Listing of projects approved by Cabinet STATE NRM PROGRAM – COMMUNITY PROJECTS 2012-13 – APPROVED PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING RECOMMENDED Ensuring the ongoing protection of endangered and threatening species at Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary Upgrade the barrier fence at the Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary to better protect the Woylies, Tammar Wallabies, Quenda, and Ringtail Possums from foxes and feral cats. Australian Wildlife Conservancy $48,485 Restoration of the ecological integrity of the Marine Park foreshore in Alfred Cove - stage 1 Weed removal, re-establishment of bush corridor and reduce pollutants by planting sedges in a foreshore strip of the Swan River in Alfred Cove Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc $21,089 Control and containment of Bellyache Bush on Lake Kununurra Bellyache Bush is located at the top of the catchment so if not contained will likely spread. Bellyache Bush has taken over where Leucaena has been removed. Ord Land and Water $17,000 Protection and preservation of the natural assets in priority locations on the Canning Stock Route Protection of Windich Springs, Weld Springs and three wells on the Canning Stock Route. Track Care WA Inc $50,000 Extension of urban forest weed control Removal of lotus and couch grass infestation in Canning River Regional Park Canning River Regional Park Volunteers $18,220 Rehabilitation of the upper Lesmurdie Falls 3ha site along the upper Lesmurdie Creek to the falls - remove woody weeds, feather grass, kikuyu, cotton bush, morning glory and Watsonia Jillara Giants $24,275 Community action to restore biodiversity to the central wheatbelt of WA Wadderin Sanctuary is a 430 ha reserve - where DEC has reintroduced fauna. Maintain area fox and feral cat free; continue monitoring; re-introduce at least one other threatened species; interpretive signs Wadderin Group $29,737 Maintain and upgrade a 600m portion of the barrier fence across a tidal area, 1200m of the fence top due to metal fatigue, monitor bettongs on the Heirisson Prong at Useless Loop, Shark Bay Useless Loop Community Biosphere Project Group $34,000 Cape Tulip control and eradication in Bush Forever site 325 Cape Tulip weed control by hand weeding to continue previous work on this site. Friends of North Ocean Reef Iluka Foreshore $13,470 Weed mapping along the Chapman River Target sections of the Chapman River previously identified as having a high weed problem map these areas to determine the amount of weeds such as prickly pear, castor oil plant, agave, peppers, grasses that are in these areas to contribute to a Shire plan to systematically control environmental weeds. Shire of Chapman Valley $12,000 Building community involvement in protecting the internationally threatened shorebirds of Roebuck Bay Protection of threatened migratory shorebirds in Roebuck Bay by working with the community by educating them in minimising their impact on the birds, and the need to look after them. Broome Bird Observatory $10,940 Revegetation and habitat rehabilitation within Bibra Lake Habitat restoration for the Oblong Turtle in Bibra Lake through weed control, then revegetation by collecting, propagating and planting local species. It will also include some education through involvement of school children. Cockburn Wetlands Education Centre Inc $24,205 Mullaloo dune rehabilitation stage 2 Continue with weeding and revegetating the Mullaloo dunes that has been ongoing from various funding sources for the last six years. Mullaloo Beach Community Group $10,000 Lake Claremont revegetation extension Revegetation of the Lake Claremont precinct - this is stage 3 and will concentrate on the northern section of the reserve by revegetating 2 ha. Friends of Lake Claremont $50,000 Demonstrating erosion control on susceptible soils in the East Kimberley Control of erosion through construction of check banks; use the works as demonstration for other landholders Station is in the catchment of the Ramsar wetland site and soil erosion impacts on this site. Ord Land and Water $18,000 Ord Land and Water $20,000 Conserving threatened wildlife at Heirisson Prong, Shark Bay Mesquite control on Nicholson Station Mesquite infests 16,000ha of the southern extremity of the Ord River catchment. Control work on Nicholson Station will halt the spread as it straddles the Nicholson River. This will be done both mechanically and with chemical Jam Patch protection Protection of a 202ha remnant by restricting access and establishing pathways in a patch of bush that is well used by Lake Grace residents. Lake Grace LCDC $40,250 Gascoyne Junction flood recovery Serious erosion occurred as a result of the 2010 and 2011 floods. Mesquite has spread as a result of these events. Basal spaying will be used to control mesquite in areas that have already been mapped. Revegetation will use already collected native seed from the area as well as purchased. Shire of Upper Gascoyne $45,000 Survey for the endangered red-tailed phascogale in the eastern wheatbelt of WA Farmers in the Hyden area have reported siting the phascogale. 