Käppala Association

2015-01-210Appendix 5 1 (16)
Käppala Association
Registration number/Diarienummer: 2014-06077
Pre-Commercial Procurement of a Mercury Free COD
analysis method for Wastewater and Waste Products
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Appendix 5, Tender Form
2015-01-210Appendix 5 2 (16)
Tender, Supplier and Contact Details
Project Title:
Contract Duration:
Option to prolong the
contract duration
Proposed Start Date:
What is the best way
to describe your
innovation? Name
Tenderer Details
Type of Organisation:
Registered Name of Organisation:
Registered Address:
Town/ City:
[If relevant] County:
[If relevant] Region:
Organisation Registration Number:
VAT Registration No:
Organisation Website:
Organisation Size:
Organisation Status:
Main Business Activity:
Business Sector:
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
2015-01-210Appendix 5 3 (16)
Contact Details
First Name:
Last Name:
[If relevant] County:
Who made you aware of this PCP?
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
If other, please state who.
2015-01-210Appendix 5 4 (16)
The analysis method must be mercury free and it is highly favorable if the method also
is free from dichromate. The evaluation will be further based on the municipal
wastewater sector’s needs of finding a method that meets the requirements listed below.
Requirements and advantageous properties
Supplier confirms/explain that/how the
requirements will be met.
The method is free from mercury.
The method is free from other hazardous
chemicals listed by REACH1.
The method correlates with the existing
CODCr-analysis method, enables comparison
with historical data, international
benchmarking as well as use in process models
developed for WWTPs, regardless the
geographical situate.
The method is time and cost efficient compared
to the CODCr analysis method.
The method is environmentally sustainable,
user friendly and acceptable for the laboratory
working environment.
The method is possible to develop for online
The supplier has the intention of developing the
method to make it available for commercial
Supplier has access to expertise (theoretical
knowledge) corresponding e.g. to PhD, civil
engineer, etc.
Supplier can report resources and expertise for
the above requirements with:
CV of key persons
Description of lab support
Other resources that tenderer deems
relevant for execution of the task
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Suppliers, including possible sub-suppliers, will be excluded from participation if the
Supplier meets any of the exclusion criteria. The Supplier shall explicitly certify that
each of the stated exclusion criteria does not exist.
The regulation (EG) number 1907/2006 of registration, evaluation, approval and limitation of chemicals
(Reach) aims to increase the protection of people’s health and environment. REACH is an EU-regulation
applied in all member states enforced since June 1st, 2007.
2015-01-210Appendix 5 5 (16)
Exclusion criteria
Supplier confirms/explain that/how the
exclusion criteria does not exist
The Supplier is bankrupt or in liquidation,
under receivership or the subject of an
arrangement with creditors or has suspended
their payments or is subject to disqualification.
The Supplier is the subject of an application for
bankruptcy, liquidation, receivership,
composition or other similar proceedings.
The Supplier has been guilty of charge
regarding any professional practice according
to a final judgment.
The Supplier has not fulfilled its obligations
relating to social security fees or taxes in their
own country or in Sweden.
The Supplier has in any crucial respect failed to
provide requested information or provided
incorrect information that has been requested in
this section or in the section above about
qualification requirements.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
If the Supplier has been guilty of grave professional misconduct and the Käppala
Association can prove this the Supplier will be excluded from further participation.
2015-01-210Appendix 5 6 (16)
Impact on the Challenge
I. How well the proposed method solves the challenge described in the specifications and if also
expanded challenges or needs within the wastewater field is addressed in an innovative way so that
the method will have the desired effect.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please provide a title and brief description of your proposed idea/ solution/ technology, how this addresses the outcomes
and of the further and/or wider potential of your proposed idea/ solution/ technology in the challenge area as described in
the Tender Invitation and Description of the Challenge documentation. You may wish to attach an Image or diagram
separately with the tender form, max 3 A4 pages.
2015-01-210Appendix 5 7 (16)
The extent to which the described solution shows commercial feasibility and whether there is a
realistic plan for commercialization or route to market.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please describe the commercial feasibility of the new solution: how it can be made into a viable product and achieve
the proposed benefits. Please include details of your plan for commercialisation of the results of your project.
Technical Approach
2015-01-210Appendix 5 8 (16)
III. The possibility to validate the approach that will be adopted.
Please give a short background to the key technical challenges. State what the innovation is and
the key technical deliverables. Briefly describe how the challenge will be addressed and include a
test report. Detail other products on the market and the novelty of the proposed project; include
details of any other existing intellectual property and its significance to your freedom to operate.
