Updated 4.13.2015 The Winter 2015 scoring cycle for Collection of Evidence (COE) has finished. Concerns are being raised over limited student success with the Biology COE compared to the other content areas. Initially, we need to acknowledge that though state-wide the results are disconcerting several districts had success with the Biology COE. Across the state there were individual schools and districts that had pass rates in excess of 60% (some above 85%). So, as a system – state, district, school, and classroom – how do we evaluate and understand the current situation? System Design & Implementation: First, the Biology COE allows students, who were unsuccessful with the End-of-Course (EOC) assessment, an alternative way to demonstrate their proficiency of the learning standards. Although the EOC and the COE each measure the 2009 Washington State K-12 Science Learning Standards, these standards are being measured in very different ways between the two assessments. The Biology EOC, being an on-demand assessment (point-in-time test taking), is designed mostly of multiple choice items. The COE is, for the most part, a performance assessment consisting entirely of constructed-response items and designed to mirror classroom work; even the on-demand aspect of the COE allows for students to complete all parts of the task across multiple days. Second, the COE program, by law (RCW.28A.655.065 Section 5(d)(ii)), must be of “equal or greater rigor” to the main assessment. Development of the Biology COE employed the same methods used to develop the Biology EOC; in both instances this methodology, reliant upon the expert judgment of state biology teachers, has provided for consistency of expectation and alignment to the learning standards. Biology COE scenarios and items are written then reviewed by Washington biology educators using the same item specifications, vocabulary, match to content standard expectations, and attention to fairness issues as with the EOC. Where short-answer item templates exist for the EOC, those same templates are used in the COE. Washington biology educators also make up the range finding committees that determine the scoring criteria for student responses. Professional scorers for the COE are trained using the same protocols and quality control measures as for the EOC. Cut-scores for the Biology COE were established in August 2014 following the same procedural model as used in setting the cut scores for the other COE assessments; further, the process used was parallel to the model employed for setting cut-scores for the Biology EOC aiding the intent of “equal or greater rigor”. Following similar procedures ensures that the minimum performance required for demonstrating proficiency is comparable across the main assessment and the Biology COE. The steps followed were: Convening a committee of 15 educators composed of content and grade-level expert educators. Having committee members that participated in the EOC cut-score setting (in 2012) included as participants in the COE cut-score setting (approximately 25% of committee members). The Performance Level Descriptors used for setting the cut scores on the EOC were the same for the COE activity. The committee was shown portions of the Ordered Item Booklet from the EOC standard setting as a means to familiarize members with the difficulty of items around the proficiency cut-score for the EOC. The standard setting process, like that for EOC, included 3 rounds of voting with opportunities for conversation preceding each round. 1 Updated 4.13.2015 Third, when looking at the threshold of performance to achieve proficiency with the Biology COE as compared to the other content areas (Reading, Writing, and Math), the cut-scores are consistent across all four – approximately 75% of available points are required to pass the COE in all areas. Work Sample Analysis After taking into consideration these system considerations, we need to understand the nature of the biology submissions in total and what aspects of student work are inadequate in demonstrating proficiency against the learning standards. From the two submission cycles to date – Summer 2014 and Winter 2015 – there have been consistent patterns in student work that have a negative impact on the resulting scores. Issues A through F that follow are the types of issues found during scoring with accompanying examples of actual student work revealing the differences in response that distinguish between a typical low scoring submission and that of a typical high scoring submission: Issue A Students provide incomplete responses to the respective questions, if responses are provided at all (numerous instances of blank or “I don’t know” responses). Example: The following question is worth 1 point. Beneath the question are two sample student responses. Describe one change to a desert ecosystem that could allow a population of beetles to increase rapidly. In your description, be sure to: Identify one change to the desert ecosystem. Describe how that change could cause a population of beetles to increase. Student Response Scoring Comments Lots of rain lots of rain, more plants would grow so the beetles would have more food Response addresses first bullet only Response addresses both bullets in prompt Score Earned 0 1 Issue B Students demonstrate misconceptions and/or lack of knowledge in a variety of science content areas. Example: The following question is worth 1 point. Beneath the question are two sample student responses. Describe scientific evidence that could show a close evolutionary relationship between two organisms. Student Response Scoring Comments size Get DNA from the two different organisms and see how similar it is. Incomplete/vague Correct scientific content with a complete description. 