Instructions: name the following ionic compounds

Course: Biology Collection of Evidence (COE) 2014 - 2015
Mrs. Hageman
I. Course Description:
The Biology COE is a legislatively approved option to the state high school biology assessment. The COE
is one way a student can meet the requirements for graduation through the Certificate of Academic
Achievement (CAA). A Biology COE is a set of exemplary work samples that represent what a student
knows and can do with respect to the biology content standards for high school. These are the same skills
and expectations assessed on the biology end of course exam (EOC). The COE is a performance
assessment administered through the online COE system. The COE tasks consist of constructed response
questions which require a student to actively demonstrate what he or she knows and can do. The COE,
like the EOC, is administered under the direction and supervision of an educational professional.
For additional information please see
II. The Required Components of a Biology COE
A sufficient biology collection must meet the following requirements:
• The collection consists of at least six and at most eight student work samples. Work samples are
tasks which are performance based assessments showing what a student knows and can do in
relationship to specified state standards. These six to eight work samples or tasks when completed
are submitted together and compose a collection. All work samples must be tasks accessed from
the inclusion bank through the online system.
• Biology work is to be completed online under the supervision of an educational professional and
following the guidelines under testing and administration. Student diagrams are optional and may
be included for some questions. Students must designate the use of diagrams within the online test.
The paper version of the diagram will be shipped to the scoring center.
• There are six strands in biology. Each strand must be represented by at least three different
questions with the exception of the Ecosystems (LS2) strand which must be represented by at least
four different questions.
• A minimum of two tasks must be chosen as on-demand tasks.
Once completed, the collection is submitted through the COE online system.
* Please note, this course is aligned to the Washington State K-12 Science Learning Standards (June
2009), not the Common Core Student Standards or the Next Generation Science Standards. These tasks
assess the same content standards as the end of course exam for biology.
III. Eligibility to work on and submit a Biology COE
A student who has already taken or is currently enrolled in a biology course may work on the biology
COE. A student may submit a COE only after two attempts on the biology EOC exam. Students may only
submit one biology COE.
IV. Grading:
Biology COE is a semester long elective pass/fail course. Students will track their progress on a daily
task calendar. If a student is pursuing completion of tasks in a timely manner, they will earn a "PASS" on
their progress reports. A student will only earn a "PASS" for the semester if they have successfully
completed a minimum of eight required tasks to be submitted as their collection by the submission date.
(First Semester submission January 28, 2015, or Second Semester submission June 10, 2015).
V. Scholarly etiquette:
It is very important that students learn the proper means and methods to interact with adults and peers in
scholastic and business setting. To this aim, I would like to maintain a friendly and business-like class
atmosphere by asking that students adhere to the following:
 Please raise your hand to be recognized before speaking. Interrupting the instructor or other
classmates is not acceptable behavior.
 When class time is given to students to work on assignments, please do not waste that time by
unnecessary socializing.
 Always be courteous to other classmates and the instructor.
VI. Materials:
Since there are many components to the Biology COE it is essential that you are organized.
Required supplies:
 1" 3 ring binder
 Binder Divider Tabs
 Pen and pencil (daily)
 Calculator
VIII. Communication:
Students –Succeeding in this class isn’t just about your scientific reasoning and mathematical
knowledge. It’s also about your ability to try, ask for help when you need it, and developing the skills
necessary to analyze something critically.
Need face-to-face help? I’m here to help. See the “Study Table” chart for my weekly availability.
 Before school 7:30am – 7:50am
 During lunch time
 After school until 3:30-ish
Parents – I know that keeping up with your student’s progress is extremely important to you. Since
Biology COE is a pass/fail course, you can't simply look on Skyward to know how they are doing. You
will see "Pass" or "Fail" on the 6 week progress reports that are mailed home. If you have any questions
or concerns between those times, please feel free send me an e-mail anytime
As we approach the end of the semester, it will be critical that we are communicating about your student's
progress, since passing the Biology COE is a graduation requirement. It will be important for us to have
a face to face conversation with your student during parent/teacher conferences or near the middle of the
semester to determine if your student needs to ramp up their progress toward completion or if they are on
track to successfully complete a collection in time for submission.
Brandi Hageman
Room A-106
Students should complete this form (please print). Have your parents or guardians read all the classroom
policies and sign next to their name.
Student Name:
(please call me)
Student email
Guardian #1 Name:
Day Phone (
Guardian #2 Name:
Day Phone (
Relationship _______
Person you prefer me to call
I am considering a career in:
Sports, extracurricular, or recreational activities:
Employment outside of school
Will you be working during the school year?
If yes, complete the following:
Type of job:
Hours per week:
Previous math class
Do you need to sit in a special location in the room? _______ Where?