36 nest boxes will be placed where they have been detected. Fox control will also be included. Further work is proposed to search for phascogale in suitable habitat. Hyden Progress Association $40,000 1 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING RECOMMENDED Qualeup Lakes improvement Fence Qualeup Lake and surrounds to prevent stock access and then revegetate the area. The endangered Australian Bittern uses the lake as well as other species. The asset is located on private land Blackwood Basin Group $29,700 Removal/realignment of cycle trails from Reservoir protection area and access trails to disease risk area Remove and realign a popular cycle trail away from the RPZ and remove access to DRA. Revegetate the old trail. Western Australian Mountain Bike Association $44,200 Advancing weed control and community involvement at Dunns Swamp Continue on ground works for Dunn Swamp - previously funded by NRM program funds. Weed control (focus on bridal creeper), educational activities, signage Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network $15,980 Celebrating 30 yrs of Landcare in the Fitzgerald Biosphere Acknowledge, engage and inform community on 30 yrs of Landcare, as well as continue the landcare effort in the Chittowirrup creek system Fitzgerald Biosphere Group $33,000 Integrated NRM in the Quairading, Tammin and Cunderdin shires Establish an NRM program that includes revegetation of agricultural land with fodder crops, weed control and fox and rabbit control Shire of Quairading $50,000 Development and implementation of the Calgardup Brook action plan Engage landholders across all tenures to better understand the condition of Calgardup Brook and upland and protect and connect areas of remnants. Foreshore condition of the Brook will be assessed and landholders provided with an action plan. Activity will be prioritised once the assessment is completed. Cape to Cape Catchments Group $50,000 Weed control and dieback treatment, Bungendore Park and adjacent land. Weed control in land adjacent to Bungendore Park. Implement priorities in the Bungendore Park Dieback Management plan including Dieback Treatment. Bungendore Park Management Committee $18,000 Kalamunda Phytophthora dieback interpretation and invasive species control Undertake dieback interpretation and mapping. Undertake a community education program. Weed control in areas of best vegetation including planting of native seedlings. Shire of Kalamunda $14,873 Biodiversity conservation through the stabilisation of 4WD tracks within the Lowlands coastal reserve Access to these popular beaches is by sandy tracks. This project wishes to stabilise one track with rubber belting to ensure 4WD vehicles stay on it and do not bush bash. At the same time, the City will maintain some of the major tracks to try to keep vehicles on them City of Albany $26,000 Revegetation of tuart woodlands, feral bee control and learning through community engagement and action. Revegetate 1 ha of Tuart woodland using local seedlings. Weed control of 6ha in the reveg area. Continuation of the Feral Bee control program started in 2008. 8 community events and maintenance of the group's website Baldivis Children’s Forest Inc $30,690 “Healthy Habitats” – a national award-winning Stewardship Program for conservation of biodiversity on private property Healthy Habitats - continuation of previous land stewardship project that encourages landholders to consider rezoning their properties in the eligible areas to conservation zones. This grant provides the incentives to do this as well as for activities for land conservation. Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale $49,600 War on Watsonia in John Forrest National Park - protecting the declared rare flora Diplolaena andrewsii continuation of work to eradicate Watsonia from the NP in Clutterbuck Creek to Swimming Dam; and tributaries Friends of John Forrest National Park $24,700 Pilbara freshwater fish education project: a field guide and underwater documentary Major resource development in the Pilbara are possibly impacting on the 13 species of freshwater fish through activities such as dewatering, dust suppression, groundwater extractions as well as the potential for introduced pest fish. A field guide will be produced similar to the one done for the south west; a TV production and a community education program Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health Unit, Murdoch University $35,000 Restoration of the Twertup Field Studies Centre, Fitzgerald River National Park Contract a stone mason to supervise volunteers restoring the previously burnt building; purchase materials Friends of Fitzgerald River National park $40,000 Westonia vermin control stage 2 Follow on from the initial project with more baiting of reserves and farmer remnants for foxes and rabbits to protect the Mallee Fowl in the area. Shire of Westonia $13,086 Canning River foreshore