Now Available in Test Quantities

Now Available in Test Quantities
A New HybridCPG Solid Oligo Synthesis Support
Over the past 2 years, we have been putting the finishing touches on this new product and getting some
very impressive results. Some of our latest in-house test and field trial results were summarized in a
2012 Tides Poster Paper entitled “Evaluation of a Hybrid CPG Solid Support for Oligonucleotide
For Large-Scales Synthesis….
HybridCPG was originally developed to meet the challenges of large scale, therapeutic oligo synthesis.
Its high loading and dimensional stability in synthesis reagents allows the highest yield per column
volume without concern for support swelling. Its rigidity and large pore size permits longer oligos to be
made without complications due to increased backpressure. Over the past two years, over 35 field trials
have been conducted to confirm its performance in a variety of synthesis settings. The results have been
so good that several field sites are scaling up their testing. As a result, we are now making this product
commercially available in “Test Quantities” of up to 50 grams on our way to fully validated multikilogram production.
And High-Thru put Synthesis
Hybrid CPG also offers unique advantages for high thru-put, small scale work in synthesis formats such
as well plate and fixed bed micro-columns. Its unique combination of large pore size and high loadings
can allow more oligos to be made with less solid support. This could be especially important when using
more expensive universal linkers and 3’-modifications. Hybrid CPG also allows longer oligos to be made
at higher loadings. The conformal polymeric coating of HybridCPG resists attack of glass-corrosive
reagents used with some of the latest synthesis chemistries.
Contact us to discuss the ways our new HybridCPG can solve your synthesis challenges.