
MAY 6, 2010
4:00 p.m.
Attending: Bruce Schmidt, Johnnie Dressier and Chair, Connie Rice
Staff: Tim Drilling, Mike Harris
Correction of 10/15/09 minutes: date of June board meeting Thursday, June 22nd corrected to Tuesday,
June 24, 4pm.
Conflict of Interest questions raised by Bruce: does a Director/Principal have the ability to demand their
salary from the governing board? Tim: no, they negotiate not demand. Can a Web Academy board
member also be a board member of the sponsoring district? After discussion, consensus was probably
Bruce: motion to approve minutes from 10/15/09 and 01/21/10. Second: Johnnie. Approved with
Board Vacancy: With resignation of Dani VanDrew there was a discussion of a potential candidate. Tim
pointed out there isn’t a parent on the board. Dani’s background in accounting was an asset to board.
Mike pointed out that quarterly meetings are not enough. Board should consider meeting every other
month and include regular communication. Bruce suggested the board look at a member of the Rotary
or Lion’s Club. This connection might allow our students to make connections through job shadows and
other community interactions. Johnnie shared the five key points of the role of a Board:
Fiducial Responsibility
Policy and regulations
Hiring and evaluation of CEO
Mission and Vision
Fundraising and Networking
Conclusion is to look at a parent with a financial background to fill vacancy. Board would like the
position to be filled by fall. Possible candidates will meet with Director and Board Chair.
Budget update and audit: Jerry Jones and Gina Sanstrum of Gresham-Barlow School District were not
able to be here for meeting. Draft budget proposal included in board packet. Tim noted that GBWA will
finish in the black for the 2009/10 SY. FY 2010/11 projected income is based on 154 students including
the poverty factor. Budget includes an increase from the current 3.0 FTE to 4.5 FTE as well as a 3%
increase in employee salaries. Mike requested board members ignore the budget beyond the 2010/11
SY as it’s a work in progress. Connie asked how long will we receive the Charter School Grant? Tim: Two
years. Mike and Tim pointed out the fixed costs will increase next year due to the added classroom,
additional computers and additional curriculum. Discussions included the Tech fee drop from the
current $40,000 to $20,000, additional staff development and Extended Options. Tim shared that
Christina Struyk-Bonn will be taking the 30 training from Mt. Hood Community College which will allow
her to teach college level classes next year. Mike will add an additional five hours per week next year.
Federal and state visits: the Federal Dept. of Education visited the Web Academy on April 21st. They
were seeking information about our involvement with ODE in the areas of guidance, oversight and
training. The budget process was discussed in length. At one point the FDE asked questions of other
charter schools in the area and their budget processes. Tim directed them back to discussion of the Web
Academy since they were here to ask questions of our charter school. Donna Brant from ODE visited the
Web Academy in January and gave us a favorable report. Tim offered to forward a copy of the report to
board members.
On-line programs in state: Tim King schools update: Sister’s Web Academy has been shut down and
other are in trouble financially. Tim King has resigned his position. Repercussions of his financial
practices could make it harder to spend grant dollars as well as fewer grant dollars for new schools.
Senate Bill 767 was discussed. Per Tim, it is more favorable for us than originally thought. The bill
requires us to make computers available for our students to check out. We do not need to pay for their
home internet connection as well.
Enrollment: per Tim, ODE requires schools to complete paperwork when adding additional grades. Our
original charter states “grades 6-10”. The state already has us at grades 6-12. The charter amendment
will be discussed further at the next meeting. Amendment will need to be adopted by both the GBWA
Board and the GBSD Board. Mike shared that he and two teachers are working on a profile of our
students. They will be leading two focus groups in the next few days, one of currently enrolled, mostly
successful students and one of students who have left the Web Academy . Tim shared that our student
population includes those who have struggled academically, are medically or emotionally fragile, as well
as those who are above average students.
Testing: We are working to complete state testing. Final testing will be 05/13/2010. Tim shared that our
biggest problem is getting the students in to test. Mike pointed out that the school data will not count
for this year, Tim confirmed this. Our goal was to have 95% test. We are below that level at this point.
Johnnie asked if this becomes public knowledge and do we need to be prepared. Tim doesn’t think this
will be made public for this year. Tim pointed out that 61% of our 7th grade students passed their writing
test, which is above the state level. Bruce shared that meeting testing goals depends on student body.
Johnnie asked what district wide alternative options are available for students. Tim shared the district is
closing its GED program at the end of the year. Those students will move to MHCC to complete their
Student and parent support/Program expansion: Tim shared that teacher’s will start home visits next
year. Mike shared that our intake process will be different next year. It will include follow-up support for
students who have not logged on within 3 days of enrollment.
Policy adoption: Three topics included in board packet. Policy on field trips, first aid and infection control
were included. Discussion of field trips centered around students departing from locations other than
the school. Board will review the policies for adoption at next board meeting.
New address: Gresham-Barlow Web Academy has a new address. Discussion of modifications to new
classroom. Bruce offered to facilitate a new sign for the WA through Barlow HS.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm
Respectfully submitted by Kari Clayton, Web Academy Secretary