Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 1 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 PETROCELLI COLLEGE Mission Statement The mission of Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies is to provide access to high quality educational programs to meet the educational needs of adult learners and traditional age students with educational needs not addressed through FDU’s standard admission option. With a commitment to rigorous standards and expanding our students’ worldview, the college’s programs are designed to be easily accessible, flexible, and responsive to the personal, professional and educational needs of university students of all ages. ONLINE PROGRAMS (AA AND BAIS) 1 Departmental Objective Maintain 2011-12 enrollment number of 1,968 in online degree programs by a variety of outreach methods to current and prospective students. Means of Assessment Monitor registration data during all 4 sessions of academic year. Summary of data collected Total number of registrations for 2012-13 was 1,974; approximately the same as for previous year (1,968). Use of data (closing the loop) Outreach to students has been successful in maintaining enrollment; continue same methods. The Cheng Gong (Gateway to a Successful Tomorrow (GST)) program enables Chinese-Speaking students to Learn English and Earn an Associate in Arts Degree through Progressive English & Chinese to All English Coursework. Departmental Objective Means of Assessment Summary of data collected Use of data (closing the loop) 1 Reduce the number of students who transfer out of the GST program Conduct a needs assessment by interviewing existing students who express a desire to transfer out of the program The students’ transfer records were tracked and students with intention of transferring were interviewed before their final decision was made. The curriculum was adjusted to meet the student need of the based on the collected data. 2. Improve students English skills Interview student with below average performance in pre and post tests of the semester Reviewed the pre and post tests of all students enrolled in GST program. Students who underperformed were identified. Assign the students to tutoring according to interview results Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 2 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 3. Encourage students to attend tutoring offered by school in order to improve their English skills Instructors were asked to add the Tutoring Workshops as one of the course requirements on the syllabi. As a result, student who attended the METRO Writing Studio and those that passed the English proficiency test will be 30% The number/percentage of students who haven’t passed the English proficiency test were compared to the target. Attendance sheets from the METRO writing Studio were collected Students who did not pass the test and/or did not sue the Writing Studio were interviewed. Their concerns were then shared with instructors 4. Increase the number of students who transfer from GST AA program to the regular 4-year Undergraduate programs at FDU The number of students who continue with their studies in one of FDU’s other undergraduate programs will increase by 14%. Track the numbers of students transferring into FDU undergradate programs and their choice of major The number of students who successfully transfer into undergraduate programs in FDU was tracked and compared to the goal in this area. Data was also collected regarding the choice of majors The curriculum was adjusted to ensure that students would be able to meet other program’s requirements MiraeRo Program is established to empower Korean Americans whose native language is not English by providing them with necessary education as well as English training to further pursue their educational as well as professional goals and enable them to become global citizens. Departmental Objective 1 Expedite and increase students satisfaction with registration process 2 Increase the number of course offerings each semester to diversify students’ academic portfolio Means of Assessment Interviews Trackings Summary of data collected Students’ overall satisfaction has increased Offering a combination of bilingual and allEnglish classes in multiple disciplines New students need more bilingual classes One class offered in the morning SI/12 Use of data (closing the loop) Continue to provide academic advising before the end of the semester Need to keep the balance between bilingual and English classes Continue to offer and increase the number of morning classes Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 3 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 Two classes are offered in the morning in FA/12 3 Increase the number of opportunities for students who transition from AA to BA. 4 Increase student enrollment Trackings The number of students who transitioned to a next level degree has Increased by 67%. Provide students with available options to further their study Trackings Student enrollment for AY 2011-2012 increased by 40.49% from AY 20102011. 5 Integrate online courses into the curriculum – Technological literacy Trackings Devise new marketing strategies using social media marketing platform (make facebook and twitter accounts to gain visibility) to recruit students Continue to integrate at least one online course into the curriculum to increase technology literacy Provide online tutorial to familiarize themselves with online course format 6 Increase retention rate Trackings Consistent offering of one online class each semester and the number of students taking online classes has increased. However, adult students not familiar with online classes expressed concerns. All of our students except two students continued to take classes during 2012 students who have dropped out of our program have following problems: 1. Financial problem 2. Conflict of schedule 3. Difficulty of creditbearing courses Need to provide additional academic help for first year students Need to implement freshmen seminar into the curriculum The Puerta Al Futuro Program provides Hispanic academic and ESL instruction to help them obtain AA, BAIS and MAS degrees. The Puerta Al Futuro administrative and Academic staff’s goal is to support the mission of the program. 1 Departmental Objective Increasing student enrollment through recruitment. Means of Assessment We conduct weekly and monthly review of enrolled students. Summary of data collected We collect data on enrolled students: current, returning, new, and previous semesters. Use of data (closing the loop) We use this data to analyze trends in enrollment, retention, and quantity of course offerings. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 4 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 2. Retention of students We conduct weekly and monthly reviews of enrollment and students on hold. Data collected helps us identify why students leave and why they are on hold. 3. Customer service for the students We are reviewing our office hours, issues, and traffic by students in the office. We have instituted tracking the traffic in the office since September by providing a sign in book for all workers, students and visitors 4. Improving our delivery of Academic and ESL instruction. Collecting data from professors on how to improve instruction. Having meetings with the instructors on improving our delivery of courses. We will collect minutes of meetings and suggestions from the faculty. We will also get student input on classes. We use the data to identify students on hold or not returning to contact them and help them get off hold or return to the program through our Calling program in the evenings. This will give us a better idea of what are the important issues, when is the heaviest traffic and how we can accommodate the needs of the students Graduation rates and graduation to higher ESL levels will be one of the benchmarks to see if there is improvement in ESL. The Latino Promise Program provides traditional age Hispanic students with academic instruction to help them obtain an AA degree. The Latino Promise administrative and Academic staff’s goal is to support the mission of the program. 