PHYS1001 Physics for Scientists and Engineers Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers mechanics; heat and thermodynamics; waves and optics; electricity and the breakdown of classical Physics. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items This comprises weekly assignments (10 per cent), laboratory (20 per cent), test 1 (15 per cent), test 2 (15 per cent) and an end-of-semester examination (40 per cent). Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop a fundamental understanding of the principles underlying mechanics; heat and thermodynamics; waves and optics; electricity and the breakdown of classical Physics; (2) Apply critical thinking skills in a range of conceptual physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (4) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a physical context; (5) Develop skills in measurement, experimental technique and quantitative analysis relevant to physics. The content of this unit includes the physical principles underlyng mechanics; heat and thermodynamics; waves and optics; electricity and the breakdown of classical Physics. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification and mathematical solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4 & 5). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, laboratory tasks, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform to current APS practice PHYS1002 Modern Physics Current Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers special relativity, magnetism, resonance, modern physics, experimental physics and astronomy. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items This comprises weekly assignments (10 per cent), laboratory (20 per cent), test 1 (15 per cent), test 2 (15 per cent) and an end-of-semester examination (40 per cent). Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop understanding of physical principles underlying magnetism, special relativity, resonance, quantum physics, experimental physics and astronomy; (2) Develop and apply critical thinking skills in a range of conceptual physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (4) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a physical context; (5) Develop skills in measurement, experimental technique and quantitative analysis relevant to physics. (6) Develop oral presentation skills. The content of this unit includes the physical principles underlying special relativity, magnetism, resonance, quantum physics, experimental physics and astronomy. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification and mathematical solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4 & 5). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, laboratory tasks, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Naming change (not content change) to remove ambiguity with unit name. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Naming change in content (not content change) to remove ambiguity with unit name. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform to current APS practice PHYS2001 Quantum Mechanics 1 and Electromagnetism Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers (1) quantum mechanics—the wave function; the onedimensional Schroedinger equation; motion in one-dimensional potentials; operators, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues; three-dimensional Schroedinger equation; motion in central potentials; and angular momentum; (2) electromagnetism—electrostatics; magnetostatics; magnetic fields in matter; electrodynamics; and Maxwell's equations; and (3) signals and noise. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items This comprises of laboratory work (15 per cent), assignments (20 per cent), tests (20 per cent) and an examination (45 per cent). Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Further develop the physical principles related to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and signals & noise in experimental data; (2) Apply critical thinking skills in a range of conceptual physical situations; (3) Apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a physical context; (4) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (5) Develop skills in measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to physics; (6) Develop written communication skills appropriate to the discipline of physics. The content of this unit further develops the physical principles of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, with emphasis on the Schrödinger wave equation and its solution; electromagnetism and Maxwell’s equations; and signals & noise in experimental data. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts. Signals & noise are explored through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification and mathematical solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4, 5 & 6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, laboratory tasks, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform to current APS practice PHYS2002 The Physics of Particles Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers (1) thermodynamics—exact and inexact differentials, quasistatic processes, thermodynamic potentials as the drivers of change; (2) statistical mechanics—statistical description of ensembles, the microcanonical ensemble, the canonical ensemble, the ideal gas and real gases, Einstein's solid, the grand canonical ensemble, Bose and Fermi distributions and gases; (3) nuclear physics—basic nuclear properties, radioactive decay, semi-empirical mass formula and liquid drop model, fusion on the main sequence; and (4) particle physics—description of interactions in terms of virtual particle exchange, electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, residual strong interaction. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop understanding of the physical principles underlyng thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, nuclear physics and particle physics; (2) Apply critical thinking skills in a range of conceptual physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (4) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of conceptual physical situations; (5) Develop understanding of the physical principles of measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to physics; (6) Develop and apply written communication skills appropriate to the discipline of physics. The content of this unit includes the underlying physical principles of (a) thermodynamics—exact and inexact differentials, quasistatic processes, thermodynamic potentials as the drivers of change; (b) statistical mechanics—the microcanonical ensemble, the canonical ensemble, the ideal gas and real gases, Einstein's solid, the grand canonical ensemble, Bose and Fermi distributions and gases; (c) nuclear physics—basic nuclear properties, radioactive decay, semiempirical mass formula and liquid drop model, fusion on the main sequence; and (d) particle physics—description of interactions in terms of virtual particle exchange, electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, residual strong interaction. