1 2nd Grade Literature and Writing Scope and Sequence Final Table of Contents Literature and Writing Yearlong Calendar (all regions)- Page 2 Interdisciplinary Alignment Chart- Page 3 Literature Scope and Sequence Overview and Rationale- Page 4 Writing Scope and Sequence Overview and Rationale- Page 5 2 2nd Grade Literature and Writing Calendar (all regions) Estimates for this 40 week calendar are based on recent versions of the academic calendar. We have attempted to take all regional calendars and noninstructional days (including IA days, PD days, etc.) into consideration. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Unit 0: Culture and R Unit 1: Cricket in Times Square Habits W Unit 1: Personal Narrative: Introduction to Narrative Writing Unit 0: Foundations of Writing Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week11 Week 12 R Unit 1, con’t Unit 2: The Human Body W Unit 1, con’t Unit 2: The Human Body: Introduction to Informational Writing Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 R Unit 2, con’t Unit 3: Keena Ford/Freckle Juice Unit 4 W Unit 2, con’t Unit 3: Communities of the World: Introduction to Opinion Writing Unit 4 Week 19 Week 20 R Week 21 Week 22 Unit 4: Fairy Tales W Week 23 Week 24 Unit 5: Insects Unit 4: Fairy Tales: Deep Dive #1: Narrative and Opinion Writing Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Unit 5 Week 29 Week 30 R Unit 5: Insects Unit 6: Fighting for a Cause W Unit 5: Changes in Matter: Informational Writing (Lab Reports) Unit 6: Biography: Shared Research and Informational Writing Week 31 Week 32 R Week 34 Unit 6, con’t W Week 39 Unit 7, con’t Unit 7, con’t Week 36 Unit 7: Hurricane Katrina: The Day the Levees Broke: Deep Dive #2 Week 38 R Week 35 Unit 7: Titanic Unit 6, con’t Week 37 W Week 33 Week 40 EOY Tasks Portfolio Reflections EOY Tasks 3 2nd Grade- Interdisciplinary Alignment This provides an overview of how the different subjects align over the course of the year. Timing is less precise than on the calendar above, but reflects overall sequencing of units. Only units that align across contents are highlighted. SS Unit 1: The Geography of Our Community and Beyond Unit 2: The Economics of Our Community and Beyond Science Literature “Week Zero” Unit 1: Cricket in Times Square Writing “Week Zero” Unit 1: Personal Narrative Unit 2: The Human Body Unit 2: The Human Body Unit 3: Keena Ford and Freckle Juice Unit 4: Fairy Tales Unit 3: Communities of the World Unit 5: Insects Unit 5: Changes in Matter Unit 6: Fighting For a Cause: Women’s Right to Vote Unit 6: Biography Unit 3: Communities of the World Unit 4: Our Global Community Unit1: Properties of Matter Unit 2: Changes in Matter Unit 4: Deep Dive 1: Fairy Tales Unit 3: Land and Water on Earth Unit 4: Changes to the Earth’s Surface Unit 5: Investigating Plant and Animal Relationships in Habitats Unit 7: Deep Dive 2: Hurricane Katrina Unit 7: Titanic EOY Course Wrap Up Portfolio Reflection EOY Course Wrap Up 4 Overview of Units 2nd Grade Lit. 1- Text Cricket in Times Square 2- Topic Human Body 3- Text Keena Ford/ Freckle Juice 4- Topic Fairy Tales 5- Topic Insects Cricket in Times Square (780L)classic text, character/communi ty building Human Body Bundle (see text list below; 480-800L)Build W&WK Keena Ford (620L)/ Freckle Juice (370L) - D&I, classic 2nd grade texts for shared reading. Different version of classic Fairytales (220-780L)- Classic Texts, D&I, W&WK Insect bundle (580910L): W&WK Focus Standards RL.2.2, RL.2.3, RL.2.7, SL.2.1a, SL.2.1b RI.2.2, RI.2.6, RI.2.7, SL.2.1c, SL.2.3 RL.2.2, RL.2.3, RL.2.5, RL.2.6, SL.2.2 RL.2.2, RL.2.3, RL.2.5, RL.2.6, RL.2.7, RL.2.9, SL.2.4 Aligns with K-1 TRD N/A Alignment Aligns with Lit. Unit 5 Aligns with K-1 TRD and SS Unit 3 Predominantly read aloud- builds off the CKLA/RAP structure in K-1; Supplement with Information articles about Crickets, NYC, Subway; Folktales: Town Mouse and Country Mouse; poetry Same unit as last year. Aligns with topics in K-1 TRD. Opportunity for students to really dig into RI.2.3. Text is complex but gradated to introduce shared reading. This unit will be much more heavily shared reading than read aloud. Similar to last year’s unit. We will add a few texts from countries that are taught during 2nd grade SS. Gradated text to allow