Conceptual Refinement
ABC and Writing:
Make drawings of
interpretations of a
story &/or to trace own
name or other students
Explore school-related
vocabulary on the
Listen to stories from
Texas P-K Guideline:
Personal and Social
Conscious Discipline
Clifford Kit
Bilingual Learning Centers
1.on die cut numbers the students will put animal farms
to match the number.
2. the students will use cubes to create/ continue an AB
or ABC pattern.
Social Studies:
1.The students will watch a E book story: The Rainbow
Fish and then will work in their journals.
2. The students will read El Oso Berlioz (Jan Brett) and
then will work on their journals.
1. Read a book (Mariposas By Jason Cooper )
And draw a butterfly
2. Watch a video
Painted Lady Butterflies Develop, emerge in
time lapse
3. The butterfly life cycle puzzle
Language Arts:
1. The students draw things starting with A,E,I, O, U
and write words.
2. The students sort cards of pictures starting with
A,E,I, O, U
3. The students lace letter cards,
Then, The students will write in their LA journals.
I.A.2. Child shows awareness of areas of competence and describes self positively in what he is able to do.
I.A.4. Child shows initiative in independent situations and persists in attempting to solve problems.
I.B.2.a. Child begins to understand difference and connection between feelings and behaviors.
I.B.2.b. Child is aware of own feelings most of the time.
I.B.2.c. Child is able to increase or decrease intensity of emotions more consistently, although adult guidance is sometimes necessary.
I.C.1. Child uses positive relationships as modeled by his teacher for her own pro-social behaviors.
I.C.6. Child demonstrates empathy and caring for others.
I.D.2. Child demonstrates an understanding that others have perspectives and feelings that are different from her own.
II.A.1. Child shows understanding by responding appropriately.
II.B.6. Child matches language to social contexts.
II.C.1. Child’s speech is understood by both the teacher and other adults in the school.
II.C.3. Child investigates and demonstrates growing understanding of the sounds and intonation of the English language (ELL).
II.D.1. Child uses a wide variety of words to label and describe people, places, things, and actions.
II.D.3. Child demonstrates understanding in a variety of ways or knowing the meaning of 3,000 to 4,000 words, many more than he or she uses.
II.D.6. Child increases listening vocabulary and begins to develop vocabulary of object names and common phrases in English. (ELL)
II.E.2. Child uses regular and irregular plurals, regular past tense, personal and possessive pronouns, and subject-verb agreement.
II.E.6. Child engages in various forms of nonverbal communication with those who do not speak her home language (ELL).
II.E.8. Child attempts to use new vocabulary and grammar in speech (ELL).
III.B.4. Child combines syllables into words.
III.D.3. Child asks and answers appropriate questions about the book.
IV.A.1. Child intentionally uses scribbles/writing to convey meaning.
IV.B.1. Child independently uses letters or symbols to make words or parts of words.
IV.D.1. Child uses some appropriate writing conventions when writing or giving dictation.
V.A.1. Child knows that objects, or parts of an object, can be counted.
V.A.3. Child counts 1–10 items, with one count per item.
V.A.5. Child counts up to 10 items, and demonstrates that the last count indicates how many items were counted.
V.A.6. Child demonstrates understanding that when counting, the items can be chosen in any order.
V.A.8. Child verbally identifies, without counting, the number of objects from 1 to 5.
VI.A.1. Child describes, observes, and investigates properties and characteristics of common objects.
VI.B.1. Child identifies and describes the characteristics of organisms.
VII.A.2. Child identifies similarities and differences in characteristics of families.
VII.D.4. The child identifies similarities among people like himself and classmates as well as among himself and people from other cultures.
VIII.A.2. Child uses art as a form of creative self-expression and representation.
VIII.B.1. Child participates in classroom music activities.
VIII.B.2. Child responds to different musical styles through movement and play.
VIII.C.1. Child creates or recreates stories, moods, or experiences through dramatic representations.
IX.A.1. Child demonstrates coordination and balance in isolation (may not yet coordinate consistently with a partner).
IX.A.2. Child coordinates sequence of movements to perform tasks.