1 VitalSim Information Sheet Introduction VitalSim provides students the opportunity to develop confidence with skills in a safe virtual setting. It can be used with different types of mannequins to simulate vital signs such as breathing, pulse, blood pressure and ECG. It generates heart, vocal, lung and bowel sounds. It may also be used to practice intravenous therapy, catheterization and tracheostomy care. Resources The Learning Resource Centre at the Institute for Applied Health Sciences houses various types of simulation mannequins including 8 adult females, 1 child (7-8 years), 2 babies, 1 labour & delivery mannequin, and 1 post partum mannequins. The VitalSim base unit performs all simulations and connects to the mannequin. The operator controls the simulations with a user-friendly remote control. The operator can move freely around the scene up to a distance of 10 meters (30ft) from the base unit. 2 Operation – VitalSim Start 1. Turn the base unit and remote control on. Main Display The main display screen on the remote control unit shows the current status, and allows for modifying vital signs and sounds directly using the quick execution buttons. The main display is divided into five functional areas and a quick execution area. ***At the bottom of the display are the quick execution button menus. The functions of the buttons will change with the selected function area. 3 Main Display – VitalSim 1. Upper area Logging (automatically generates a log of events which will be erased when the base unit is turned off unless saved) Scenario (The VitalSim can run pre-programmed scenarios, generated on a PC- based scenario builder program) 2. Left side ECG (cardiac rhythm) 3. Left lower Blood Pressure 4. Right side Sounds (Left Lung, Right Lung, Heart, Bowel, Vocal) Volume for each sound can be controlled individually 5. Right lower Breathing Rate Operation 1. Left/right navigation or cursor buttons, tab to the desired functional area on the main display. 2. Once highlighted, use the up/down buttons to scroll through to desired selection. 3. When functional area desired is highlighted, press OK to edit the settings. 4. When the selection is complete, press OK to implement the new selection and return to the main display. To cancel the selection, press C and return to the previous setting unchanged. 5. Volume for each sound can be controlled individually. Please note the Vital Anne mannequins have specialized blood pressure cuffs that are used on the right arm. Any stethoscope can be used to practice vital signs on the mannequins. Mannequins are equipped with speakers anteriorally, but are not anatomically correct for heart and lung sounds. Normal lung sounds do not differentiate bronchial, bronchovesicular and vesicular sounds. 4 VitalSim Activity Example of a Learning Activity Students will work in pairs. Each student will be able to: Describe how to access and care for simulation mannequins. Set VitalSim control box for various Blood Pressures, Radial/Apical Pulses, Breathing Rate and Bowel Sounds. Read and document findings for Breathing Rate, Radial/Apical Pulses, Blood Pressure and Bowel Sounds which are pre-set by partner. Sign and date Skill Performance Checklist and add to Practicum Portfolio. Equipment: ***Bring own stethoscope and a watch with second hand DIRECTIONS 1.Blood Pressure and Pulse Highlight the desired functional area using the left/right navigation buttons. Press OK to activate the Blood Pressure menu or adjust using the quick execution buttons. The up/down navigation buttons are used to change the selection. When both systolic and diastolic are highlighted, both pressures will change and maintain the difference. Systolic and diastolic can be highlighted and set separately as well. Volume of Korotkoff’s sounds can also be adjusted. The Blood Pressure section shows the set Blood Pressure, Pulse Strength and the Korotkoff sound volume. Radial Pulse is palpated on same arm of the mannequin that the blood pressure cuff is applied. Depress deeply with fingertips to activate the radial pulse then lighten touch and pulse will be felt. Apical Pulse is located on the left chest of the mannequin but slightly higher than on a human being. Review the normal location using anatomical terms for apical pulse in adult clients. Normal Pulse strength can be adjusted to three levels, (P:W)Weak, (P:N) Normal or (P:S) Strong 5 2.Breathing Rate 1. Breathing rate can be adjusted between 0 and 60 breaths per minute. 2. Highlight breathing rate functional area using left/right navigation buttons. Press OK to activate breathing rate menu or adjust directly using the quick execution buttons or enter directly using the numeric buttons. 3. Breathing rate is heard using a stethoscope over lung areas. The VitalSim mannequins do not have the chest rise and fall feature. 3.Bowel Sounds 1. Highlight the sounds functional area using the left/right navigation buttons. 2. Scroll down to bowel sounds. 3. Use the quick execution buttons to alter volume directly, or press the Recall button to recall previous sound. 4. Press OK to get to the Bowel Sounds selection menu. 5. Bowel sounds can only be auscultated by placing the stethoscope on the soft belly plate insert on the VitalSim mannequins. Review the normal areas for auscultation of bowel sounds in clients. Skill Performance Checklist – VitalSim Sign and date each learning activity. Place completed Performance Checklist in your Practicum Portfolio 6