restoration Continue the work of foreshore restoration of the Canning River on 4 sites with initial weed control and then revegetate. This project builds on previous projects. SERCUL $50,000 Protecting, maintaining and restoring refuges for aquatic life within the Yule Brook waterway and Bickley reservoir Identify and prioritise refuge hotspots for fish, turtles, birds, mussels, crayfish and macro-invertebrates within the Bickley Reservoir and Yule Brook. What will the results be used for and how will it change behaviour on the ground? SERCUL $40,300 Invasive species management and restoration works on the Moresby Ranges Implement stage 3 of a project to control weeds, revegetate and protect priority areas of the Moresby Ranges Shire of Chapman Valley $50,000 Planting feed species for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the Moora and Koobabbie Important Bird Areas Moora supports up to 60 breeding pairs and Koobabbie 32 pairs of Carnaby's. This project will increase the area of suitable feed habitat Moore Catchment Council $45,000 Catchment management of the Chapman River and its tributaries Fencing to protect 115 ha of revegetated are, bush, hilltops and waterways to protect the Chapman River and tributaries. 5 ha of revegetation. Shire of Chapman Valley $50,000 Saving a keystone species and the integrity of the ecosystem Develop a telephone app that describes the marri, what canker looks like, a spreadsheet to pick up GPS location and detail of trees, and download photos of trees and canker. Map the severity of canker from data collected from app, undertake community education and trial treatment. EMRC $50,000 2 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING RECOMMENDED Malkup Brook restoration Implement the management plan with weed control targeting Spike Rush and Bridal Creeper; then revegetate the area with seedlings grown from locally collected seeds. Interpretive signs will be put in place. Shire of Toodyay $16,582 Sustainably managing the catchments surrounding the Dumbleyung Lake 10 landholders will plant 56,000 seedlings and erect 5 km fence to increase the biodiversity of the area. Dumbleyung LCDC $45,000 Shire of Kulin revegetation and native bushland protection Two areas in the shire have been identified that require management - Dudinin Golf Course that has not been used for 10 yrs and 10ha on the edge of Kulin town. Dudinin will be planted with native species and bushland fenced Shire of Kulin $23,000 Jane Brook foreshore reserve rehabilitation Rehabilitation of the riparian zone with weed eradication and then planting with native species - 11,000 seedlings Jane Brook Community Association $50,000 Biodiversity management of Beeliar Regional Park Removal of veldt grass at 3 sites, then revegetate; removal of dead pine trees (a priority as it is within the European House Borer area); fence 4 ha of pines on campus and contract watering of 2000 previously planted seedlings. Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group $48,000 Understanding population influences and continuing to control feral pigs in the Shire of West Arthur Analysis of DNA collected in a previous project to understand pig movement across the shire. Establish a transect to monitor, before, during and after control. West Arthur Declared Species Group $25,000 Palomino seasonal damp zone Establish a seasonal damp zone within the Palomino Reserve on the Wungong River. This will recreate an area of the river back to its original form of discontinuous wetlands Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group $48,600 Reducing the threats in the nationally significant Brickwood Reserve Byford Repair eroded firebreaks by laying limestone along 1 km. It will also apply phosphite to the dieback infested area; control Watsonia and revegetate a highly degraded area. Landcare SJ Inc $10,000 Construction and erection of bat/possum boxes to be used in the JTC LfW site Bat box kits will be prepared to DEC specifications and the Bushrangers will construct them. The students will also be educated about bats and possums. The boxes will be attached in the LfW site at the college with the Bushrangers then monitoring and recording bat/possum use of the boxes. John Tonkin College Bushrangers Cadet Program $10,000 Combined communities control of creepy WONS A further stage of the bridal creeper control projects that have been previously funded. Majority of funds for a contractor with some public awareness campaigns Katanning LCDC $45,000 Developing a photo identification software for individual recognition of Australian Sea Lions through a community based approach The endangered sea lion occurs in small and widespread colonies. This project will identify individual mammals through photography which is a less invasive method than previously used. Professionals and community will be engaged in this project. Centre for Marine Science and Technology $16,864 Restoring the Bickley Brook foreshore upstream of the Bickley Reservoir Weed control (Watsonia, blackberry, and