2011 Spring Teacher Drawing Events

2011 Spring Teacher Drawing Events
Hello Meiklejohn Families – Every year, the incredible Meiklejohn Teachers donate some of their time for our Teacher
Drawing. In the past, this event has been combined with the Carnival. This year, we have adjusted our spring events to better
suit the families of Meiklejohn. The Teacher Drawing will now be in combination with the Silent Auction coming on Tuesday,
April 26th, 2011 from 5:00pm to 7:45pm. The Carnival has been permanently moved to the fall; and the Silent Auction Event, in
conjunction with Fine Arts Night and Spring For Books has become our primary Spring Extravaganza. Below you will find
some of the events the teachers have chosen for the drawing winners for each class. The night of THE ART EVENT, a table will
be set up in the cafeteria for the Teacher Drawing. The attached Ticket Sales form will provide the information you need to
know. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me at Kara Gillam – 303-431-1697 and
karamgillam@me.com. We hope you enjoy your Art Event evening.
Each of the Kindergarten teachers will be doing an ice cream date with two winners from each kindergarten class. Mrs. Harris,
Mrs. Capra and Mrs. Snyder will each set up the day and time after the winners have been chosen.
1st Grade
Each of the First Grade Teachers, will be doing a Wii party for one winner in each class and a friend, just like last year. :) We'll
do it on a day in May after school.
2nd Grade
Each of the Second Grade Teachers would like to offer an afternoon at Steamers and a trip to the park for one winner from
each class and a friend.
3rd Grade
Each of the Third Grade Teachers would like to have two winners from each class that will go with us to Steamers for an ice
cream after school one day in May.
4th Grade
Mrs. Brandt would like to offer one winner and a friend the chance to go to Dairy Queen with her after Field Day, May 20th.
Mrs. Kuhlmann would like to donate a Marco's Pizza lunch for one student and a friend.
Mrs. McQueen will take the winner and a friend of the winner's choice to Steamers for ice cream after school on a day that
works for all. :)
5th Grade
Mrs. Young would like to offer an after-school bowling date for 3 lucky winners!
Mrs. Leslie Harris has offered one winner plus 3 friends a Wii dance party with either Just Dance or Michael Jackson The
Experience. She will set up the time with the winner.
6th Grade
Mrs. Watson - one boy winner and one girl winner, winners will go to Cold Stone. Mrs. Watson will schedule with the
Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Crystal Bryant - One boy winner and one girl winner. Winners will go to Barnes and Noble to pick a
book to be purchased by Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Bryant. The winners will also be treated to Starbucks while at Barnes and
Noble. Mrs. Albright and Mrs. Bryant will schedule with the winners.
Mrs. Swenson
Come and see all Mrs. Swenson's farm animals! Mrs. Swenson’s little hobby farm is just down the hill from Meiklejohn and has
lots of critters like: cows and calves, sheep and lambs, chickens and chicks, doves, rabbits, a horse, a farm dog and two
piglets! You can see them all, pet them all, feed them all and make a book about the farm too. If we have time, we'll go to the
Golden Spoon for a tasty treat and on the way we can see where all the other Swenson cattle live. May 13 th or 14th after
school from 2:45-4:00. MOOVE on it!
Ms. Marvin
I would like to auction off "PE Teacher for a Half Day!"
Mrs. Krieger
Mrs. Krieger will have 1 student and 2 friends for a movie (rated G) and snacks in my room afterschool. date to be determined