Please provide the technical product description including following parameters:
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Normative reference:
Terms and definitions:
Sampling and sample preparation:
Expression of results:
Quality of the Tender
2015-01-210Appendix 5 9 (16)
The extent to which the tender shows a structured plan for the development of a
functioning product and if the plan is reasonable in order to start Phase 2 in time
and successfully complete Phase 2.
Please describe the project plan and detail the key project milestones. Highlight what resources will
be required to address the technical challenges and what the key success criteria would be.
Please outline the plan for Phase 1 and Phase 2.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Success Criteria
The project management skills and capabilities
2015-01-210Appendix 5 10 (16)
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please identify the project management processes that will ensure milestones are achieved and
describe key risks (technical, commercial and environmental) and mitigation actions.
Provide a brief description of the resources (human capital/ team, equipment etc.) that will be
dedicated to the project. Include the expertise of each team member relevant to this tender and the
proportion of their time that they will be spending on the project. Also include the expertise of any
subcontractor/s if applicable.
The cost of the analysis method based on the total annual cost for the buyer,
2015-01-210Appendix 5 11 (16)
the initial cost as well as operating cost.
Please provide a business model for commercialization of the method and what it will cost a
buyer stating the total annual cost, initial cost as well as operating cost for 500 and 5000
number of tests per year2. Different business models for pricing should be described, i.e. lease
of equipment or purchase of equipment (including lifespan)3.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Request for Funding in Phase 2
The price is conditional depending on most favorable volume of tests per year.
The lowest estimated annual cost will be given maximum score. All other tenders will be evaluated as:
lowest given price
score =
∙ 50.
current supplier s price
2015-01-210Appendix 5 12 (16)
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please indicate the potential funding wanted for Phase 2 and present the co-funding by the
Supplier. The Supplier may present when such funding is needed. Note that progression to Phase 2
is dependent upon successfully completing Phase 1.
Fixed Price Breakdown
2015-01-210Appendix 5 13 (16)
Professional Secrecy
Please provide in the table a breakdown of the fixed price to proceed with Phase 2. Prices for
resources of third parties shall however only be binding for this phase.4 Divide labour unit prices into
suitable categories (e.g. junior, senior researchers, developers, testers, etc.).
Unit Price
Total Price (€)
Labour Price
Capital Equipment
Other (specify)
TOTAL PRICE (excluding VAT)
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
If work is intended to be carried out by subcontractor(s), please indicate this in
the first column.
Third parties: parties that cannot be considered as subcontractors, e.g. airlines, hotels or parties that
merely provide supplies (such as equipment rental companies) etc.
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VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please indicate which parts of the information in the tender that should be confidential, and indicate
why disclosure of such information may be harmful to you.
Project Abstract
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VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
Please enter a brief abstract of your analysis method and project plan that can be used for
marketing purposes of successful tenders, e.g. between 50 to 150 public-facing form of words.
2015-01-210Appendix 5 16 (16)
Lead suppliers are expected before submitting tenders, to have discussed their
proposals with their own organisation or any other body whose co-operation will be
required in the conduct of the project. By submitting the tender you are confirming
that the information given, in this application, is complete and that you are actively
engaged in this project and responsible for its overall management and agree to
administer the award if made.
This tender form must be completed and returned to Käppala Association together
with the Tender Agreement, Appendix 5.
Please send your tender to either:
Postal address:
Käppala Association
Box 3095
181 03 Lidingö
Delivery address:
Södra Kungsvägen 315
Lidingö, Sweden
Identical signed originals of this completed tender must be received no later than
closing time of the tender invitation period defined in the Tender Invitation.
I confirm that the information given on this form is complete and correct, and that I shall be actively engaged in
this project and responsible for its overall management.
(Designated contact)
I confirm that I have approved the contract price and that this organisation is prepared to carry out this project
at the stated price and to administer the award if made.
(Managing Director/Finance Officer)
I confirm that I am not subject to the exclusion criteria stated in the Invitation to Tender.
(Authorised Signatory)
I confirm that the services offered meet the minimum requirement stated in the Invitation to Tender and accept
any conditions put upon me by the contracting authority in order to control this requirement being fulfilled.
VINNOVA0007 W/1.1, 2003-07-14
(Authorised Signatory)