for Shared Reading and Read Aloud Begin year with a classic text. Mentor text will be a Read Aloud with supplemental text that are gradated for shared reading Builds off of learning from 1st grade nice entry point for first info unit; Texts provide opportunity for all students to share read entire text. Follows SS so students have been introduced to countries where the stories originate Focus/topic Core Text/ Rationale Notes Sequencing/ Rationale 6- Topic Fighting for a Cause: Women’s Rights Biographies of women bundle (360-910L)- W&WK, D&I, character building 7- Topic Titanic RI.2.3, RI.2.5, RI.2.8, RI.2.9, SL.2.2, SL.2.3 RI.2.2, RI.2.3, RI.2.5, RI.2.6, RI.2.7, RI.2.8, RI.2.9, SL.2.5 RL.2.3, RL.2.5, RL.2.6, RI.2.3, RI.2.6, RI.2.8, SL.2.5 1st grade Sci., 2nd sci. unit 5; 3rd grade Lit. Aligns with sciencewill focus on insect structures and functions. Students will get an opportunity to read about insect bodies while investigating them. Gradated text selection Aligns with SS and K-1 TRD N/A This unit is aligned with CKLA. Gradated text to allow for Shared Reading and Read Aloud. The focus is on 4 women pivotal in fighting for women’s rights. Will be supplemented with texts to build background and context. Need for some background knowledge about the world, so comes toward the end of the year Students’ first exposure to historical fictionlower lexile but more qualitatively complex; Will be supplemented with info text and poems about the ship and time period to build more background knowledge Will build on knowledge from 1st grade science and also expose students to topics explored in science unit 5 I Survived: Titanic by Lauren Tarshis (590L/R)- W&WK, D&I, End the year with a high interest historical fiction text. Also part of a series that kids may want to read over the summer. 5 6 2nd Grade Writing Scope and Sequence 2nd Grade Unit 1 Unit 2 Writing Personal The Human Body Narrative Focus/ topic Genre Content Alignment Introduction to Narrative Introduction to Informational, Mini-Poetry Loose tie to The Geography of our Community Aligns to Unit 2 in literature Informational Length/ Genre Distribution4 Unit 4: MiniDeep Dive 2 Fairy Tales Informative, Mini-Poetry, and Introduction to Opinion Aligns to units 3 and 4 in social studies Lessons that Matter Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages Informational and opinion Poetry: Big Thoughts in Small Packages 5 weeks 5 weeks: 4 informational, 1 poetry 5 weeks: 2 informational, 1 poetry, 2 opinion PBA Scoring TCRWP Alignment3 Unit 3: MiniDeep Dive1 Communities of the World Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7: Deep Dive 12 Hurricane Katrina: The Day the Levees Broke Shared research, informational, opinion, and narrative Aligns to the Changes to Earth’s Surface unit in science Changes in Matter Biography Narrative and Opinion Informational Shared research and informational Aligns directly to the fairy tale unit in literature and indirectly to the social studies curriculum Opinion Aligns with Changes in Matter unit in Science Aligns with literature Informational Informational Once Upon a Time: Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales; Writing about Reading 6 weeks: 3 narrative and 3 opinion Lab Reports and Science Books Informational and opinion Lab Reports and Science Books; Lessons that Matter 4 weeks 7 weeks: 3 informational, 2 narrative, 2 opinion 4 weeks 1 Deep dives allow scholars to write about the same topic through multiple genres. As they deepen their topical knowledge, the quality of their writing will strengthen. A mini deep dive integrates two of the three types of writing named in the CCSS, and a deep dive integrates all three. 2 Illustrative Example of Deep Dive 1: Informational: Lab report of levee project in science; Informational: Shared research on New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina; Narrative: Surviving Hurricane Katrina (use books about animal survival stories as mentors); Opinion: Based on your knowledge of levees, what should Louisana have done? What can they do to prevent it from happening again? 3 Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study from the Reading and Writing project 4 17 weeks of informational writing, 7 weeks opinion writing, 12 weeks of narrative writing 7