1 2. Departmental Objective Increasing student enrollment through recruitment. Means of Assessment We conduct weekly and monthly review of enrolled students. Summary of data collected We collect data on enrolled students: current, returning, new, and previous semesters. Retention of students We conduct weekly and monthly reviews of enrollment and students on hold. Data collected helps us identify why students leave and why they are on hold. Use of data (closing the loop) We use this data to analyze trends in enrollment, retention, and quantity of course offerings. We use the data to identify students on hold or not returning to contact them and help them get off hold or return to the program through our Calling program in the evenings. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 5 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 3. Customer service for the students We are reviewing our office hours, issues, and traffic by students in the office. We have instituted tracking the traffic in the office since September by providing a sign in book for all workers, students and visitors 4. Improving our delivery of Academic instruction. Collecting data from professors on how to improve instruction. Having meetings with the instructors on improving our delivery of courses. We will collect minutes of meetings and suggestions from the faculty. We will also get student input on classes. This will give us a better idea of what are the important issues, when is the heaviest traffic and how we can accommodate the needs of the students Graduation rates will be one of the benchmarks to see if there is improvement in the program. Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Middle College Program (MCP) is a concurrent enrollment program that provides an opportunity for eligible high school students to get an early start on college education by earning college credits while still in high school through its partnerships with secondary education institutions throughout the state. The mission of the Middle College Program is to encourage and foster accelerated student learning before college by providing these opportunities in a number of academic areas, including mathematics, the sciences, English, government, history, the languages and more. As part of the program, students have an opportunity to visit our campuses and various off-campus sites in the north New Jersey/New York metropolitan area to participate in lectures, laboratory experiments, cultural experiences and various educational events and FDU faculty visit the high schools to supplement ongoing instruction. Departmental Objective 1 Grade rosters are now generated through Datatel. MCP final grade rosters have historically been generated manually for each school as they had been since the program’s inception. I worked with MIS earlier this year to design a customized grade roster, exclusive to MCP. The programming was complete and implemented in late April, just in time for the 20122013 academic year final Means of Assessment Summary of data collected Accuracy of student The ability to generate registrations has improved grade rosters directly significantly. Registration from Datatel accuracy better assessed significantly reduces the and earlier in the process amount of time spent so that errors may be previously producing corrected more timely. each roster for each Student registrations are school. Additionally, reviewed by comparing significantly fewer actual registrations to errors remain rosters. Then once undiscovered. internal review and corrections are made, the rosters are then sent to the schools for review and corrections. The grade roster is then Use of data (closing the loop) The new roster is an absolute success and will continue to be utilized until the next step in the grade reporting process is feasible. The goal for grade reporting is to ultimately have participating schools report final grades online, as they are currently entered by MCP director and program assistant. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 6 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 2. 3. grade roster mailing in mid-May. sent again in May for final grade reporting. Implemented an “FAQ” page to the Tomorrow’s Teachers web page, located on The College of New Jersey’s (TCNJ) webpage. This is a special MCP partnership through FDU’s School of Education. Information about the program partnership is readily available for review. Those interested I the partnership are well informed of the process when they contact the MCP office because they have been instructed by our partner at TCNJ to review the FAQ page first as an initial step in partnering. Increased enrollment in the partnership Redesigned and added additional information to dedicated MCP web pages. Information about the program partnership is readily available for review. Those interested I the partnership are well informed of the process when they contact the MCP office because they have been instructed by our partner at TCNJ to review the FAQ page first as an initial step in partnering. All are better informed. Observed less process information seeking of initial stages of registration by students, teachers and administrators. Observed less process information seeking of initial stages The FAQ has been proven very effective and will continue to be utilized and updated as necessary. Observed an increase of better-informed initial first contacts as many individuals research the program online before calling the office. Observed an increase of better-informed initial first contacts as many individuals research the program online before calling the office. The revisions and additional information made available on the dedicated MCP web pages have been proven very effective and will continue to be updated and expanded as necessary. 4. Added additional dedicated phone line extension to better manage heavy influx of calls and accommodate an additional staff member. More calls are handled in real time and less callers are directed to voicemail. Additionally, voicemail messages are responded to faster. Observed timelier communication and response to voicemail. The additional dedicated phone line extension has been proven very effective and will remain. 5. Added additional email account to better manage very heavy influx of email. The new account is primarily for student use (geared towards former, current and prospective students and their parents). Partner and Observed timelier communication and response to email messages. The additional dedicated email account has been proven very effective and will remain. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 7 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 prospective high school administrators, teachers and guidance counselors as well as college and university admissions counselors and transfer coordinators will continue to use the director’s email account. The School of Administrative Science (SAS) programs aim to meet the educational and career development needs of those working in management and professional positions in private, public and non-profit sectors by integrating the teaching of theory and practice, by providing an educational experience that prepares students for senior level management and leadership positions while enhancing personal growth and development. Report There are a number of goals and objectives established by the School of Administrative Science. For the calendar year of 2012, some of these are clearly in the implementation and evaluation stage, and others are in the design stage. All are listed in the chart below, which indicates assessments being completed by the Administrative and Academic Support Units of the School of Administrative Science. The items listed as a G in the first column and underlined and in italics under the Departmental Program Objective are the goals established by the School in its program review. Under each goal are specific objectives. Departmental Program Objective G1 Encourage lifelong learning O1 Establish postgraduate certificates O2 Offer international courses that provide both practical and academic components O3 Improve written and oral skills, critical thinking, and technical competencies of our students Means of Assessment Under our Learning Outcomes Assessment process, these areas are assessed. The SWOT analysis is used to Summary of data collected No formal data are maintained at this time, but the office will develop a file that identifies the student and the Use of data (closing the loop) Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 8 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 assess critical thinking skills for the MAS, MSHS, and MSA programs. A review of students’ writing skills at the initial or application phase is completed by the administrative and academic support personnel in the department and potential weaknesses are shared with the academic advisers. particular issue. This will be shared with the academic officer to follow up when the LOAs are completed. G2 Meet the needs of the targeted population O1 Provide the program throughout the State at numerous locations Review of course offerings and catalog to determine where courses are offered. Salem County is the only one where there is not a presence at the time. Working with Salem County Community College to develop an articulation agreement. O1a Decrease the number of courses cancelled each term. Data on each term’s offerings and which courses are cancelled for each program, in which locations, and in each modality is maintained by the office. Data maintained on excel spreadsheet. Based on locations, courses, and terms, make determinations on course offerings for future terms. O2 Offer the program in various formats (weeknights, Saturdays, week long sessions, Interactive TV, and online Review catalog of course offerings and format. Database of courses in each modality are maintained in database. Based on information received in the review, determine how to best use technology to provide courses. ITV, for example, has been used with Vancouver classes to meet the requirements of the BC Ministry of Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 9 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 Education. O3 Increase the number of students who complete their masters degrees Request reports to be run that provide information on new students and those who complete within the following periods: 2 years for the MAS program and 3 years for the MSHS, MSA, and MASSA programs O3a Increase the number of applicants Track applications received through different modes of recruitment. Individuals may seek admission as a result of outreach, online activities, and direct contact. Through outreach by administrative staff, we will determine which sources were most beneficial for new applications. O3b Improve customer service to students within SAS Conduct online surveys for all graduates that includes satisfaction levels. O4 Develop new courses to meet the needs of the students in response to changing trends in the community Based on input from students and faculty, research course content through various methods. Initial data on the MAS program indicate a completion rate of 35.5% within 18 months of starting the program and 54.8% within two years of starting the program. Students who do not complete within the time limits will be contacted to determine specific issues and to enroll any who may want to complete the course of study. Similar review will be completed for other programs. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 10 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 O5 Increase number of offerings of online courses Review catalog of course offerings in online format and students enrolled in programs. O6 Improve the quality of the courses, both online and in person End of course evaluations for all terms Summary data for adjunct faculty are developed and reviewed by administrative staff, and issues with faculty, course materials and or texts, or locations are brought to the attention of the Dean. Poor faculty evaluations require some mentoring on behalf of the full-time faculty. Issues with course materials and or texts are referred to the academic officer of the school for review. Location issues are resolved by the Dean or other appropriate individuals. End of course evaluations contains information on books, course content, and sites. Anecdotal comments are collected and reviewed. Special comments are sent to the Dean. Based on information received, new books are reviewed and adopted. Course content is reviewed and recommendations are made to improve the materials. Sites may be moved or closed based on a review of the administrative staff. G3. Enhance student’s professional development O1 Provide certificates for areas of specialization Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 11 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 O2 Develop competency specific courses O3 Improve oral and written skills, and technical competencies of our students G4. Continuously improve the quality of the program O1 Conduct faculty development seminars Train all online faculty prior to their implementing an online course. O2 Monitor faculty performance Review online courses for faculty participation for new faculty and for any reported issue O3 Improve faculty capabilities in distance learning Review instructor in online learning to determine capabilities and possible issues. O4 Develop a faculty website O5 Recruit subject matter experts for Most instructors are meeting the basic requirements of SAS’ online coursework. Instructors who do not meet the requirements of SAS for online program are tutored, and if improvement is not made, they are removed from the teaching online. Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies 12 Administrative and Academic Support Units Assessment Report - 2013 specialized coursework 5. Provide a publicuniversity nexus O1 Increase capacities of public leaders to develop and contribute to the public good Number of sessions and participants attending leadership sessions in coordination with the Continuing Education department (See Continuing Education report)