snacks+ MARCH 2015 Imagine Harrisburg Pike Columbus, OH. March 2015 Ms. Simpson’s Classroom Newsletter Character of the Month Payton O’Conner earned the Character award for February, Integrity! March’s trait is trustworthy. Math/ELA ** Math=We are wrapping up fractions and begin measurement. Let children help measure items when cooking or fixing things around the house ** Language Arts=We are focused on writing informational pieces. We will practice biographies and obituaries, as well as informational posters! I will be sending practice for OAAs home each Friday. They will be due the following Friday. Please encourage your student to read and write at home. Practice sight words and spelling. Spelling tests are every Friday Class News March 20-Report Cards go home March 12 & 13-PARCC Assessment March 30-April 3-Spring Break This is a VERY important time for our class! Students need at least 8 hours of sleep each night, especially on nights before these big tests! Please make sure kids are in bed early and on time these two days. *We have almost reached 50 MARBLES!! This means our class will be having a pajama party!! I will send home a note before the party with the date. We will snuggle up in our PJs and read stories Pajamas will need to be sent to school in the backpack, as we are a uniform school. We will change after lunch. Students must have pajamas that cover their entire body. Students may bring a blanket and pillow for reading time .