Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 1 Division of Continuing Education Administrative Assessment Report Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report for Year: 2013 CONTINUING EDUCATION Unit Mission Statement The Division of Continuing Education serves lifelong learners by providing training opportunities in the areas of professional studies, personal development, technology, and recreational education. Continuing Education supports the university mission by offering courses, seminars, and certificate programs that assist students to continue to engage in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce and culture by furthering their educational and career goals through lifelong learning opportunities. CAMP DISCOVERY Camp Discovery is an academic oriented summer camp for children in grades 1-9. This program serves these children through enrichment programs in the areas of science, art, theater, outdoor sports and recreation, swimming, world discovery and explorer activities. In addition campers travel once per week to museums, amusement parks, and other attractions in the New Jersey/New York area. A leadership program is held for older campers in grades 8 and 9. Program evaluations are collected from participants each year to assess the quality of the program. 1 2. Departmental Objective Maintain full capacity of the camp each year. Means of Assessment Weekly enrollment reports. Summary of data collected FY12/13 – full capacity in camp Positive feedback on end of year evaluations. End of year questionnaire mailed to all participants Participants are highly satisfied with the camp. Use of data (closing the loop) Waiting list numbers are used to assess need for future marketing efforts. Evaluations are reviewed with onsite directors to continue to focus on program improvements. PARALEGAL STUDIES The Paralegal Studies program provides students with a focused, application-based curriculum that prepares students for successful careers. 1 Departmental Objective Reduce the amount of time instructors have to grade exams from two weeks to three days Means of Assessment The length of the time that students wait for the return of exams was counted Summary of data collected The length of time that instructors have to grade papers has decreased from two weeks to three days. The process was improved by Use of data (closing the loop) Instructors are returning writing assignments directly to students rather than submitting them to administration for Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 2 Division of Continuing Education Administrative Assessment Report eliminating one step in instructor submission process. 2. Bolster the marketability of Paralegal students and graduates Host a career forum for students and become a NALA CP testing site. An evaluation of the forum was distributed to determine the effectiveness of the career forum. Notification about becoming an NALA CP testing site has not yet arrived. 3. Increase the amount of time students have to practice concepts learned in the Legal Research and Writing course The password system of student access would transition to an open online system. The legal research platform was switched to the FDU online library. 4. Increase the number of Legal Specialty courses that are offered to students and graduates. Add additional legal specialty courses Two additional legal specialty courses were conducted during this report period distribution. Students can now make corrections suggested by instructors on their assignments and use it as a writing sample for employment purposes A panel of speakers representing transitional and corporate areas as well as paralegal associations, placement agencies and technical software companies presented on careers in their areas and the job prospects. We have switched to an open, online platform through the FDU online library for legal research through Westlaw Next and Lexis/Nexis Academic giving students the opportunity to practice online legal research and techniques. The Library staff will also be trained on these platforms to they can lend technical assistance to students and to the product providers. Franchise Law and Intellectual Property courses were added in response to the need of larger corporations that have blended Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 3 Division of Continuing Education Administrative Assessment Report traditional corporate work with other related areas and to respond to employment demands. Also internships are being developed with corporations that are interested in these and other areas. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNING The Mission of Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Financial Planning Program is to provide students with a firm foundation in financial planning and to prepare students for success on the demanding CFP® Certification Examination. Means of Assessment CFP Board of Standards Required timeline due date of 01-31-14 was met 2. Departmental Objective Financial Planning Certificate Program Renewal application process submitted to the CFP Board of Standards Increase enrollment 3. Increase profitability Cut costs Consolidation of classes 4. Explore online program options / Hybrid Review success of other similar programs offerings Profitability Outreach to FDU Alumni outside Fill Southern N.J. N.J. Void 1 Strong spring enrollment Named one of top 30 programs nationally Summary of data collected Detailed syllabi for each Financial Planning course , including Learning Objectives, and Learning Objectives Spring enrollment up 1.3 percent 10,000 e-mail blasts Open houses 3 rescheduled Open Houses (weather) Switched from hotel to FDU Campus Consolidated last class 3-to-1 site Appeal to younger students Look at competitions Use of data (closing the loop) Approval was received from CFP Board of Standards confirming renewal for the next five year cycle. Update corporate contacts Develop partnerships with firms Update website Refocus advertising efforts Ongoing study Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 4 Division of Continuing Education Administrative Assessment Report CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE: LEADERSHIP, GOVERANCE & PHILANTHROPY The Center for Excellence: Leadership, Governance & Philanthropy was established to be the leading education support and training center dedicated to ensuring effective leadership in the nonprofit community. The Center is designed as a resource for emerging or ascending leaders in executive management, board leadership, and executive philanthropy. Departmental Objective Reach out to women leaders in the nonprofit sector Means of Assessment Host a conference specifically for women leaders 2. Increase the number of students in the three certificate programs. The number of students were compared with prior year numbers 3. Establish an emerging leaders’ award. Partner with the Center for Nonprofits for the awards ceremony. Number of submissions for the award 1 Summary of data collected 150 women attended the conference with a waiting list of 20. Evaluations were conducted, comments were reviewed. The number of students increased from 15 to 27. 40applications were received and reviewed by a committee of 6. The group decided on 4 awards. One for first place and 3 others Use of data (closing the loop) A second women’s conference will be held in 2014. Topic areas were selected based on feedback from participants. Marketing efforts seem to be working. Would like to increase all class sizes to 15 each or 45 total students. Award recipients were given a plaque and a place in one of the Center’s certificate programs. The winner is entitled to a free slot and the others receive a 50% discount. This helped raise awareness about the Center’s programs, and will be repeated again in 2014. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE A certification preparation course designed for individuals wanting to increase HR knowledge and earn a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) or Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification. 1 Departmental Objective Increase HR class enrollment. Increase percentage of pass rate for Certification Exam. Continue to Means of Assessment Use 5 X7 Ad card Re-direct advertising to target market Summary of data collected See Use of Data Use of data (closing the loop) Spring 2013 enrollment = 103 Spring 2014 enrollment = 134 National Pass Rate Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 5 Division of Continuing Education Administrative Assessment Report surpass National Pass Rate. 2012 = 57% FDU 2012 = 43% National Pass Rate 2013 = 60% FDU 2013 = 70% AFP TREASURY LEARNING SYSTEM An effective classroom program with self-directed Web-based testing components, this certification preparation course will increase a participant’s knowledge of the essential principles of and functional practices in corporate treasury and cash management and earn the Certified Treasury Professional/CTP certification. 1. Departmental Objective Increase CTP Treasury enrollment Means of Assessment Re-direct advertising to target market Summary of data collected Use of data (closing the loop) Class size remained average. MOTORCYCLE, ORACLE, SUMMER SCHOLARS 1 Departmental Objective Motorcycle Safety Education Program Evaluation of Motorcycle Student satisfaction 2. 3. Oracle database Administration Certificate training Summer Scholars – High School Leaders for grades 9-11 Means of Summary of data Assessment collected Enrollment at 5 to 6 From 2012 to 2013, per Faculty increase over 20%; member for BRC anticipated 2014 = capacity End of course High satisfaction Survey with program, not with pricing Enrollment Enrollment not sufficient to run Enrollment Enrollment not sufficient to run in 2013; reassess population and University support Use of data (closing the loop) Enrollment opportunities for other types of classesTo secure revenue Email students who check they want to be contacted – courses for higher level skills; events Examine class schedule and work force development requirements; pricing, jobs Enrollment limited due to University constraints – build collaborative FDU programs with Admissions, Global Learning and other University departments