Faculty_Permission_Template-PostPrint - UBC Wiki

Dear Professor Jennifer Hoffman,
I am writing from the University of British Columbia Library [branch name optional] regarding uploading
your latest article, in cIRcle, UBC’s open access digital repository (http://circle.ubc.ca).
Reports on Progress in Physics allows the final manuscript, after peer review revisions, (i.e. the postprint)
to be archived in institutional repositories. We seek your permission to include that version of your
article in cIRcle’s faculty research collection.
The article in question is:
Hoffman JE. Spectroscopic scanning tunneling microscopy insights into fe-based superconductors.
Reports on Progress in Physics. 2011;74(12):124513. http://iopscience.iop.org/0034-4885/74/12/124513.
doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/74/12/124513.
Advantages of uploading your article in cIRcle:
 Increased visibility: Indexed by top search engines, cIRcle makes your article easy to locate.
 Increased accessibility: cIRcle is open access. More readers will be able find and use your article.
 Easy track statistics: cIRcle monitors all views and downloads of your archived article.
 Permanence: Each archived article is given a permanent URL to be shared and used in perpetuity.
 Compliance: Fulfills requirements for Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications
To allow your article to be made openly available through the cIRcle repository, complete the cIRcle
non-Exclusive Distribution Licence form: http://circle.sites.olt.ubc.ca/forms/license-form . In the form,
be sure to fill out the “CC:” box with circle.assistant@ubc.ca to make sure they receive a copy of the
licence. Then, please mail a copy of final manuscript before printer typesetting to
circle.assistant@ubc.ca .
If you have questions or would like more information about cIRcle, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for helping us to share your research with the world.
Alex Kuskowski