Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 1 Yr 1 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: How has Haughton Green changed? Theme subject focus: History / Geography Study of Haughton Green (past+present) Visits / visitors / enhancements / WOW factor! Visits to the locality looking at land use and land change Local resident who can talk about the changes in Haughton Green. Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts) Can I use words like old, new and a long time ago? Am I able to put three objects / pictures in chronological order? (recent history) Can I identify the difference between old and new objects? Can I explain how I have changed since I was born? Can I describe a locality using words and pictures? Can I describe how Haughton has changed from the past? (use of photographs and obvservation) Can I name the key features associated with a town or village? Can I say what they like about Haughton Green? Can I think of my own questions about Haughton Green. Can I answer some questions using different resources such as books, the internet and atlases? Can I keep a weather chart and answer questions about the weather? Cross-curricular elements overview; Formulating questions for historical and geographical enquiry. Explanation text – how Haughton Green has changed over time. Specific Vocabulary – river, soil, valley, vegetation, weather, city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, shop. North, south, east + west, near + far, before, past, present, then and now. Maths Geometry – describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns. Statistics –traffic survey Weather charts and maps. Sequence e ent sin chronological order. Computing Using ipads and cameras to photograph seasonal changes? (ongoing) Using Beebot to teach control, directional language and Programming. Mapping programs to develop geography skills. Art + design Collage and printing – leaf printing, autumn colours. Sorting different materials for their collage. Music Songs and carols for Christmas. Link RE and the Christmas story – ie talk about the words and what they mean. Physical Ed Working together – cooperation skills. Ball skills (with sports coach) Gymnastics / dance (Fireworks) or gymnastics (visitor) Religious Ed Look at the words of some traditional carols and discuss their meanings – what happened in the Christmas story? Christmas artefacts – advent wreaths (four candles) and Christingles – discuss why we have them and what do they mean. SMSC Remembrance – the significance of poppies and why we have them. English Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 1 Yr 1 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: How has Haughton Green changed? Theme focus: History / Geography / Science Key Focus / Content GEOGRAPHY Local study (Haughton Green) Key physical / human features of the locality Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns Programme of study Resources Pupils should: be taught to give an opinion about their locality answer questions using different resources know their own address be taught to name key features associated with a town or village be taught how to describe a place using words and pictures be taught how land use has changed know the four points of a compass be taught the names of some towns and cities in the north and south of the UK. Photographs / clips of the local area eg SCIENCE Seasonal changes (ongoing part of seasonal cycle throughout the year) HISTORY Local study (Haughton Green) Changes within living memory keep a weather chart observe changes across the four seasons and name the seasons in order observe and describe the weather associated with the seasons Pupils should be taught: the differences between old and new objects how to put objects in chronological order how to explain about things that happened when they were little. that some objects belonged to the past eg some money, mangles, vinyl records etc. to retell a familiar story set in the past (The nativity) to give plausible explanations for what objects were used for in the past. Can pupils answer questions about the past using a range of artefacts / photos? Factory at the bottom of Gibralter Lane Photographs before the high rise flats Manor Green school Walks round village Question stems Cards with own address Ipads Cameras Photographs Variety of artefacts Video clips Visitor Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils name jobs that people in Haughton Green might have? Can theyanswer questions using a weather chart Can the pupils make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like the day after? Can pupils put more than three objects in chronological order? Can they explain the differences between past and present in their own lives? Can pupils begin to explain why objects might be different now to those in the past eg irons, hot water bottles, televisions, music systems. Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 1 Yr 1 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: How has Haughton Green changed? Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, computing, art + design, music, P.E. R.E. Key Focus Content ENGLISH Spoken language - formulating questions about their local area Writing Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge conduct simple interviews (visitor) articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions speak audibly and fluently with increasing command of Standard English Pupils should be taught to: write sentences by: saying out loud what they are going to write about composing a sentence orally before writing it re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher Reading Fiction and non-fiction texts Spoken language (Drama / role play- characters in books) Pupils should be taught to: develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by: being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own experiences recognise that stories read to them might have happened a long time ago participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns and listening to what others say Resources Questions stems (Bloom’s taxonomy) Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils decide which questions will receive the best answers? (eg not just closed one – use the question stems to find better questions) Samples of text types to be taught I can statements for different text types – steps to success Can they use the steps to success as a checklist for their witing? Resources to prompt questions – video clips, photographs, question stems, artefacts and visits round the village Ahlberg Stories ‘Happy Families’ ‘Peepo’ etc Can the pupils identify the ‘clues’ to tell you that the stories are set in the past? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 1 Yr 1 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Key Focus Content MATHEMATICS Use and apply skills /vocabulary related to chronology Half past and o’clock Months of the year Language of chronology How has Haughton Green changed? Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: compare, describe and solve practical problems for; time measure and begin to record the following time (hours, minutes and seconds) sequence events in chronological order using language such as: after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening. Resources Clocks / stop clocks Watches ICT programs Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils talk about their experiences using the language of time? Photos and pictures to put in order Recognise and use the language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years. Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw hands on a clock to show these times Positional language Using and applying (traffic survey) Statistics not in new curriculum for year 1 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Why did people bring presents to the baby Jesus? Pupils should be taught to: describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns (see computing) Pupils should: become familiar with the Christmas story be able to identify reasons why they think it was set in the past be able to sequence pictures of the story and retell it to others act out parts of the nativity (eg the Three Wise Men) Role play – hot seating. Use of Beebots Compasses BBC clips of the Christmas story Can pupil demonstrate what the turns look like in different ways? (arms, bodies, using lego people etc)? Can pupils decide what gift they would have taken to Jesus and why? Pictures to sequence Can they compare their gift to those of the Kings and shepherds.? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 1 Yr 1 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Key Focus Content COMPUTING Taking pictures of changes in weather / seasons (ongoing) Control, directional language and programming – algorithmss using a Bee-bot programmable toy ART AND DESIGN Printing with natural objects Artists who use leaves / printing to create pictures MUSIC Christmas songs and carols PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ball skills and games (Sports coach) Gymnastics How has Haughton Green changed? Programme of study Pupils should be taught to : capture images with a camera and ipad understand what algorithms are. create a simple series of instructions - left and right. record their routes. understand forwards, backwards, up and down put two instructions together to control a programmable toy. begin to plan and a Bee-bot journey enter information into a template to make a graph? to talk about the results shown on a graph? Children should be taught : how to print using different textures / objects to print onto paper and textile. to mix colours of their choice (eg autumnal colours) how to create a repeating pattern how to ask sensible questions about a piece of art. to evaluate their own work to make a collage by cutting and tearing paper. to gather and sort the materials they will need for their collage. Children should be taught to: use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants as in nursery rhymes / poems. listen with concentration and understanding to music. Children should be taught to: (see last theme for ball skills) move to music. copy dance moves. perform some dance moves. make up a short dance. move around the space safely. Resources Investigative opportunities Challenge Cameras Ipads (Bee-bot) and tablets Computers Bee-bots Appropriate progams Can pupils control the Beebot on ipad using more complex instructions? Leaves Paint Different kinds of paper / textiles Glue Images from artists Can pupils give reasons why they like a piece of art work? Christmas songs and carols Can pupils evaluate others’ singing in simple terms Let’s dance (BBC music) Can pupils evaluate other groups’ dances in simple terms? Can they make their own decisions about creating a piece of work? (ie not all the same piece from each child)