others) and revegetation through plantings and natural regeneration in the Bickley Brook area upstream from the Reservoir. A plant brochure will also be produced of commonly found native species in the area. The planting activity will involve children and there is a training component. SERCUL $32,900 Distribution and abundance survey of Aboriginal medicine tree B acuteangula along the Fitzroy River Determine the sustainable wild harvest levels and protocols for harvesting Freshwater Mangrove which has cultural and spiritual significance to local Aboriginal groups Jarlmadangah Burra Aboriginal Corporation $50,000 North Swan Park species richness A 5ha reserve previously used for grazing; has Arum Lily and a variety of grasses on it. This project will manually removed Atrium Lily from 5000m2 and then replant with native species. A second area will be revegetated, and a third 500m2 area of invasive grasses will be solarised along 100m of creek line and planted with sedges. Blackadder/Woodbridge Catchment Group Inc $21,500 Conservation and restoration of flora and fauna at the Jack Mears Park spring, Collie Restore and protect the unique and fragile environment around the spring through weed control and revegetation Ngalang Boodja Council Aboriginal Corporation Inc $40,500 A Nobleman's Folly - revegetating and protecting Cockatoo Creek Catchment Fence 3.8ha of Cockatoo Creek with 3 km fence to protect existing remnants and reverse rising water tables Southern Dirt $15,000 Protecting the biodiversity and integrity of the Torndirrup Nature Reserve from environmental weed threats Control of 40 ha of Golden Wattle and Victorian Tee Tree on the eastern boundary of the reserve including racing club land and adjacent boundaries Albany Racing Club Inc $38,250 Control of significant weeds on Paganoni Rd's southern road reserve ecological corridor Control Geraldton Carnation, Perennial Veld grass and Fleabane as well as annual weeds on the road reserve through initial mapping and herbicide spraying Friends of Paganoni Swamp Sponsor SERCUL $17,000 Gascoyne River catchment conservation, restoration and rehabilitation The floods in 2010 caused severe erosion. Repairs via riparian restoration and earthworks; and control of mesquite. This will reduce sedimentation and improved water quality. Upper Gascoyne LCDC $25,000 Restoring the Warradarge Creek to increase landscape connectivity in the West Midlands region. Works will be conducted in the Warradarge tributary that runs into the Hill River. Works include fencing incentives to protect riparian vegetation and revegetation, weed control, monitoring West Midlands Group $49,830 Revegetation of Nangip catchment to reduce threats of salinity in Nangip Reserve LfW site affected by flooding, silting and weeds from landholders upstream. Project will fence and revegetate riparian areas. The school and Friends of group will continue the works in the reserve of weed control, revegetation etc. Stabilisation of the creek which may by installing a culvert after a hydrologist assesses the area. Friends of Nangip Creek $50,000 3 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING RECOMMENDED Regenerating the Wattle Creek catchment 3 landholders in the Wattle Creek catchment will fence and enhance remnant vegetation, while another wishes to fence and revegetate a saline creek. 12.5km fencing and 4500 seedlings. Blackwood Basin Group $50,000 Maximising environmental value of remnant native vegetation: a blueprint for landholders Compile a comprehensive condition overview of the catchment to develop a list of recommendations to maximise the environmental value of the land including landholder attitudes, resource condition of remnants across various land tenures to ensure that all remnants are mapped and categorised Warren Catchments Council $50,000 Sydney wattle eradication pilot on Torndirrup Peninsular Pilot project to educate community and treat infestations of Sydney Wattle in the Torndirrup NP Green Skills $50,000 Helping the Helena - water quality monitoring of pollutants for linkages in fish and mussel decline This is a follow on from an earlier project that looked at invertebrates' and the result which recommended some information was required on pollutants. The result will be some recommendations and strategies to conserve freshwater fish in the Helena. EMRC $37,500 Restoration of Poison Point and access restriction Restoration of the riparian zone at Poison point using a walk trail and restricting vehicle access within the reserve Shire of Denmark $18,000 Restoration of Ferguson River vegetation in the locality of Wellington Mills Phase 3 of a long term project at a 2ha site at Wellington Mills. This phase will control weeds, revegetate and install interpretive signs and construction of trail Wellington Mills Community Association $26,942 Protection of endangered species at Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary through feral animal control Purchase bait stations, pig traps, sand plots, infra-red cameras and cat cage traps to