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4 ,5 & 6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, laboratory tasks, class tests and Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform This comprises laboratory work (15 per cent), assignments (20 per cent), tests (20 per cent) and an examination (45 per cent). an end of semester exam to current APS practice PHYS3001 Quantum Mechanics 2 and Atomic Physics Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers (1) quantum mechanics—operators, matrix mechanics and Dirac formalism, uncertainty relations, measurement theory, spin one-half particles and two-state systems, conservation and symmetry, angular momentum and addition rules, periodic potentials, many particle wave functions; and (2) atomic physics—Schroedinger equation in three dimensions and the hydrogen atom, time-independent perturbation theory, spin orbit coupling and relativistic effects in the real hydrogen atom, atoms and molecules. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items NB this is blank in the 2013 Handbook Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Deepen their understanding of quantum mechanics and atomic physics; (2) Apply and further develop critical thinking skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; () 4Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (5) Apply and further develop understanding of the physical principles of measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to physics; (6) Further develop oral and written communication skills relevant to the discipline of physics. The content of this unit includes (a) quantum mechanics: operators, matrix mechanics and Dirac formalism, uncertainty relations, measurement theory, spin one-half particles and two-state systems, conservation and symmetry, angular momentum and addition rules, periodic potentials; and (b) atomic physics: Schrödinger equation in three dimensions and the hydrogen atom, time-independent perturbation theory, spin-orbit coupling and relativistic effects in the real hydrogen atom, multi-electron atoms and molecules. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4, 5 & 6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, experimental projects, Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform Assignments, experimental projects, tests and an end of semester examination. class tests and an end of semester exam to current APS practice PHYS3003 Astrophysics and Space Science Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers radiation mechanisms, space electrodynamics, stellar birth and evolution, astronomy techniques I, astronomy techniques II, neutron stars and supernovae, optical telescope project, radio telescope project and computer laboratories. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items NB this is blank in the 2013 Handbook Assignments, experimental projects, tests and an end of semester examination. Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop understanding of the physical principles underlying space electrodynamics, planetary astronomy, stellar astrophysics and astronomical techniques and modelling; (2) Apply and further develop critical thinking skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (4) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (5) Develop understanding of the physical principles of measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to astronomy and astrophysics; (6) Develop oral and written communication skills relevant to the disciplines of astronomy and astrophysics. The content of this unit includes the physical principles underlying radiation mechanisms, planetary astronomy, stellar birth and evolution, astronomy techniques, neutron stars and supernovae, optical telescope projects and computer modelling laboratories. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through laboratory & computer projects. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) Laboratory and project tasks (Outcomes 3, 4, 5 & 6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, laboratory & computer projects, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform to current APS practice PHYS3011 Mathematical Physics Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. This unit covers (a) methods of mathematical physics, placing elements of mathematics from the Level 1 and Level 2 complementary mathematics units in the context of quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity, classical mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and quasi-particles; and (b) methods and projects in computational physics. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers (1) methods of mathematical physics (24 lectures)—placing elements of mathematics from the Level 1 and Level 2 complementary mathematics units in the context of quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity, classical mechanics and atomic and nuclear physics; (2)(a) particle physics (16 lectures)—an introduction to theory of elementary particles and their interactions or (b) advanced special topics (16 lectures)—content to be determined by available experts visiting the School; and (3) computational projects. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items NB this is blank in the 2013 Handbook Assignments, projects, tests and an end of semester examination. Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop understanding of the methods of mathematical and computational physics; (2) Apply and further develop critical thinking skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (3) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (4) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (5) Further develop oral and written communication skills relevant to the discipline of physics. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. The content of this unit (a) methods of mathematical physics, placing elements of mathematics from the Level 1 and Level 2 complementary mathematics units in the context of quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, relativity, classical mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and quasi-particles; and (b) methods and projects in computational physics.. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 &5) Projects (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Assessment for this unit may include assignments, projects, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to conform to current APS practice Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 PHYS3002 Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook This unit covers (1) classical mechanics—rotating frames, potential theory, the two-body problem, rigid bodies, Lagrangian mechanics, small oscillations and normal modes; (2) electrodynamics—conservation laws, electromagnetic waves, potentials and fields, radiation; (3) special relativity—special theory of relativity, relativistic mechanics, relativistic electrodynamics; and (4) signals and noise. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items NB this is blank in the 2013 Handbook Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Deepen their understanding of the physical principles underlying classical mechanics, electrodynamics, special relativity and signals, noise & control; (2) Apply and further develop critical thinking skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (4) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (3) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (5) Apply and further develop understanding of the physical principles of measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to physics; (6) Further develop oral and written communication skills relevant to the discipline of physics. The content of this unit includes (a) classical mechanics: rotating frames, potential theory, the two-body problem, rigid bodies, Lagrangian mechanics, small oscillations and normal modes; (b) electrodynamics: conservation laws, electromagnetic waves, potentials and fields, radiation; (c) special relativity: special theory of relativity, relativistic mechanics, relativistic electrodynamics; and (d) laboratory projects: signals, noise and control. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 &6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4, 5 & 6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Assessment for this unit may include assignments, experimental projects, Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. No content changes to the unit. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Rewritten to conform Assignments, experimental projects, tests and an end of semester examination. class tests and an end of semester exam to current APS practice PHYS3012 Optics and Special Topics Current from published 2013 Handbook Unit Outcome published in Handbook In addition to the specific knowledge imparted, this unit offers students the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking about physical situations, problem solving, quantitative analysis and experimental technique. Unit Content published in Handbook Students are required to take Modern Optics, and choose either Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (if they are in the Physics stream of the major) or Special Topics in Astrophysics (if they are in the Astronomy/Astrophysics stream of the major): Modern Optics—optical ray propagation, optical resonators, Gaussian spherical light beams, Gaussian beams in resonators and higher order modes, introduction to lasers and masers; optical cavities at finite temperatures, light-matter interactions, advanced optics— applications/birefringence; Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics—reciprocal lattice, crystal binding, crystal vibrations and phonons, free electron Fermi gas, energy bands, semiconductor crystals, Fermi surfaces and metals, superconductivity; Special Topics in Astrophysics—galaxies and evolution, observational cosmology, black holes and active galaxies, planetary astronomy. Assessments linked to outcomes The emphasis of the lectures is on developing a sound understanding of the underlying physical principles with reference to a range of applications. The lectures are complemented by a series of laboratory tasks designed to develop and reinforce understanding of physical principles and measurement. Regular assignment sheets of problems, complimented by tutorial assistance, foster skills in problem identification, exploration and solution. PHYS3012 Frontiers in Modern Physics Draft proposal By participating in this unit, students will: (1) Develop understanding of the physical principles underlying modern optics and photonics, and either condensed matter physics or astrophysics; (2) Apply and further develop critical thinking skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (4) Use appropriate mathematical techniques; (3) Develop and apply problem identification and mathematical solution skills in a range of realistic physical situations; (5) Apply and further develop understanding of the physical principles of measurement, experimental technique, quantitative analysis and data analysis relevant to physics; (6) Further develop oral and written communication skills relevant to the discipline of physics. This unit explores aspects of the frontiers of modern physics. It contains a core component covering modern optics and photonics, studied by students in both the physics and the astronomy & astrophysics streams of the physics major. In addition, students in the physics stream study special topics in condensed matter physics, and students in the astronomy & astrophysics stream study special topics in astrophysics. The content will be explored with reference to a range of applications and physical contexts and developed and applied through a series of laboratory tasks. Skills in problem identification, mathematical exploration and solution will be fostered through assignment sheets and tutorial activities. Assignments (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 , 4 &6) Laboratory tasks (Outcomes 3, 4, 5 &6). Class tests (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). End of semester exam (Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4). Name change to better reflect the content and spirit of the unit Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13. Rewritten to comply with BSc BoS of 10/6/13 resolution 18/13 Achievement of these attributes is assessed continuously through assignment sheets, laboratory classes and class tests. An end-of-semester examination assesses overall comprehension of the basic science covered in the unit. Assessment items NB this is blank in the 2013 Handbook Assignments, experimental projects, tests and an end of semester examination. Assessment for this unit may include assignments, experimental projects, class tests and an end of semester exam Rewritten to conform to current APS practice