List of successful projects

State NRM Program community grants 2014-15 – list of approved projects
Total number of projects: 98
Total amount of funding allocated for these projects: $2 699 925
(Project codes are provided in brackets after project titles for reference)
Northern agricultural region (7 projects)
The control of feral animals on Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary (14112)
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
$48 000
Chapman River wildlife corridor community awareness and regeneration experience (CARE) project: stage two (14198)
City of Greater Geraldton
$47 100
Building regional capacity for fairy tern conservation action (14014)
Conservation Council (WA)
$27 000
Planting food for endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo in the Calingiri IBA (14163)
Moore Catchment Council
$40 000
Protecting and enhancing the Moore River biodiversity assets (14162)
Moore Catchment Council
$35 000
Rehabilitation of the north Guilderton dunes: stage two (14161)
Moore Catchment Council
$15 000
Protecting on-farm remnant vegetation in the West Midlands area: stage three (14089)
West Midlands Group
$20 000
Peel-Harvey region (3 projects)
Renewable and sustainable fencing practices of remnant vegetation at Marlee Reserve (14140)
City of Mandurah
$24 000
Site investigations and weed control for management of wetland interface (14033)
Peel Group of the Riding for the Disabled Association
$14 060
Blackberry eradication at Nanga (14225)
St Stephen’s School
$17 000
Perth region (29 projects)
Project Palomino: restoring the Wungong River (14017)
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group
$15 000
Bannister Creek living stream: final stage– Iveston Rd to Acacia Weir (14116)
Bannister Creek Catchment Group
$40 000
Blackadder wetlands transition from tidal to freshwater project (14123)
Blackadder/Woodbridge Catchment Group
$18 000
Weed control and dieback treatment: Bungendore Park and adjacent land (14065)
Bungendore Park Management Committee
$18 000
Chasing remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14042)
Chittering Valley LCDC
$40 000
Black Creek biodiversity and water quality improvement project (14070)
City of Canning
$35 000
Lake Yangebup nutrient stripping basin and living stream (14027)
City of Cockburn
$26 000
Revegetating Rose Shanks Reserve within a rabbit proof fenced area (14148)
City of Cockburn
$22 000
“Discovering Dieback” upper primary education package revision and launch (14222)
Dieback Working Group
$25 000
Tracking remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14057)
Ellen Brockman Integrated Catchment Group
$10 000
Forrestdale Lake community education project (14135)
Friends of Forrestdale
$17 000
Extension of revegetation to the northern and eastern boundaries of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodland (14002)
Friends of Lake Claremont
$25 000
Revegetation of the islands at Mary Carroll Lake (14016)
Friends of Mary Carroll Wetlands
$11 000
Cape tulip control and eradication in Bush Forever site 325 (14041)
Friends of North Ocean Reef – Iluka Foreshore
$10 000
Sawyers Road to Lion Street heritage trail project (14110)
Friends of Pioneer Park
Land management and activities in Queens Park Regional Open Space (14006)
Friends of Queens Park Bushland
$40 000
The Nyannia project: to protect and restore natural bushland adjacent to Nyaania Creek (14032)
Helena College Junior School
$19 500
Herdsman Lake Regional Park – Glendalough Reserve revegetation project (14130)
Herdsman Lake Community Advisory Committee
$14 000
Mt Henry Peninsula rehabilitation: weed and feral animal control (14011)
Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation Group
Mullaloo dunes ecological restoration: year four (14037)
Mullaloo Beach Community Group
$11 360
Restoration and habitat protection for endangered fauna (14150)
Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group
$25 000
Haas grass control in the Shire of Kalamunda (14165)
Shire of Kalamunda
$17 200
Environmental recovery for the Parkerville/Stoneville/Mt Helena Fires 2014 (14107)
Shire of Mundaring
$30 000
Aquatic weed capacity building and management training (14068)
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
$35 000
Blackberry removal and restoration of Bull Creek Reserve: stage 2 (14119)
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
$27 000
Canning River foreshore restoration (14158; 14173)
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
$45 000
Post fire restoration in the Canning River Regional Park (14055)
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
$45 000
Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of Booragoon Lake Reserve (14118)
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare
$25 000
$7 302
$7 000
Combined management strategies targeting declared weed Hydrocotyle in Wilson Lagoon (14077)
Wilson Wetlands Action Group Inc
$45 000
Rangelands region (19 projects)
Towards athel pine eradication in the Lower Gascoyne (14155)
Carnarvon Land Conservation District Committee
$35 000
Lorna Glen/Matuwa cacti cull (14184)
Central Desert Native Title Services
$30 000
Wiluna women looking after country (14192)
Central Desert Native Title Services
$30 000
Weed control in the Dundas Nature Reserve (14217)
Goldfields Land and Sea Council
$35 000
Nullarbor cactus clean-up (14153)
Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association
$30 000
Control of Bellyache bush in the upper reaches of the Ord River catchment (14223)
Kija Rangers – Kimberley Land Council
$22 000
The Bardi Jawi Vine Thicket nursery regional pilot project (14177)
Kimberley Land Council
$40 000
Improving Pastoral Recognised Biosecurity Group Capacity (14109)
Kimberley Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc.
$23 000
Walloping a WONS at Windimurra (14010)
Meekatharra Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc.