expand the current feral animal control program at Paruna. Australian Wildlife Conservancy $23,033 Yellagonga Regional Park Woodvale revegetation enhancement Restoring a section of the vegetation in Yellagonga Regional Park to enhance bird habitat and improve water quality. Woodvale Waters Land Owners Association Inc $10,000 Detailed Phytophthora dieback assessments and bushland condition mapping in the Town of Kwinana's natural areas Project will assess areas of bushland that have already been determined as interpretable. Other bushland areas will have their condition assessed Town of Kwinana $25,646 Forests to Stirling Gondwana Link - from plans to action This area has been identified as a significant wildlife and nature corridor. Blackberry control, dieback control, roadside vegetation surveys, weed control, wetland monitoring and control of increasing alkalinity; protection and enhancement of remnant vegetation. Green Skills Inc $30,000 Gynudup Brook and Tren Creek River Action Plan review and strategic fencing Review of the original river action plan for the Gynudup Brook and Tren Creek River that was prepared in 2004. The review will inform landholders of the current health of the Gynudup Brook and Tren River, as well as provide funds for fencing riparian areas to exclude stock Geographe Catchment Council $34,000 Riparian management on recovery streams in the Geographe Catchment Fencing to exclude stock from the rivers and streams that contribute nutrients and sediment to the Vasse Wonnerup system. Geographe Catchment Council $36,000 Revegetation of the Cohn Creek section and exhausted gravel reserves in Merredin Revegetate 6 ha of degraded Cohn Creek and 3ha of old gravel pits with 10,000 seedlings Shire of Merredin $10,000 Control of blackberry and arum lily, and site revegetation on the Serpentine River Remove a large infestation of arum lily and blackberry on the river. These sites will be revegetated both naturally and through plantings after the weeds have been removed. Serpentine Jarrahdale LCDC $15,400 Communities working together to control feral pests for environmental conservation Three connecting shires will work together to control feral animals particularly to control the Black Flanked Rock Wallaby. It will link with the Red card program. Shire of Kellerberrin $25,000 Protecting the integrity of the Wellstead and Pallinup biodiversity from the threat of weed invasion. Treatment of Sydney Wattle that is impacting on native vegetation in the area. The wattle has been mapped with much on private lands. Wellstead Community Resource Centre $43,210 Riparian protection and revegetation on Omaru and Carragaline properties in the Manywaters catchment Create a corridor across two properties by riparian fencing and revegetation. 13km of fencing Shire of West Arthur $35,000 Mottram St Reserve returning a significant stream and forest reserve towards their natural state - stage 3 This project builds on previous work by restoring the remaining 300m of streamline from the end of stage 2 to where the stream exits the reserve. It will undertake weed control particularly blackberry and bridal creeper, riffles and planting 4,800 riparian plants. The community including local Indigenous groups and school children will be involved Shire of Manjimup $49,200 Preston Lake trail upgrade Surface upgrade for the existing trail at Lake Preston, weed control, fencing of a revegetation site; installation of interpretive signs. Activities will involve community and school children Shire of Waroona $20,000 Mt Barker urban wetland restoration Stormwater from the town, Albany Highway and railway flow into the Pwakkenback Creek and into the Hay River and Wilson Inlet. The project proposes to construct a series of wetlands to reduce sedimentation and nutrient discharge and to revegetate and rehabilitate the surrounds Shire of Plantagenet $40,000 Revegetation of Long Bridge Gully tributary Private property which is the catchment for a major tributary of the Long Bridge Gully. Staged fencing and revegetation will occur that will address salinity and return the gully to a revegetated state. A new landholder keen to do the works. The tributary flows into the Brockman River. Chittering Valley LCDC $20,599 4 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING RECOMMENDED Friends of Mortlock and Mortlock South mid-catchment restoration - Duck Pool to Quailing Gully Identify areas of the Mortlock River most at risk and implement on ground activities in the riparian zone via fencing, weed control and revegetation Quellington Restoration Group $25,000 Phase 2: Centennial Park wetland living stream restoration Work has already been undertaken to convert a weed infested drain into a functioning ecosystem. This project will revegetate the area, reshape the stream banks and install interpretive signage and pathway City of Albany $29,000 SalinitySync - A sub-catchment approach to planning and implementing large scale saline land rehabilitation Small scale salinity intervention works have occurred in the area. This project aims at increasing the number of landholders implementing solutions. Education including a "contiki tour; testing of the Pasture Picker database website, technical advice; on ground incentives and linkages to other farming networks are all included. Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone $10,000 Control of mesquite and parkinsonia within the Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity Association Controlling both mesquite and parkinsonia in the catchment that feeds into Lake McLeod and Exmouth Gulf Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity Association $50,000 Friends of Mortlock and Mortlock South mid-catchment restoration - Duck Pool to Northam Identify areas of the Mortlock River most at risk and implement on ground activities in the riparian zone via fencing, weed control and revegetation Meenar Mortlock Catchment Group $25,000 Managing salinity in the Dinninup catchment Builds on a previously funded NRM grant. Devolved grant that will fence 12km of area that will exclude stock and protect the revegetation of 5000 seedlings. Blackwood Basin Group $50,000 Building community and industry capacity to achieve water quality outcomes Continue the Bay OK program with seminars and workshops for both urban and rural communities as well as expand the Bay friendly Businesses and schools program. Geographe Catchment Council $42,700 Weed control, habitat protection and environmental education program Mardo Reserve and road verge around Mundaring Primary School Weed control and revegetation to protect the Donkey Orchid. Installing bird hollows for birds, habitat boxes for Mardos Education through interpretive signage and a website to educate community on fauna and flora of the area Mundaring Primary School $23,750 Busselton urban wetland restoration Weed control and revegetate the wetland system of the New River which acts as a biofilter for the urban and industrial area. Geographe Catchment Council $29,564 Ecological restoration of Geographe streams Fencing, revegetation, off stream watering points and weed control on 10 properties to enhance the ecology of the streams. Geographe Catchment Council $39,250 92 Projects $2,938,620 Total 5 Listing of unfunded projects STATE NRM PROGRAM – COMMUNITY PROJECTS 2012-13 – UNFUNDED PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT SUMMARY PROPONENT FUNDING SOUGHT Fencing native vegetation for the future Fence 31 ha of remnant in the Ornabullup Creek catchment using 4.3km of fencing Southern Dirt $12,410 Weed control and rehabilitation of a disused sand pit Donnybrook Weed control within an old sand pit, an area that is adjacent to good bushland. Shire of DonnybrookBalingup $12,000 Feral control (rabbits and foxes) in the North Lake Reserve Employ a contractor to survey and eradicate feral animals from the reserve using warren fumigation and RHD release. Friends of North Lake $31,000 Pathogen Mapping and Sampling A Pathogen Mapping and Sampling Project targeting areas that are listed as Priority 1 in the Pathogen Desktop Risk Analysis within the City of Joondalup. It will involve field to collect diseased specimens; analysis of airborne imagery sampling. Pathogens cause a serious threat to biodiversity values in the area. City of Joondalup $50,000 Environmental weed and feral animal control after fire in biodiverse bushland adjacent to National Parks The property forms a buffer between farm land and national park for weeds. After it was burnt during the Ellenbrook fires, weeds and feral animals have become an issue. Arum lily, blackberry, Cape gooseberry and others will be controlled both mechanically and chemically, depending on the location. Feral animal control will also be undertaken. Margaret River Conservation Farming Club $30,000 Restoring & maintaining urban biodiversity in the Perth Metropolitan area: implementing the Perth Biodiversity Project's Regional Ecological Linkages for the Perth Metropolitan Region Aims to increase biodiversity in the Perth metro region by identifying suitable ecological linkage. Land owners and shires in this target area will be offered plants grown by MOT Men of the Trees $33,150 Dunns Creek heritage complex rehabilitation Working with Traditional owners to repair dunes in the Cape LeGrande National Park. It will include archaeologist assessment of the area and the development of a heritage and natural resource management plan. Gabbie Kylie Foundation $49,760 Comparing the water use beneath Tall Wheat Grass perennial pastures and native vegetation. Compare the water use of a 2ha new stand of native vegetation and Tall Wheat Grass; fence a small remnant 1.6ha and link to a stream system with 1ha of revegetation. Southern Dirt $28,150 Finding the right balance in soil Trial a novel method to improve crop root growth by improving the soil. It will trial the addition of organic carbon in place of some of the chemical fertilisers. The trial will look at various fertiliser/organic carbon mixes Blackwood Basin Group $38,650 The Manjedal