2 Score Earned 0 1 Updated 4.13.2015 Example: The following question is worth 1 point. Beneath the question are three sample student responses. The common housefly has 12 chromosomes in its body cells. A housefly produces many new cells as it grows. Describe the process that produces new cells in the housefly. In your description, be sure to: Describe the process that increases the number of cells in a housefly as the housefly grows. Identify the number of chromosomes in each cell at the beginning and at the end of the process. Student Response Meiosis makes new cells. You start out with one cell with 12 and end up with 4 cells with three chromosomes each. Mitosis takes a fly cell with 12 chromosomes and splits it into two cells with 12 chromosomes each. Scoring Comments Score Earned Incorrect process and number of chromosomes 0 Correct scientific content as well as a complete description 1 Issue C Students appear to be turning to outside sources to generate responses causing the work sample to be alerted as an irregularity and potentially leading to score invalidation for plagiarism or student-to-student copying. Example: The following question is worth 1 point. Beneath the question are two sample student responses. Nitrogen cycles through ecosystems. Both insects and trees have nitrogen-containing molecules in their cells. Describe how nitrogen can become part of an insect. Student Response Air is about 79% nitrogen. Nitrogen is needed for life. It is an important part of proteins, DNA, and RNA. In plants, nitrogen is needed for photosynthesis and growth. Nitrogen fixation is needed to change the nitrogen in air (N2) into forms that can be used by life. Most nitrogen fixation is done by micro-organisms called bacteria. These bacteria have an enzyme that combines N2 with hydrogen gas (H2) to make ammonia (NH3) Some of these bacteria live in the roots of plants (mostly legumes). In these roots, they make ammonia for the plant and the plant gives them carbohydrates. Other plants take nitrogen compounds out of the soil through their roots. All nitrogen in animals comes from eating plants. Insects get nitrogen by eating organisms that ate plants. Scoring Comments This response would be alerted by a professional scorer as coming from an outside source. This response is copied from the following website : http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_cycle Complete description and correct scientific content 3 Score Earned 0 1 Updated 4.13.2015 Issue D Diagrams are submitted without labels included - per the protocols of the program, unlabeled diagrams are not scored. Example: The following question is worth 1 point. Beneath the question is a sample student response. The common housefly has 12 chromosomes in its body cells. A housefly produces many new cells as it grows. Describe the process that produces new cells in the housefly. In your description, be sure to: Describe the process that increases the number of cells in a housefly as the housefly grows. Identify the number of chromosomes in each cell at the beginning and at the end of the process. Student Response Scoring Comments Score Earned Unlabeled diagram cannot be scored. 0 Issue E The Biology COE is used by large numbers of students that are struggling with understanding across several content areas. Example – numerous English learners access the Biology COE and in many instances the content is more than the students are prepared to manage. Issue F Many student responses indicate that students may not have had opportunities to use available resources (sample tasks, released items, templates, scoring training videos) to increase their understanding of the types of questions and level of performance expected on the COE as well as the EOC. Resources are organized by item specification and hyperlinks provided in the table below. Item Spec Example Items, Rubrics and Scored Responses for Biology COE Cross Spec Description Location SYSA (2) SYSC(1) (2) Feedback loops Models/predicting INQB(1) INQB(2) Contr Expt Field study INQC(1) Conc from data INQF(1) INQF(2) APPB(2) Validity Reliability Research/explore Moths & Trees sample task Scoring trng, Updates 2012, Updates 2014, Moths & Trees sample task Templates, Updates 2012, Scoring trng, Templates, Updates 2013, Updates 2014 Templates, Updates 2012, Updates 2013, Salmonberry sample task Salmonberry sample task Salmonberry sample task Templates, Updates 2012, Salmonberry sample task 4 Updated 4.13.2015 Item Spec APPC(1)/ APPB(1)* APPC(2) APPC(3) APPE(1) LS1B(2) LS1D(2) LS1E(3) LS1E(6) LS1H(3) LS2A(1) LS2A(3) LS2B(1) LS2B(3) LS2C(1) LS2E(2) Cross Spec Description Constraints on solutions Location Templates, Updates 2013, Salmonberry sample task Templates, Moths & Trees sample task Templates Scoring trng, templates, Updates 2014, Moths & Trees sample task Salmonberry sample task Salmonberry sample task Salmonberry sample task Updates 2014 Updates 2013, Salmonberry sample task Salmonberry sample task Scoring trng, Moths & Trees sample task Moths & Trees sample task Updates 2012 Salmonberry sample task Moths & Trees sample task Test solutions Redesign Unintended Consequence SYSB(4) SYSB(4) SYSB(4) SYSB(4) SYSB(4) LS3A(4) LS3B(2) LS3E(1) Cellular respiration Cell transport processes DNA--> proteins Comp strand Mitosis #Chrom Carbon cycle N cycle Population increase Population density Limits to pop growth organism interrelationships Inherited variability Mutations Evolutionary relationships Moths & Trees sample task Moths & Trees sample task Moths & Trees sample task *Template and examples for APPC(1) also apply to APPB(1) items regarding constraints on a solution. Best Score Model The Biology COE is scored using a “best works” scoring model. What this means is that not every piece of work submitted by the student is used to determine their score. Instead, the highest scores from each strand are used to determine the total score. This allows the student to submit some work that does not demonstrate evidence of understanding the content standards without being penalized for that work. The scoring algorithm calculates the required number of scores from each strand, choosing those that yield the highest overall score for the collection. For more information on how the best score model is applied refer to the link under the title of “Sample Scoring Matrix” that can be found at: http://www.coe.k12.wa.us/Page/303. Additional Support OSPI is continuing to develop additional resources to assist the field with understanding the expectations of the Collection of Evidence, not only in Biology, but across all content. In the coming months OSPI will release various tools and program updates to aid the understanding and expectations of the COEs with the intent to facilitate teacher and student collaboration in fulfilling graduation requirements. In the meantime, any questions should be directed to the appropriate contact person within the COE program. 5