Psalms of Ascent--Lesson 6-

Walking As Disciples in the Presence of the LORD
Offering A Life of Security & Stability—Psalm 125
FOCUS: Psalm 125 is a song to remind us of the security and fullness of life God has consistently
offered us; which is necessary because of how easily we are enticed to accept less
FUNCTION: We will be challenged to address the things in our lives that cause us to feel insecure as
we see the consistency of God’s message of the fullness & security He has to offer us
A. The Lord bless you and keep you
B. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you
C. The Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you peace
II. Intro: It is not easy to live in this world & not be stained by it or influenced by it!
A. How many would say your faith walk is a lot like a roller coaster? (up & down & all over)
1. Does this sound familiar? Israel’s reactions in Ex. 14:10-12; Ex. 15:1-2; Num. 14:2-4
a. Cry in fear @ Red Sea
b. Sing & celebrate how great God is
c. Try to elect a new leader to go back to Egypt
2. Maybe we are like this:
a. People tell God (Ex. 19:8; 24:3,7)—All that the LORD has spoken we will do
b. & then do this: (32:1,8)—Moses delays so build a golden calf
B. It is difficult to build stability when blown around by every wind that comes along
1. Things don’t have to be this way! (Psalm 125:1-2)
a. God is offering stability; security; protection & dependability
b. These verses are a picture of a fortress where God is vigilant & nothing can harm us
c. A big part of our walk with God is learning that He & His ways are our security!
2. His statement begins with: “Those who trust in the LORD”
a. This is always where it begins!
b. Same idea in Matt 7:24-27—What is the difference in the wise & foolish man?
c. It is about building our lives upon what God says—trusting His word
d. How many times do we rationalize & give ourselves an out?
e. Adam & Eve rationalized & compromised & look what it got them
f. The one who does the will of God abides forever! (I John 2:17)
g. That is what is being taught in this Psalm (V. 1)—It is our future! Our security!
3. Unfortunately, just as it is taught in I John 2:15-16, we compromise w/the world
a. We are so easily led astray by our lusts!
b. James teaches that we become carried away & enticed by our own lust (1:14)
ii. “Enticed” is the idea of being hunted—like what you do with a fish
iii. Is this hook enticing? No, so the evil one puts some bait on it (Gummy worm)
iv. Wants us to take it & will do all he can to entice U out of the stronghold of God
v. But if we won’t does he give up? Changes the bait! ($100)
c. Our lust gives birth to sin which brings death (James 1:15)
i. The opposite of what God has to offer in Psalm 125:1
ii. The opposite of what God had to offer in the Garden w/the Tree of Life
4. We have a choice to make as to what we are going to listen to & who we will follow
a. Will we allow the “scepter of wickedness” to influence us? (Psalm 125:3)
b. Will we choose to do good & be upright in our hearts? (Psalm 125:4)
C. Do you understand how consistent God’s message is?
1. Matthew 7:21—Not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven
3. Just before this, Jesus talks about entering the narrow gate instead of the wide one
4. Do you know why you need to enter the narrow gate?
a. You cannot bring all your baggage with you!
b. He demands that you change to be fit for His Kingdom!
III. Let me finish with the Good News
A. Notice what happens to evil in V. 3 & 5 in this Psalm
1. The scepter of wickedness will not rest upon the land
2. Those who choose their crooked ways are cast out
3. God is in control!
B. The history of Israel demonstrates how this works
1. How often was Israel given over because they couldn’t control their lusts?
2. Pharaoh—Period of Judges—Philistines—Assyrians—Babylonians—Persians—
3. God always saw them through & sought to restore
C. Our story ends no different
1. Jerusalem is our place of security & stability (Heb. 12:22; 26-28)
2. The offer of Psalm 125 is still open to us
a. This Psalm begins with, “Those who trust in the LORD . . . abide forever”
b. It ends with, “Peace be upon Israel”
c. This is His offer—but it is done on His terms—We must do His will
3. Do we want it?