$46 930
Nicholson Range conservation and restoration project: stage two B (14215)
Nicholson Range Management Committee
$32 000
Prickle bush control in the East Kimberley (14053)
Ord Land and Water
$50 000
Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WONS (14040)
Rangelands Fibre and Produce Association
$30 000
Volunteer scientific monitoring of Western Australian marine biodiversity (14126)
Reef Life Survey Foundation
$30 000
Upper Gascoyne feral pig eradication project (14009)
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
$30 000
Upper Gascoyne Mesquite control project (14008)
Shire of Upper Gascoyne
$45 000
The Kimberley regional seed bank cooperative (14193)
Society for Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animals
$25 000
Kimberley environmental education puppet project (14211)
Theatre Kimberley
$25 000
Aquila project: crowdsourcing volunteers to detect rubber vine in aerial imagery (14078)
West Kimberley Rubber Vine Steering Committee
$37 000
Ngurrawaana Rangers controlling Parkinsonia on Leramagadu Lease block (14005)
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
$35 000
South coast region (11 projects)
Albany Regional Herbarium Collection: building a comprehensive resource to meet community needs (14023)
Albany Branch Western Australian Wildflower Society
$42 000
Connecting gaps and protecting riparian vegetation in the Stokes Catchment (14030)
Esperance Regional Forum Incorporated
$49 600
Declared and environmental weed control in the National Heritage listed Porongurup National Park (14185)
Friends of the Porongurup Range Inc.
$35 000
Saving the western ground parrot (14181)
Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Inc
$17 240
Sydney wattle eradication project: Torndirrup, Robinson, Grasmere – Albany region (14147)
Green Skills
$45 000
Wetland and biodiversity restoration in the Forest to Stirlings Gondwana Link 2015 (14167)
Green Skills
$45 000
Controlling weedy acacia species in the Ranges Link: Stirling to Porongurup (14188)
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
$45 000
Protecting the Stirling Range National Park from bridal creeper (14187)
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
$40 000
Mitigating the risk of dieback on four priority reserves in Denmark (14182)
Shire of Denmark
$10 600
Twilight Cove restoration project (14101)
Shire of Esperance
$16 380
Eastern states wattle control in Redmond: phase two (14058)
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Inc
$23 000
South west region (24 projects)
Priority recovery waterway: salinity management in the Dinninup catchment (14105)
Blackwood Basin Group Incorporated
$40 000
Protecting, restoring and regenerating the Blackwood River (14087)
Blackwood Basin Group Incorporated
$35 000
Targeted on-ground action in the Margaret River catchment (14038)
Cape to Cape Catchments Group
$49 000
Rehabilitation of zone 6 in Meelup Regional Park (14072)
City of Busselton (Meelup Regional Park Management Committee)
$23 000
Protect and connect Tarin Rock bush blocks (14075)
Dumbleyung Landcare Zone
$15 000
Another link in the chain - restoring Manjimup Brook: stage 4 (14015)
East Manjimup Primary School
$15 320
Caring for a valuable urban wetland in a drying climate (14133)
Friends of Big Swamp
$14 800
A pilot of the Dairy Australia Fert$mart project in Geographe catchment (14094)
Geographe Catchment Council
$25 000
Protecting biodiversity in Carbunup Reserve through Phytophthora management (14098)
Geographe Catchment Council
$20 000
Protection and enhancement of biodiversity in Yoongarillup Reserve. (14097)
Geographe Catchment Council
$10 000
Battling bridal creeper – The fight continues (14180)
Katanning LCDC
$40 000
Fencing and revegetation works in the Katanning region (14103; 14106; 14151; 14224)
Katanning LCDC
$40 000
South of the border: Extending red-tailed phascogales into Katanning (14013)
Katanning LCDC
$10 000
To preserve Waterloo Reserves for environmental, cultural and historical purposes (14176)
Keipa Boodja Aboriginal Corporation
$20 000
Leschenault Catchment Council weed management and revegetation program (14115; 14120; 14122)
Leschenault Catchment Council Inc.
$50 000
WoNS control in Priority Shire Reserves (14172)
Shire of Augusta Margaret River
$12 100
Strategic planning for the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup’s reserves and drainage easements (phase 1) (14034)
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
$10 000
Protection of remnant vegetation in the Chinocup, Gnowanalup, Nyabing and Lefroy catchments (14201; 14203; 14204; 14206)
Shire of Kent
$35 000
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative Training Videos - building community capacity (14169)
Tangaroa Blue Foundation
$17 000
Kill the bride: bridal creeper control program (14050)
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
$10 000
Protecting and enhancing the conservation and biodiversity of remnant vegetation and riparian land in the Woodanilling region
(14045; 14046; 14099)
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
$35 000
Rehabilitation of peat swamps in the Walpole Wilderness (14024)
Walpole Nornalup National Parks Association
$35 000
Wandering Primary School: Reaching out to Carnabys, culture and community (14216)
Wandering Primary P&C
$10 000
Ongoing control of isolated populations of highly invasive environmental weeds. (14166)
Warren Catchments Council
$15 000
Wheatbelt region (5 projects)
Seed2Tree 2015 (14121)
$13 000
Not so common: Protecting the biodiversity values of Westonia Common (14145)
Shire of Westonia
$29 000
Reintroduction of fauna to Wadderin Sanctuary: consolidating the gains (14056)
Wadderin Wildlife Sanctuary Inc.
$27 990
Re-fencing Mount Caroline for threatened rock wallaby habitat protection (14069)
WWF –Australia
$21 443
“Marlak Niran” - returning country to bushland" (14117)
Yaraguia Enterprises Incorporated (Yei)
$30 000