NRM Plan 2012-17 Develop a management plan for the scout camp facility at Byford Scouts WA $32,700 Monitoring the whaleshark population in the Ningaloo Marine Park using "citizen science" and the community Continue photo identification of whalesharks using community volunteers. Currently 786 different individuals have been monitored. Additional information will enable a review of the management of Whale sharks ECOCEAN $50,000 Natural playground Construction of a natural playground to educate children to experience the environment St Lawrence Primary School $49,700 Eco park Carnarvon Develop and install a botanical garden in a saline area in Carnarvon on the school grounds. Carnarvon Christian School $26,700 Monitoring the impact of tourism on the Whale Shark population off Ningaloo coast Over the last three years daily data collection has been occurring of the impact of tourism on Whale Sharks. This proposes to continue this monitoring, and then the data will contribute to the ongoing management of Whale Shark ECOCEAN $50,000 Alternative weed management in Perth's Eastern region. Trial steam method of controlling weeds against chemical in areas where herbicide can cause problems. Trial will be in 3 sites and implements a part of EMRC 20121-16 Regional Environmental Strategy EMRC $39,400 Increasing productivity of poor performing salt affected land in the Liebe area Demonstration of application and incorporation of gypsum in soils that have responded to reduced water logging and salinity and to improve soil structure The Liebe Group $20,300 Community cat control and action - a proactive approach to maximising the impact of the Cat Act 2011 Feral cats are a major threat to biodiversity. This project proposes to educate and inform the community of responsible cat ownership; micro chip 150 cats and control of feral cats at known hotspots such as the town dump. Dumbleyung LCDC $50,000 Ananuka Park enhancement Ananuka Park is a recreational area for the residents of Manjimup. The area is prone to flooding. A drainage strategy has been developed, with this proposal requesting funds to upgrade the drainage from an open drain to a wide swale drain with drop structures to slow the water down. Shire of Manjimup $50,000 Protecting Brixton St wetlands by gaining invertebrate knowledge and removing weeds Funding for the friends of Brixton St Wetlands to control and eradicate weeds and undertake an invertebrate and herpetofauna survey using light and pitfall trapping SERCUL $48,212 Westonia Shire combating salinity Encourage farmers to use saltbush with 8 sites of 5ha Shire of Westonia $50,000 6 Title Summary Proponent Grant Requested Engaging the community to protect high biodiversity sites from cane toads. Engage community in the control of Cane Toads in the Kimberley by erecting two more fences similar to that erected already at Emma Gorge. Stop the Toad Foundation $50,000 Rubber Vine control on Lake Argyle There is a core infestation of 2,028 ha of rubber vine on 3 pastoral properties and a water reserve. Coordinated eradication will occur. Ord Land and Water $50,000 Rubber Vine control on the Fitzroy River at Willare. Control of one of only two known sites of rubber vine in WA. West Kimberley Rubber Vine Steering Committee $50,000 Home Island castor oil plant eradication Eradicate castor oil plant on Home Island by manual removal for up to three years and then revegetation will occur. Indian Ocean Group Training Association Inc $32,250 Conserving the unique and enigmatic aestivating freshwater fishes in the wetlands of south west WA The Salamander Fish and the Black Stripe Minnow are the two aestivating species. They are predicted to be severely impacted by climate change. Despite the known threat no research has been undertaken previously. This project aims at determining the current distribution, and population, by re-surveying 60 historical sites. These results will be mapped and a baseline created for ongoing monitoring. Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health Unit, Murdoch University $36,200 Redeveloping conventional property to sustainable land management units to utilise advanced grazing techniques Have an open farmer workshop to learn about environmental problems with farming and re-designing agriculture to address them. A large scale demonstration on advanced grazing practices will underpin the project. Two field days will be held. Bugs and Biology Grower Group $50,000 Monitoring the impact of the cane toad on native wildlife and creating a "cane toad free" sanctuary at Emma Gorge in the east Kimberley Continue to monitor the impacts of cane toads in Emma Gorge where a fence has been conducted to see if it can create a cane toad free area. Stop the Toad Foundation $24,000 Farmer driven research into regenerative cropping strategies that promote soil health Investigate the impacts of various cereal crop nutrition strategies on soil health and grain quality using 6 different scenarios Bugs and Biology Grower Group $38,600 28 Projects $1,083,182 Total 7